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[quote name="LightConcorde" date="2014-10-22 04:26:14"]If you don't want anyone to exalt your dragons for whatever [/quote] /thread
LightConcorde wrote on 2014-10-22 04:26:14:
If you don't want anyone to exalt your dragons for whatever

Well I'm relatively new [that's probs a major understatement] but if you really loved a dragon, why would you ever get rid of it?
Well I'm relatively new [that's probs a major understatement] but if you really loved a dragon, why would you ever get rid of it?
1) they need money
2) they need lairspace
3) dominance gets crazy
4) you don't love that dragon anymore or found another to change it
contrary to popular belief, not all people are heartbreakingly sentimental and, well, sacrifices have to be made sometimes
1) they need money
2) they need lairspace
3) dominance gets crazy
4) you don't love that dragon anymore or found another to change it
contrary to popular belief, not all people are heartbreakingly sentimental and, well, sacrifices have to be made sometimes
I once adopted a dragon from someone who was leaving the site on the condition that I not exalt it.

Well, months went by, and I couldn't sell the babies it made. I was tired of looking at it, so I tried to sell it, and it didn't sell. I tried to trade it, and nobody would trade for it. I tried to gift it away, and nobody would take it.

So you know what?

I exalted it.

If I suddenly change my mind about something I've bought, like I did when I got 1/3 of the way through the all-67-triples project and decided I didn't want to do it after all, I'll exalt it. If I find a dragon closer to what I'm seeking, I'll exalt it. If I get gifted it and I get tired of it, I'll exalt it. If I have too many eating a specific food and I want to cut back, I'll exalt it. If my flight needs a little more push to try and overtake another, I'll exalt it.

Basically, if I own a dragon, it's mine, and I'll do with it as I please from then on. I'm not keeping something indefinitely just to satisfy someone else's attachment to their pixels - especially when they're not even on the site anymore.

And I refuse to be guilted for that.
I once adopted a dragon from someone who was leaving the site on the condition that I not exalt it.

Well, months went by, and I couldn't sell the babies it made. I was tired of looking at it, so I tried to sell it, and it didn't sell. I tried to trade it, and nobody would trade for it. I tried to gift it away, and nobody would take it.

So you know what?

I exalted it.

If I suddenly change my mind about something I've bought, like I did when I got 1/3 of the way through the all-67-triples project and decided I didn't want to do it after all, I'll exalt it. If I find a dragon closer to what I'm seeking, I'll exalt it. If I get gifted it and I get tired of it, I'll exalt it. If I have too many eating a specific food and I want to cut back, I'll exalt it. If my flight needs a little more push to try and overtake another, I'll exalt it.

Basically, if I own a dragon, it's mine, and I'll do with it as I please from then on. I'm not keeping something indefinitely just to satisfy someone else's attachment to their pixels - especially when they're not even on the site anymore.

And I refuse to be guilted for that.
My thoughts on this generally go like this: I'll put a dragon up on the AH (or in a salesthread or whereever) for a non-exalt price (starting at 15k and going higher because at 15k you'd have to level them to 10 at least and most people don't bother). This way only people who want to have the dragon for a different reason will buy her/him, and if s/he doesn't sell I can exalt him/her myself and get the profit. If -- weeks or months later -- people get tired of the dragon,...well, I usually don't check the whereabouts of every dragon I sold weeks afterwards, so I wouldn't notice if they were exalted and even if I's already been weeks/months.

And, as others have said, you can't expect ppl to keep dragons indefinitely.
My thoughts on this generally go like this: I'll put a dragon up on the AH (or in a salesthread or whereever) for a non-exalt price (starting at 15k and going higher because at 15k you'd have to level them to 10 at least and most people don't bother). This way only people who want to have the dragon for a different reason will buy her/him, and if s/he doesn't sell I can exalt him/her myself and get the profit. If -- weeks or months later -- people get tired of the dragon,...well, I usually don't check the whereabouts of every dragon I sold weeks afterwards, so I wouldn't notice if they were exalted and even if I's already been weeks/months.

And, as others have said, you can't expect ppl to keep dragons indefinitely.
Hi, I am the Embers.
As a newbie, I've gotten a whack of dragons as gifts to help me start out. I may not plan to keep all of them, but I certainly plan on giving them a life while they're with me. They're going to get names, personalities (even if only in my head) and likely they will all get a breeding run as I learn the ins and outs of FR.

I will feel like a pile of crud when I do finally exalt/sell them, but as people have said.. Space is not infinite here. And already I'm running low on room. They will be loved, then they will be sent away. I don't see a problem with this?

Any dragons I want to KNOW what happens, and CONTROL what happens, I will KEEP.
As a newbie, I've gotten a whack of dragons as gifts to help me start out. I may not plan to keep all of them, but I certainly plan on giving them a life while they're with me. They're going to get names, personalities (even if only in my head) and likely they will all get a breeding run as I learn the ins and outs of FR.

I will feel like a pile of crud when I do finally exalt/sell them, but as people have said.. Space is not infinite here. And already I'm running low on room. They will be loved, then they will be sent away. I don't see a problem with this?

Any dragons I want to KNOW what happens, and CONTROL what happens, I will KEEP.
i admit if i ever had a gift dragon i wasn't particularly fond of and there happened to be a dom battle driving up dragon prices, i would sell it in a heartbeat. i just rly love dom battles & i've got a bad habit of waiting for those weeks then DEEP CLEANING LIKE MY LAIR HAS THE PLAGUE
i admit if i ever had a gift dragon i wasn't particularly fond of and there happened to be a dom battle driving up dragon prices, i would sell it in a heartbeat. i just rly love dom battles & i've got a bad habit of waiting for those weeks then DEEP CLEANING LIKE MY LAIR HAS THE PLAGUE
[quote name="Ezraylia" date="2014-10-23 12:02:33"]As a newbie, I've gotten a whack of dragons as gifts to help me start out. I may not plan to keep all of them, but I certainly plan on giving them a life while they're with me. They're going to get names, personalities (even if only in my head) and likely they will all get a breeding run as I learn the ins and outs of FR. I will feel like a pile of crud when I do finally exalt/sell them, but as people have said.. Space is not infinite here. And already I'm running low on room. They will be loved, then they will be sent away. I don't see a problem with this? Any dragons I want to KNOW what happens, and CONTROL what happens, I will KEEP.[/quote] I got at least four or five dragons as gifts when I started, and I've exalted or sold all but one because when I first started I had no idea what I'd want in the long run. Don't feel bad about it. I've given a bunch of dragons to newbies in the registration windows since my own arrival, and my assumption is that most of those gift dergs will be exalted at some point. If anyone has a problem with what you do with your dragons, that's [b]them[/b] being rude, not you, regardless of whether they were the ones who gave them to you. [quote name="luckyvulpi" date="2014-10-22 21:10:44"]I wonder... Could someone convince someone else to keep a dragon forever if they paid him child support or something? Like if I paid someone 5k treasure a week to house and feed a dragon would they not exalt it? I keep thinking about it, and I feel like paying child support for someone housing your dragon makes so much sense.[/quote] Maybe you could find someone who would agree to that, but I'd run for the hills if anyone ever made me that kind of offer. I'd always feel like I was boarding someone else's dragon with the other user looking over my shoulder, and up with that I will not put.
Ezraylia wrote on 2014-10-23 12:02:33:
As a newbie, I've gotten a whack of dragons as gifts to help me start out. I may not plan to keep all of them, but I certainly plan on giving them a life while they're with me. They're going to get names, personalities (even if only in my head) and likely they will all get a breeding run as I learn the ins and outs of FR.

I will feel like a pile of crud when I do finally exalt/sell them, but as people have said.. Space is not infinite here. And already I'm running low on room. They will be loved, then they will be sent away. I don't see a problem with this?

Any dragons I want to KNOW what happens, and CONTROL what happens, I will KEEP.

I got at least four or five dragons as gifts when I started, and I've exalted or sold all but one because when I first started I had no idea what I'd want in the long run. Don't feel bad about it. I've given a bunch of dragons to newbies in the registration windows since my own arrival, and my assumption is that most of those gift dergs will be exalted at some point. If anyone has a problem with what you do with your dragons, that's them being rude, not you, regardless of whether they were the ones who gave them to you.
luckyvulpi wrote on 2014-10-22 21:10:44:
I wonder...

Could someone convince someone else to keep a dragon forever if they paid him child support or something?

Like if I paid someone 5k treasure a week to house and feed a dragon would they not exalt it?

I keep thinking about it, and I feel like paying child support for someone housing your dragon makes so much sense.

Maybe you could find someone who would agree to that, but I'd run for the hills if anyone ever made me that kind of offer. I'd always feel like I was boarding someone else's dragon with the other user looking over my shoulder, and up with that I will not put.
@luckyvulpi I was given Sunchaser Jewelry on the condition that I make my lair a forever home for a certain dragon and never exalt him. I can otherwise do whatever I want with him and have renamed this dragon. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@luckyvulpi I was given Sunchaser Jewelry on the condition that I make my lair a forever home for a certain dragon and never exalt him. I can otherwise do whatever I want with him and have renamed this dragon.

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