Username: SparkyFlames
Dragon's name: Irrigavi
Information: Born to Arcane, raised in Fire and queen of Ice, Irrigavi is a very interesting dragon indeed. She is a warrior through and through, her confidence and cockiness perhaps a bit too strong at times. She'll fight with claws and fangs as quickly and as easily as magic and words.
Username: SparkyFlames
Dragon's name: Irrigavi

Information: Born to Arcane, raised in Fire and queen of Ice, Irrigavi is a very interesting dragon indeed. She is a warrior through and through, her confidence and cockiness perhaps a bit too strong at times. She'll fight with claws and fangs as quickly and as easily as magic and words.
[center]@SoulSorbet HECK OKAY I GOT IT NOW
[s]Be prepared to hate this guy by the end of the game ahaha[/s]
Amythia is everything you'd expect a stuck up pearlcatcher who thinks he's the most important dragon in the entire world to be. He claims to be able to read the future, and can predict anything. Unfortunately, he does have the abilities to back these claims up, giving him even more reason to brag. He's rude, demanding, and cruel to no end. He will shove his way past anyone to get what he wants.
And that's not the least of what this dragon would do.[/center]

Be prepared to hate this guy by the end of the game ahaha
Amythia is everything you'd expect a stuck up pearlcatcher who thinks he's the most important dragon in the entire world to be. He claims to be able to read the future, and can predict anything. Unfortunately, he does have the abilities to back these claims up, giving him even more reason to brag. He's rude, demanding, and cruel to no end. He will shove his way past anyone to get what he wants.
And that's not the least of what this dragon would do.
[b]Username:[/b] Stormdreamer
Dragon's name:[/b] Aiden
[b]Information: (For this section, just fill in a bit of what you feel is important. Any interesting character traits? Something that might affect their ability to use magic?[/b]
Aiden was raised in an Arcane clan where he was introduced to the ways of magic.
[To be continued]
Username: Stormdreamer
Dragon's name: Aiden

Information: (For this section, just fill in a bit of what you feel is important. Any interesting character traits? Something that might affect their ability to use magic?
Aiden was raised in an Arcane clan where he was introduced to the ways of magic.
[To be continued]
| @nubbyshouts | @SoulSorbet |
Obito is a strange type of colorblind. To her, it looks as if there was a Sepia fliter overtop of a black and white world.
Otherwise, she's a loud, exciteable dragon, always looking for solutions to others' problems and caring less about her own. She might seem annoying by many of the dragons she meets, but she's just trying to do the best for everyone. That also means she may push others out of their comfort zone - and she has trouble backing down when told by them that they're uncomfortable. However, this is all in good heart.
If she was ever pushed onto the bad side of things, Obito would be there for one of a few reasons. She's helping someone else (spy, returner of stolen items, finding a friend of someone and convincing them to leave, etc.), she believes their cause is one that is good in the heart but not in the execution, or she's forced there against her will. The final option is a terrible one for her to be in, as she will actively try to be part of the better side and openly admit she is not on that side but would like to be part of it. In this case, she could easily be killed or become a spy for the other team.

| @
nubbyshouts | @
SoulSorbet |
Obito is a strange type of colorblind. To her, it looks as if there was a Sepia fliter overtop of a black and white world.
Otherwise, she's a loud, exciteable dragon, always looking for solutions to others' problems and caring less about her own. She might seem annoying by many of the dragons she meets, but she's just trying to do the best for everyone. That also means she may push others out of their comfort zone - and she has trouble backing down when told by them that they're uncomfortable. However, this is all in good heart.
If she was ever pushed onto the bad side of things, Obito would be there for one of a few reasons. She's helping someone else (spy, returner of stolen items, finding a friend of someone and convincing them to leave, etc.), she believes their cause is one that is good in the heart but not in the execution, or she's forced there against her will. The final option is a terrible one for her to be in, as she will actively try to be part of the better side and openly admit she is not on that side but would like to be part of it. In this case, she could easily be killed or become a spy for the other team.
I'm really enjoying the variety of dragons so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all interact with each other!
I'm really enjoying the variety of dragons so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how they all interact with each other!
Username: shinyferaligatr
Dragon's name: Odette
Information: they and or he pronouns, use either one, or switch between them is fine. they're bigender, agender and male, and he's only attracted to guys (and those who identify as guys)
Clever, likes working with his mind, independent, self-reliant, and somewhat caring towards others. They appear very serious and thoughtful to others, and somewhat aloof and reserved.
He is sensitive to what others think about him, and can become way too focused at times. His temper and scowling face can sometimes intimidate others. They can be intensely optimistic at times, and also deep in the depths of despair. He hates being given unsolicited advice. They’re very prideful, witty, they're blind, can’t take criticism, and they hate standing still and or doing nothing.
Since he's blind, he relies on his other senses heavily, and would have a hard time hitting his targets unless they make themselves known through his other senses (smelling, feeling, hearing, sensing presences).
Username: shinyferaligatr
Dragon's name: Odette

Information: they and or he pronouns, use either one, or switch between them is fine. they're bigender, agender and male, and he's only attracted to guys (and those who identify as guys)
Clever, likes working with his mind, independent, self-reliant, and somewhat caring towards others. They appear very serious and thoughtful to others, and somewhat aloof and reserved.
He is sensitive to what others think about him, and can become way too focused at times. His temper and scowling face can sometimes intimidate others. They can be intensely optimistic at times, and also deep in the depths of despair. He hates being given unsolicited advice. They’re very prideful, witty, they're blind, can’t take criticism, and they hate standing still and or doing nothing.
Since he's blind, he relies on his other senses heavily, and would have a hard time hitting his targets unless they make themselves known through his other senses (smelling, feeling, hearing, sensing presences).
Username: Hiss
Dragon's name: Taggatee
Information: A walking disaster, Taggatee is an experienced sorcerer, capable of great feats of magic - or he would be, if he wasn't constantly tripping over himself. He's prone to causing inexplicable freak accidents and causing chains of events; dropping a book could lead to leveling an entire building.
Is he cursed? Probably.
The good news is that he's good enough at what he does to fix the mistakes that he causes, which puts him in a loop of constantly making problems and solving them. His most common word is "Sorry."
Beyond that, he's a good guy with a friendly disposition, enthusiastic about his field and always ready to lend a helping hand.
Username: Hiss
Dragon's name: Taggatee

Information: A walking disaster, Taggatee is an experienced sorcerer, capable of great feats of magic - or he would be, if he wasn't constantly tripping over himself. He's prone to causing inexplicable freak accidents and causing chains of events; dropping a book could lead to leveling an entire building.
Is he cursed? Probably.
The good news is that he's good enough at what he does to fix the mistakes that he causes, which puts him in a loop of constantly making problems and solving them. His most common word is "Sorry."
Beyond that, he's a good guy with a friendly disposition, enthusiastic about his field and always ready to lend a helping hand.
Seconding what was said above! Pretty excited to see all the different dragons in here! It'll be great to see them all interacting :D
Seconding what was said above! Pretty excited to see all the different dragons in here! It'll be great to see them all interacting :D
All right! The player spreadsheet is up to date once again. We've got 22 registered players so far! If you happen to notice anything wrong with the links, information and whatnot, let me know.
All right! The player spreadsheet is up to date once again. We've got 22 registered players so far! If you happen to notice anything wrong with the links, information and whatnot, let me know.