
Forum Games

Play word and forum games here.
TOPIC | Your impression of the user above
- Ice flight
- Enjoys XXX radioactive and eyeburner dragons
- You like to write small paragraphs of lore for your dragons
- Obsessed with white range colors
- Ice flight
- Enjoys XXX radioactive and eyeburner dragons
- You like to write small paragraphs of lore for your dragons
- Obsessed with white range colors
-V e r i d i s Q u o-
Brazil | EN/PT/RUS |time-flight-icon-very-tiny.png

» Fake FR Breed Workshop
»Clan Lore WIP

Synesthetic - Artist - Style flexible
• They/Them - He/Him/It • Prev. Solifugespace
-good at art and writing
-loves drawing
-very organised
-obsessed with history
-is never late
-likes anime
-thinks the best colour combo is black and gold
-loves optical illusions
-likes Harry Potter
-likes reading
-likes memes
-loves video games
-has probably played cards against humanity
-good at art and writing
-loves drawing
-very organised
-obsessed with history
-is never late
-likes anime
-thinks the best colour combo is black and gold
-loves optical illusions
-likes Harry Potter
-likes reading
-likes memes
-loves video games
-has probably played cards against humanity

First off, you're in the ice flight, aren't you? You seem like a funny and friendly kind of person because you have a Jester vista. Also, by reading your forum signature, I can tell that you're a really sweet person who always looks out for others no matter what. The world needs more people like you. :D

First off, you're in the ice flight, aren't you? You seem like a funny and friendly kind of person because you have a Jester vista. Also, by reading your forum signature, I can tell that you're a really sweet person who always looks out for others no matter what. The world needs more people like you. :D
The most useful guide ever to be created.

i already know that you are a person of deep quality, since you made the best guide there is: familiars with abs

- cats? you must like cats
- your avatar is a fae, so that makes us automatic friends
- probably like meme-y, sarcastic humour
- either ice or shadow flight

i already know that you are a person of deep quality, since you made the best guide there is: familiars with abs

- cats? you must like cats
- your avatar is a fae, so that makes us automatic friends
- probably like meme-y, sarcastic humour
- either ice or shadow flight
@Yews they/them
My favourite dragon
Arcane Battlestone Bank
Arcane Food Bank
01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01101110 01110011 01101100 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01101101 01101110 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101100 01101110 01110101 01110100
ssecretssFRT +10

Number One Fae Fan and it's not a phase mom! Also.... really likes flowers *** an aesthetic?

Number One Fae Fan and it's not a phase mom! Also.... really likes flowers *** an aesthetic?
Man i sure love me some dragons
@HamSam you are on forum games a lot and also are in lightning
@HamSam you are on forum games a lot and also are in lightning
q7KYqlT.pngcrouton.pngcrouton.pngcrouton.pngcroutons mined: 987 undecillion

I see you are from Shadow flight.
You like every type of dragon, unlike me.
I see you exalted one of your progen, I hope that was an accident.
I see you just starting out in FR.

Anymore?...Right, you like to comment a lot.

I see you are from Shadow flight.
You like every type of dragon, unlike me.
I see you exalted one of your progen, I hope that was an accident.
I see you just starting out in FR.

Anymore?...Right, you like to comment a lot.

-somewhat snarky
-choosy about what you like
-I'm going to guess that you have a darker sense of humor
-I'm also going to guess you're an introvert
-And one more wild guess, you like memes.

-somewhat snarky
-choosy about what you like
-I'm going to guess that you have a darker sense of humor
-I'm also going to guess you're an introvert
-And one more wild guess, you like memes.
tumblr_psop43zu2D1ugssd3o1_100.png _________asexual.png _________ tumblr_psop43zu2D1ugssd3o3_100.png

-Goth/Spooky aesthetic?
-Ice flight?
-Likes cats?

I really don't know aa


You're absolutely spot on!! :D
And don't worry, you didn't come across as creepy at all! :3

-Goth/Spooky aesthetic?
-Ice flight?
-Likes cats?

I really don't know aa


You're absolutely spot on!! :D
And don't worry, you didn't come across as creepy at all! :3
Battle catsss

I did not read your bio information.

What I see:
-Arcane Flight
-Huge variety of colors and genes
-No "other" tab?
-Very active on forums

What I will guess:
I'm gonna assume you're a person in the LGBTQ+ community. You're super accepting of anyone regardless of ability/gender/race. You like to fall down the flight rising rabbit hole and look at people's lairs to get inspiration and leave kind messages. You're really outgoing and love to meet new people, but need time to yourself to recover after long days.

You're not huge in dominance, and also not very competitive. You like your flight, but would prefer a more neutral eye color.

I tried to be less vague, so I wonder how I did haha. Hope I didn't come across as too creepy D=

I did not read your bio information.

What I see:
-Arcane Flight
-Huge variety of colors and genes
-No "other" tab?
-Very active on forums

What I will guess:
I'm gonna assume you're a person in the LGBTQ+ community. You're super accepting of anyone regardless of ability/gender/race. You like to fall down the flight rising rabbit hole and look at people's lairs to get inspiration and leave kind messages. You're really outgoing and love to meet new people, but need time to yourself to recover after long days.

You're not huge in dominance, and also not very competitive. You like your flight, but would prefer a more neutral eye color.

I tried to be less vague, so I wonder how I did haha. Hope I didn't come across as too creepy D=
SOfUWIB.png HowDoilnternet
ui5ZgY1.png FR +3
ui5ZgY1.png Hib Den Permas
ui5ZgY1.png Flambebe Collector
ui5ZgY1.png Subspecies Lair
