[quote name="InkwellRaven" date="2020-01-16 13:47:44" ]
Hey Trista! You’re quite colorful, but which color is your favorite?
"That is a hard question that you have asked me! I truly love all of them, but I love the color of my husband Nadean's eyes the most. He rarely shows them as it is, but whenever I get to see the nice periwinkle color of his eyes, it does bring a smile to my face."
InkwellRaven wrote on 2020-01-16 13:47:44:
Hey Trista! You’re quite colorful, but which color is your favorite?
"That is a hard question that you have asked me! I truly love all of them, but I love the color of my husband Nadean's eyes the most. He rarely shows them as it is, but whenever I get to see the nice periwinkle color of his eyes, it does bring a smile to my face."
A Tale of Brothers
The first brother asked for meaning and got destruction and terror in return.
The second brother asked for power and became twisted and evil in his soul.
The third brother asked for love and got killed and resurrected as a different man.
The fourth brother asked for family and was left to rot alone in the darkness.
[quote=Aschefall][columns][img]https://flightrising.com/rendern/portraits/133193/13319213p.png[/img][nextcol]The large engine, steam puffing out of her funnel as Flamme feeds her fire in preparation for the next stage of her journey, is stopped beside you. At being addressed a form shimmers gradually into being, taking the approximate form of a large black guardian. She stands as tall as the engine, but is ever so slightly translucent. To have a voice, Aschefall must first have a mouth.[/columns]
[columns][color=transparent]************[/color][nextcol]"If I get rusty?" she asks, sounding almost amused by the idea. "Rust is a sign of neglect, and I can assure you that my crew neglect me no more than I neglect them." As her manifested form takes the appearance of a guardian dragon, it is highly unlikely that Aschefall neglects her crew. "I am well-maintained at all times; my engineers are vigilant and thorough in their work."
She looks around, towards her rear-most carriages. "They are busy, or I would introduce you. One of the communication ports was damaged in the storm last night, and it is imperative they get it up and running as soon as possible so our clients can contact us, which is why both of them are working on it. Usually, they specialise into their own areas and don't work together on projects, but on occasions such as these both their expertise are required."
There's a rush of steam from the area of the engine's wheels, and she dips her head briefly before dematerialising. The large train slowly starts to pull away, Klinge whooping madly in her cab even as Kohle yells at him from above.[/columns][/quote]
[i](I don't have either engineer dragon yet, but I have plans for a lightning and fire duo - one to deal with the electronics and the other to maintain Aschefall and her track)[/i]
[b]Lokir[/b], your front claw is looking rather... gunky. What happened to it?
[size=2][i]Anyone in "Fukutsu no Seishin", "The Ashfall Express" and both lair and den "Fandragon" tabs are available to answer questions![/i][/size]
Aschefall wrote:
The large engine, steam puffing out of her funnel as Flamme feeds her fire in preparation for the next stage of her journey, is stopped beside you. At being addressed a form shimmers gradually into being, taking the approximate form of a large black guardian. She stands as tall as the engine, but is ever so slightly translucent. To have a voice, Aschefall must first have a mouth.
"If I get rusty?" she asks, sounding almost amused by the idea. "Rust is a sign of neglect, and I can assure you that my crew neglect me no more than I neglect them." As her manifested form takes the appearance of a guardian dragon, it is highly unlikely that Aschefall neglects her crew. "I am well-maintained at all times; my engineers are vigilant and thorough in their work."
She looks around, towards her rear-most carriages. "They are busy, or I would introduce you. One of the communication ports was damaged in the storm last night, and it is imperative they get it up and running as soon as possible so our clients can contact us, which is why both of them are working on it. Usually, they specialise into their own areas and don't work together on projects, but on occasions such as these both their expertise are required."
There's a rush of steam from the area of the engine's wheels, and she dips her head briefly before dematerialising. The large train slowly starts to pull away, Klinge whooping madly in her cab even as Kohle yells at him from above.
(I don't have either engineer dragon yet, but I have plans for a lightning and fire duo - one to deal with the electronics and the other to maintain Aschefall and her track)
Lokir, your front claw is looking rather... gunky. What happened to it?
Anyone in "Fukutsu no Seishin", "The Ashfall Express" and both lair and den "Fandragon" tabs are available to answer questions!
Tsari; she/her; FR+8
Korogi, I’ve heard that your inventions are neat! Have you ever made anything with....unintended consequences?
Korogi, I’ve heard that your inventions are neat! Have you ever made anything with....unintended consequences?
So, uh.. Death, would you ever teach another dragon how to do blood magic?[/center]
So, uh.. Death, would you ever teach another dragon how to do blood magic?
[quote name="@Abbibbiey" date="2020-01-16 16:27:44" ]
So, uh.. Death, would you ever teach another dragon how to do blood magic?[/center]
Death frowns. “Do I look like a mentor to you!?” he snaps, throwing his pearl at you and missing by a hair. “Get out.”
So, uh.. Death, would you ever teach another dragon how to do blood magic?[/center]
Death frowns. “Do I look like a mentor to you!?” he snaps, throwing his pearl at you and missing by a hair. “Get out.”
So Stan I see you like... bones. [emoji=ridgeback scared size=1] Do you like hunting or fighting by chance (and are those bones of animals or unfortunate dragon that crossed you)?
So Stan I see you like... bones.
Do you like hunting or fighting by chance (and are those bones of animals or unfortunate dragon that crossed you)?
[quote name="Lednik" date="2020-01-16 21:22:10" ]
So Stan I see you like... bones. [emoji=ridgeback scared size=1] Do you like hunting or fighting by chance (and are those bones of animals or unfortunate dragon that crossed you)?
[i][b]"[/b]I do like bones, I think they are beautiful. It is... I suppose, a hobby that I began during my travels through the Scarred Wastelands just after meeting [url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&id=234916&tab=dragon&did=31343811]Nakesha[/url]... Some dragons in the wastelands used bones of their enemies as armor, showing them off as trophies... I am no fighter though. I hope to keep the spirits of these creatures alive by celebrating their beauty, even in death. While some bones are given to me, typically, I find them when scavenging.[b]"[/b][/i]
Lednik wrote on 2020-01-16 21:22:10:
So Stan I see you like... bones.
Do you like hunting or fighting by chance (and are those bones of animals or unfortunate dragon that crossed you)?
"I do like bones, I think they are beautiful. It is... I suppose, a hobby that I began during my travels through the Scarred Wastelands just after meeting Nakesha... Some dragons in the wastelands used bones of their enemies as armor, showing them off as trophies... I am no fighter though. I hope to keep the spirits of these creatures alive by celebrating their beauty, even in death. While some bones are given to me, typically, I find them when scavenging."
[quote name="TsarinaTorment" date="2020-01-16 12:02:48" ]
[b]Hewn[/b], do your shardflanks have any impact on your movement?
[size=2][i]Anyone in "Fukutsu no Seishin", "The Ashfall Express" and both lair and den "Fandragon" tabs are available to answer questions![/i][/size]
The gaoler taps his claws against bare stone and sighs in a long, slow puff of steam. "My wings are not so useful as they could be," he admits. "They cannot be stretched forward as much as I would like, to help with digging and climbing. And I cannot lie any way at all but on my belly. But it does not trouble me unduly. There are worse afflictions." He shakes himself, spikes all a-rattling as he moves. "I am fortunate in that shardflank does not [i]encrust[/i] in the way of gembond. Far more limiting, that. Far less simple to deal with. I would not wish to be born a tundra and suffer being encased by my own body, frozen like the Warden's worst prisoners."
Wail, you look fancy as anything! What kind of shop do you run in your clan's square? What patrons do you serve? What are some things you don't like about business, and what are some things you love about it?
(To anyone who picks me - anyone but Clan Starscythe or my sales tab, please! I'd love some idea seeds to write from.)
TsarinaTorment wrote on 2020-01-16 12:02:48:
Hewn, do your shardflanks have any impact on your movement?
Anyone in "Fukutsu no Seishin", "The Ashfall Express" and both lair and den "Fandragon" tabs are available to answer questions!
The gaoler taps his claws against bare stone and sighs in a long, slow puff of steam. "My wings are not so useful as they could be," he admits. "They cannot be stretched forward as much as I would like, to help with digging and climbing. And I cannot lie any way at all but on my belly. But it does not trouble me unduly. There are worse afflictions." He shakes himself, spikes all a-rattling as he moves. "I am fortunate in that shardflank does not
encrust in the way of gembond. Far more limiting, that. Far less simple to deal with. I would not wish to be born a tundra and suffer being encased by my own body, frozen like the Warden's worst prisoners."
Wail, you look fancy as anything! What kind of shop do you run in your clan's square? What patrons do you serve? What are some things you don't like about business, and what are some things you love about it?
(To anyone who picks me - anyone but Clan Starscythe or my sales tab, please! I'd love some idea seeds to write from.)
Eldur, do you wish to be bigger or are you content with your current size? Do you think that being bigger would make your job easier? Also, why do you hate hugs so much?
Eldur, do you wish to be bigger or are you content with your current size? Do you think that being bigger would make your job easier? Also, why do you hate hugs so much?
Hey Glitch, is there something you find difficult to hack into?
Hey Glitch, is there something you find difficult to hack into?