
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | What are your FR Goals?
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I feel like Flight Rising is a game where personal goals are important in order to stay interested. I'm very close to my person goal of having 1million treasure, and I was wondering if anyone else had any milestones or goals they wanted to reach?

By goal I mean something realistic and achievable, rather than a dream. For eg, a dream of mine is to buy an imperial scroll - but I think I'm more likely to hatch a triple before that ever happens.

So what are your current FR goals?
I feel like Flight Rising is a game where personal goals are important in order to stay interested. I'm very close to my person goal of having 1million treasure, and I was wondering if anyone else had any milestones or goals they wanted to reach?

By goal I mean something realistic and achievable, rather than a dream. For eg, a dream of mine is to buy an imperial scroll - but I think I'm more likely to hatch a triple before that ever happens.

So what are your current FR goals?
xx Ash

nosy little bugger aren't you?
First natural double gen-1. I'm hoping I get it sometime soon but I'm unsure of how lucky i'll be.

In other terms, probably a nice pastel gen-1, or finish gening all my gen ones I have. Also finish my lore finally XD.
First natural double gen-1. I'm hoping I get it sometime soon but I'm unsure of how lucky i'll be.

In other terms, probably a nice pastel gen-1, or finish gening all my gen ones I have. Also finish my lore finally XD.
Meet Shyanne and Sundew
Currently, I am trying to find a male Imperial dragon, 6-digit, unbred and Ice. I have several other smaller goals, but they are mostly gene projects for dragons.
Currently, I am trying to find a male Imperial dragon, 6-digit, unbred and Ice. I have several other smaller goals, but they are mostly gene projects for dragons.
Current goal is to buy a gilded crown, it's going slowly but it seems achievable! :)
Current goal is to buy a gilded crown, it's going slowly but it seems achievable! :)
Mine is to own every familiar. I'm probably going to have to stop short of KS ones but the rest are definitely achievable.
Mine is to own every familiar. I'm probably going to have to stop short of KS ones but the rest are definitely achievable.
[quote name="GroceryStore" date="2023-05-01 03:57:03" ] Current goal is to buy a gilded crown, it's going slowly but it seems achievable! :) [/quote] Same here!
GroceryStore wrote on 2023-05-01 03:57:03:
Current goal is to buy a gilded crown, it's going slowly but it seems achievable! :)
Same here!
83124666.png Boop? BOOP!
If I missed your ping, PM me I will not see it otherwise. Thanks!
I only have very few goals, especially since my playstyle is that of a casual player. Well, I suppose I'm as casual as one can be, with the extra side dish of a lore clan. Yes, I really like lore, both reading lore and writing lore. So I'm both a casual player and a lore fanatic, I guess?

First off, the most important goal of mine is to.. finish all ongoing and current gene projects. Those things are super expensive and take.. a long time to complete, so they're currently the highest priority of mine right now, even if my progress is currently.. zero. Yes, I said currently twice.

Secondly.. well, this feels more like a minimum currency situation, but it's still a goal of mine. I want to always have at least 100kt and 100g on hand, in case of.. uhhm.. certain situations, I suppose. It's kind of like.. a barrier of some sort, so that I don't have less currency than that specific amount. Below those numbers, I'd feel practically poor on this dragon site.

Third goal? Second highest priority at the moment. The most important gene project of mine is my random progenitor, Grasshopper, a male Fae dragon. His tertiary is too expensive though, it literally costs.. 1.2kg for the Glimmer gene.. anyway, once I am actually able to finish it, I need to write lore for both progenitors. Both my custom progenitor and random progenitor have unwritten lore, but I'll get around to it once Grasshopper gets his required primary, secondary, and tertiary.
I only have very few goals, especially since my playstyle is that of a casual player. Well, I suppose I'm as casual as one can be, with the extra side dish of a lore clan. Yes, I really like lore, both reading lore and writing lore. So I'm both a casual player and a lore fanatic, I guess?

First off, the most important goal of mine is to.. finish all ongoing and current gene projects. Those things are super expensive and take.. a long time to complete, so they're currently the highest priority of mine right now, even if my progress is currently.. zero. Yes, I said currently twice.

Secondly.. well, this feels more like a minimum currency situation, but it's still a goal of mine. I want to always have at least 100kt and 100g on hand, in case of.. uhhm.. certain situations, I suppose. It's kind of like.. a barrier of some sort, so that I don't have less currency than that specific amount. Below those numbers, I'd feel practically poor on this dragon site.

Third goal? Second highest priority at the moment. The most important gene project of mine is my random progenitor, Grasshopper, a male Fae dragon. His tertiary is too expensive though, it literally costs.. 1.2kg for the Glimmer gene.. anyway, once I am actually able to finish it, I need to write lore for both progenitors. Both my custom progenitor and random progenitor have unwritten lore, but I'll get around to it once Grasshopper gets his required primary, secondary, and tertiary.
Hi, I'm Elisha. If I don't respond, I'm not trying to ignore you; I just don't know what to say sometimes. a bit of empty space to scoot the image over if you need Moonlit Caverns Hatchery ZSYPjY6.png
Well initially, I was just impulsively buying pretty dragons, but I decided to actually try and fill out the bios and apparels of everyone before buying anymore.

It hasn't really been working, but I think I'm filling out more bios than I am buying dragons at least.
Well initially, I was just impulsively buying pretty dragons, but I decided to actually try and fill out the bios and apparels of everyone before buying anymore.

It hasn't really been working, but I think I'm filling out more bios than I am buying dragons at least.
Come visit my lore lair! It's a fun time here.

Something strange is happening on Sornieth. All across the world, dragons have begun to be born with multiple elements. How? Why? As dragons all across Sornieth takes notice, the wheel of fate begins to turn, as one fae's search for her mysterious origins leads her down a path that could change Sornieth forever.
My current FR goal is to make lore that I actually enjoy and will stick with for a very long time. I think I'm finally getting somewhere, so that's a foot in the door with that goal.

My second goal is to breed the perfect colours for my fandragon. I have the pair all ready, now it's just a matter of waiting!
My current FR goal is to make lore that I actually enjoy and will stick with for a very long time. I think I'm finally getting somewhere, so that's a foot in the door with that goal.

My second goal is to breed the perfect colours for my fandragon. I have the pair all ready, now it's just a matter of waiting!
Fangback Figurine >>Croa/Pio
>>Lore Clan
>>Exalt Lair
>>FR +8

Mysterious Relief
Currently my main goal right now is to get a 5-digit imperial. There's currently one on the auction house for like 65kg. I only have 12kg lmho.

Smaller sub-goals would probably be to finish up gene projects and downsize my lair a little bit. Slowly but surely getting there in that regard.
Currently my main goal right now is to get a 5-digit imperial. There's currently one on the auction house for like 65kg. I only have 12kg lmho.

Smaller sub-goals would probably be to finish up gene projects and downsize my lair a little bit. Slowly but surely getting there in that regard.
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