
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Dung. Expl. (Ice)
Look in another bag 2
Look in another bag 2
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] The various scattered boulders do not instill much confidence in Joan. Which one is more at risk of caving in, the trench or the tunnel...? She's already deep in the... whatever place this is... And she's reluctant to go deeper. Joan walks down the trench.


The various scattered boulders do not instill much confidence in Joan. Which one is more at risk of caving in, the trench or the tunnel...?
She's already deep in the... whatever place this is... And she's reluctant to go deeper.

Joan walks down the trench.

mx91000.png zj1KpgF.png mrGmJvh.png
Investigate the crystals!
Investigate the crystals!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] With a "Mmm?" As the Tundra comes into the room, pleased by the presence of another adventurer. He chooses to do much the same and [b]investigate the crystals [/b]. He eyes the hole in the wall but it seems Tight, unfavorably so. Too much potential for disaster, to many routes you can't turn back on. So far his path has been pretty straightforward and returning was still and option.


With a "Mmm?" As the Tundra comes into the room, pleased by the presence of another adventurer. He chooses to do much the same and investigate the crystals . He eyes the hole in the wall but it seems Tight, unfavorably so. Too much potential for disaster, to many routes you can't turn back on. So far his path has been pretty straightforward and returning was still and option.
Moonrise yells to the other dragon that she is going to press the button.
Moonrise yells to the other dragon that she is going to press the button.
A game I play while waiting
Pinging me? Don't forget the numbers!
Lenora looks behind her and flinches. Oh no. Not down there. She shakes her head and follows the path.
Lenora looks behind her and flinches. Oh no. Not down there. She shakes her head and follows the path.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Wading against the stream was pretty tiring, so this time Olivin picks the easy choice, and follows the right fork with rippling water


Wading against the stream was pretty tiring, so this time Olivin picks the easy choice, and follows the right fork with rippling water
Orchid sighs in disgust, and looks towards the ashes, putting the tattered papers into his bag.
Orchid sighs in disgust, and looks towards the ashes, putting the tattered papers into his bag.
aNHEZYf.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6ky5FlX1r2ao8y_540.pngTn4TEAZ.png+0 FRT ~ she/they ~ INFP
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] FrozenLake looks over at Fethawi. "I told you I could do it." She just huffs and tosses her head, settling down back on his shoulder. Her tail smacks the side of his neck but to her displeasure, he doesn't react. FrozenLake examined the two paths. Each one had possible advantages and disadvantages. Shrugging indifferently, he decides to head towards the wind source.


FrozenLake looks over at Fethawi. "I told you I could do it." She just huffs and tosses her head, settling down back on his shoulder. Her tail smacks the side of his neck but to her displeasure, he doesn't react. FrozenLake examined the two paths. Each one had possible advantages and disadvantages. Shrugging indifferently, he decides to head towards the wind source.

Opal shoves a flare of sorts in to her bag and goes to rip open another crate.

( 3 )
Opal shoves a flare of sorts in to her bag and goes to rip open another crate.

( 3 )
Only the wise can survive the cold , we are the storm that destroys the foolish || I use He/They/It pronouns!!