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TOPIC | When to start selling eggs?
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I got a nice little haul of Nocturne eggs this past NOTN. More than I've ever gotten before. Also managed to grab a Water egg. I'm wondering when I should start selling them. I have SO MANY projects to finish.
I got a nice little haul of Nocturne eggs this past NOTN. More than I've ever gotten before. Also managed to grab a Water egg. I'm wondering when I should start selling them. I have SO MANY projects to finish.

They hit your "goal" price in the AH.

You need money now for projects.

They hit your "goal" price in the AH.

You need money now for projects.
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
[quote name="Nightwind" date="2022-02-15 18:47:36" ] Whenever: They hit your "goal" price in the AH. You need money now for projects. [/quote] That is an understatement. I need to finish a breeding pair for a subspecies, make a whole breeding pair for a variant of said subspecies, several gem scrolls for my hatchery, several gem scrolls for various fandragons, and a Metallurgist's Forgetools for a fandragon. Because it's the ONLY hammer in this entire game.
Nightwind wrote on 2022-02-15 18:47:36:

They hit your "goal" price in the AH.

You need money now for projects.

That is an understatement. I need to finish a breeding pair for a subspecies, make a whole breeding pair for a variant of said subspecies, several gem scrolls for my hatchery, several gem scrolls for various fandragons, and a Metallurgist's Forgetools for a fandragon. Because it's the ONLY hammer in this entire game.
Always wondered the same thing. I hear they get up to like 300 eventually, but like… EVERYONE will be selling. How the heck do you get yours to sell without severely losing gems and undercutting prices??
Always wondered the same thing. I hear they get up to like 300 eventually, but like… EVERYONE will be selling. How the heck do you get yours to sell without severely losing gems and undercutting prices??
i just put them on the AH immediately at the price i want to sell them at and just keep relisting them until they sell. eventually they will, especially if someone has a personal event or a holiday comes up or the like.
i just put them on the AH immediately at the price i want to sell them at and just keep relisting them until they sell. eventually they will, especially if someone has a personal event or a holiday comes up or the like.
is very likely to take your posts literally - has difficulty discerning if tone is joking
typically, but not always, noc eggs peak around 6 months from NOTN (since its the 'farthest' point from the holiday), and eggs generally spike a bit on holidays/significant dates. a lot of non-noc eggs are up to 280-290G now already though, so we're probably getting decently close to a good time! you will probably never see more than 300 so think the minimum price youd want and sell some at that time.

keep an eye on the sales forums as well, sometimes users will be buying them in bulk for a birthday hatch or something similar. they might offer more than LAH due to the quantity theyre looking for.
typically, but not always, noc eggs peak around 6 months from NOTN (since its the 'farthest' point from the holiday), and eggs generally spike a bit on holidays/significant dates. a lot of non-noc eggs are up to 280-290G now already though, so we're probably getting decently close to a good time! you will probably never see more than 300 so think the minimum price youd want and sell some at that time.

keep an eye on the sales forums as well, sometimes users will be buying them in bulk for a birthday hatch or something similar. they might offer more than LAH due to the quantity theyre looking for.
Ouro : 25 : They/Xey/She
Lightning Dom Coordinator
I love pings! I don't bite~
- reactorfour_kalashnikov.pngreactorfour_ted2.png
I gave the easy answer because the long answer is very, very long.

Shortly before, through and a bit after NotN there were a bunch of posts in Discussion, Help and Guides regarding how much eggs sell for at their highest. Players generally came up wit 300g or possibly higher but the time this takes generally varied from 2 months to the site anniversary. Other people suggested one of the millionth dragon hatch days, new breed introductions or some unreasonably large egg hatches.

Al that speculation and hype convinced a lot of people to not sell their eggs in December/January in the hopes that the price will rise to 300+g. Obviously, the more eggs the less the price is apt to rise and the shorter the high will last for various hatching events.

This will probably swing the other way in the future sort of how most Baldwin transmutes did a dive during NotN after years of people saying "save up your transmutes to sell during NotN!"

As far as "need money now" the main factor is "Will spending now save time/money later?"

This is a question you've got to figure out for yourself. Let's say you have an idea of how much Metallurgists' Forgetools go for. If you don't have that money on hand you're probably going to wait until egg prices go up a bit before selling.

Or you could sell now in case someone dumps a cheap one on the AH. Having gems in hand now allows you to snap up bargains instead of whenever what you have on hand equals the current price.

Having gems on hand has led to some phenomenal savings. I bought some very expensive stuff around the time DV hype was high at up to a 30% savings on prices compared to the previous year simply because people needed the gems to trade for DV stuff. That's not inconsiderable when you're talking about KS or first year stuff.

For breeding projects time is money. Would the gem loss of possible profit outweigh the weeks or months of breeding time when those pairs sit eating your food and taking up space you could use for other things?
I gave the easy answer because the long answer is very, very long.

Shortly before, through and a bit after NotN there were a bunch of posts in Discussion, Help and Guides regarding how much eggs sell for at their highest. Players generally came up wit 300g or possibly higher but the time this takes generally varied from 2 months to the site anniversary. Other people suggested one of the millionth dragon hatch days, new breed introductions or some unreasonably large egg hatches.

Al that speculation and hype convinced a lot of people to not sell their eggs in December/January in the hopes that the price will rise to 300+g. Obviously, the more eggs the less the price is apt to rise and the shorter the high will last for various hatching events.

This will probably swing the other way in the future sort of how most Baldwin transmutes did a dive during NotN after years of people saying "save up your transmutes to sell during NotN!"

As far as "need money now" the main factor is "Will spending now save time/money later?"

This is a question you've got to figure out for yourself. Let's say you have an idea of how much Metallurgists' Forgetools go for. If you don't have that money on hand you're probably going to wait until egg prices go up a bit before selling.

Or you could sell now in case someone dumps a cheap one on the AH. Having gems in hand now allows you to snap up bargains instead of whenever what you have on hand equals the current price.

Having gems on hand has led to some phenomenal savings. I bought some very expensive stuff around the time DV hype was high at up to a 30% savings on prices compared to the previous year simply because people needed the gems to trade for DV stuff. That's not inconsiderable when you're talking about KS or first year stuff.

For breeding projects time is money. Would the gem loss of possible profit outweigh the weeks or months of breeding time when those pairs sit eating your food and taking up space you could use for other things?
I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
[quote name="St0rmbringer" date="2022-02-15 18:51:22" ] Always wondered the same thing. I hear they get up to like 300 eventually, but like… EVERYONE will be selling. How the heck do you get yours to sell without severely losing gems and undercutting prices?? [/quote] I personally think they might not even reach 300g this year, since everyone's on it. ^^
St0rmbringer wrote on 2022-02-15 18:51:22:
Always wondered the same thing. I hear they get up to like 300 eventually, but like… EVERYONE will be selling. How the heck do you get yours to sell without severely losing gems and undercutting prices??

I personally think they might not even reach 300g this year, since everyone's on it. ^^
Every year, people get lots of eggs from NOTN, and every year they eventually make it back up to 300g. I promise :) It may only be for a few months, but it will happen. Other than that, you can guarantee at least 280g each in about 2-3 more months. And when they are 300g, undercutting by even 5g almost guarantees that someone will buy it, if only to snipe and re-list. Personal events and holidays might even push it to 310g, and then you sell at 300g easy. It's a game of patience!
Every year, people get lots of eggs from NOTN, and every year they eventually make it back up to 300g. I promise :) It may only be for a few months, but it will happen. Other than that, you can guarantee at least 280g each in about 2-3 more months. And when they are 300g, undercutting by even 5g almost guarantees that someone will buy it, if only to snipe and re-list. Personal events and holidays might even push it to 310g, and then you sell at 300g easy. It's a game of patience!

personally, i think eggs will hit 300 easily this year. The new ancient coming out is going to be wildly different based on it's silhouette. I predict people will be in scramble to hatch eggs in the hopes of getting nice g1's to breed change into the ancient to show off or start new breeding pairs. whatever element the new ancient is the corresponding eggs are going to really climb in price.
personally, i think eggs will hit 300 easily this year. The new ancient coming out is going to be wildly different based on it's silhouette. I predict people will be in scramble to hatch eggs in the hopes of getting nice g1's to breed change into the ancient to show off or start new breeding pairs. whatever element the new ancient is the corresponding eggs are going to really climb in price.
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