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TOPIC | Fandom Hunger Games (CLOSED)
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YES my favorite cat(?) won the Games!! Congratulations @Lannisfire !!
YES my favorite cat(?) won the Games!! Congratulations @Lannisfire !!
[quote name="Lannisfire" date=2017-10-28 16:32:00] Well... Khosekh's species canonically have poisonous spines... he might have distracted his enemy with the weapon and then rammed the spines into their legs or something. [/quote] Interesting. But it DID say he killed with a HATCHET, so... -confused emoji-
Lannisfire wrote on 2017-10-28:
Well... Khosekh's species canonically have poisonous spines... he might have distracted his enemy with the weapon and then rammed the spines into their legs or something.
Interesting. But it DID say he killed with a HATCHET, so...

-confused emoji-
A good kitty! :D
I rly need to get back to listening to Nightvale--
A good kitty! :D
I rly need to get back to listening to Nightvale--
For the three eyed cat: I really have no clue. Probably carried it with his mouth then flung it or something.

And for the other cat: Yeah, I saw that. That really sucks, I'm super sorry for you x(
For the three eyed cat: I really have no clue. Probably carried it with his mouth then flung it or something.

And for the other cat: Yeah, I saw that. That really sucks, I'm super sorry for you x(

I still can't believe Edd and Ell died the same day. I thought they'd do better than that. I haven't had both my tributes dienat the same time in quite a while, and that must have been why it was such a shock. Ell was doing so well, too... she was... Pretty violent all three rounds. I lost her pretty early in game 1, and Edd early to a tribute i trusted in game 3. Ouch.

More than a few times, 2 of my other favorites would die at the same time as well...

I still can't believe Edd and Ell died the same day. I thought they'd do better than that. I haven't had both my tributes dienat the same time in quite a while, and that must have been why it was such a shock. Ell was doing so well, too... she was... Pretty violent all three rounds. I lost her pretty early in game 1, and Edd early to a tribute i trusted in game 3. Ouch.

More than a few times, 2 of my other favorites would die at the same time as well...
The Bloodbath X2
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Strongarm gathers as much food as she can.

Sapphire runs away from the Cornucopia.

Percy runs away from the Cornucopia.

Stormcatcher runs away from the Cornucopia.

Bubbles attacks Ruby and thinks she killed him. Ruby is just barely alive.

Vex runs away from the Cornucopia.

Lloyd Irving takes a handful of throwing knives.

Starfire runs away from the Cornucopia.

Odo grabs a sword.

Defect Mogeko runs away from the Cornucopia.

Hera runs away from the Cornucopia.

Yonaka Kurai gathers as much food as she can.

Windsinger snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.

Winter grabs a crossbow, but forgets the crossbow bolts.

Asriel takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.

Lightweaver teleport-kills Bulbasaur.

Qibli tells Mercy that her collar is inside-out. Mercy runs off in embarrassment.

Genis Sage, Sideswipe, Data, and Jane Crocker share everything they gathered before running.

Mick Rory grabs a jar of fishing bait while Brief gets fishing gear.

Sans curses Denny Clay so that all magic they can cast freezes and frost covers them.

Otabek grabs a shovel.

Fixit runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Panty screams like a little kid when she spots the incoming Yurio.

Raven breaks Turtle's nose for a basket of bread.

John Egbert claims that he is god.

"Don't kill, don't die" is the new motto of Ray Palmer.

Isabel Lovelace and Earthshaker agree to help each other win.

Frisk gathers as much food as she can.

Captain Picard grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

For some reason, Tracer thinks she can hear the crowds laughing at her.

Kinkajou runs away from the Cornucopia.

Buttercup decides that this universe is not worthy of herself and commits suicide.

Khosekh runs away from the Cornucopia.

Papyrus runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Captain Kirk runs away from the Cornucopia.

Unova Cap Pikachu runs away from the Cornucopia.

Tamika Flynn grabs a horn and sounds it off.

@GrandSerpentine @EmbertheSkywing @Shadowlugia711 @Pandacow @McChicken @Sparklejewel @saans @Werelynx @WildRose42 @Lannisfire @VastPlaguesofAku @Elvende @Enderborn7th @Calibris @Vulcanatus @thePurple @LapisDragon17718 @RedArmyGrif @browncoatparadox @W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @SpiralMcHelix @crazyraspberry @Banished
@hamkid @PixelSpiral @Beagledragon @Allegoy @Matou @DuskyAether @YaBoiGuzma
The Bloodbath X2
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Strongarm gathers as much food as she can.

Sapphire runs away from the Cornucopia.

Percy runs away from the Cornucopia.

Stormcatcher runs away from the Cornucopia.

Bubbles attacks Ruby and thinks she killed him. Ruby is just barely alive.

Vex runs away from the Cornucopia.

Lloyd Irving takes a handful of throwing knives.

Starfire runs away from the Cornucopia.

Odo grabs a sword.

Defect Mogeko runs away from the Cornucopia.

Hera runs away from the Cornucopia.

Yonaka Kurai gathers as much food as she can.

Windsinger snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.

Winter grabs a crossbow, but forgets the crossbow bolts.

Asriel takes a spear from inside the cornucopia.

Lightweaver teleport-kills Bulbasaur.

Qibli tells Mercy that her collar is inside-out. Mercy runs off in embarrassment.

Genis Sage, Sideswipe, Data, and Jane Crocker share everything they gathered before running.

Mick Rory grabs a jar of fishing bait while Brief gets fishing gear.

Sans curses Denny Clay so that all magic they can cast freezes and frost covers them.

Otabek grabs a shovel.

Fixit runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Panty screams like a little kid when she spots the incoming Yurio.

Raven breaks Turtle's nose for a basket of bread.

John Egbert claims that he is god.

"Don't kill, don't die" is the new motto of Ray Palmer.

Isabel Lovelace and Earthshaker agree to help each other win.

Frisk gathers as much food as she can.

Captain Picard grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.

For some reason, Tracer thinks she can hear the crowds laughing at her.

Kinkajou runs away from the Cornucopia.

Buttercup decides that this universe is not worthy of herself and commits suicide.

Khosekh runs away from the Cornucopia.

Papyrus runs into the cornucopia and hides.

Captain Kirk runs away from the Cornucopia.

Unova Cap Pikachu runs away from the Cornucopia.

Tamika Flynn grabs a horn and sounds it off.

@GrandSerpentine @EmbertheSkywing @Shadowlugia711 @Pandacow @McChicken @Sparklejewel @saans @Werelynx @WildRose42 @Lannisfire @VastPlaguesofAku @Elvende @Enderborn7th @Calibris @Vulcanatus @thePurple @LapisDragon17718 @RedArmyGrif @browncoatparadox @W1F1N1GHTM4R3 @SpiralMcHelix @crazyraspberry @Banished
@hamkid @PixelSpiral @Beagledragon @Allegoy @Matou @DuskyAether @YaBoiGuzma
My favorite Pikachu got third.. I hope they do better in the new two rounds.

My favorite Pikachu got third.. I hope they do better in the new two rounds.

Day 1

Windsinger says he will give Odo 50 if he jumps off a cliff. he takes it.

Qibli, Lightweaver and Vex go hunting together. Lightweaver gets caught in a trap and has to be rescued.

Stormcatcher and Bubbles fence using swordfish.

Defect Mogeko is back at it again with the white vans!

Frisk and Khosekh go to Mick Rory's shelter to hang out.

Data finds a white bandanna with a picture of a mouth on it. They put it on.

Ruby writes Ray Palmer's name in the Death Note. Ray Palmer dies of a heart attack.

Strongarm and Mercy get drunk on moonlight.

Earthshaker travels to higher ground.

Tracer wonders which tribute she's going to kill next.

Turtle goes around making trashy references.

Winter steals Unova Cap Pikachu's identity and becomes him for the rest of the day.

Denny Clay severely injures Asriel and leaves him to die.

Sideswipe is forced to walk on sharp rocks or be killed by Jane Crocker. He chooses the rocks.

Knock Knock, it’s Brief. With huge boats and guns. Gunboats. Brief uses these gunboats to kill Tamika Flynn and Kinkajou

Papyrus decides to become Mr. StealYourBoy as they take Fixit away from Isabel Lovelace.

Captain Picard receives barrels of apples from an unknown sponsor.

Captain Kirk sings to himself, then gets embarrassed when Sans interrupts him.

Genis Sage keeps getting eels while Sapphire gets escalators. Genis Sage says a sailor swear.

Yonaka Kurai performs a Z-Move. It looks cool, but she has no Pokemon for the Z-Move to affect...

Hera makes a "We Are Number One" meme.

Percy predicts what Yurio is going to say at the same time that he says it. Yurio gets very surprised by this.

Otabek will not stop making puns about crows.

Panty and Lloyd Irving manage to fuse. Nobody knows how they did it, and it doesn't last long.

Raven throws a knife into Starfire's chest.

John Egbert is cold, wet, hungry and miserable.

@EmbertheSkywing @Shadowlugia711 @Sparklejewel @WildRose42 @Lannisfire @VastPlaguesofAku @Elvende @Enderborn7th @Calibris @LapisDragon17718 @RedArmyGrif @browncoatparadox @crazyraspberry
Day 1

Windsinger says he will give Odo 50 if he jumps off a cliff. he takes it.

Qibli, Lightweaver and Vex go hunting together. Lightweaver gets caught in a trap and has to be rescued.

Stormcatcher and Bubbles fence using swordfish.

Defect Mogeko is back at it again with the white vans!

Frisk and Khosekh go to Mick Rory's shelter to hang out.

Data finds a white bandanna with a picture of a mouth on it. They put it on.

Ruby writes Ray Palmer's name in the Death Note. Ray Palmer dies of a heart attack.

Strongarm and Mercy get drunk on moonlight.

Earthshaker travels to higher ground.

Tracer wonders which tribute she's going to kill next.

Turtle goes around making trashy references.

Winter steals Unova Cap Pikachu's identity and becomes him for the rest of the day.

Denny Clay severely injures Asriel and leaves him to die.

Sideswipe is forced to walk on sharp rocks or be killed by Jane Crocker. He chooses the rocks.

Knock Knock, it’s Brief. With huge boats and guns. Gunboats. Brief uses these gunboats to kill Tamika Flynn and Kinkajou

Papyrus decides to become Mr. StealYourBoy as they take Fixit away from Isabel Lovelace.

Captain Picard receives barrels of apples from an unknown sponsor.

Captain Kirk sings to himself, then gets embarrassed when Sans interrupts him.

Genis Sage keeps getting eels while Sapphire gets escalators. Genis Sage says a sailor swear.

Yonaka Kurai performs a Z-Move. It looks cool, but she has no Pokemon for the Z-Move to affect...

Hera makes a "We Are Number One" meme.

Percy predicts what Yurio is going to say at the same time that he says it. Yurio gets very surprised by this.

Otabek will not stop making puns about crows.

Panty and Lloyd Irving manage to fuse. Nobody knows how they did it, and it doesn't last long.

Raven throws a knife into Starfire's chest.

John Egbert is cold, wet, hungry and miserable.

@EmbertheSkywing @Shadowlugia711 @Sparklejewel @WildRose42 @Lannisfire @VastPlaguesofAku @Elvende @Enderborn7th @Calibris @LapisDragon17718 @RedArmyGrif @browncoatparadox @crazyraspberry
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