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TOPIC | Historical Mafia 4 | Signups (Subs!)
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[center][img][/img] [size=4][i]The board is set...the players are waiting... History lays in the balance between truth and fiction. How will your story be told?[/i][/size][/center] Welcome to the fourth, and final, installment of Historical Mafia. Right around two years ago, I decided to try hosting my second game on this site, the first Historical Mafia. It was a huge and rousing success, and this series has perpetuated through [url=]three[/url] [url=]previous[/url] [url=]iterations[/url]. Like its predecessors, this game is hosted in a U-Pick style variant. All roles are designed around a historical figure that you get to help choose! [b]Mod[/b] kirkfan2255 Signups will run until November 3, or until filled. I am looking for 20-25 players. 18 is the minimum number to run. 20 slots is what I have the game set to right now, but I will go up to 25. The game will start on November 10 at 17:00 FR. If this passes and the game has not filled, the game will not be run. [b]Players[/b] [list=1][*]Yatagarasu (Firo/Varikset hydra) [*]Leremis [*]Meowrific (Arelia/Stormdreamer hydra) [*]Limelight [*]Cognitive [*]polygone [*]Shimmerwing [*]SilverWinter [*]dandelionfires [*]TheNightDancer [*]NightRising [*]Tynnk [*]RenatoUlbov [*]Dawnbreeze [*]Sleeping with the Fishes (abyssum/SmashedFish hydra) [*]LordMeikai [*]AureaImperatrix [*]ashestoashes [*]DuskyAether [*]Kalideoscope [*]' :) ' (Heronwing/Tanglefire hydra) [*]NekoNikki [*]Tsaiah [*]g0dsend [*]Reiark > morphogenetic [/list] [b]Substitutes[/b] [list][*]FloatingInSpace [*]Shadowlugia711 [*]CinnabarCobra [*]Goofy [*]Mithent [*]Journey [*]clw23 [*] [*]Your name could be here! These slots are unlimited.[/list] [b]Spectators[/b] raiccoon, MagykalWagykal, Beheaded, Moonwater Spectators will most likely become spoiled.

The board is set...the players are waiting... History lays in the balance between truth and fiction. How will your story be told?

Welcome to the fourth, and final, installment of Historical Mafia. Right around two years ago, I decided to try hosting my second game on this site, the first Historical Mafia. It was a huge and rousing success, and this series has perpetuated through three previous iterations. Like its predecessors, this game is hosted in a U-Pick style variant. All roles are designed around a historical figure that you get to help choose!


Signups will run until November 3, or until filled. I am looking for 20-25 players. 18 is the minimum number to run. 20 slots is what I have the game set to right now, but I will go up to 25. The game will start on November 10 at 17:00 FR. If this passes and the game has not filled, the game will not be run.

  1. Yatagarasu (Firo/Varikset hydra)
  2. Leremis
  3. Meowrific (Arelia/Stormdreamer hydra)
  4. Limelight
  5. Cognitive
  6. polygone
  7. Shimmerwing
  8. SilverWinter
  9. dandelionfires
  10. TheNightDancer
  11. NightRising
  12. Tynnk
  13. RenatoUlbov
  14. Dawnbreeze
  15. Sleeping with the Fishes (abyssum/SmashedFish hydra)
  16. LordMeikai
  17. AureaImperatrix
  18. ashestoashes
  19. DuskyAether
  20. Kalideoscope
  21. ' :) ' (Heronwing/Tanglefire hydra)
  22. NekoNikki
  23. Tsaiah
  24. g0dsend
  25. Reiark > morphogenetic

  • FloatingInSpace
  • Shadowlugia711
  • CinnabarCobra
  • Goofy
  • Mithent
  • Journey
  • clw23
  • Your name could be here! These slots are unlimited.

raiccoon, MagykalWagykal, Beheaded, Moonwater

Spectators will most likely become spoiled.
Kirk, FR +2
[center][size=6][b]Rules and Guidelines[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][u]General[/u][/size][/center] [list][*]By joining this game, you agree to abide by these rules within designated game threads for the duration of play. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. [*]Game days are [b]46[/b] hours long. There is no night phase; instead, there is a [b]2[/b] hour lockdown phase beginning at 17:00 FR. During this time, you may continue posting until you see the RESERVED post(s). [b]This post may be made at any point during lockdown[/b]. Lockdown ending early will not change the next EoD time, but will simply add time to the next game day. [*]Town and Mafia win conditions are public knowledge, and are listed in the Game Information post. Other win conditions may be present in the game, and any/all third party player(s) will be announced alongside their win condition(s) at the end of the game. [*]The game will reach a natural conclusion when a game-ending faction has achieved its win condition, or when no players belonging to a game-ending faction are left alive. A game-ending faction is one whose win condition directly contradicts the win condition of any other game-ending faction (Town and Mafia are both game-ending factions). [*]If three consecutive days and nights elapse without any faction making progress towards its win condition, the game will end in a draw. [*]I reserve the right to add or modify rules as I see fit while the game is in play, as no set of rules is ever complete. This will be announced to the thread as necessary. [*]Word of Mod is final. I and any comods I may have are the final say, and I reserve the right to hand down punishment as I see fit. Please respect my judgement. [*]Punishments may be a warning, force-replacement, or modkill, depending on severity of the infraction. Generally, I will NOT modkill unless your slot’s integrity has been compromised. [/list] [center][size=5][u]Conduct[/u][/size][/center] [list][*]You should play to win, ie: play to your win condition. Gamethrowing is not appreciated. [*]Play with respect to both moderator(s) and your fellow players. There are people on the other side of the screen. [*]Faking breaking the rules is the same as breaking the rules. Play to the SPIRIT of the rules, not the LETTER. [*]If at any point you are uncertain about the rules, please do not hesitate to ask. In this case, it is NOT better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission. [*][b]Be civil[/b]. Aggressive and/or abrasive behavior is expected and allowed, but personal attacks against players is not okay. I will step in if I notice a major issue happening, but do not be afraid to ping me and/or message me if you see or experience something happening. My definition of what’s too much may be different from yours. [*]Do not go out of your way to be obnoxious. Do not spam large gifs or images to the thread or make your posts unreadable (ex, transparent text, encryption, or size 1 text). [*]Do not use provable randomization. [*]Angleshooting is not allowed. Do not exploit loopholes, “ruleslawyer”, etc. [*]Baiting a modkill is not cool and will be punished. [*]Do not talk about other, ongoing games, be it this one or any other game on or off the Flight Rising site, in a way that will compromise that game’s integrity. Anything more than “I am/was in X game” should not be talked about while it is in play. [*]Players are expected to abide not only by the rules placed on this game by me, but also to continue to follow all [url=]Rules and Guidelines[/url] and the [url=]Code of Conduct[/url] for Flight Rising at all times during the course of the game. Breaking either of these is grounds for [b]immediate modkill[/b] without warning. [/list] [center][size=5][u]Activity and Posting[/u][/size][/center] [list][*]This game is a [b]non-RP[/b] game. Do not RP a dragon and especially not your role. [*][b]Do not edit or delete posts[/b]. This is to prevent mafia from redacting slips. If you would like to delete a double-post of the same post, this is permissible. [*]Once you are dead, you are dead. [b]There is no final goodbye, last words, or will[/b]. If you are no longer in the game for any reason, do not post in the game threads until the end of the game. [*]If you are not an active player in this game (such as, you are a spectator, substitute, or other community member that is not a moderator or staff of Flight Rising), [b]do not post in this game until after the game has finished[/b]. [*]If you are not in the game and would like to spectate, become a substitute, or have any questions or concerns, [b]please PM[/b] any of the moderator(s). [*]Activity in this game counts as posting in the Discussion thread. You must post at least 5 time(s) per game phase, and at least once in a 24-hour span. If you miss either of these, you will be prodded. Missing it a second time will result in force replacement. [/list] [center][size=5][u]Communication[/u][/size][/center] [list][*]Private communication is any communication that you have had directly with the moderator(s) or other players in the game through any means. [*]Out of thread (OOT), non-mod-sanctioned, game-related communication is not allowed with any living or substitute player. Certain roles may allow out of thread communication to occur. You will be informed of this by a moderator. [*]You may chat TO a person who is not alive in the game or a substitute (meaning you may chat with dead players, spectators, and unrelated community members) [b]as long as you make it clear to the other person that they are not to respond[/b]. Dead players who are in both spoiled and unspoiled spectator chat are not to make any mention of the spectator chat or any spoilers known to spectator chat. [*]Replacement out of the game is to be done privately to a moderator by either PM or through your QT. Do not post that you are replacing out in any game-related public thread or mod-sanctioned chat. [b]The moderator(s) reserves the right to deny replacement for reasons that are not legitimate[/b] (such as “I don’t want to be mafia/town”). [*]Do not directly quote, copy-paste, or screenshot anything that you have been told through private communication. Paraphrasing is fine, as well as quoting from any game thread. [*]All players are given access to private QuickTopics, or QTs. Please use these for questions and for submission of actions. [b]These are considered private communication[/b]. Do not share these links until the game has ended. [*][b]PLEASE make sure to check your QuickTopics[/b]. They are provided to you for a reason. You will receive any night action results and death notifications through QT. The only people who are allowed to view the QuickTopic are people who have the link to it. That will be you and the moderator(s) only while the game is ongoing. [*]PMing the moderator(s) should be done in an emergency only. Please use your QuickTopic for pretty much everything else. If you must PM, please include the game name in the subject. [*]Do not talk to players who are in this game about game-related things. [*]I will not lie to you. I may answer vaguely, or say “No comment” or “I cannot answer that at this time”, but I will not directly lie to you if you ask a question about the game. [*]Certain roles may override certain rules stated. Please do not panic. [/list]
Rules and Guidelines

  • By joining this game, you agree to abide by these rules within designated game threads for the duration of play. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.
  • Game days are 46 hours long. There is no night phase; instead, there is a 2 hour lockdown phase beginning at 17:00 FR. During this time, you may continue posting until you see the RESERVED post(s). This post may be made at any point during lockdown. Lockdown ending early will not change the next EoD time, but will simply add time to the next game day.
  • Town and Mafia win conditions are public knowledge, and are listed in the Game Information post. Other win conditions may be present in the game, and any/all third party player(s) will be announced alongside their win condition(s) at the end of the game.
  • The game will reach a natural conclusion when a game-ending faction has achieved its win condition, or when no players belonging to a game-ending faction are left alive. A game-ending faction is one whose win condition directly contradicts the win condition of any other game-ending faction (Town and Mafia are both game-ending factions).
  • If three consecutive days and nights elapse without any faction making progress towards its win condition, the game will end in a draw.
  • I reserve the right to add or modify rules as I see fit while the game is in play, as no set of rules is ever complete. This will be announced to the thread as necessary.
  • Word of Mod is final. I and any comods I may have are the final say, and I reserve the right to hand down punishment as I see fit. Please respect my judgement.
  • Punishments may be a warning, force-replacement, or modkill, depending on severity of the infraction. Generally, I will NOT modkill unless your slot’s integrity has been compromised.

  • You should play to win, ie: play to your win condition. Gamethrowing is not appreciated.
  • Play with respect to both moderator(s) and your fellow players. There are people on the other side of the screen.
  • Faking breaking the rules is the same as breaking the rules. Play to the SPIRIT of the rules, not the LETTER.
  • If at any point you are uncertain about the rules, please do not hesitate to ask. In this case, it is NOT better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission.
  • Be civil. Aggressive and/or abrasive behavior is expected and allowed, but personal attacks against players is not okay. I will step in if I notice a major issue happening, but do not be afraid to ping me and/or message me if you see or experience something happening. My definition of what’s too much may be different from yours.
  • Do not go out of your way to be obnoxious. Do not spam large gifs or images to the thread or make your posts unreadable (ex, transparent text, encryption, or size 1 text).
  • Do not use provable randomization.
  • Angleshooting is not allowed. Do not exploit loopholes, “ruleslawyer”, etc.
  • Baiting a modkill is not cool and will be punished.
  • Do not talk about other, ongoing games, be it this one or any other game on or off the Flight Rising site, in a way that will compromise that game’s integrity. Anything more than “I am/was in X game” should not be talked about while it is in play.
  • Players are expected to abide not only by the rules placed on this game by me, but also to continue to follow all Rules and Guidelines and the Code of Conduct for Flight Rising at all times during the course of the game. Breaking either of these is grounds for immediate modkill without warning.

Activity and Posting
  • This game is a non-RP game. Do not RP a dragon and especially not your role.
  • Do not edit or delete posts. This is to prevent mafia from redacting slips. If you would like to delete a double-post of the same post, this is permissible.
  • Once you are dead, you are dead. There is no final goodbye, last words, or will. If you are no longer in the game for any reason, do not post in the game threads until the end of the game.
  • If you are not an active player in this game (such as, you are a spectator, substitute, or other community member that is not a moderator or staff of Flight Rising), do not post in this game until after the game has finished.
  • If you are not in the game and would like to spectate, become a substitute, or have any questions or concerns, please PM any of the moderator(s).
  • Activity in this game counts as posting in the Discussion thread. You must post at least 5 time(s) per game phase, and at least once in a 24-hour span. If you miss either of these, you will be prodded. Missing it a second time will result in force replacement.

  • Private communication is any communication that you have had directly with the moderator(s) or other players in the game through any means.
  • Out of thread (OOT), non-mod-sanctioned, game-related communication is not allowed with any living or substitute player. Certain roles may allow out of thread communication to occur. You will be informed of this by a moderator.
  • You may chat TO a person who is not alive in the game or a substitute (meaning you may chat with dead players, spectators, and unrelated community members) as long as you make it clear to the other person that they are not to respond. Dead players who are in both spoiled and unspoiled spectator chat are not to make any mention of the spectator chat or any spoilers known to spectator chat.
  • Replacement out of the game is to be done privately to a moderator by either PM or through your QT. Do not post that you are replacing out in any game-related public thread or mod-sanctioned chat. The moderator(s) reserves the right to deny replacement for reasons that are not legitimate (such as “I don’t want to be mafia/town”).
  • Do not directly quote, copy-paste, or screenshot anything that you have been told through private communication. Paraphrasing is fine, as well as quoting from any game thread.
  • All players are given access to private QuickTopics, or QTs. Please use these for questions and for submission of actions. These are considered private communication. Do not share these links until the game has ended.
  • PLEASE make sure to check your QuickTopics. They are provided to you for a reason. You will receive any night action results and death notifications through QT. The only people who are allowed to view the QuickTopic are people who have the link to it. That will be you and the moderator(s) only while the game is ongoing.
  • PMing the moderator(s) should be done in an emergency only. Please use your QuickTopic for pretty much everything else. If you must PM, please include the game name in the subject.
  • Do not talk to players who are in this game about game-related things.
  • I will not lie to you. I may answer vaguely, or say “No comment” or “I cannot answer that at this time”, but I will not directly lie to you if you ask a question about the game.
  • Certain roles may override certain rules stated. Please do not panic.
Kirk, FR +2
[center][size=6][b]Mechanics[/b][/size][/center] [center][size=5][u]Actions and Abilities[/u][/size][/center] [list][*]Actions are any ability or abilities used during the game. Any ability or abilities you possess are detailed in your role sheet. [*][b]Ability use must be submitted through QuickTopic[/b]. The only exception is [LIGHTNING] abilities. [*]If you do not submit an action, your ability will not auto-fire. You will simply no action. [*]Abilities take place in a specific order. The precise order of resolution will not be revealed. Your ability may fail inexplicably without your knowledge, and you will not be informed if your ability failed, unless you would otherwise receive a result. Not everything will be announced in the EoD post and/or sent as night results to you or your target. [*]You may only use one ability per day. You may have multiple abilities. [*]Some abilities may be preceded by a useage tag, which will be in brackets. The following useage tags are possible in this game: [list][*][b][ACTIVE][/b] abilities must be triggered by QT. [*][b][PASSIVE][/b] abilities always in effect and occur when their conditions are met. By default, these do not replace any other submitted ability unless specified in the ability. [*][b][FACTIONAL][/b] abilities are able to be used once per day by the entire faction. These abilities are not visible to abilities that can see abilities. [*][b][FREE][/b] abilities may be used with other abilities. You may only use one [FREE] ability per day. [*][b][TRANSCENDENTAL][/b] abilities cannot be affected by any other ability, and “occur” before any other ability. [*][b][LIGHTNING][/b] abilities occur as soon as they are seen by the moderator. They are also known as instant abilities or day abilities, and have a special condition for use. [*][b][NONCONSECUTIVE][/b] abilities may not be used multiple nights in a row. [*][b][X-SHOT][/b] abilities are limited use abilities, where X is the number of times the ability may be used during the game. You will always be told how many shots remain on your ability as a night result upon use.[/list] [*]Unless explicitly stated, you may not self-action. [*]Lightning abilities can only be submitted up to one hour prior to lockdown in order to allow time to see, process, and make any announcements related to the ability. Please follow the instructions for use as detailed in the ability - if you do not, your action will not fire. [/list] [center][size=5][u]Voting and Lynching[/u][/size][/center] [list][*]Voting will take place in a separate lynch thread. There is no format needed for voting. [*]Lynches will be determined by simple plurality. The player with the highest number of votes, no matter how many, will be lynched. [*]This game does not have a hammer if a majority is reached. [*]You may make as many vote changes as you like by [s]striking through[/s] your previous vote and casting a new one below it. [b]Do not erase your old votes![/b] The final name on your vote post when lockdown occurs will be the person your vote is cast upon. The No Editing rule does not apply to the lynch thread. [*]If two or more players are tied for the highest number of votes, no lynch will occur. [*]If there must be a lynch and two or more players are tied, the oldest-held vote will be used to break the tie. [*]A [b]No Vote[/b] is different from a [b]No Lynch[/b]. No Votes are abstention from voting - you choose to cast no vote. A No Lynch is a vote for no lynch to occur. [*]Ties between a player and No Lynch results in a player lynch. [*]Do not use nicknames when voting. Please use either the player’s full username or the hydra name, if applicable. If the moderators cannot determine who your vote is for, it will count as No Vote. [*]Any votes for moderator(s) will be interpreted as a vote for yourself. [/list] [i]**Huge thank you to Stanari, for her nice and comprehensive rule and mechanics sets that I have shamelessly [s]stolen[/s] borrowed from! She knows exactly what she contributed ^^**[/i]

Actions and Abilities
  • Actions are any ability or abilities used during the game. Any ability or abilities you possess are detailed in your role sheet.
  • Ability use must be submitted through QuickTopic. The only exception is [LIGHTNING] abilities.
  • If you do not submit an action, your ability will not auto-fire. You will simply no action.
  • Abilities take place in a specific order. The precise order of resolution will not be revealed. Your ability may fail inexplicably without your knowledge, and you will not be informed if your ability failed, unless you would otherwise receive a result. Not everything will be announced in the EoD post and/or sent as night results to you or your target.
  • You may only use one ability per day. You may have multiple abilities.
  • Some abilities may be preceded by a useage tag, which will be in brackets. The following useage tags are possible in this game:
    • [ACTIVE] abilities must be triggered by QT.
    • [PASSIVE] abilities always in effect and occur when their conditions are met. By default, these do not replace any other submitted ability unless specified in the ability.
    • [FACTIONAL] abilities are able to be used once per day by the entire faction. These abilities are not visible to abilities that can see abilities.
    • [FREE] abilities may be used with other abilities. You may only use one [FREE] ability per day.
    • [TRANSCENDENTAL] abilities cannot be affected by any other ability, and “occur” before any other ability.
    • [LIGHTNING] abilities occur as soon as they are seen by the moderator. They are also known as instant abilities or day abilities, and have a special condition for use.
    • [NONCONSECUTIVE] abilities may not be used multiple nights in a row.
    • [X-SHOT] abilities are limited use abilities, where X is the number of times the ability may be used during the game. You will always be told how many shots remain on your ability as a night result upon use.
  • Unless explicitly stated, you may not self-action.
  • Lightning abilities can only be submitted up to one hour prior to lockdown in order to allow time to see, process, and make any announcements related to the ability. Please follow the instructions for use as detailed in the ability - if you do not, your action will not fire.

Voting and Lynching
  • Voting will take place in a separate lynch thread. There is no format needed for voting.
  • Lynches will be determined by simple plurality. The player with the highest number of votes, no matter how many, will be lynched.
  • This game does not have a hammer if a majority is reached.
  • You may make as many vote changes as you like by striking through your previous vote and casting a new one below it. Do not erase your old votes! The final name on your vote post when lockdown occurs will be the person your vote is cast upon. The No Editing rule does not apply to the lynch thread.
  • If two or more players are tied for the highest number of votes, no lynch will occur.
  • If there must be a lynch and two or more players are tied, the oldest-held vote will be used to break the tie.
  • A No Vote is different from a No Lynch. No Votes are abstention from voting - you choose to cast no vote. A No Lynch is a vote for no lynch to occur.
  • Ties between a player and No Lynch results in a player lynch.
  • Do not use nicknames when voting. Please use either the player’s full username or the hydra name, if applicable. If the moderators cannot determine who your vote is for, it will count as No Vote.
  • Any votes for moderator(s) will be interpreted as a vote for yourself.

**Huge thank you to Stanari, for her nice and comprehensive rule and mechanics sets that I have shamelessly stolen borrowed from! She knows exactly what she contributed ^^**
Kirk, FR +2
[center][size=6][b]Setup and Game Information[/b][/size][/center] [quote=About This Game] [b]Game Style[/b]: Non-RP [b]Setup Type[/b]: U-Pick; Role Madness [b]Power Level[/b]: Moderate (each role has at least one active ability) [b]Player Count[/b]: 20-25 [b]Phase Length[/b]: 46/2 (Lockdown-style) [b]Start/End of Day[/b]: 17:00 Lockdown begins, 19:00 Lockdown ends [b]Experience Requirements[/b]: None [b]Activity Requirements[/b]: 5 posts per day minimum, at least 1 post per 24 hours [b]Expected Post Volume[/b]: 20-30 pages per 24 hours [b]Mechanical Complexity[/b]: Moderate (role complexity anticipated; mechanics are basic mafia) [b]Alignments Possible[/b]: Single groupscum faction, potential for 3rd Party alignments [b]Lynch Type[/b]: Plurality, majority does not end day early [b]Flip Type[/b]: Role name and alignment, no abilities [b]B/stard Elements[/b]: Potential for deceptive night results (ie Godfather) [b]Out of Thread Communication[/b]: None [b]Hydras[/b]: 18-20 Players: At most 3 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra 21-25 Players: At most 4 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra [/quote] [center][s]Signups[/s] | [url=]Discussion Thread[/url] | [url=]Lynch Thread[/url][/center] [b][color=green]TOWN[/color] Win Condition[/b] You win when all factions that cannot win with Town are eliminated and at least one member of the Town faction remains alive at game conclusion. [b][color=red]MAFIA[/color] Win Condition[/b] You win when all factions that cannot win with Mafia are eliminated, or when nothing can prevent this from occurring, and at least one member of the Mafia faction remains alive at game conclusion. [i]In order for any win condition to be valid, the game must reach a natural conclusion. If the game is called by the moderator(s) for any reason, the game ends automatically in a draw among all factions, whether alive or dead.[/i] [center][size=6][b]Historical Pick Guidelines[/b][/size][/center] PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION. There are a few guidelines that MUST be followed when choosing historical figures. This helps keep the game interesting and makes it easier for me to create and design roles for the game. [list][*]The historical figures must be REAL, human historical figures. Fictional characters (such as Sherlock Holmes) or historical objects (Marie Antoinette's cake) are not allowed to be choices. [*]All figures must have been dead for at least 20 years (latest date of death is 1997). [*]You may not choose anyone who has appeared in a previous game of Historical Mafia. An alphabetized list of all picks from previous HistMafs can be found on [url=]this document[/url]. [*]Please keep all picks tasteful and within the FR guidelines. Do not choose someone who could get me (or you) banned. Certain historical figures (such as a certain WWII dictator) will be thrown out immediately. I reserve the right to make the 'tasteful' distinction at my leisure.[/list] In general: historical persons who had an important invention, breakthrough, military/political importance, or who have some sort of historical significance are much easier to create picks for. If you would like to make an obscure pick, please include links or more information so I can do research on that person. [b]Please choose no more or no less than 5 historical figures[/b] and rank them in order 1 to 5. While I will not always choose the first person on your list (someone else may have that choice, or someone lower on your list may make a better role), I will still take your ranking into account when designing your role. Do not choose picks hoping to get a specific role. While I like to choose abilities that mimic something the person did in life, if you choose all detectives in an attempt to fish for a role, I can and will find something obscure for you to play. You have been warned. Once you have been confirmed in the game, please send me your list as soon as possible. I must have all lists by the time signups end. The sooner you get your list in to me, the more likely chance you have of a) getting a role higher on your list, as all roles are first come, first serve, and b) the better your role is likely to be, because I will have had more time to work on your role.
Setup and Game Information
About This Game wrote:
Game Style: Non-RP
Setup Type: U-Pick; Role Madness
Power Level: Moderate (each role has at least one active ability)
Player Count: 20-25
Phase Length: 46/2 (Lockdown-style)
Start/End of Day: 17:00 Lockdown begins, 19:00 Lockdown ends
Experience Requirements: None
Activity Requirements: 5 posts per day minimum, at least 1 post per 24 hours
Expected Post Volume: 20-30 pages per 24 hours

Mechanical Complexity: Moderate (role complexity anticipated; mechanics are basic mafia)
Alignments Possible: Single groupscum faction, potential for 3rd Party alignments
Lynch Type: Plurality, majority does not end day early
Flip Type: Role name and alignment, no abilities
B/stard Elements: Potential for deceptive night results (ie Godfather)
Out of Thread Communication: None
Hydras: 18-20 Players: At most 3 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra
21-25 Players: At most 4 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra

TOWN Win Condition
You win when all factions that cannot win with Town are eliminated and at least one member of the Town faction remains alive at game conclusion.

MAFIA Win Condition
You win when all factions that cannot win with Mafia are eliminated, or when nothing can prevent this from occurring, and at least one member of the Mafia faction remains alive at game conclusion.

In order for any win condition to be valid, the game must reach a natural conclusion. If the game is called by the moderator(s) for any reason, the game ends automatically in a draw among all factions, whether alive or dead.

Historical Pick Guidelines

PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION. There are a few guidelines that MUST be followed when choosing historical figures. This helps keep the game interesting and makes it easier for me to create and design roles for the game.
  • The historical figures must be REAL, human historical figures. Fictional characters (such as Sherlock Holmes) or historical objects (Marie Antoinette's cake) are not allowed to be choices.
  • All figures must have been dead for at least 20 years (latest date of death is 1997).
  • You may not choose anyone who has appeared in a previous game of Historical Mafia. An alphabetized list of all picks from previous HistMafs can be found on this document.
  • Please keep all picks tasteful and within the FR guidelines. Do not choose someone who could get me (or you) banned. Certain historical figures (such as a certain WWII dictator) will be thrown out immediately. I reserve the right to make the 'tasteful' distinction at my leisure.

In general: historical persons who had an important invention, breakthrough, military/political importance, or who have some sort of historical significance are much easier to create picks for. If you would like to make an obscure pick, please include links or more information so I can do research on that person.

Please choose no more or no less than 5 historical figures and rank them in order 1 to 5. While I will not always choose the first person on your list (someone else may have that choice, or someone lower on your list may make a better role), I will still take your ranking into account when designing your role.

Do not choose picks hoping to get a specific role. While I like to choose abilities that mimic something the person did in life, if you choose all detectives in an attempt to fish for a role, I can and will find something obscure for you to play. You have been warned.

Once you have been confirmed in the game, please send me your list as soon as possible. I must have all lists by the time signups end. The sooner you get your list in to me, the more likely chance you have of a) getting a role higher on your list, as all roles are first come, first serve, and b) the better your role is likely to be, because I will have had more time to work on your role.
Kirk, FR +2
Kirk, FR +2
[center][img][/img][/center] [b]Non-RP Style Mafia[/b]: [size=1]@MathGirl277, @Chaoticreactions, @passingavery, @Tsaiah, @Firo, @Leucoss, @Varikset, @kirkfan2255, @IndigoPi, @ashestoashes, @Stanari, @AureaImperatrix, @Chuck, @wbq, @InuKimi, @OblitusBellum, @WolfSong, @earendils, @DJFeather, @Geoff, @RedDragonD, @FloatingInSpace, @Shadowlugia711, @LordAlois, @Detroness, @Fallencrow, @Mithent, @KathiraNarae, @marchhare, @NekoNikki, @Valheru, @ChaoticKagura, @Nightlock, @Bequerel, @Peroxides, @Imraldera, @Kalideoscope, @ChibiKittens, @GrimMistress, @Bearclaws, @TanakaTheWarlock, @yogsloth, @ExoticBacoe, @Ravenwolf, @SmolPeridot, @Raya36, @nsts, @FretfulSardines, @Rangiku, @skeletalecho, @Fil, @raiccoon, @FM84, @DuskyAether, @Journey, @m00nbird, @Nightrising, @Tanglefire, @Wyxamex, @Druddigon8, @heartcrusher1, @Peachycupcake525, @smilefires, @xarellax, @Cronch, @Dawnbreeze, @Reiark, @QiEclipse, @beruru, @JackalJames, @Silverfrost, @Ninjacatblue, @keraunic, @Narumitsu, @Elroking, @Kahvinporo, @ophician, @Casiope, @WaterWolf600, @TheSpine, @Shengrila, @WilltayC, @amapup, @MurasakiSama, @Wolfpack1216r, @SmashedFish, @FunFilledWTFery, @Corial, @JohnWatsGoingOn, @WolfSong, @DreamAlex, @CrazyRedFire, @Wintrymix, @MystRunner, @Holi, @Werelynx, @WynterDragen, @ThisOneIsBlue, @CakeOn, @EccentricElf23, @PandaMimi, @marchhare, @Ambrose, @Beheaded, @tinydobes, @CinnabarCobra, @starseer, @YaBoiGuzma, @Valgami, @Percifrax, @TheMemeTeam, @chiono, @Fortuna, @Duracraft27, @SilverWinter, @Cosmopoeia, @Leremis, @StormDreamer, @Epioth, @Rosetta248, @PaintingWithFire, @Rocnix, @anika, @LittleFirefly, @Craneoflores, @Tristess, @VivaFariy, @Frayxing, @Kapara, @Winterreise, @8uny, @DerpKing52, @Vrykolakas, @Moonwater, @84inch, @Kimdra, @MagykalWagykal, @xspideray, @TheNightDancer, @Kallistrate, @Arelia, @demoliceros, @WestWindSentinel, @Mue, @Crowlich, @Maithax, @Artgeekallday, @Kamme, @GilatheHybrid, @Crumbleless, @Solanceae, @Teadwin, @timetot, @Combtaystic, @Shimmerwing, @Alphanix, @MrFrenchFrybrows, @Phaedra, @WyvernWarrior, @LordMeikai[/size] [center]Please use the [url=]IMH Spreadsheet[/url] for the most up-to-date pinglists.[/center] Hello the pinglist! This is the final Historical Mafia, and you've been invited to play! Please make sure you read through ALL the information above, especially the pick guidelines in the 4th post. [quote=About This Game] [b]Game Style[/b]: Non-RP [b]Setup Type[/b]: U-Pick; Role Madness [b]Power Level[/b]: Moderate (each role has at least one active ability) [b]Player Count[/b]: 20-25 [b]Phase Length[/b]: 46/2 (Lockdown-style) [b]Start/End of Day[/b]: 17:00 Lockdown begins, 19:00 Lockdown ends [b]Experience Requirements[/b]: None [b]Activity Requirements[/b]: 5 posts per day minimum, at least 1 post per 24 hours [b]Expected Post Volume[/b]: 20-30 pages per 24 hours [b]Mechanical Complexity[/b]: Moderate (role complexity anticipated; mechanics are basic mafia) [b]Alignments Possible[/b]: Single groupscum faction, potential for 3rd Party alignments [b]Lynch Type[/b]: Plurality, majority does not end day early [b]Flip Type[/b]: Role name and alignment, no abilities [b]B/stard Elements[/b]: Potential for deceptive night results (ie Godfather) [b]Out of Thread Communication[/b]: None [b]Hydras[/b]: 18-20 Players: At most 3 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra 21-25 Players: At most 4 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra [/quote]

Non-RP Style Mafia: @MathGirl277, @Chaoticreactions, @passingavery, @Tsaiah, @Firo, @Leucoss, @Varikset, @kirkfan2255, @IndigoPi, @ashestoashes, @Stanari, @AureaImperatrix, @Chuck, @wbq, @InuKimi, @OblitusBellum, @WolfSong, @earendils, @DJFeather, @Geoff, @RedDragonD, @FloatingInSpace, @Shadowlugia711, @LordAlois, @Detroness, @Fallencrow, @Mithent, @KathiraNarae, @marchhare, @NekoNikki, @Valheru, @ChaoticKagura, @Nightlock, @Bequerel, @Peroxides, @Imraldera, @Kalideoscope, @ChibiKittens, @GrimMistress, @Bearclaws, @TanakaTheWarlock, @yogsloth, @ExoticBacoe, @Ravenwolf, @SmolPeridot, @Raya36, @nsts, @FretfulSardines, @Rangiku, @skeletalecho, @Fil, @raiccoon, @FM84, @DuskyAether, @Journey, @m00nbird, @Nightrising, @Tanglefire, @Wyxamex, @Druddigon8, @heartcrusher1, @Peachycupcake525, @smilefires, @xarellax, @Cronch, @Dawnbreeze, @Reiark, @QiEclipse, @beruru, @JackalJames, @Silverfrost, @Ninjacatblue, @keraunic, @Narumitsu, @Elroking, @Kahvinporo, @ophician, @Casiope, @WaterWolf600, @TheSpine, @Shengrila, @WilltayC, @amapup, @MurasakiSama, @Wolfpack1216r, @SmashedFish, @FunFilledWTFery, @Corial, @JohnWatsGoingOn, @WolfSong, @DreamAlex, @CrazyRedFire, @Wintrymix, @MystRunner, @Holi, @Werelynx, @WynterDragen, @ThisOneIsBlue, @CakeOn, @EccentricElf23, @PandaMimi, @marchhare, @Ambrose, @Beheaded, @tinydobes, @CinnabarCobra, @starseer, @YaBoiGuzma, @Valgami, @Percifrax, @TheMemeTeam, @chiono, @Fortuna, @Duracraft27, @SilverWinter, @Cosmopoeia, @Leremis, @StormDreamer, @Epioth, @Rosetta248, @PaintingWithFire, @Rocnix, @anika, @LittleFirefly, @Craneoflores, @Tristess, @VivaFariy, @Frayxing, @Kapara, @Winterreise, @8uny, @DerpKing52, @Vrykolakas, @Moonwater, @84inch, @Kimdra, @MagykalWagykal, @xspideray, @TheNightDancer, @Kallistrate, @Arelia, @demoliceros, @WestWindSentinel, @Mue, @Crowlich, @Maithax, @Artgeekallday, @Kamme, @GilatheHybrid, @Crumbleless, @Solanceae, @Teadwin, @timetot, @Combtaystic, @Shimmerwing, @Alphanix, @MrFrenchFrybrows, @Phaedra, @WyvernWarrior, @LordMeikai
Please use the IMH Spreadsheet for the most up-to-date pinglists.

Hello the pinglist! This is the final Historical Mafia, and you've been invited to play! Please make sure you read through ALL the information above, especially the pick guidelines in the 4th post.
About This Game wrote:
Game Style: Non-RP
Setup Type: U-Pick; Role Madness
Power Level: Moderate (each role has at least one active ability)
Player Count: 20-25
Phase Length: 46/2 (Lockdown-style)
Start/End of Day: 17:00 Lockdown begins, 19:00 Lockdown ends
Experience Requirements: None
Activity Requirements: 5 posts per day minimum, at least 1 post per 24 hours
Expected Post Volume: 20-30 pages per 24 hours

Mechanical Complexity: Moderate (role complexity anticipated; mechanics are basic mafia)
Alignments Possible: Single groupscum faction, potential for 3rd Party alignments
Lynch Type: Plurality, majority does not end day early
Flip Type: Role name and alignment, no abilities
B/stard Elements: Potential for deceptive night results (ie Godfather)
Out of Thread Communication: None
Hydras: 18-20 Players: At most 3 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra
21-25 Players: At most 4 hydras, no more than 2 heads per hydra
Kirk, FR +2
@kirkfan2255 I AM SO IN. PLEASE.
@kirkfan2255 I AM SO IN. PLEASE.
tumblr_inline_nrfex33sDc1rbfe8q_500.gif Leremis

Hydraing with @StormDreamer. Storm, confirm?

Hydraing with @StormDreamer. Storm, confirm?
@kirkfan2255 I haven't participated in the past historical mafias, but if that's okay, I'd love to join.
@kirkfan2255 I haven't participated in the past historical mafias, but if that's okay, I'd love to join.
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