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@Chillyfoot [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Czardas smiled, "I love my Wandering Surgepriest, but he's always disappearing! Take this morning, we were all eating breakfast and I looked around and he was nowhere to be seen! We spend three hours looking for him just to have walk out of the bushes saying he was just traveling to the Twisted Woods. I mean really! He couldn't have told us?" Czardas shakes his head, "But I just can't seen to get rid of him. " [b]If you could join another clan, what would it be and why?[/b]


Czardas smiled, "I love my Wandering Surgepriest, but he's always disappearing! Take this morning, we were all eating breakfast and I looked around and he was nowhere to be seen! We spend three hours looking for him just to have walk out of the bushes saying he was just traveling to the Twisted Woods. I mean really! He couldn't have told us?" Czardas shakes his head, "But I just can't seen to get rid of him. "

If you could join another clan, what would it be and why?
@LightGodling (im assuming you meant flight rather than clan) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The battle-worn bog stepped forward, "I'd go back ta my home in in tha tangled wood if i could," she let out a hardy laugh, "These nature dragons nearly drive me crazy, they're too overprotective. Back 'n Shadow ya didn't have ta worry about some'n else constantly tryin' ta cater to ya, we took care of ourselves." She thought for a moment, "[b]Ya ever been in a fight that ya thought ya weren't gonna make it out of?[/b]"
@LightGodling (im assuming you meant flight rather than clan)


The battle-worn bog stepped forward, "I'd go back ta my home in in tha tangled wood if i could," she let out a hardy laugh, "These nature dragons nearly drive me crazy, they're too overprotective. Back 'n Shadow ya didn't have ta worry about some'n else constantly tryin' ta cater to ya, we took care of ourselves."
She thought for a moment, "Ya ever been in a fight that ya thought ya weren't gonna make it out of?"
@Kivetre [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=2][i]"There.. Was a time when I agitated Cassius, one of my clan's designated protectors. He normally can deal with my pestering and teasing.."[/i] The wildclaw looked down for a moment anxiously, trying to gather the right words. [i]"But I.. I went too far when he was fragile, it was really unlike him how acted in response. All he did was turn towards me and then ram me into the nearest cliff, it was really painful. Especially on my wings, which turned out to be bruised and broken!"[/i] She raised her slightly misshapen wings as if to prove it, it wasn't very visible anymore. [i]"Long story short; He took me back immediately regretting this and another dragon in my clan realigned the bones that he could. Then I waited out on the bruises."[/i] She shrugged casually as she finished off,[i]" Not much of a fight, but I wouldn't come out the same person without my wings. I'd be nothing without my wings."[/i] [center][b]"Do you have a familiar you're close to?"[/b] [/size][/center]


"There.. Was a time when I agitated Cassius, one of my clan's designated protectors. He normally can deal with my pestering and teasing.." The wildclaw looked down for a moment anxiously, trying to gather the right words.

"But I.. I went too far when he was fragile, it was really unlike him how acted in response. All he did was turn towards me and then ram me into the nearest cliff, it was really painful. Especially on my wings, which turned out to be bruised and broken!" She raised her slightly misshapen wings as if to prove it, it wasn't very visible anymore.

"Long story short; He took me back immediately regretting this and another dragon in my clan realigned the bones that he could. Then I waited out on the bruises." She shrugged casually as she finished off," Not much of a fight, but I wouldn't come out the same person without my wings. I'd be nothing without my wings."

"Do you have a familiar you're close to?"
hey im redoing my everything so i have nothing to put here :^)
thanks for reading though
@Gyftrot [url=][img][/img][/url] Eins chuckled fondly at the question. "I do love the creatures I study." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders with a light grin. "But my Leafy Moth - Her name's Twig - Has been my dearest companion for a good while. I should be almost as bold as to say she is my favorite - She's helped me out of many a pinch, you see, and she's wonderful for some of my studies." The Nocturne set down his field guide and looked around. "It would be my turn to inquire now, I" [b]"What is your opinion on the Beastclans?"[/b]


Eins chuckled fondly at the question.
"I do love the creatures I study." He admitted, shrugging his shoulders with a light grin. "But my Leafy Moth - Her name's Twig - Has been my dearest companion for a good while. I should be almost as bold as to say she is my favorite - She's helped me out of many a pinch, you see, and she's wonderful for some of my studies." The Nocturne set down his field guide and looked around. "It would be my turn to inquire now, I"

"What is your opinion on the Beastclans?"
@IxNine99 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]Tykiere looks a bit surprised to see the question directed at him, and he takes a moment to collect his thoughts. [/i]He starts off with a shaky voice, "Well, I suppose that me being a butcher would make everyone think that I despise them. However, this is not the case entirely." [i]He looks a bit nervous, glancing away from the other dragons listening around him. [/i]"The dragons that battle with the Beastclans usually come to me at the end of the day, leaving me with many deceased creatures to... ahem, you understand. It's not that I hate my job, it's just that I don't agree with the majority of others on the topic of destroying the Beastclans. I'd rather we all live peacefully. There's not much I can do to stop them, but..." [i]He trails off, lowering his voice. In his eyes, you can see him reworking his thoughts. [/i] "I'd rather not say any more. If any from my clan are around I would be judged for my opinions." [i] He clears his throat.[/i] "Well, nevermind all my thoughts. [b]I'd like to hear your opinion on other breeds of dragons, in your clan or not."[/b]


Tykiere looks a bit surprised to see the question directed at him, and he takes a moment to collect his thoughts.

He starts off with a shaky voice, "Well, I suppose that me being a butcher would make everyone think that I despise them. However, this is not the case entirely."

He looks a bit nervous, glancing away from the other dragons listening around him.

"The dragons that battle with the Beastclans usually come to me at the end of the day, leaving me with many deceased creatures to... ahem, you understand. It's not that I hate my job, it's just that I don't agree with the majority of others on the topic of destroying the Beastclans. I'd rather we all live peacefully. There's not much I can do to stop them, but..."

He trails off, lowering his voice. In his eyes, you can see him reworking his thoughts.

"I'd rather not say any more. If any from my clan are around I would be judged for my opinions."

He clears his throat.

"Well, nevermind all my thoughts. I'd like to hear your opinion on other breeds of dragons, in your clan or not."

there's another one of these already...
there's another one of these already...
aNHEZYf.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6ky5FlX1r2ao8y_540.pngTn4TEAZ.png+0 FRT ~ she/they ~ INFP
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] *surprised* Oh, am I to answer this one? Very well then. Ahem, well, despite them being of the same rarity as me, I can definitely understand Bogsneaks wanting to hide from view. I just can't stand their appearance! Snappers have too big of a build, and their much too slow as well. Tundras look much too goofy, all that fur, ugh! And from what I hear, they're stupid as well. Spirals are much too erratic and hyperactive, though their looks, I must say, are not half bad. Nocturnes and Wildclaws absolutely frighten me, such beasts! Faes are fine to me, as they somewhat resemble harmless flowers. Ridgeback dragons have absolutely ridiculous noses, and all those horrid Guardians care about are their beards! Plus, those lumbering fools are like stupid dogs, always guarding something even if it gets them killed. Pearlcatchers and Imperials are much too vain for my tastes, who cares about those pearls and horns?! And other Skydancers can be [i]such[/i] a nuisance, they may be gentle, but gentleness is not what is needed in the heat of battle! I guess Coatls are okay, their vibrant plumage is certainly a nice thing to look at. Oh, and Mirrors? W-well, you must admit that their fighting spirit is somewhat charming, and their loyalty to their own is certainly a good attribute. I am very good friends with one in fact... o-oh! Am I getting off track? [b]A-anyways, ahem, wh-whats the scariest thing to ever happen in your Clan? [/b]


*surprised* Oh, am I to answer this one? Very well then. Ahem, well, despite them being of the same rarity as me, I can definitely understand Bogsneaks wanting to hide from view. I just can't stand their appearance! Snappers have too big of a build, and their much too slow as well. Tundras look much too goofy, all that fur, ugh! And from what I hear, they're stupid as well. Spirals are much too erratic and hyperactive, though their looks, I must say, are not half bad. Nocturnes and Wildclaws absolutely frighten me, such beasts! Faes are fine to me, as they somewhat resemble harmless flowers. Ridgeback dragons have absolutely ridiculous noses, and all those horrid Guardians care about are their beards! Plus, those lumbering fools are like stupid dogs, always guarding something even if it gets them killed. Pearlcatchers and Imperials are much too vain for my tastes, who cares about those pearls and horns?! And other Skydancers can be such a nuisance, they may be gentle, but gentleness is not what is needed in the heat of battle! I guess Coatls are okay, their vibrant plumage is certainly a nice thing to look at. Oh, and Mirrors? W-well, you must admit that their fighting spirit is somewhat charming, and their loyalty to their own is certainly a good attribute. I am very good friends with one in fact... o-oh! Am I getting off track?
A-anyways, ahem, wh-whats the scariest thing to ever happen in your Clan?
plague_bibling_by_cicide76536-dciw231.gif plague_acebling_by_cicide76536-dciw235.gif Rvkn9sD.png
@Silverpelt60 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Hmm. That's an interesting question. We don't talk much about the bad, however, it is written in the forbidden part of the library that there was a horrific event. Tsvetok use to be mated to this powerful warrior bog by the name of Bardran. He was the military leader when such thing existed. Long ago he and Gwennant got into a heated argument about the state of the clan. Later that night Bardran cornered Gwen and killed her, I'll leave out the detail the book has, as soon as the village heard they decided to do the same to Bardran. Tsvetok tried to convince the people to leave him alone but no one listened. She yelled so much she lost her voice and is mute now. The war lasted days and the bog fought well however numbers were against him. Ysvetok mourned her mate and is now a shut in, never seen, never heard. [b] Now as for the next question who is the most beautiful dragon in the clan and why? [/b]


Hmm. That's an interesting question. We don't talk much about the bad, however, it is written in the forbidden part of the library that there was a horrific event. Tsvetok use to be mated to this powerful warrior bog by the name of Bardran. He was the military leader when such thing existed. Long ago he and Gwennant got into a heated argument about the state of the clan. Later that night Bardran cornered Gwen and killed her, I'll leave out the detail the book has, as soon as the village heard they decided to do the same to Bardran. Tsvetok tried to convince the people to leave him alone but no one listened. She yelled so much she lost her voice and is mute now. The war lasted days and the bog fought well however numbers were against him. Ysvetok mourned her mate and is now a shut in, never seen, never heard.
Now as for the next question who is the most beautiful dragon in the clan and why?
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] A nervous looking Tundra looks on at you, smiling solemnly. "Well... There are plenty of Beautiful dragons..." [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cherie is pretty... However, she is ugly on the inside, so I don't have my sights on her. At all. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Caerwyn is nice and all... But the rumors about her giving dragons eternal nightmares by accident kinda scares me. Sorry, Wyn. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lorvora looks like an angel, but she is way too softspoken and child-like in a creepy way. She also, whenever mad, turns into "sereph mode" and becomes a force that sometimes even has the arcanist leave his observatory just to calm her down. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dispair is pretty, but too dark and edgy for me. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sapphira is probably the one I like most...but for some reason, I feel like she watches every step you take... Taking a deep breath, he asks:[b] "What dragon do you have a crush on?"[/b]


A nervous looking Tundra looks on at you, smiling solemnly.
"Well... There are plenty of Beautiful dragons..."


Cherie is pretty... However, she is ugly on the inside, so I don't have my sights on her. At all.


Caerwyn is nice and all... But the rumors about her giving dragons eternal nightmares by accident kinda scares me. Sorry, Wyn.


Lorvora looks like an angel, but she is way too softspoken and child-like in a creepy way. She also, whenever mad, turns into "sereph mode" and becomes a force that sometimes even has the arcanist leave his observatory just to calm her down.


Dispair is pretty, but too dark and edgy for me.


Sapphira is probably the one I like most...but for some reason, I feel like she watches every step you take...

Taking a deep breath, he asks:
"What dragon do you have a crush on?"
@CaucasionOvch [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The white Wildclaw draped in black apparel, Noah, sighed deeply and irritably. He wouldn't be here at all if he had the choice. But he owed a favor to the leader, and he wouldn't skip out on his debt. She wanted him to 'make friends'. Ridiculous... He wasn't a hatchling! "A 'crush'?" he said coolly, while shooting a cold glare at the Tundra. "I don't have a 'crush', nor have I had one, on any dragon. Plenty of dragons have had crushes on [i]me[/i], but it was a horrible nuisance. They wouldn't stop following me around and spoiling my hunts." Noah curled his lip. [i]"Ugh.[/i] It was not only tiresome but taxing- I could never be alone! They would badger me even in the night, too, occasionally, making it impossible to sleep. I left my old clan because I could never be left alone! They would even challenge me to duels to further waste my time, or try to convince me to 'just' have eggs with them. It's true, I have no hatchlings yet, and my family would likely be ashamed to hear that I don't want any. But they would be a [i]renewed[/i] annoyance." The Wildclaw lashed his tail at the thought. "Returning to the main question... I have no crush, I don't want one, and I more than likely will never want one. I am perfectly happy with my life as-is. The joy of the hunt, the thrill of knowing you're the only dragon around for miles, the satisfaction at the takedown of a difficult adversary... that is happiness to me, and I need nothing else." His face had changed from its usual vague scowl and actually seemed close to a smile, for a moment. But then it returned to the aforementioned scowl. "Right, let me ask my question, so I can finally be done... [b]What, or [i]who[/i], in your clan annoys you? Why?[/b] And be quick about your answer! When you're done I can clear out of this hole."


The white Wildclaw draped in black apparel, Noah, sighed deeply and irritably. He wouldn't be here at all if he had the choice. But he owed a favor to the leader, and he wouldn't skip out on his debt. She wanted him to 'make friends'. Ridiculous... He wasn't a hatchling!

"A 'crush'?" he said coolly, while shooting a cold glare at the Tundra. "I don't have a 'crush', nor have I had one, on any dragon. Plenty of dragons have had crushes on me, but it was a horrible nuisance. They wouldn't stop following me around and spoiling my hunts." Noah curled his lip. "Ugh. It was not only tiresome but taxing- I could never be alone! They would badger me even in the night, too, occasionally, making it impossible to sleep. I left my old clan because I could never be left alone! They would even challenge me to duels to further waste my time, or try to convince me to 'just' have eggs with them. It's true, I have no hatchlings yet, and my family would likely be ashamed to hear that I don't want any. But they would be a renewed annoyance." The Wildclaw lashed his tail at the thought.

"Returning to the main question... I have no crush, I don't want one, and I more than likely will never want one. I am perfectly happy with my life as-is. The joy of the hunt, the thrill of knowing you're the only dragon around for miles, the satisfaction at the takedown of a difficult adversary... that is happiness to me, and I need nothing else." His face had changed from its usual vague scowl and actually seemed close to a smile, for a moment. But then it returned to the aforementioned scowl. "Right, let me ask my question, so I can finally be done... What, or who, in your clan annoys you? Why? And be quick about your answer! When you're done I can clear out of this hole."
I occasionally don't get pings because of misspellings. My username is SLP (lowercase), three zeroes, and a one. You can copy and paste it if you're not sure you have it right.
If you want to talk about something troubling you, my PM box is open to everyone! Feel free to reach out whenever, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I'll keep what you say a secret, if you want. It's my pleasure to help out everyone I can!
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