
Forum Games

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TOPIC | {WDPP} The Monster Hunters-Hunger Games
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@Bxy26 Can I be removed from the pinglist please :) Thank you!
@Bxy26 Can I be removed from the pinglist please :) Thank you!

Sure thing! I'll add you back when it comes time to draw prizes, okay?

Sure thing! I'll add you back when it comes time to draw prizes, okay?
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The nosey save rolls were tense! Also dayum. So many fallen.

My dragon is still open to interact with! She is helping the medics at the tents.

Remember that roleplaying while "dead" still earns you tickets for each event prompt!
The nosey save rolls were tense! Also dayum. So many fallen.

My dragon is still open to interact with! She is helping the medics at the tents.

Remember that roleplaying while "dead" still earns you tickets for each event prompt!
Please ping me if you'd like to talk to Cherry, because given... what happened, it doesn't make much sense for me to initiate. (And from an OOC perspective, I'm afraid of taking initiative.) I have been watching the Hunter Games closely and generally remember who I have interacted with. I am also keeping tabs on some of you...

(Side note: For those of you who read my completely optional N3 post, Jeb and Krishna were not allowed to interact with player characters and as such will probably not make frequent appearances.)
Please ping me if you'd like to talk to Cherry, because given... what happened, it doesn't make much sense for me to initiate. (And from an OOC perspective, I'm afraid of taking initiative.) I have been watching the Hunter Games closely and generally remember who I have interacted with. I am also keeping tabs on some of you...

(Side note: For those of you who read my completely optional N3 post, Jeb and Krishna were not allowed to interact with player characters and as such will probably not make frequent appearances.)
Hokuto, HAST (UTC−10)
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h8O0jfR.png ICOcASs.png
4kekx4D.png dN2BNAK.png xj6Mn2e.png
So you want to do an art of us

Jeine pulled her daggers out of Salem before swiftly hearing more commotion. It appeared a dragon was fighting another dragon! She shoved herself in front of them, making sure her daggers landed deep into the attackers body. Euck! Blood.... but the dragon behind her..... was he covered in it?

Jeine pulled her daggers out of Salem before swiftly hearing more commotion. It appeared a dragon was fighting another dragon! She shoved herself in front of them, making sure her daggers landed deep into the attackers body. Euck! Blood.... but the dragon behind her..... was he covered in it?
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(NOOOOOO..... well, Moonti is a spectator now)
Moonti's eyes opened. They hurt. Everything hurt. More than they had last time. Why? The healing was still quick-how?- but not as....thorough. He felt as if he had been dragged backwards through a thorn bush, with cuts and scratches everywhere, maybe a few broken bones. And he was sore all over. Also, this definitely wasn't the place he had awoken last time. Moonti could see Bruce right now, down in the ruins...why hadn't they woken up together? And wait, why wasn't he in the ruins? Who were the others around him? He quickly recognized Xiuhpilli and Spaucklerby, the people that had guided the group into the ruins. Then a shocking realization hit him. Wait.... was he dead?
(NOOOOOO..... well, Moonti is a spectator now)
Moonti's eyes opened. They hurt. Everything hurt. More than they had last time. Why? The healing was still quick-how?- but not as....thorough. He felt as if he had been dragged backwards through a thorn bush, with cuts and scratches everywhere, maybe a few broken bones. And he was sore all over. Also, this definitely wasn't the place he had awoken last time. Moonti could see Bruce right now, down in the ruins...why hadn't they woken up together? And wait, why wasn't he in the ruins? Who were the others around him? He quickly recognized Xiuhpilli and Spaucklerby, the people that had guided the group into the ruins. Then a shocking realization hit him. Wait.... was he dead?
- perpetually waughghfhquah
- Enjoyer of words and other general nonsense
- Not the best at communicating, bear with me :'0
- wishlist
- What do I put here
[center][i]Oop- At last, Sanshi has been killed v-v I guess she'll have to watch over the ones still alive from now on then[/i] [rule] [b]Night 4[/b] ([i]Spectator[/i]) A second perspective [url=][img][/img][/url] A sudden flash of what felt like electricity burst through Sanshi's entire body, waking her up in the most terrifying way. She gasped for air and looked around to find herself in a foreign place. It was a bit cold, but she wasn't uncomfortable. She could barely feel a thing, actually. Although she seemed to be without pain, Sanshi could tell something wasn't right. Her body felt too light.. yet so stiff. For a brief moment, she could feel something moving strangely in her abdomen. A huge gash in Sanshi's side revealed her insides to the chill air around. Looking down at the wound, the ridgeback would have felt her heartbeat quickly rising from the shock but.. there was no heartbeat. At all. Very hesitantly, she checked her own pulse to confirm the suspicion. Yes. Sanshi seemed to have died. [/center]
Oop- At last, Sanshi has been killed v-v I guess she'll have to watch over the ones still alive from now on then
Night 4 (Spectator)
A second perspective

A sudden flash of what felt like electricity burst through Sanshi's entire body, waking her up in the most terrifying way. She gasped for air and looked around to find herself in a foreign place. It was a bit cold, but she wasn't uncomfortable. She could barely feel a thing, actually. Although she seemed to be without pain, Sanshi could tell something wasn't right. Her body felt too light.. yet so stiff. For a brief moment, she could feel something moving strangely in her abdomen. A huge gash in Sanshi's side revealed her insides to the chill air around. Looking down at the wound, the ridgeback would have felt her heartbeat quickly rising from the shock but.. there was no heartbeat. At all. Very hesitantly, she checked her own pulse to confirm the suspicion. Yes. Sanshi seemed to have died.
Please ping me in discussion threads, forum games and roleplay! I'm likely not subscribed KKMhEsV.png
----- [center][font=optima][size=3]Participant Night 4[/center] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]  [nextcol][font=corbel][size=4]   Nosey, whose vision was clear despite his exhaustion, looks on in distress as the dark Nocturne he had attempted to rescue before in the poisonous berries incident takes down the larger Guardian dragon. Her aim remains true and the Guardian dragon goes down. She looks at the blood pouring out with some disgust before looking back at him with bewilderment. [/columns] [font=corbel]   Nosey raises a tired paw, still a little crispy from the explosion that got him. "To youse, hello me greeting." Yosuke, though grateful that the Nocturne has stopped the other Guardian, is still wary of the other dragon. The cat keeps his eyes on the Nocturne as Remi gently starts rubbing away at the grime and softening Nosey's singed hair.    With some effort, Nosey slowly gets up under the watchful eye of the other dragon. He gestures to the downed Guardian, the 'monster' that the Nocturne took down, and wearily pulls out some healing supplies. "This being large Guardian armored earlier seen I has at begins. Him helping both we to up gets him? Shade trickery strong still here to attacks fight causing." @TwistxdEuphorix

Night 4

      Nosey, whose vision was clear despite his exhaustion, looks on in distress as the dark Nocturne he had attempted to rescue before in the poisonous berries incident takes down the larger Guardian dragon. Her aim remains true and the Guardian dragon goes down. She looks at the blood pouring out with some disgust before looking back at him with bewilderment.

   Nosey raises a tired paw, still a little crispy from the explosion that got him. "To youse, hello me greeting." Yosuke, though grateful that the Nocturne has stopped the other Guardian, is still wary of the other dragon. The cat keeps his eyes on the Nocturne as Remi gently starts rubbing away at the grime and softening Nosey's singed hair.

   With some effort, Nosey slowly gets up under the watchful eye of the other dragon. He gestures to the downed Guardian, the 'monster' that the Nocturne took down, and wearily pulls out some healing supplies. "This being large Guardian armored earlier seen I has at begins. Him helping both we to up gets him? Shade trickery strong still here to attacks fight causing."


[center][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Day 4[/b] The last few days have been very quiet. Ling hasn’t seen a dragon for a while, and he has barely glimpsed a shadebeast yet. He decided it won’t be worth it to push his luck, and instead focuses his energy on getting more comfortable in the ruins. From how slowly things seem to be going, they’ll probably be spending quite a bit of time in here anyway. He has scented cooler weather in the air and gathered firewood in preperation for the night. [b]Night 4[/b] The absence of anything - dragons and shadebeast - is truly getting to Ling’s nerves. Maybe the ruins are bigger than he anticipated, but surely he would have seen something by now? He can’t help but worry whether most of the other dragons are dead already, or if some big event happened somewhere that he missed. He decides that the Shade is messing up his head. Soon his suspicions are confirmed by strange whispers in the wind. Trying to ignore them, he wonders how much of a danger he would be to other dragons if he got the shade madness. He climbs onto a sturdy piece of ruin, where he can see everything, to feel more secure. @Aprycus Ling’s nose suddenly picks up the scent of a large dragon close by. The whispers are still singing in his ear, now warning him that this dragon is possessed by the Shade. The dragon spots him and, after a brief exchange, lights a small fire before curling up and falling asleep. The night grows steadily colder. Ling decides to ignore the wind. He climbs down the ruin, careful to be quiet as to not wake the imperial up. He feeds some more wood into the fire, and makes a little dip in the ground to sleep in, all while watching the bigger dragon very closely. At last, he decides the wind was lying and falls asleep next to Asher. His spear handle is right by his claws, just in case. [/center]
Day 4
The last few days have been very quiet. Ling hasn’t seen a dragon for a while, and he has barely glimpsed a shadebeast yet. He decided it won’t be worth it to push his luck, and instead focuses his energy on getting more comfortable in the ruins. From how slowly things seem to be going, they’ll probably be spending quite a bit of time in here anyway. He has scented cooler weather in the air and gathered firewood in preperation for the night.

Night 4
The absence of anything - dragons and shadebeast - is truly getting to Ling’s nerves. Maybe the ruins are bigger than he anticipated, but surely he would have seen something by now? He can’t help but worry whether most of the other dragons are dead already, or if some big event happened somewhere that he missed.

He decides that the Shade is messing up his head. Soon his suspicions are confirmed by strange whispers in the wind. Trying to ignore them, he wonders how much of a danger he would be to other dragons if he got the shade madness. He climbs onto a sturdy piece of ruin, where he can see everything, to feel more secure.
Ling’s nose suddenly picks up the scent of a large dragon close by. The whispers are still singing in his ear, now warning him that this dragon is possessed by the Shade. The dragon spots him and, after a brief exchange, lights a small fire before curling up and falling asleep.

The night grows steadily colder. Ling decides to ignore the wind. He climbs down the ruin, careful to be quiet as to not wake the imperial up. He feeds some more wood into the fire, and makes a little dip in the ground to sleep in, all while watching the bigger dragon very closely. At last, he decides the wind was lying and falls asleep next to Asher. His spear handle is right by his claws, just in case.
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She/her | FRT + 19
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Hey guys, I lost power at my house due to massive winds today! We're all fine, but I don't have internet access for my computer (and it's WAY too hard to try to get this all put together on mobile). I'll be going somewhere with internet access tomorrow to get schoolwork done, so I'll be posting tomorrow morning!
Hey guys, I lost power at my house due to massive winds today! We're all fine, but I don't have internet access for my computer (and it's WAY too hard to try to get this all put together on mobile). I'll be going somewhere with internet access tomorrow to get schoolwork done, so I'll be posting tomorrow morning!
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