
Forum Games

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TOPIC | [FF] A Fiery Fix (OPEN)
[img][/img] [center][size=0.25]| Intro | Gameplay | Rules | Current Games | Players | Winners | Prizes |[/size][/center] [center][size=4][b]Welcome, welcome![/b][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Come one, come all, to the Great Clan Rose Flameforger's Festival Feast of Fraud! Or as I like to call it, A Fiery Fix (get it? Fix as in, fixing up some food, and fix as in plot or scheme? You get it right? Yeah, you get it. Anyway.) Now, as you may have heard, our Great Lady of Fire is cooking up something special this Flameforger's: An All-Flight Barbecue! For the last week of August, dragons of every flight are invited to come down to our humble little Wastes for an enormous barbecue in honor of Mather. Bring friends! Bring food! Or don't! Either way, Flamemama has plenty of fiery delicacies and delights stored in the larders to feed every hungry dragon in Sornieth! Probably. At least, that's what I've heard. I've never actually seen these fabled food larders. They're supposed to be big and impressive, but also very top secret. Only the holy Anointed Chefs, appointed by Mather herself, and her secret Keyholders, are allowed to access these hoards. But lately, we've been hearing some disturbing rumors. Rumors about wicked dragons who want to steal from Mama's special food hoard, and take it all for themselves. If they got their hands on the food, it would be a disaster! All the dragons gathered for the festival would have nothing to eat! And what kind of barbecue has no food? Usually, Flamemama has some pretty great security measures keeping these devious ne'erdowells away from her hoards, but lately they've been getting craftier and craftier. In fact, some Witches have even been using magic to disguise themselves as the Anointed Chefs and the Guards that escort them! We need some really trustworthy dragons to sort through this whole mess. That's where you come in. Any dragon who volunteers will help to escort the Keyholders and the Anointed Chefs to Mather's food stores. Along the way, they'll try to weed out who's loyal and who's a Witch in disguise. Do you have what it takes to guard the Flamecaller's Food Stores and save this fine fiery feast from the greedy dragons who would take it all for themselves? [i] Of course, that's assuming you aren't one of them...[/i][/center]
| Intro | Gameplay | Rules | Current Games | Players | Winners | Prizes |

Welcome, welcome!


Come one, come all, to the Great Clan Rose Flameforger's Festival Feast of Fraud! Or as I like to call it, A Fiery Fix (get it? Fix as in, fixing up some food, and fix as in plot or scheme? You get it right? Yeah, you get it. Anyway.)

Now, as you may have heard, our Great Lady of Fire is cooking up something special this Flameforger's: An All-Flight Barbecue!

For the last week of August, dragons of every flight are invited to come down to our humble little Wastes for an enormous barbecue in honor of Mather. Bring friends! Bring food! Or don't! Either way, Flamemama has plenty of fiery delicacies and delights stored in the larders to feed every hungry dragon in Sornieth! Probably. At least, that's what I've heard. I've never actually seen these fabled food larders. They're supposed to be big and impressive, but also very top secret. Only the holy Anointed Chefs, appointed by Mather herself, and her secret Keyholders, are allowed to access these hoards.

But lately, we've been hearing some disturbing rumors. Rumors about wicked dragons who want to steal from Mama's special food hoard, and take it all for themselves. If they got their hands on the food, it would be a disaster! All the dragons gathered for the festival would have nothing to eat! And what kind of barbecue has no food?

Usually, Flamemama has some pretty great security measures keeping these devious ne'erdowells away from her hoards, but lately they've been getting craftier and craftier. In fact, some Witches have even been using magic to disguise themselves as the Anointed Chefs and the Guards that escort them!

We need some really trustworthy dragons to sort through this whole mess. That's where you come in.

Any dragon who volunteers will help to escort the Keyholders and the Anointed Chefs to Mather's food stores. Along the way, they'll try to weed out who's loyal and who's a Witch in disguise. Do you have what it takes to guard the Flamecaller's Food Stores and save this fine fiery feast from the greedy dragons who would take it all for themselves?

Of course, that's assuming you aren't one of them...
[img][/img] [center][size=0.25]| Intro | Rules | Gameplay | Current Games | Players | Winners | Prizes |[/size][/center] [center]Now then, let's get down to business! You need to know exactly how you're going to help us out of this mess, don't you? Well, lemme break it down for ya.[/center] Each game will have 20 players. The roles are as follows: -2 Keyholders -3 Witches -10 Guards -5 Chefs (either 3 real and 2 fake, or 2 fake and 3 real) Anyone assigned the role of Chef must immediately reveal themselves to all other players, however whether they are real or fake can remain a secret. Once everyone knows who the Chefs are, the Keyholders will be revealed to everyone except the Chefs. This means the guards and the witches will know who the Keyholder is, but the chefs won't. [center][b]ONLY THE WITCHES MAY PM EACH OTHER[/b][/center] That's right. In this game, the witches, and ONLY the witches, ARE ALLOWED to PM each other. Anyone who is not a witch found to be PMing each other will be removed from the game. [left][b]GOOD TEAM[/b][/left][right][b]EVIL TEAM[/b][/right] [left]-THE KEYHOLDER[/left][right]-THE FAKE CHEFS[/right] [left]-THE TRUE CHEFS[/left][right]-THE WITCHES[/right] [left]-THE GUARDS[/left] [b]KEYHOLDER'S GOAL[/b]: Find a TRUE CHEF [b]TRUE CHEF'S GOAL[/b]: Find the WITCH [b]GUARD'S GOAL[/b]: Find the WITCH [b]FAKE CHEF'S GOAL[/b]: Find the Keyholder [b]WITCH'S GOAL[/b]: Do Not Get Caught Note: WITCHES CANNOT CALL STOP. Any other role is able to call STOP, but not Witches. [center]WITCHES CAN ONLY PM EACH OTHER. THEY MAY NOT PM ANYONE ELSE ON THEIR TEAM.[/center] [u]The Evil Team wins the game if:[/u] -The Keyholder chooses a Fake Chef -A Fake Chef grabs a Keyholder -A Guard or True Chef chooses someone who is NOT a Witch -No one finds the Witches [u]The Good Team wins a round if:[/u] -The Keyholder chooses a True Chef -A Guard or True Chef grabs a Witch -A Fake Chef chooses someone who is NOT the Keyholder [center]Got it? If not, don't worry! I am always here to answer questions. Just ping me and I'll see if we can help you out! :D[/center]
| Intro | Rules | Gameplay | Current Games | Players | Winners | Prizes |

Now then, let's get down to business! You need to know exactly how you're going to help us out of this mess, don't you? Well, lemme break it down for ya.

Each game will have 20 players. The roles are as follows:

-2 Keyholders
-3 Witches
-10 Guards
-5 Chefs (either 3 real and 2 fake, or 2 fake and 3 real)

Anyone assigned the role of Chef must immediately reveal themselves to all other players, however whether they are real or fake can remain a secret.

Once everyone knows who the Chefs are, the Keyholders will be revealed to everyone except the Chefs. This means the guards and the witches will know who the Keyholder is, but the chefs won't.

That's right. In this game, the witches, and ONLY the witches, ARE ALLOWED to PM each other. Anyone who is not a witch found to be PMing each other will be removed from the game.





FAKE CHEF'S GOAL: Find the Keyholder

WITCH'S GOAL: Do Not Get Caught

Note: WITCHES CANNOT CALL STOP. Any other role is able to call STOP, but not Witches.

The Evil Team wins the game if:
-The Keyholder chooses a Fake Chef
-A Fake Chef grabs a Keyholder
-A Guard or True Chef chooses someone who is NOT a Witch
-No one finds the Witches

The Good Team wins a round if:
-The Keyholder chooses a True Chef
-A Guard or True Chef grabs a Witch
-A Fake Chef chooses someone who is NOT the Keyholder

Got it? If not, don't worry! I am always here to answer questions. Just ping me and I'll see if we can help you out! :D
[img][/img] [center][size=0.25]| Intro | Gameplay | Rules | Current Games | Players | Winners | Prizes |[/size][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] That's enough, Zusu. There are rules to cover. My clan is hosting this event, and I've worked hard to build our relations with the Flamecaller, not to mention the other clans. I won't risk damage to that reputation for the sake of self-centered wyrms using our festival to prove themselves. Anyone found not adhering to these strict limitations will be escorted from the premises immediately. No exceptions. [quote=RULES] [LIST] [*]A new game will begin every day of the festival, consisting of 1 round each. [*]Every day, the first 20 people to ping me on this thread and sign up will be placed into that day's game. [*]Users can only sign up for one game. The exception is Saturday's game, which is open to everyone. [*]Every player will be secretly assigned a role by me. Depending on who you are, you will be searching for a different person. Every role is either on the good team or the evil team. [*]Every game will consist of unstructured conversation and will last as long as the players keep it going. This could mean half an hour or 3 days, whatever you're up for. [*]As soon as you think you've figured out who the person you're looking for is, post STOP. [*]When a player posts STOP, they must ping me and post their guess for which player is the role they're looking for, as well as their own role. [*]If the player guesses correctly, their entire team will receive a randomized treasure prize and the person who guessed will receive one of the Prize Packs. [*]If they guessed incorrectly, the opposite team will receive the treasures. [*]Every player who joins will be entered in a raffle for the grand prize. [*]At the end of the week, players can choose to turn in their prize for more raffle tickets. [/LIST] [/quote] [size=4][b]Special Daily Bonus Rules: [/b][/size] Note: Due to a couple days being cancelled, I will post which rule is active in the header of the game thread, rather than going by days. [left][LIST] [*][b]Game 1[/b]- Every post in the thread must begin with the phrase "In honor of Her Grace the Immortal Flamecaller" [*][b]Game 2[/b]- Witches can only be referred to as Velociraptors [*][b]FINAL GAME[/b]- Mystery Rule Revealed! Every post must include a pun or form of wordplay! [/LIST][/left] There. Is that understood? Good. I'm glad. Now if we're all set, my clan artists have mocked up a wonderful badge to advertise the event. They're very talented. It was made to spread the word about our efforts to help Her Grace The Flamecaller, so everyone is welcome to one. In fact, placing one in your forum signature may lead to a prize or two down the line... [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Badge provided courtesy of the amazing @Apis
| Intro | Gameplay | Rules | Current Games | Players | Winners | Prizes |


That's enough, Zusu. There are rules to cover. My clan is hosting this event, and I've worked hard to build our relations with the Flamecaller, not to mention the other clans. I won't risk damage to that reputation for the sake of self-centered wyrms using our festival to prove themselves. Anyone found not adhering to these strict limitations will be escorted from the premises immediately. No exceptions.

RULES wrote:
  • A new game will begin every day of the festival, consisting of 1 round each.
  • Every day, the first 20 people to ping me on this thread and sign up will be placed into that day's game.
  • Users can only sign up for one game. The exception is Saturday's game, which is open to everyone.
  • Every player will be secretly assigned a role by me. Depending on who you are, you will be searching for a different person. Every role is either on the good team or the evil team.
  • Every game will consist of unstructured conversation and will last as long as the players keep it going. This could mean half an hour or 3 days, whatever you're up for.
  • As soon as you think you've figured out who the person you're looking for is, post STOP.
  • When a player posts STOP, they must ping me and post their guess for which player is the role they're looking for, as well as their own role.
  • If the player guesses correctly, their entire team will receive a randomized treasure prize and the person who guessed will receive one of the Prize Packs.
  • If they guessed incorrectly, the opposite team will receive the treasures.
  • Every player who joins will be entered in a raffle for the grand prize.
  • At the end of the week, players can choose to turn in their prize for more raffle tickets.

Special Daily Bonus Rules:
Note: Due to a couple days being cancelled, I will post which rule is active in the header of the game thread, rather than going by days.
  • Game 1- Every post in the thread must begin with the phrase "In honor of Her Grace the Immortal Flamecaller"
  • Game 2- Witches can only be referred to as Velociraptors
  • FINAL GAME- Mystery Rule Revealed! Every post must include a pun or form of wordplay!

There. Is that understood?
Good. I'm glad. Now if we're all set, my clan artists have mocked up a wonderful badge to advertise the event. They're very talented. It was made to spread the word about our efforts to help Her Grace The Flamecaller, so everyone is welcome to one. In fact, placing one in your forum signature may lead to a prize or two down the line...
Badge provided courtesy of the amazing @Apis
[img][/img] | Intro | Rules and How to Play | Current Games | Participants/Winners | Prizes | [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Please don't mind Gavin. She can be a bit stiff, but she means well. She only wants all of us to get as much out of the festival as possible. Speaking of, I'm here to make sure everyone can find their way around. The landscape and shape of the Ashfall Wastes is constantly changing, with the magma and everything, so our maps don't really make sense... but I'm sure any fire dragon will help you find your way if you need it! Anyway, no party is really fun if you don't know where you're going, so here's some directions! [url=]Game 1 Link (Sunday)[/url] [url=]Game 2 Link[/url] [url=]Game 3 Link (Saturday) Final Day![/url] I hope that's been helpful :)
| Intro | Rules and How to Play | Current Games | Participants/Winners | Prizes |


Please don't mind Gavin. She can be a bit stiff, but she means well. She only wants all of us to get as much out of the festival as possible. Speaking of, I'm here to make sure everyone can find their way around. The landscape and shape of the Ashfall Wastes is constantly changing, with the magma and everything, so our maps don't really make sense... but I'm sure any fire dragon will help you find your way if you need it!

Anyway, no party is really fun if you don't know where you're going, so here's some directions!

Game 1 Link (Sunday)
Game 2 Link
Game 3 Link (Saturday) Final Day!

I hope that's been helpful :)
[img][/img] | Intro | Rules and How to Play | Current Games | Particiants/Winners | Prizes | [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Now for the fun stuff. Here's a list of all the dragons brave enough to help us out. And, y'know, mess with us. Just so everyone knows.[/center] [quote=Game 1 (closed)] 1. @apis 2. @Maedhras 3. @KuraiKarasu 4. @Luminaries 5. @syngocon 6. @mfncool 7. @RavenWolf 8. @onefouronetwo [/quote] [quote=Game 2 (closed)] 1. @DragonSeeker 2. @Saraceaser 3. @ardarious 4. @StormDreamer 5. @Ryugami 6. @brokenstone [/quote] [quote=Game 3 FINAL GAME!!!] 1. @RavenWolf 2. @onefouronetwo 3. @Syncogon 4. @Saraceaser 5. @brokenstone 6. @Snow99 7. @ardarious [/quote] [center]And as for the winners, in case they wanna bask in their glory a little, here they are too: 1. RavenWolf 2. Ryugami 3. ardarious Raffle Winners: 1. 2. 3. [/center]
| Intro | Rules and How to Play | Current Games | Particiants/Winners | Prizes |


Now for the fun stuff. Here's a list of all the dragons brave enough to help us out. And, y'know, mess with us. Just so everyone knows.
Game 1 (closed) wrote:
Game 2 (closed) wrote:
Game 3 FINAL GAME!!! wrote:
And as for the winners, in case they wanna bask in their glory a little, here they are too:
1. RavenWolf
2. Ryugami
3. ardarious
Raffle Winners:

[img][/img] | Intro | Rules and How to Play | Current Games | Participants/Winners | Prizes | [center]And here's where the real fun is. Prize time, babies! [size=4][b]Game Prizes:[/b][/size] (all food in stacks of 99)[/center] [quote=Meat Locker][item=congeal][item=Dried Jerky][item=thick meat strips][item=Poultrygeist][item=Iron Chest] +Full Birdskull Apparel Set [/quote] [quote=Veggie Larder][item=envenom][item=centaur nut mix][item=centaur ration pouch][item=leafy moth][item=iron chest] +Full Violet Apparel Set[/quote] [quote=Chef][item=sear][item=ancient knife][item=glass hybrid fragment][item=serthis alchemist][item=iron chest] +White Lab Coat, Black Rubber Gloves, and White Protective Eyewear[/quote] [quote=Guardian of the Gustations Prize Pack][item=blazing slash]<any element[item=painted centaur][item=obsidian hybrid fragment][item=iron chest] +Full Cat's or Frog's Armor Set[/quote] [quote=Masters of Disguise Prize Pack][item=shroud][item=snarling mimic][item=shale hybrid fragment][item=iron chest] +Full Dusk Rogue Apparel Set][/quote] [center][b]Raffle Prizes[/b][/center] [quote=You Have Such Nice Skin][item=skin: shatter the night][item=skin: blue mineral][item=skin: storm taken][item=gilded decorative chest][/quote] [quote=A Little Too Familiar][item=polarfreeze defender][item=sunsea pseudo][item=hibernal starbear][item=gilded decorative chest][/quote] [quote=Egghead][item=gilded decorative chest][item=unhatched fire egg][item=mystic bark mask][/quote] [quote=Fire's Festival][item=gilded decorative chest][item=searing emblem][item=black iron plates][item=blazing goblin][item=Vista: Flameforger's Festival][/quote] (Raffle prizes have been changed) [center][size=6] [i]"Now then. Let's get this party started!"[/i][/size][/center]
| Intro | Rules and How to Play | Current Games | Participants/Winners | Prizes |

And here's where the real fun is. Prize time, babies!

Game Prizes:
(all food in stacks of 99)
Meat Locker wrote:
Congeal Dried Jerky Thick Meat Strips Poultrygeist
+Full Birdskull Apparel Set
Veggie Larder wrote:
Envenom Centaur Nut Mix Centaur Ration Pouch Leafy Moth
+Full Violet Apparel Set
Chef wrote:
Sear Ancient Knife Glass Hybrid Fragment Serthis Alchemist
+White Lab Coat, Black Rubber Gloves, and White Protective Eyewear
Guardian of the Gustations Prize Pack wrote:
Blazing Slash <any element Painted Centaur Obsidian Hybrid Fragment
+Full Cat's or Frog's Armor Set
Masters of Disguise Prize Pack wrote:
Shroud Snarling Mimic Shale Hybrid Fragment
+Full Dusk Rogue Apparel Set]

Raffle Prizes
You Have Such Nice Skin wrote:
Skin: Shatter The Night Skin: Blue Mineral Skin: Storm Taken Gilded Decorative Chest
A Little Too Familiar wrote:
Polarfreeze Defender Sunsea Pseudo Hibernal Starbear Gilded Decorative Chest
Egghead wrote:
Gilded Decorative Chest Unhatched Fire Egg Mystic Bark Mask
Fire's Festival wrote:
Gilded Decorative Chest Searing Emblem Black Iron Plates Blazing Goblin Vista: Flameforger's Festival

(Raffle prizes have been changed)

"Now then. Let's get this party started!"
@sasga Event is open!
@sasga Event is open!

I'd like to join today's game!

I'd like to join today's game!
@apis Great! Adding you in
The game will start as soon as there are 5 players, and I'll keep adding until we hit 20.
@apis Great! Adding you in
The game will start as soon as there are 5 players, and I'll keep adding until we hit 20.