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TOPIC | Pet peeve
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[quote name="musicalcakes" date="2014-10-22 06:57:20"]My pet peeve is people who try to control what happens to a dragon after it's left their lair. It doesn't matter how "cool" or "rare" you thought the dragon was. If you don't want it to get exalted, keep it yourself.[/quote] This. Ages back I hatched a dragon who was the first ever to have her color combination. As I got the listings ready to sell her and her siblings, I found myself feeling like I needed to attach a "do not exalt!" note to her because she was so special (she's actually kind of pretty despite having a weird combo). That was when I gave myself a reality check, and made a decision that I've honored since: If I care about whether it gets exalted, I keep it. If I don't like it enough to keep it, I make myself accept that that must also mean I don't like it enough to prevent it being exalted. Sometimes the dragons I sell get permanent homes, but I expect that anything I sell will probably go to one of the deities. And that's okay. If I care about any particular dragon's fate, it's [b]my[/b] job to do something about that. Trying to make other players use their lair space to cater to my desires would be selfish and unreasonable, and I will never attach a no-exalt condition to any sale or gift. And that first-of-her-kind dragon? Still in my lair, still a favorite. She's on my coli team. :)
musicalcakes wrote on 2014-10-22 06:57:20:
My pet peeve is people who try to control what happens to a dragon after it's left their lair.

It doesn't matter how "cool" or "rare" you thought the dragon was. If you don't want it to get exalted, keep it yourself.

This. Ages back I hatched a dragon who was the first ever to have her color combination. As I got the listings ready to sell her and her siblings, I found myself feeling like I needed to attach a "do not exalt!" note to her because she was so special (she's actually kind of pretty despite having a weird combo). That was when I gave myself a reality check, and made a decision that I've honored since:

If I care about whether it gets exalted, I keep it. If I don't like it enough to keep it, I make myself accept that that must also mean I don't like it enough to prevent it being exalted. Sometimes the dragons I sell get permanent homes, but I expect that anything I sell will probably go to one of the deities. And that's okay. If I care about any particular dragon's fate, it's my job to do something about that. Trying to make other players use their lair space to cater to my desires would be selfish and unreasonable, and I will never attach a no-exalt condition to any sale or gift.

And that first-of-her-kind dragon? Still in my lair, still a favorite. She's on my coli team. :)
[quote name="musicalcakes" date="2014-10-22 06:57:20"]My pet peeve is people who try to control what happens to a dragon after it's left their lair. It doesn't matter how "cool" or "rare" you thought the dragon was. If you don't want it to get exalted, keep it yourself.[/quote] Thank you for writing this so I didn't have to try to figure out how to word something like this myself. xD
musicalcakes wrote on 2014-10-22 06:57:20:
My pet peeve is people who try to control what happens to a dragon after it's left their lair.

It doesn't matter how "cool" or "rare" you thought the dragon was. If you don't want it to get exalted, keep it yourself.

Thank you for writing this so I didn't have to try to figure out how to word something like this myself. xD
This steams my buns the most when I adopt out dragons and they get exalted within a week. I had two go to one person who turned around and exalted them a week later.
What's worse is when dragons I adopt out get SOLD on the AH for a profit. I've even bought those dragons back from the people who are selling them.

I'm not selling dragons for profit. I'm sharing dragons because I like them enough I want someone else to enjoy them. If I wanna make money, I train and exalt my own hatchlings that were neat but not awesome enough to keep. :I
This steams my buns the most when I adopt out dragons and they get exalted within a week. I had two go to one person who turned around and exalted them a week later.
What's worse is when dragons I adopt out get SOLD on the AH for a profit. I've even bought those dragons back from the people who are selling them.

I'm not selling dragons for profit. I'm sharing dragons because I like them enough I want someone else to enjoy them. If I wanna make money, I train and exalt my own hatchlings that were neat but not awesome enough to keep. :I
I think there comes a point when you can no longer complain about what people do with dragons that you admit that even you don't want.

So long as they don't exalt them immediately, which is usually where the 'agreement' stops, I don't see the problem with it.

Honestly, I rarely accept dragon gifts nowadays because I just can't commit to giving a dragon I didn't choose a lairspace until the end of time. I mean, if someone who gave/sold me a dragon and told me 'not to exalt it' is prepared to pay 1/5 of my next lair expansion for the sake of keeping it around, I won't complain, but otherwise? My dragon to keep or boot.

That said, I do love some surprise dragons I've been given. Stark's one of my favourites and he's staying forever. B|
I think there comes a point when you can no longer complain about what people do with dragons that you admit that even you don't want.

So long as they don't exalt them immediately, which is usually where the 'agreement' stops, I don't see the problem with it.

Honestly, I rarely accept dragon gifts nowadays because I just can't commit to giving a dragon I didn't choose a lairspace until the end of time. I mean, if someone who gave/sold me a dragon and told me 'not to exalt it' is prepared to pay 1/5 of my next lair expansion for the sake of keeping it around, I won't complain, but otherwise? My dragon to keep or boot.

That said, I do love some surprise dragons I've been given. Stark's one of my favourites and he's staying forever. B|
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UK time. Sorry for timezone-related delays in responses. They/Them.
Personally, I expect my hatchlings to get exalted. I'm thrilled if it seems like a dragon I sold or gave away has a good run or, better yet, seems to be a permanent fixture. I only get annoyed if somebody outright asks for a dragon and then, bam, the next day it's off serving some deity somewhere.

I mean, dude, if you didn't want it you could have just let me keep it so I could exalt it.
Personally, I expect my hatchlings to get exalted. I'm thrilled if it seems like a dragon I sold or gave away has a good run or, better yet, seems to be a permanent fixture. I only get annoyed if somebody outright asks for a dragon and then, bam, the next day it's off serving some deity somewhere.

I mean, dude, if you didn't want it you could have just let me keep it so I could exalt it.
It's a little rude, but once the dragon is given away it becomes property of the new owner. You sell me a beautiful dragon with an incredibly detailed character and backstory? I'm allowed to call it Bob the amazing farting dragon.
It's a little rude, but once the dragon is given away it becomes property of the new owner. You sell me a beautiful dragon with an incredibly detailed character and backstory? I'm allowed to call it Bob the amazing farting dragon.
I think some people need to realize that keeping a dragon forever is a big burden that is sometimes hard to do.

Back in 2013, over here someone did a calculation of how much each lair space cost on average. At 99, its 98737T per lair space... If someone reached the max it would be much more.

Plus the dragon takes up food... Dragons lose 1 food point every 8 hours, meaning 3 each day or 21 each week or 1095 each year. At 20 T per food point, the dragon is eating up 60T per day, 420T each week and 21900T each year.

If a dragon's worth was valued at 11500T (exalt cost of an average lv7) then it would become a burden for someone to hold a 11500T dragon for longer than around 191 days or a little over 6 months.

If you wanted to have someone keep a dragon forever, I'd suggest constant communication with him/her to remind them to keep that dragon along with a hefty amount of food/treasure for their troubles (for huge crowded lairs, unwanted dragons really are a burden). Maybe also creating a background/story or adding some personality to the dragon so that they would be more willing to keep it.
I think some people need to realize that keeping a dragon forever is a big burden that is sometimes hard to do.

Back in 2013, over here someone did a calculation of how much each lair space cost on average. At 99, its 98737T per lair space... If someone reached the max it would be much more.

Plus the dragon takes up food... Dragons lose 1 food point every 8 hours, meaning 3 each day or 21 each week or 1095 each year. At 20 T per food point, the dragon is eating up 60T per day, 420T each week and 21900T each year.

If a dragon's worth was valued at 11500T (exalt cost of an average lv7) then it would become a burden for someone to hold a 11500T dragon for longer than around 191 days or a little over 6 months.

If you wanted to have someone keep a dragon forever, I'd suggest constant communication with him/her to remind them to keep that dragon along with a hefty amount of food/treasure for their troubles (for huge crowded lairs, unwanted dragons really are a burden). Maybe also creating a background/story or adding some personality to the dragon so that they would be more willing to keep it.
When I give away dragons I tell people not to exalt right away. I can train them and exalt them myself but if I feel they could make someone happy for a time, I adopt them out. If someone takes them only to immediately exalt, I feel like I was used. They're well within their rights but it's in poor taste.
But if they keep them for a few weeks, get a nest from them, exalt later down the road I don't care. That dragon was obviously enjoyed but now it needs to go on and that is optimal to me.

Edit: Obviously this doesn't matter when I sell on ah. I don't care what happens to them.
When I give away dragons I tell people not to exalt right away. I can train them and exalt them myself but if I feel they could make someone happy for a time, I adopt them out. If someone takes them only to immediately exalt, I feel like I was used. They're well within their rights but it's in poor taste.
But if they keep them for a few weeks, get a nest from them, exalt later down the road I don't care. That dragon was obviously enjoyed but now it needs to go on and that is optimal to me.

Edit: Obviously this doesn't matter when I sell on ah. I don't care what happens to them.
No traveling dragons please!
Having had time to re-read (my brain skips like a broken record with too much info at once)....

It does seem really weird to take a dragon to insta-exalt. It's rather likely they could've found another single dragon within the same range or better.

There's a request I have in that'll prove a bit difficult to home for this reason (cause it's sure not being ugly or common). I requested them long-term homes with names instead of an eternal contract. (Names just in case.) In the end, I sent them to friends (and found them mates, too, cause that's always fun~).

I did feel a bit guilty about exalting a girl I had actually requested a hold for, but there was a severe backlog and she wasn't going to make a good breeder, so I decided it didn't really matter if she was in-lair or exalted because she'd been intended as a character anyways. She's not in anyone's lair, but she won't fall to disuse, at least~ It's the deletion aspect that bothers me a bit--just poofing out of memory once they go. I've a slight reluctance to lost old clan-members low for the reason; after they become characters.... But I'll live. Otherwise, there's been a release of a number I liked too much because if they got new clans, they're not quite my character anymore--not that I couldn't NPC/make a non-existent dragon; it's just a little odd).

Does exalting bother you? If so, there's quite a lot of the game's aspect to catch up on.... Breaking a deal at the speed of light is another thing.
Having had time to re-read (my brain skips like a broken record with too much info at once)....

It does seem really weird to take a dragon to insta-exalt. It's rather likely they could've found another single dragon within the same range or better.

There's a request I have in that'll prove a bit difficult to home for this reason (cause it's sure not being ugly or common). I requested them long-term homes with names instead of an eternal contract. (Names just in case.) In the end, I sent them to friends (and found them mates, too, cause that's always fun~).

I did feel a bit guilty about exalting a girl I had actually requested a hold for, but there was a severe backlog and she wasn't going to make a good breeder, so I decided it didn't really matter if she was in-lair or exalted because she'd been intended as a character anyways. She's not in anyone's lair, but she won't fall to disuse, at least~ It's the deletion aspect that bothers me a bit--just poofing out of memory once they go. I've a slight reluctance to lost old clan-members low for the reason; after they become characters.... But I'll live. Otherwise, there's been a release of a number I liked too much because if they got new clans, they're not quite my character anymore--not that I couldn't NPC/make a non-existent dragon; it's just a little odd).

Does exalting bother you? If so, there's quite a lot of the game's aspect to catch up on.... Breaking a deal at the speed of light is another thing.
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[quote name="YawningDodo" date="2014-10-22 11:47:59"]If I care about whether it gets exalted, I keep it. If I don't like it enough to keep it, I make myself accept that that must also mean I don't like it enough to prevent it being exalted. Sometimes the dragons I sell get permanent homes, but I expect that anything I sell will probably go to one of the deities. And that's okay. If I care about any particular dragon's fate, it's [b]my[/b] job to do something about that. Trying to make other players use their lair space to cater to my desires would be selfish and unreasonable, and I will never attach a no-exalt condition to any sale or gift.[/quote] I agree with this 100%, I think it's a good rule of thumb.
YawningDodo wrote on 2014-10-22 11:47:59:
If I care about whether it gets exalted, I keep it. If I don't like it enough to keep it, I make myself accept that that must also mean I don't like it enough to prevent it being exalted. Sometimes the dragons I sell get permanent homes, but I expect that anything I sell will probably go to one of the deities. And that's okay. If I care about any particular dragon's fate, it's my job to do something about that. Trying to make other players use their lair space to cater to my desires would be selfish and unreasonable, and I will never attach a no-exalt condition to any sale or gift.

I agree with this 100%, I think it's a good rule of thumb.
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