NOTN is 17 days away

flyingtadpole's Clan
earth flight best flight
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Stoats say trans rights!
exalting lair
fr +2
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Sargent was on the front page and they reminded me of Pegasusmon of Digimon.

Hi! Your dragons are sooo beautiful. I love them!

If you ever want to sell 80000064, they are really pretty >.<

Thank you! I'll probably be finishing up my fodderlocke later this week, once I hit my goal.

Aahhh thank you so much!!!! :D :D :D

Quirky was on the front page!! Love the colours!!

Tristam was on the front page. Very pretty!

Thank you! I love Nexus! There is a nest of his hatching, so please message me if you would like one when they hatch.

I hope it's not weird that I check in on my dragons' babies every so often, but I wanted to come by and say that Jewels and Lectrica are going to have some beautiful kiddos. :)

Hello there! Welcome to Earth Flight! We'd love to see you over in the Earth Forum, we have a bunch of activities and giveaways for the new Pebbles!
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