
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Avocado capsule is WHAT
WHaT How did I never notice this??? LOOK [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] *Please note for reference the wings are also avocado I now love avocado capsule. I love that they added the colour of the rest of the avocado!! (Also my bad typing keeps wanting me to write avocoda) EDit: I meant note, not no

How did I never notice this???

*Please note for reference the wings are also avocado

I now love avocado capsule. I love that they added the colour of the rest of the avocado!!

(Also my bad typing keeps wanting me to write avocoda)

EDit: I meant note, not no
lVuFHRe.png ZZRctbf.png
Wow, that's very pretty! It has a bit of a resemblance to this one slime I've seen before, I think it's called Superfly? [img][/img]
Wow, that's very pretty! It has a bit of a resemblance to this one slime I've seen before, I think it's called Superfly?

I love Avocado capsule. I have a Gen 1 I am going to give it to. Scry in bio [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
I love Avocado capsule. I have a Gen 1 I am going to give it to.

Scry in bio

ruNnigQ.gif For
Wowie! It's beautiful! I wonder how poi/tox looks... [img][/img] .., Spearmint? [img][/img] Is this love? [quote name="Wepwawet" date=2017-09-27 19:07:11] Wow, that's very pretty! It has a bit of a resemblance to this one slime I've seen before, I think it's called Superfly? [img][/img] [/quote] Well, it's kinda cool... what does it comes from though m...
Wowie! It's beautiful! I wonder how poi/tox looks...
.., Spearmint?

Is this love?
Wepwawet wrote on 2017-09-27:
Wow, that's very pretty! It has a bit of a resemblance to this one slime I've seen before, I think it's called Superfly?

Well, it's kinda cool... what does it comes from though m...
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • I fell in love and I can't get back up
Oh yeah, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest are my FAVORITE capsules :0 So pretty oml
Oh yeah, Avocado, Swamp, and Forest are my FAVORITE capsules :0 So pretty oml
Thousands Have Lived Without Love, Not One Without Water.
– W.H.Auden
wait what part of an avocado is purple???? unpop opinion tho: i don't like it edit: ???? [img][/img]
wait what part of an avocado is purple????
unpop opinion tho: i don't like it

edit: ????

lore shop
clan lore
@depinvenom - The skin of a Hass avocado is dark and purplish.
@depinvenom - The skin of a Hass avocado is dark and purplish.
ruNnigQ.gif For
So let me tell y'all a story. Two years ago, after I had been FR for a few months and had a decent collection of dragons for myself, I was idly browsing the AH when I come across this beauty. [url=][img][/img][/url] His price was pretty affordable for my newbie wallet so despite his odd colors, I thought ‘what the heck’ and clicked buy. Around this time, triple XXX dragons were SUPER popular but that's not what made me buy him. I bought him because his name was [b]A d v o k a d o[/b]. I have no idea what possessed his former owner to spell it that way but I hope they are forever blessed by the RNG gods. Advokado became my [i]favorite[/i] dragon. I didn't even have any lore for him but I didn't care. He was my precious fruit and I loved him, and despite not being particularly special to look, he was special to me. Fast forward a couple months and I begin doing some serious thinking about where my lore is going. I also realized that the coli was a dang good way to create dragon income. Queue the Great Clan Purge[sup]TM[/sup] as I start tossing everything that doesn't fit in my lore into the coli for sweet sweet dragon treasure. I become the Great Decider[sup]TM[/sup], choosing who gets to live on ... and who does not. Each dragon must each petition to me why their lore is worthy enough to grant them precious lair space. Every time, I hovered over Advokado's avatar in the coli party organizer, questioning myself. He had no lore, no breeding mate, no outstanding qualities besides what may possibly be one of the strangest ways to spell 'Avocado'. But in the end, I passed over him, not being able to go through with it. Unfortunately, I don't know if it was out of greed or frustration from the constant emotional conflict, but I put him on my coli team. After leveling him, I steeled my heart and exalted him to serve Glademother forever. I thought I was free. My heart was no longer plagued by a dragon that made exactly zero sense in my overall clan lore or whose looks weren’t spectacular enough to show off. I was wrong. Advokado wasn't great because he had rarity or status or fancy genes or cool lore or a unique lineage. Advokado was great simply because he [i]was[/i]. He was just a triple avocado dragon with a weird name that made me happy whenever I looked at him. And I had to lose him to learn that. After learning this, I changed the way I played the game. Instead of trying to keep up with community trends, I now just play in a way that makes me happy. Lore doesn't make sense? That's fine. No one wants to buy my ugly hatchlings? Whatever. My clan is wildly inconsistent and changes from week to week? Cool. I still admire certain ways I see other people do things but I don't let that change how I play. Still I could never get over the sadness I felt whenever I passed his former spot in my lair. Recently, I started browsing the AH to find a replacement dragon for him. Knowing that I'll probably never find one exactly like him, my requirements were short: must be a triple avocado imperial, male preferred. The last time I checked, there were no matches for sale. Discouraged, I gave up and forgot about it. Fast forward to tonight. I see this post and remember my attempt to find my precious fruit baby. On a whim, I pull up the AH and run a quick search. Only this time, there’s [i]a whole nest[/i] of triple gened XXX avocado imperials for sale. Even better are their names. Every single one is named [b]G u a c a m o l e[/b]. And their parents? [img][/img] [size=5][i]OH YEESSSSSSSSS.[/i][/size] [img][/img] *Queue the tears as hallelujah plays in the distance* I would’ve payed 200kt+ for a new Advokado dragon but these babs were only 45kt each. How much treasure did I have on me? [img][/img] Needless to say, I now have a precious new avocado baby and I am [i][b]never[/b][/i] letting go of him again. [size=4][b]TLDR: Check the AH for your dream dragon if you haven’t for today yet . They might just be waiting for you.[/b][/size]
So let me tell y'all a story.

Two years ago, after I had been FR for a few months and had a decent collection of dragons for myself, I was idly browsing the AH when I come across this beauty.


His price was pretty affordable for my newbie wallet so despite his odd colors, I thought ‘what the heck’ and clicked buy. Around this time, triple XXX dragons were SUPER popular but that's not what made me buy him. I bought him because his name was A d v o k a d o.

I have no idea what possessed his former owner to spell it that way but I hope they are forever blessed by the RNG gods. Advokado became my favorite dragon. I didn't even have any lore for him but I didn't care. He was my precious fruit and I loved him, and despite not being particularly special to look, he was special to me.

Fast forward a couple months and I begin doing some serious thinking about where my lore is going. I also realized that the coli was a dang good way to create dragon income. Queue the Great Clan PurgeTM as I start tossing everything that doesn't fit in my lore into the coli for sweet sweet dragon treasure. I become the Great DeciderTM, choosing who gets to live on ... and who does not. Each dragon must each petition to me why their lore is worthy enough to grant them precious lair space.

Every time, I hovered over Advokado's avatar in the coli party organizer, questioning myself. He had no lore, no breeding mate, no outstanding qualities besides what may possibly be one of the strangest ways to spell 'Avocado'. But in the end, I passed over him, not being able to go through with it.

Unfortunately, I don't know if it was out of greed or frustration from the constant emotional conflict, but I put him on my coli team. After leveling him, I steeled my heart and exalted him to serve Glademother forever.

I thought I was free. My heart was no longer plagued by a dragon that made exactly zero sense in my overall clan lore or whose looks weren’t spectacular enough to show off.

I was wrong.

Advokado wasn't great because he had rarity or status or fancy genes or cool lore or a unique lineage. Advokado was great simply because he was. He was just a triple avocado dragon with a weird name that made me happy whenever I looked at him. And I had to lose him to learn that.

After learning this, I changed the way I played the game. Instead of trying to keep up with community trends, I now just play in a way that makes me happy. Lore doesn't make sense? That's fine. No one wants to buy my ugly hatchlings? Whatever. My clan is wildly inconsistent and changes from week to week? Cool. I still admire certain ways I see other people do things but I don't let that change how I play. Still I could never get over the sadness I felt whenever I passed his former spot in my lair.

Recently, I started browsing the AH to find a replacement dragon for him. Knowing that I'll probably never find one exactly like him, my requirements were short: must be a triple avocado imperial, male preferred. The last time I checked, there were no matches for sale. Discouraged, I gave up and forgot about it.

Fast forward to tonight. I see this post and remember my attempt to find my precious fruit baby. On a whim, I pull up the AH and run a quick search. Only this time, there’s a whole nest of triple gened XXX avocado imperials for sale. Even better are their names. Every single one is named
G u a c a m o l e.

And their parents?




*Queue the tears as hallelujah plays in the distance*

I would’ve payed 200kt+ for a new Advokado dragon but these babs were only 45kt each. How much treasure did I have on me?


Needless to say, I now have a precious new avocado baby and I am never letting go of him again.

TLDR: Check the AH for your dream dragon if you haven’t for today yet . They might just be waiting for you.
Advokado is a meme, FYI. And I think avacadu is another interpretation of the spelling (as the meme is a video.)
Advokado is a meme, FYI. And I think avacadu is another interpretation of the spelling (as the meme is a video.)
exalting lair
pleg dom shop
