
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | at what point is a dragon not a dragon
I was thinking about how ancients, and how people say they really want gnarlier looking breeds. I do too, but then I far out could one go before people would stop considering it to be a "dragon"?

of course there is no one answer to this in general; flight rising themselves may have issued a statement on what constitutes a dragon at some point, but I havent seen it if it exists and it's not exactly what I'm asking. I mean at what point do you individually say "that's not a dragon"?

tundras, for example, are pretty woolly and lack defining reptilian features; would you still consider a tundra to be a dragon if you took off the wings? what about if it was missing wings AND horns? Or is there no arbitrary limitation, but more the Potter Stewart route of "I can't define it but I know it when I see it"? and the further question of how far do you think an Ancient could go from the site mold of Moderns before it started to be un-dragony?

for me I do not have an answer; I have been cowed by monster hunter and now if someone points to any monster and says "thats a dragon" I'll accept it. Tundras could be reduced to stock photos of cats, but if the site said "this is a dragon" I would just make my peace with that
I was thinking about how ancients, and how people say they really want gnarlier looking breeds. I do too, but then I far out could one go before people would stop considering it to be a "dragon"?

of course there is no one answer to this in general; flight rising themselves may have issued a statement on what constitutes a dragon at some point, but I havent seen it if it exists and it's not exactly what I'm asking. I mean at what point do you individually say "that's not a dragon"?

tundras, for example, are pretty woolly and lack defining reptilian features; would you still consider a tundra to be a dragon if you took off the wings? what about if it was missing wings AND horns? Or is there no arbitrary limitation, but more the Potter Stewart route of "I can't define it but I know it when I see it"? and the further question of how far do you think an Ancient could go from the site mold of Moderns before it started to be un-dragony?

for me I do not have an answer; I have been cowed by monster hunter and now if someone points to any monster and says "thats a dragon" I'll accept it. Tundras could be reduced to stock photos of cats, but if the site said "this is a dragon" I would just make my peace with that
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I'm in camp "anything can be labeled as a dragon". Like, I might not agree with a cat being labeled as a dragon, but considering what medieval art of dragons could look like a cat dragon is pretty tame.
I'm in camp "anything can be labeled as a dragon". Like, I might not agree with a cat being labeled as a dragon, but considering what medieval art of dragons could look like a cat dragon is pretty tame.
[quote name="Mollusc" date="2022-05-15 15:48:34" ] I'm in camp "anything can be labeled as a dragon". Like, I might not agree with a cat being labeled as a dragon, but considering what medieval art of dragons could look like a cat dragon is pretty tame. [/quote] I WANT A CAT DRAGON! or just, you know, more cats.
Mollusc wrote on 2022-05-15 15:48:34:
I'm in camp "anything can be labeled as a dragon". Like, I might not agree with a cat being labeled as a dragon, but considering what medieval art of dragons could look like a cat dragon is pretty tame.
I WANT A CAT DRAGON! or just, you know, more cats.


located on the coldest cliff of the cloudscrape crags as dragonly possible For Your Convenience

*herald trumpets* welcome to the ghost kingdom
[quote=RheoTastic]at what point is a dragon not a dragon[/quote] [url=][img][/img][/url] When it's a dog. [i]Woof[/i] On a more genuine note; I'm firmly in camp "anything can be a dragon if you believe hard enough." Unusual or nontradition interpretations of what counts as a dragon are really cool, I think, and I look forward to seeing more of that from FR!
RheoTastic wrote:
at what point is a dragon not a dragon

When it's a dog. Woof

On a more genuine note; I'm firmly in camp "anything can be a dragon if you believe hard enough." Unusual or nontradition interpretations of what counts as a dragon are really cool, I think, and I look forward to seeing more of that from FR!
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» they/he
» FR +2
» pings OK!
medieval art is very forgiving dragon-wise but since FRs artstyle is decidedly not very medieval, i dont think the weirder stuff always works in it. i think you have to take dragon-labeling on a case-by-case basis: if most people's first thought upon seeing a creature is "yeah thats a dragon" then its a dragon. defining features like wings and horns help, and while i would personally LOVE some more "typical" looking western fantasy-style dragons, i wouldnt want to restrict the artists getting creative with it
medieval art is very forgiving dragon-wise but since FRs artstyle is decidedly not very medieval, i dont think the weirder stuff always works in it. i think you have to take dragon-labeling on a case-by-case basis: if most people's first thought upon seeing a creature is "yeah thats a dragon" then its a dragon. defining features like wings and horns help, and while i would personally LOVE some more "typical" looking western fantasy-style dragons, i wouldnt want to restrict the artists getting creative with it
when you show non flight rising players any dragon theyre always like "thats not a dragon ***" so i guess theyre already not dragons lol

in flight rising terms though you could go pretty wacky with it and for us its just another day here nothing unusual, just another dragon

its what i like about fr, everything else usually has the same general dragon look but this site has the most creative designs and id love to see them go even deeper with it

the only one that i realize really isnt dragon-like are gaolers, like on their own you would not think thats a dragon but honestly it kinda makes them even cooler compared to other usual dragons so i love them
when you show non flight rising players any dragon theyre always like "thats not a dragon ***" so i guess theyre already not dragons lol

in flight rising terms though you could go pretty wacky with it and for us its just another day here nothing unusual, just another dragon

its what i like about fr, everything else usually has the same general dragon look but this site has the most creative designs and id love to see them go even deeper with it

the only one that i realize really isnt dragon-like are gaolers, like on their own you would not think thats a dragon but honestly it kinda makes them even cooler compared to other usual dragons so i love them
LVVfHp2.png | FR+3
| elune adore
| wishlist
| adopts
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when u take off its wings lol
when u take off its wings lol
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FR + 2

I want a giant bug dragon that's known for primitive violence.
If a dragonfly is a bug, then bugs can be dragons.
I want a giant bug dragon that's known for primitive violence.
If a dragonfly is a bug, then bugs can be dragons.
Call me Nova!
FR +2
I think it's a dragon as long as you say it's a dragon. If you showed me a gaoler in a timeline where I never played FR, I would never guessed they're meant to be dragons.
I think it's a dragon as long as you say it's a dragon. If you showed me a gaoler in a timeline where I never played FR, I would never guessed they're meant to be dragons.
I go with if you say it's a dragon, it's a dragon. Dragon has been used to mean so many different things over the years. The dragons on this site always looked like dragons to me, but maybe that's because I read the art books by Jessica "Neon Dragon" Peffer. Some of those dragons push the line even further than what this site has!
I go with if you say it's a dragon, it's a dragon. Dragon has been used to mean so many different things over the years. The dragons on this site always looked like dragons to me, but maybe that's because I read the art books by Jessica "Neon Dragon" Peffer. Some of those dragons push the line even further than what this site has!