
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Dung. Expl. (Ice)
Imput a numper, (do I chose the numbers? 18)
Imput a numper, (do I chose the numbers? 18)
Dianqi pokes at the mirror briefly, tapping it thoughtfully with her claw. There must have been an experiment or something in here, but now there's nothing but shadows... or are they the experiment?

Unsettled and curious, Dianqi takes a look at the tubes, wondering what their purpose here is.
Dianqi pokes at the mirror briefly, tapping it thoughtfully with her claw. There must have been an experiment or something in here, but now there's nothing but shadows... or are they the experiment?

Unsettled and curious, Dianqi takes a look at the tubes, wondering what their purpose here is.
EASS%20button.png Ltb63I.pngjw9Tj1h.gifJmf0QJy.gif
@CrystalBones The terminal flashes. [quote=Terminal] [center]Incorrect passcode. Please enter correct passcode: _ _ [/center][/quote] Your eyes are once again drawn to the tapestry you took down earlier. Maybe they're somehow related? You see on it a more elaborate diagram of the previous inscription on the door, with the eleven interlocking circles. There seems to be an image of darkness stitched around the outer circles, with small stitches of darkness within each of the circles, almost like clouds. Do you choose to try and input a number in the terminal, go back to the room where the tundra skeleton attacked you, or head back to HQ? @DaybreakStorm You examine one of the tubes. It appears to be made of some unknown metal, with the wooden part treated with some sort of preservative to keep it from rotting. There also appears to be a small slot that's open on the top that could probably fit some sort of small object. There also is a button on the underside that looks like it could be pressed. Do you choose to take the tubes and crystals with you back to HQ, take only the tubes, take only the crystals, press the button on the tube you're examining, or return to HQ without anything from the room?

The terminal flashes.
Terminal wrote:
Incorrect passcode. Please enter correct passcode:
_ _

Your eyes are once again drawn to the tapestry you took down earlier. Maybe they're somehow related? You see on it a more elaborate diagram of the previous inscription on the door, with the eleven interlocking circles. There seems to be an image of darkness stitched around the outer circles, with small stitches of darkness within each of the circles, almost like clouds. Do you choose to try and input a number in the terminal, go back to the room where the tundra skeleton attacked you, or head back to HQ?


You examine one of the tubes. It appears to be made of some unknown metal, with the wooden part treated with some sort of preservative to keep it from rotting. There also appears to be a small slot that's open on the top that could probably fit some sort of small object. There also is a button on the underside that looks like it could be pressed. Do you choose to take the tubes and crystals with you back to HQ, take only the tubes, take only the crystals, press the button on the tube you're examining, or return to HQ without anything from the room?
Try to input eleven.
Try to input eleven.
A button? Dianqi looks at the pole, then at the crystals. Does it look like they might fit in the pole? (If yes, she puts it in first). Never leave a button unpressed - she pokes at it, keeping the other end pointed away from herself (preferably at the floor, not the mirror or window).
A button? Dianqi looks at the pole, then at the crystals. Does it look like they might fit in the pole? (If yes, she puts it in first). Never leave a button unpressed - she pokes at it, keeping the other end pointed away from herself (preferably at the floor, not the mirror or window).
EASS%20button.png Ltb63I.pngjw9Tj1h.gifJmf0QJy.gif
@CrystalBones The terminal flashes. [quote=Terminal][center]Passcode entered.[/center][/quote] The door opens. Inside you find what appears to be some sort of armory. There appears to be some fancy swords, spears, and what appears to be armor. Do you choose to investigate the swords and spears, investigate the armor, go back to the room where the tundra skeleton attacked you, or head back to HQ? @DaybreakStorm The crystal fits inside the pole. When you press the button, a light emits from the open end of the tube. You're not exactly sure what it does, but the shadows in the room seem to disappear when you pushed the button. Do you choose to take the tubes and crystals with you back to HQ, take only the tubes, take only the crystals, or return to HQ without anything from the room?

The terminal flashes.
Terminal wrote:
Passcode entered.

The door opens. Inside you find what appears to be some sort of armory. There appears to be some fancy swords, spears, and what appears to be armor. Do you choose to investigate the swords and spears, investigate the armor, go back to the room where the tundra skeleton attacked you, or head back to HQ?


The crystal fits inside the pole. When you press the button, a light emits from the open end of the tube. You're not exactly sure what it does, but the shadows in the room seem to disappear when you pushed the button. Do you choose to take the tubes and crystals with you back to HQ, take only the tubes, take only the crystals, or return to HQ without anything from the room?
Investigate the swords
Investigate the swords
"Oh!" Dianqi gapes at the light, and holds it high, like a torch. This will definitely make the trip back to HQ much less daunting. She gathers up both the tubes and crystals, and slowly treks back to civilization.
"Oh!" Dianqi gapes at the light, and holds it high, like a torch. This will definitely make the trip back to HQ much less daunting. She gathers up both the tubes and crystals, and slowly treks back to civilization.
EASS%20button.png Ltb63I.pngjw9Tj1h.gifJmf0QJy.gif
@Crystalbones The swords have hilts that are inlaid with some sort of gemstone, and the blades themselves shimmer with a faint light. Holding them makes you feel somewhat bolder. The swords each have a decorative motif on the blade, a faint purple circle on either side of the blade split by a ribbon of purple down the middle. The spears have a similar design, with the gemstone inlaid into the base of the shaft, and the same motif, slightly smaller, on the blade. Do you choose to investigate the armor, go back to the room where the tundra skeleton attacked you, or head back to HQ with the swords and spears? @DaybreakStorm You head back to HQ with the tubes and crystals. [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]"Welcome back; I see you've made it back with some in-ter-esting supplies. I've never seen anything like those tubes before, although I've heard rumors about crystals with enchanted energies but never saw one myself. You say that the tube lights up at the end when one of the crystals is inside? You may want Moondust to take a look at these then; there could be unforeseen consequences if you keep pressing that button, much like how Moondust and the rest of HQ were accidentally transported to this realm to begin with. I still have to wait for the other explorers though, so you go back first."[/columns] (Dungeon Over)

The swords have hilts that are inlaid with some sort of gemstone, and the blades themselves shimmer with a faint light. Holding them makes you feel somewhat bolder. The swords each have a decorative motif on the blade, a faint purple circle on either side of the blade split by a ribbon of purple down the middle. The spears have a similar design, with the gemstone inlaid into the base of the shaft, and the same motif, slightly smaller, on the blade. Do you choose to investigate the armor, go back to the room where the tundra skeleton attacked you, or head back to HQ with the swords and spears?


You head back to HQ with the tubes and crystals.

"Welcome back; I see you've made it back with some in-ter-esting supplies. I've never seen anything like those tubes before, although I've heard rumors about crystals with enchanted energies but never saw one myself. You say that the tube lights up at the end when one of the crystals is inside? You may want Moondust to take a look at these then; there could be unforeseen consequences if you keep pressing that button, much like how Moondust and the rest of HQ were accidentally transported to this realm to begin with. I still have to wait for the other explorers though, so you go back first."
(Dungeon Over)
Investigate the armor
Investigate the armor