
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | December Kindness Challenge 2019
Day 1: Some shout outs below and I sent some people battle items.

Shout out to @/rufusdrumknott for running the free HD service for so long! It provided so much to so many people.

Major shout out to @/Alestrius for providing the FCCS service every fest! I and many others use it every holiday and it's made a major difference in gene'ing so many dragons.

Day 2: I sent apparel to a couple of people.

Day 3: Found 2 newbies and sent them a starter pack.

Day 4: sent someone a Spring Millifae.

Day 5: sent familiars to lightning's free familiar thread.
Day 1: Some shout outs below and I sent some people battle items.

Shout out to @/rufusdrumknott for running the free HD service for so long! It provided so much to so many people.

Major shout out to @/Alestrius for providing the FCCS service every fest! I and many others use it every holiday and it's made a major difference in gene'ing so many dragons.

Day 2: I sent apparel to a couple of people.

Day 3: Found 2 newbies and sent them a starter pack.

Day 4: sent someone a Spring Millifae.

Day 5: sent familiars to lightning's free familiar thread.
[b]December 2nd[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]December 3rd[/b] Sent to [s]1 player.[/s] 2 players :) [b]December 4th[/b] Sent to someone who commented on my userpage some time ago :) [b]December 5th[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Done! [b]December 6th[/b] @GeoDragon First of all, you have an interesting username. Some may find it od you're not in earth, but I think dragons of all elements can be interested in rocks. Personally I hoard pretty stones like a child. In their lair you are first met by we-dressed dragons of purples and warm tones. My favourite is Clove. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I chose her based on appearance only, but I must add she is level 25 and over 5 years old. Pretty and strong is the best combo! She is also a gen 1. Lightbulb and Brighton were my second favourites. If you wander further into their lar, you find darker and brighter colours: lush greens and yellows and the dark night sky. My favourite from this tab is Crystal. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I love how his accent blends perfectly into his primary, and the contrast of the few bright peaces on him. I also love how dark his eyes are: they fit in so well. A true beauty. And if you visit their deviantart you will see they are also good at drawing :3 It's linked in their profile, right under the gif.
December 2nd

December 3rd
Sent to 1 player. 2 players :)

December 4th
Sent to someone who commented on my userpage some time ago :)

December 5th
myXFA1g.png Done!

December 6th
@GeoDragon First of all, you have an interesting username. Some may find it od you're not in earth, but I think dragons of all elements can be interested in rocks. Personally I hoard pretty stones like a child.

In their lair you are first met by we-dressed dragons of purples and warm tones. My favourite is Clove.


I chose her based on appearance only, but I must add she is level 25 and over 5 years old. Pretty and strong is the best combo! She is also a gen 1. Lightbulb and Brighton were my second favourites.

If you wander further into their lar, you find darker and brighter colours: lush greens and yellows and the dark night sky. My favourite from this tab is Crystal.


I love how his accent blends perfectly into his primary, and the contrast of the few bright peaces on him. I also love how dark his eyes are: they fit in so well. A true beauty.

And if you visit their deviantart you will see they are also good at drawing :3 It's linked in their profile, right under the gif.

Need more den tasks and den gem slots. Too many pretty dragons and I'm all maxed out. I have a dragon hoarding problem.
It's late where I am, but I just found this thread and it's a wonderful idea! Pinging myself for tomorrow @FireBrimstone
It's late where I am, but I just found this thread and it's a wonderful idea! Pinging myself for tomorrow @FireBrimstone
[font=calibri]i love this!! what the heck!!1 here is day five [img][/img]
i love this!! what the heck!!1
here is day five
driy2Nt.png 010 tatobot » seekae » 441022
kyoze hollow - chinoyi
the hive - luray & co.
ertzetik - badmau peak
the outback & drylands
010 a
Day 5: Dropped a load of familiars at my flight’s bank!
Day 5: Dropped a load of familiars at my flight’s bank!
[center][font=Georgia][size=4][url=]Story [/url]| [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Task List[/url] | [url=]Raffle [/url]| [url=]Pinglist [/url]| [url=]Thanks[/url] | [url=]Participant Spreadsheet[/url][/size] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]It had not been cold enough during the night to snow, you note, sure to see Yule’s disappointment. Instead come morning there is rain, which defrosts the grass and renders paths somewhat slippery. Merchants begin hoisting up large fabrics to keep their stalls dry, helping each other to tie the ropes to secure points, and you amble through shielding yourself from the rain where possible. “Oh!” You hear a voice from behind you and among the deluge and turn to regard Holly, who rushes over to you in concern. Without hesitation she drapes a cloth over you to protect you from the downpour. She frets over you for a moment and eyes you with worry. “I hope you weren’t out in this terrible weather for long!” Holly whines, tugging the fabric ends. “Come with me, the clan home isn’t far from the market!” Holly and Yule’s home sits nestled among the trees nearby, Holly’s claws splay to open the door with a firm push, and with the creak the wood yields to expose the inside of the home to you. Yule perks upon spotting you, his initial smile fading into a look of concern, lifting his body from the chair to greet you, ushering you inside where the warmth can consume the cold clung to you. The fire crackles and Holly sets about providing you a blanket, while Yule offers you some of his warm drink, a beverage of cinnamon and something indescribably sweet smelling. Yule smiles at you and stokes the fireplace to keep its embers spurred on. Holly settles once she is satisfied of your comfort and perches herself upon a recline to yawn, gazing out of the rain-speckled window. “No snow,” Yule pouts, and looks at you. “You’re hoping for snow too, right?” “Don’t be silly,” Holly wrinkles her nose. “Snow is far too chilly!” They bicker for a moment about the benefits and disadvantages of snow, before Yule interrupts their lighthearted niggling to include you into a new conversation. “Do you like our home? Holly loves decorating, it’s a passion of hers!” He brightens. “Wasn’t today’s challenge about saying nice things about others’ homes? I love that, isn’t that so nice?” Holly softens and begins to nod her head at Yule, regarding you with a soft and somewhat pleased expression. “Yes, do tell us,” She agrees. “Today, the challenge is to look into other clans and praise their hard work and efforts by leaving them a few compliments! It feels so rewarding to have someone acknowledge tremendous effort!” “Some clans get as big as two hundred! And maybe a bit more, still!” Yule exclaims, gesticulating too excitedly and knocking a book off of the end table nearby, sending it tumbling to the ground. “Two hundred! Can you imagine!” “Looking after just the one dragon seems hectic enough for me,” Holly laments, shooting a gaze over at Yule, who pokes out his tongue in silent retaliation. You are invited to spend the day in the pair’s company, overlooking the rain and waiting for the chance to see it slow, or as Yule hopes, for it to grow cold enough to turn white and flake. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Hello all! Apologies for the delay in getting this ping out, I had my workplace christmas party and only just got home hehe! Just want to take the chance to say thank you to everyone for such a wonderful reception, you guys have been utterly incredible, and it's only the first week! Let's continue to spread happiness and goodwill throughout Sornieth! [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][font=Georgia][b]December 6th[/b][/size][/font][/center] [center][size=4][font=Georgia]Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can ping into here if you'd like to! Be sure to say plenty of nice things about their pretty dragons, it's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work[/size][/font][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=3][font=georgia]Daily Ping @Aliciaa @Alphazi @ApprenticeWriter @Arcani @ArcticEira @Aterna @Bananacorn @BlueJaysFeather @Borgenti @BottledLightning @BraveEguana @brighteningskies @Briton @Cantertothewinds @CaramelApple @chocollama @commoncomitatus @CorvvusCorax @crimsonpixie @Crystalwood @dalinar83 @dancingcrane @DarkWolf133 @davietoowavey @Dezrend @DianaMoon @Dohmalore @Doxiunoia @DragonPrincess27 @dreamclaws @Drekven @EasilyAmusedKat @ElleMelle @Elokin @Endifinity @Firtarian @furo @Garudyne @Gathouria @ghostlyplants @Glisselda @goldevines @Goldia @Greenwolfkate @Grune @HalfPintAsh @Havic @Hawkfeather @HenryJekyll @Hoodies @Hussain @iiSwizzle @jackthegecko @JamesAcaster @Johan @Joywing @jumbledbyrd @Juri01 @Juxta13 @Kael1030 @Katigura @Katnipp @Kelpoyo @Kissie @Kitanya @kitsune56 @KnightYumi @korradorable @Kumatan @Kvon @Kysska @LadyOfTheSkies @Larssie @LeafeonWarrior @Levengale @Lhumyaki @Lisegathe @LunarFlower @Lyudmila @machinae @MandragoraAutumn @MariKatt @Martinique @mayanaz @medievalredragon @minted @minty @Mirutanku @MrsBear @Munchkinlynx @myriadofstars @MysticalScribe @MysticTales @nevvermore @NHDark @Niceless @Nightlilac @Onsiphoros @PaintedThree @Paintra @parasites @Pensacola @PersephoneZea @Petall @PinkyDaPinkSlime @pokemonbutch @Rabigrace @RaspyBone @Redtiger7736 @Rockmama @Roheryn @RosaDiaz @Rosesinger @RoyalSorceress @rubyxblade @Sagittariuss @saphariadragon @Saraceaser @scribblingface @scylla @Selah @Seonais @Shariza @SilentRiver @Sinjin @Snek @SocklessWonder @Solstices @StarkHarkness @Starlight18 @SwiftIsHere @TastyPastry @texaspooky @Valyrie @VelikaTheAlpha @venusambassador @Vitalani @Voltsy @Watercolour @whirlwish @Whyvern @Wildheart25 @WishUponADragon @Woolly @Xirei @Xolrit @yeezy13 @zafer @Zaratyst @Zeir @ZinnSolis

It had not been cold enough during the night to snow, you note, sure to see Yule’s disappointment. Instead come morning there is rain, which defrosts the grass and renders paths somewhat slippery. Merchants begin hoisting up large fabrics to keep their stalls dry, helping each other to tie the ropes to secure points, and you amble through shielding yourself from the rain where possible.


You hear a voice from behind you and among the deluge and turn to regard Holly, who rushes over to you in concern. Without hesitation she drapes a cloth over you to protect you from the downpour. She frets over you for a moment and eyes you with worry.

“I hope you weren’t out in this terrible weather for long!” Holly whines, tugging the fabric ends. “Come with me, the clan home isn’t far from the market!”

Holly and Yule’s home sits nestled among the trees nearby, Holly’s claws splay to open the door with a firm push, and with the creak the wood yields to expose the inside of the home to you. Yule perks upon spotting you, his initial smile fading into a look of concern, lifting his body from the chair to greet you, ushering you inside where the warmth can consume the cold clung to you.

The fire crackles and Holly sets about providing you a blanket, while Yule offers you some of his warm drink, a beverage of cinnamon and something indescribably sweet smelling. Yule smiles at you and stokes the fireplace to keep its embers spurred on. Holly settles once she is satisfied of your comfort and perches herself upon a recline to yawn, gazing out of the rain-speckled window.

“No snow,” Yule pouts, and looks at you. “You’re hoping for snow too, right?”

“Don’t be silly,” Holly wrinkles her nose. “Snow is far too chilly!”

They bicker for a moment about the benefits and disadvantages of snow, before Yule interrupts their lighthearted niggling to include you into a new conversation.

“Do you like our home? Holly loves decorating, it’s a passion of hers!” He brightens. “Wasn’t today’s challenge about saying nice things about others’ homes? I love that, isn’t that so nice?”

Holly softens and begins to nod her head at Yule, regarding you with a soft and somewhat pleased expression.

“Yes, do tell us,” She agrees. “Today, the challenge is to look into other clans and praise their hard work and efforts by leaving them a few compliments! It feels so rewarding to have someone acknowledge tremendous effort!”

“Some clans get as big as two hundred! And maybe a bit more, still!” Yule exclaims, gesticulating too excitedly and knocking a book off of the end table nearby, sending it tumbling to the ground. “Two hundred! Can you imagine!”

“Looking after just the one dragon seems hectic enough for me,” Holly laments, shooting a gaze over at Yule, who pokes out his tongue in silent retaliation.

You are invited to spend the day in the pair’s company, overlooking the rain and waiting for the chance to see it slow, or as Yule hopes, for it to grow cold enough to turn white and flake.

Hello all! Apologies for the delay in getting this ping out, I had my workplace christmas party and only just got home hehe! Just want to take the chance to say thank you to everyone for such a wonderful reception, you guys have been utterly incredible, and it's only the first week! Let's continue to spread happiness and goodwill throughout Sornieth!

December 6th
Write a really nice review of someone's lair or a few of their dragons. You can ping into here if you'd like to! Be sure to say plenty of nice things about their pretty dragons, it's always nice to know others appreciate your hard work

Daily Ping
@Aliciaa @Alphazi @ApprenticeWriter @Arcani @ArcticEira @Aterna @Bananacorn @BlueJaysFeather @Borgenti @BottledLightning @BraveEguana @brighteningskies @Briton @Cantertothewinds @CaramelApple @chocollama @commoncomitatus @CorvvusCorax @crimsonpixie @Crystalwood @dalinar83 @dancingcrane @DarkWolf133 @davietoowavey @Dezrend @DianaMoon @Dohmalore @Doxiunoia @DragonPrincess27 @dreamclaws @Drekven @EasilyAmusedKat @ElleMelle @Elokin @Endifinity @Firtarian @furo @Garudyne @Gathouria @ghostlyplants @Glisselda @goldevines @Goldia @Greenwolfkate @Grune @HalfPintAsh @Havic @Hawkfeather @HenryJekyll @Hoodies @Hussain @iiSwizzle @jackthegecko @JamesAcaster @Johan @Joywing @jumbledbyrd @Juri01 @Juxta13 @Kael1030 @Katigura @Katnipp @Kelpoyo @Kissie @Kitanya @kitsune56 @KnightYumi @korradorable @Kumatan @Kvon @Kysska @LadyOfTheSkies @Larssie @LeafeonWarrior @Levengale @Lhumyaki @Lisegathe @LunarFlower @Lyudmila @machinae @MandragoraAutumn @MariKatt @Martinique @mayanaz @medievalredragon @minted @minty @Mirutanku @MrsBear @Munchkinlynx @myriadofstars @MysticalScribe @MysticTales @nevvermore @NHDark @Niceless @Nightlilac @Onsiphoros @PaintedThree @Paintra @parasites @Pensacola @PersephoneZea @Petall @PinkyDaPinkSlime @pokemonbutch @Rabigrace @RaspyBone @Redtiger7736 @Rockmama @Roheryn @RosaDiaz @Rosesinger @RoyalSorceress @rubyxblade @Sagittariuss @saphariadragon @Saraceaser @scribblingface @scylla @Selah @Seonais @Shariza @SilentRiver @Sinjin @Snek @SocklessWonder @Solstices @StarkHarkness @Starlight18 @SwiftIsHere @TastyPastry @texaspooky @Valyrie @VelikaTheAlpha @venusambassador @Vitalani @Voltsy @Watercolour @whirlwish @Whyvern @Wildheart25 @WishUponADragon @Woolly @Xirei @Xolrit @yeezy13 @zafer @Zaratyst @Zeir @ZinnSolis
~May the wind forever be in your favour and may it always be at your back~

Australian | FR +19 | She/Her
[b]December 6th.[/b]... So, I decided to look at a fellow participant at random! @LadyOfTheSkies This is what I thought of your lair: Mine is all over the place, so I appreciated the organization! I really thought the regene of your progens looks great. The pages were neat, and there were some dragons that I find personally to be stunning. I perused the 'traveller' tab, and I nearly bought this fae. I don't like them usually, but I was moved by the sheer cuteness. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
December 6th.... So, I decided to look at a fellow participant at random! @LadyOfTheSkies This is what I thought of your lair: Mine is all over the place, so I appreciated the organization! I really thought the regene of your progens looks great. The pages were neat, and there were some dragons that I find personally to be stunning. I perused the 'traveller' tab, and I nearly bought this fae. I don't like them usually, but I was moved by the sheer cuteness.

@Auries [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I’m fairly sure we’ve never talked but I stalk the discord and see this man a lot! I love what you’ve done to him and all of his art that I’ve seen is soooo cute!


I’m fairly sure we’ve never talked but I stalk the discord and see this man a lot! I love what you’ve done to him and all of his art that I’ve seen is soooo cute!
• hi ! im mays
• +3 FR time | EST / EDT
• she/her they/them is fine!
• sales tab here! ^^
mm just did a review on a dragon share thread for @ cirrusascending, but i'll pick some random players from this thread ! @starlight18 ah i really like how quirky and appealing your lair aesthetics are! i picked a couple of dragons that reallyyy caught my eye ^^ [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol]lilia is completely one of my standard pretty dragon colours! really loving the halo stacking and her name and the teal peacock (that i think gives the dark contour-like thing on the edge of her wings?? super pretty)[/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol]iSea is like a pastel rainbow unicorn cottoncandy cloud ???? + her art and her letter to parents are sososo cute i want to hug her omg i love her she's so perfect:") and her accent is gorgeousss! would fight anyone who hurts her[/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol]is-is this really what aqua capsule looks like? he looks like an atlantis prince what a beautiful handsome boy[/columns] @kysska your lair of old dragons is really impressive! [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] what a gorg, vv cute child!! honestly seeing him makes me understand completely why you started on your obsession,, [/columns]
mm just did a review on a dragon share thread for @ cirrusascending, but i'll pick some random players from this thread !

@starlight18 ah i really like how quirky and appealing your lair aesthetics are! i picked a couple of dragons that reallyyy caught my eye ^^


lilia is completely one of my standard pretty dragon colours! really loving the halo stacking and her name and the teal peacock (that i think gives the dark contour-like thing on the edge of her wings?? super pretty)


iSea is like a pastel rainbow unicorn cottoncandy cloud ???? + her art and her letter to parents are sososo cute i want to hug her omg i love her she's so perfect:") and her accent is gorgeousss! would fight anyone who hurts her


is-is this really what aqua capsule looks like? he looks like an atlantis prince what a beautiful handsome boy

@kysska your lair of old dragons is really impressive!


what a gorg, vv cute child!! honestly seeing him makes me understand completely why you started on your obsession,,
uzBJ98z.png n hfdjsaa
I did gift a player Dec 2 but got sick and forgot to post it Dec. 6 @Tempestofstorm I absolutely LOVE what you have done with this dragon. Not only does Heart look amazing I really enjoy the lore you have for him! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [rule] @TsarinaTorment I’m somewhat surprised to find such a sweet dragon in your clan! Admittedly I haven’t read all your dragons lore but have enjoyed reading RP’s XD Her looks and outfit represent the character you’ve created for her perfectly [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [rule] @Skyeline So sparkly! I love the outfit Alina has on it works so well with how she looks. I also enjoy how she hopes for the best with her brother but sees what is there [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [rule] @Sky09 Oh my goodness Peacha looks just like a butterfly! She’s so beautiful and generous XD [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I did gift a player Dec 2 but got sick and forgot to post it

Dec. 6


I absolutely LOVE what you have done with this dragon. Not only does Heart look amazing I really enjoy the lore you have for him!



I’m somewhat surprised to find such a sweet dragon in your clan! Admittedly I haven’t read all your dragons lore but have enjoyed reading RP’s XD Her looks and outfit represent the character you’ve created for her perfectly



So sparkly! I love the outfit Alina has on it works so well with how she looks. I also enjoy how she hopes for the best with her brother but sees what is there



Oh my goodness Peacha looks just like a butterfly! She’s so beautiful and generous XD

