Idk about the 4th or 5th. As it gets closer it goes faster. We're around 100k hatches left.

TOPIC | Countdown to 80mil! (ID #80000000)

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Ooof I won't be awake when it happens, good luck to everyone!
Ooof I won't be awake when it happens, good luck to everyone!
@chilldad Could be looking at the 3rd. Unless it picks up more.
Edit: Yeah. It's picking up. In a few minutes here 131 hatched.
Edit: Yeah. It's picking up. In a few minutes here 131 hatched.
@chilldad Could be looking at the 3rd. Unless it picks up more.
Edit: Yeah. It's picking up. In a few minutes here 131 hatched.
Edit: Yeah. It's picking up. In a few minutes here 131 hatched.
#79900000 has passed!
- [b]647065[/b] dragons have hatched between @Alphazi's initial hatch (#79258092) and our current ID (#79905157)
- Our current hatch rate, or Dragons Per Minute (DPM), is consistent at [b]17.09[/b]
- We only have [b]94,843[/b] dragons left until 80mil
With all of this data in mind, we're only 4 days away! The updated time is [b]Friday, August 4th at 09:16 FRT[/b]! I really hope it continues to stay away from rollover chaos.
I feel pretty confident that 80mil will happen on Friday, but the exact time could fluctuate wildly. After what happened with 70mil and the free anniversary eggs I'm not placing any bets on an exact time yet. Set your alarms for Friday morning and keep an eye on dragon search!
[i]General ID Pings[/i]
[size=1]@Niceless @dreamclaws @BBean @Panther202 @Ginbet @Isabella @aeons @Dytileea @pahein @Motanir @Birdsofwax @Spinosaur @Toska @SleepyPoet @unfridgeable @amoebawasp @MaplesHaiku @Cedarling @Norayna0ekoa @AspenCrow @whyvern @BrinBellway @Venneris @VoidedMortal @Shatapatrika @Anomalies @findingpears @Peculiarity @Frigate @ufology @Trinkenki @Punchline @catindisguise @amaranthe413 @endvoic @umbrellafella @artichoke @Shinyumbreon @ElementMaster @parasites @Woes @TrulyBrilliant @SuspiciousCleric @MidnightMuse @Zebrask @Sunvera @exp @crowael @Puffi @ArtisticDragonn @FireflyFields @Gaze @Fayo @cordifolium @Elfydragon @DustyZoiveon @angemagica @jelllitan @DrakoTheDragon @Nawtilus @charioteer @Lykos @Outlook @Theophilus @samrie @Deviousdeparture @molaire @asolrock @charrpie @Chillibear @WolfprintsSC @zorasdomain @MollyMerula @FlyingIce @littlejellybean @Xirei @bluberriescat @LilyDragonQueen @warriorjames @TheDeathseer @TheGrayGhost @callerunknown @chilldad @KymoLadyofStorms @harpyja @nuclearnoxi @Ambercat12 @fishpratt @pulse @InfiniteOblivion @Avmire @at1as @StarN1ght @aetherskyes @CinnamonThief
[i]Close Countdown Pings[/i]
[size=1]@BBean @Panther202 @CapriReve @Ginbet @aeons @Dytileea @pahein @printipin @Motanir @Birdsofwax @Spinosaur @Etheryn @Toska @lopsidedhead @unfridgeable @RallraxAuri @Norayna0ekoa @Arsea @whyvern @jackaling @FoggyDownpour @VoidedMortal @Shatapatrika @findingpears @Peculiarity @arawoods @Dracontine @Torrie @Frigate @WindSong @javamp @Trinkenki @Punchline @Stolen @mcdamnalds @amaranthe413 @endvoic @umbrellafella @artichoke @CountingChocobos @Liirah @SkeletonGourd @Shinyumbreon @ElementMaster @Stelvu @Woes @chl9797 @Trulybrilliant @xMidnightMuse @Sunvera @exp @GalacticWinter @ShadowLugia111 @Puffi @retrodetective @Gaze @Fayo @VitayVo @Formenos @cordifolium @DoppelBia @Elfydragon @DustyZoiveon @Rings @angemagica @jelllitan @0BirdMasta0 @WickedHeart @Lykos @RaptorQueen @samrie @Deviousdeparture @molaire @LemonySnaket @flyingtadpole @northwards @ChilliBear @Brunkori @smilefires @Astronic @zorasdomain @MollyMerula @Aurora23 @FlyingIce @littlejellybean @gamingcookie @bluberriescat @LilyDragonQueen @warriorjames @TheDeathseer @TheGrayGhost @Penguinball @Hoatzins @callerunknown @chilldad @Legettios @KymoLadyofStorms @harpyja @nuclearnoxi @Ambercat12 @fishpratt @pulse @Digi @Dragon2NEO @nebulova @Houle @Avmire @pandakitty1 @at1as @StarN1ght @Charias @aetherskyes @littlebickle @CinnamonThief
#79900000 has passed!
- 647065 dragons have hatched between @Alphazi's initial hatch (#79258092) and our current ID (#79905157)
- Our current hatch rate, or Dragons Per Minute (DPM), is consistent at 17.09
- We only have 94,843 dragons left until 80mil
With all of this data in mind, we're only 4 days away! The updated time is Friday, August 4th at 09:16 FRT! I really hope it continues to stay away from rollover chaos.
I feel pretty confident that 80mil will happen on Friday, but the exact time could fluctuate wildly. After what happened with 70mil and the free anniversary eggs I'm not placing any bets on an exact time yet. Set your alarms for Friday morning and keep an eye on dragon search!
General ID Pings
@Niceless @dreamclaws @BBean @Panther202 @Ginbet @Isabella @aeons @Dytileea @pahein @Motanir @Birdsofwax @Spinosaur @Toska @SleepyPoet @unfridgeable @amoebawasp @MaplesHaiku @Cedarling @Norayna0ekoa @AspenCrow @whyvern @BrinBellway @Venneris @VoidedMortal @Shatapatrika @Anomalies @findingpears @Peculiarity @Frigate @ufology @Trinkenki @Punchline @catindisguise @amaranthe413 @endvoic @umbrellafella @artichoke @Shinyumbreon @ElementMaster @parasites @Woes @TrulyBrilliant @SuspiciousCleric @MidnightMuse @Zebrask @Sunvera @exp @crowael @Puffi @ArtisticDragonn @FireflyFields @Gaze @Fayo @cordifolium @Elfydragon @DustyZoiveon @angemagica @jelllitan @DrakoTheDragon @Nawtilus @charioteer @Lykos @Outlook @Theophilus @samrie @Deviousdeparture @molaire @asolrock @charrpie @Chillibear @WolfprintsSC @zorasdomain @MollyMerula @FlyingIce @littlejellybean @Xirei @bluberriescat @LilyDragonQueen @warriorjames @TheDeathseer @TheGrayGhost @callerunknown @chilldad @KymoLadyofStorms @harpyja @nuclearnoxi @Ambercat12 @fishpratt @pulse @InfiniteOblivion @Avmire @at1as @StarN1ght @aetherskyes @CinnamonThief
Close Countdown Pings
@BBean @Panther202 @CapriReve @Ginbet @aeons @Dytileea @pahein @printipin @Motanir @Birdsofwax @Spinosaur @Etheryn @Toska @lopsidedhead @unfridgeable @RallraxAuri @Norayna0ekoa @Arsea @whyvern @jackaling @FoggyDownpour @VoidedMortal @Shatapatrika @findingpears @Peculiarity @arawoods @Dracontine @Torrie @Frigate @WindSong @javamp @Trinkenki @Punchline @Stolen @mcdamnalds @amaranthe413 @endvoic @umbrellafella @artichoke @CountingChocobos @Liirah @SkeletonGourd @Shinyumbreon @ElementMaster @Stelvu @Woes @chl9797 @Trulybrilliant @xMidnightMuse @Sunvera @exp @GalacticWinter @ShadowLugia111 @Puffi @retrodetective @Gaze @Fayo @VitayVo @Formenos @cordifolium @DoppelBia @Elfydragon @DustyZoiveon @Rings @angemagica @jelllitan @0BirdMasta0 @WickedHeart @Lykos @RaptorQueen @samrie @Deviousdeparture @molaire @LemonySnaket @flyingtadpole @northwards @ChilliBear @Brunkori @smilefires @Astronic @zorasdomain @MollyMerula @Aurora23 @FlyingIce @littlejellybean @gamingcookie @bluberriescat @LilyDragonQueen @warriorjames @TheDeathseer @TheGrayGhost @Penguinball @Hoatzins @callerunknown @chilldad @Legettios @KymoLadyofStorms @harpyja @nuclearnoxi @Ambercat12 @fishpratt @pulse @Digi @Dragon2NEO @nebulova @Houle @Avmire @pandakitty1 @at1as @StarN1ght @Charias @aetherskyes @littlebickle @CinnamonThief
- 647065 dragons have hatched between @Alphazi's initial hatch (#79258092) and our current ID (#79905157)
- Our current hatch rate, or Dragons Per Minute (DPM), is consistent at 17.09
- We only have 94,843 dragons left until 80mil
With all of this data in mind, we're only 4 days away! The updated time is Friday, August 4th at 09:16 FRT! I really hope it continues to stay away from rollover chaos.

I feel pretty confident that 80mil will happen on Friday, but the exact time could fluctuate wildly. After what happened with 70mil and the free anniversary eggs I'm not placing any bets on an exact time yet. Set your alarms for Friday morning and keep an eye on dragon search!
General ID Pings
@Niceless @dreamclaws @BBean @Panther202 @Ginbet @Isabella @aeons @Dytileea @pahein @Motanir @Birdsofwax @Spinosaur @Toska @SleepyPoet @unfridgeable @amoebawasp @MaplesHaiku @Cedarling @Norayna0ekoa @AspenCrow @whyvern @BrinBellway @Venneris @VoidedMortal @Shatapatrika @Anomalies @findingpears @Peculiarity @Frigate @ufology @Trinkenki @Punchline @catindisguise @amaranthe413 @endvoic @umbrellafella @artichoke @Shinyumbreon @ElementMaster @parasites @Woes @TrulyBrilliant @SuspiciousCleric @MidnightMuse @Zebrask @Sunvera @exp @crowael @Puffi @ArtisticDragonn @FireflyFields @Gaze @Fayo @cordifolium @Elfydragon @DustyZoiveon @angemagica @jelllitan @DrakoTheDragon @Nawtilus @charioteer @Lykos @Outlook @Theophilus @samrie @Deviousdeparture @molaire @asolrock @charrpie @Chillibear @WolfprintsSC @zorasdomain @MollyMerula @FlyingIce @littlejellybean @Xirei @bluberriescat @LilyDragonQueen @warriorjames @TheDeathseer @TheGrayGhost @callerunknown @chilldad @KymoLadyofStorms @harpyja @nuclearnoxi @Ambercat12 @fishpratt @pulse @InfiniteOblivion @Avmire @at1as @StarN1ght @aetherskyes @CinnamonThief
Close Countdown Pings
@BBean @Panther202 @CapriReve @Ginbet @aeons @Dytileea @pahein @printipin @Motanir @Birdsofwax @Spinosaur @Etheryn @Toska @lopsidedhead @unfridgeable @RallraxAuri @Norayna0ekoa @Arsea @whyvern @jackaling @FoggyDownpour @VoidedMortal @Shatapatrika @findingpears @Peculiarity @arawoods @Dracontine @Torrie @Frigate @WindSong @javamp @Trinkenki @Punchline @Stolen @mcdamnalds @amaranthe413 @endvoic @umbrellafella @artichoke @CountingChocobos @Liirah @SkeletonGourd @Shinyumbreon @ElementMaster @Stelvu @Woes @chl9797 @Trulybrilliant @xMidnightMuse @Sunvera @exp @GalacticWinter @ShadowLugia111 @Puffi @retrodetective @Gaze @Fayo @VitayVo @Formenos @cordifolium @DoppelBia @Elfydragon @DustyZoiveon @Rings @angemagica @jelllitan @0BirdMasta0 @WickedHeart @Lykos @RaptorQueen @samrie @Deviousdeparture @molaire @LemonySnaket @flyingtadpole @northwards @ChilliBear @Brunkori @smilefires @Astronic @zorasdomain @MollyMerula @Aurora23 @FlyingIce @littlejellybean @gamingcookie @bluberriescat @LilyDragonQueen @warriorjames @TheDeathseer @TheGrayGhost @Penguinball @Hoatzins @callerunknown @chilldad @Legettios @KymoLadyofStorms @harpyja @nuclearnoxi @Ambercat12 @fishpratt @pulse @Digi @Dragon2NEO @nebulova @Houle @Avmire @pandakitty1 @at1as @StarN1ght @Charias @aetherskyes @littlebickle @CinnamonThief
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Void...♦ ♦ He/Him ♦ FR+3 ♦ INTP-A ![]() ![]() |
Please Ping for ID Help ♦ SIDHA Mod ♦ Tricolor Scatterscroll Project ♦ XXX Sales Tab .Contact me on Discord at ♦ VoidedMortal#0413 ♦ | ... |
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woof! getting down on time, good luck to everyone gunning for that spot!
also good luck to everyone trying to grab special ID's before and after 80mil!
also good luck to everyone trying to grab special ID's before and after 80mil!
DPM lmaooo. I'm really hoping it'll happen during daytime for me
DPM lmaooo. I'm really hoping it'll happen during daytime for me
I will give you DRAGONS for MONEY |
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Sell me your dragons! (Anyone got an XXX tarnish G1?) |

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