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TOPIC | Headcanon a Dragon Above You
@InkwellRaven [s](Claim as I write!)[/s] [columns]"I do see you standing there. I wait, I whisper, I wonder. But I never welcome."[nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] Edryd trust no one, except, maybe, his bird Harmies. Afraid that anyone would attack him for his Plague loyalties, he covered his face in a hood so nobody could see his eyes. He hates loud and sudden noises and loves to be alone, reading books and playing hi fiddle. He is secretly lonely, but he doesn't want to admit it. Instead, he talks to Harmies. Sometimes.... he feels that the bird understands what he is saying. [size=1]Hope you like it! Please credit if you use it? :"3
@InkwellRaven (Claim as I write!)
"I do see you standing there. I wait, I whisper, I wonder. But I never welcome."

Edryd trust no one, except, maybe, his bird Harmies. Afraid that anyone would attack him for his Plague loyalties, he covered his face in a hood so nobody could see his eyes. He hates loud and sudden noises and loves to be alone, reading books and playing hi fiddle. He is secretly lonely, but he doesn't want to admit it. Instead, he talks to Harmies. Sometimes.... he feels that the bird understands what he is saying.

Hope you like it! Please credit if you use it? :"3
hey you!
while you're
here, go drink
some water c:
remember to
take care of
@Starbunnies! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This girl doesn't have a name, so I'm just gonna call her "Cayenne" because of the pretty color. She looks cool. [quote]Cayenne's known around the clan as the resident risk-taker. An injury left her unable to become part of the fighting teams, so instead, she makes up for it by leading the food gathering- jumping into the deepest holes to find insects, chasing the biggest prey, holding her breath for record amounts of time, and wrestling with tricky nettles and cacti. For this, she's admired by the newest and youngest dragons, and simultaneously, this exasperates her friends and the clan healers. Even though she's not expected to do half the work she does, Cayenne puts in 100% each time, and always comes home with a little scratch or two- she's still healing from the last one, even. One thing is certain- nobody can deny her enthusiasm. -leylines [emoji=pearlcatcher happy size=1][/quote]


This girl doesn't have a name, so I'm just gonna call her "Cayenne" because of the pretty color. She looks cool.
Cayenne's known around the clan as the resident risk-taker. An injury left her unable to become part of the fighting teams, so instead, she makes up for it by leading the food gathering- jumping into the deepest holes to find insects, chasing the biggest prey, holding her breath for record amounts of time, and wrestling with tricky nettles and cacti. For this, she's admired by the newest and youngest dragons, and simultaneously, this exasperates her friends and the clan healers. Even though she's not expected to do half the work she does, Cayenne puts in 100% each time, and always comes home with a little scratch or two- she's still healing from the last one, even. One thing is certain- nobody can deny her enthusiasm.
1J6EBoZ.png fr +3
mmm crunchy
@leylines [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Clementine is a very kind and nurturing dragon, but she also can be a big goofball. Sometimes, she’ll mimic a noise as a prank, and she’ll a laugh out of watching the victim’s reactions. Clementine does end up worrying that her jokes are actually harmful, though. Also, her Harvest Hardshell’s name is Tangerine.


Clementine is a very kind and nurturing dragon, but she also can be a big goofball. Sometimes, she’ll mimic a noise as a prank, and she’ll a laugh out of watching the victim’s reactions. Clementine does end up worrying that her jokes are actually harmful, though.

Also, her Harvest Hardshell’s name is Tangerine.
0AniMUO.gif blair
FR +3
Wishlist lesbian.png
[center]@metalica [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Love me some good greeny wildclaws [LIST] [*] For a representative, the fellow is quite clumsy. Tripping over the vines that encircle their tail. [*] Unfortunate for someone of nature flight and seemingly enjoys to cover themselves in pretty flowers, the poor Wildclaw has an allergy to pollen. Pretty severely too. [*] [i]awful[/i] sense of direction. Their familiar is helpful with that kind of thing, sure, but they always seem to end up in the wrong place. [*] Has mistaken several Gaoelers with blossom as actual flower bushes, with an affinity for nature, always want to try and pick or admire them. Which often doesn't sit well with most fuzzy ice dragons. [*] Despite most of their apparel donning yellow flowers, roses are their favourite. Give this Dragon a rose and they'll be over the moon![/LIST] Anyone who isn't in adoption hours is fair game for this!! [/center]


Love me some good greeny wildclaws

  • For a representative, the fellow is quite clumsy. Tripping over the vines that encircle their tail.
  • Unfortunate for someone of nature flight and seemingly enjoys to cover themselves in pretty flowers, the poor Wildclaw has an allergy to pollen. Pretty severely too.
  • awful sense of direction. Their familiar is helpful with that kind of thing, sure, but they always seem to end up in the wrong place.
  • Has mistaken several Gaoelers with blossom as actual flower bushes, with an affinity for nature, always want to try and pick or admire them. Which often doesn't sit well with most fuzzy ice dragons.
  • Despite most of their apparel donning yellow flowers, roses are their favourite. Give this Dragon a rose and they'll be over the moon!

Anyone who isn't in adoption hours is fair game for this!!
@princesquishable [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kotone is a fierce fire wielding dragon, but with a bit of a soft side. The first time she visited the clan, she was drawn to the sound of laughter. It was some of the clans hatchlings. Their caretaker was making silly faces and noises, which the little dragons found very amusing. The sound of children's laughter was so pure, that Kotone wanted to hear it over and over again. So she became a jester! Though, due to her fire-y personality, her performances usually have to be cut short after she starts spewing flames in all directions after messing up a juggling act...


Kotone is a fierce fire wielding dragon, but with a bit of a soft side. The first time she visited the clan, she was drawn to the sound of laughter. It was some of the clans hatchlings. Their caretaker was making silly faces and noises, which the little dragons found very amusing. The sound of children's laughter was so pure, that Kotone wanted to hear it over and over again. So she became a jester! Though, due to her fire-y personality, her performances usually have to be cut short after she starts spewing flames in all directions after messing up a juggling act...
@MoonDust42 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] RedDrop looks like the type of dragon who likes to hum while she works. Maybe she even writes songs while she's busy studying flowers or working in the garden. Songs she can't quite remember when she goes to write them down later, but she tries her hardest, scribbling down what she can remember in a notebook. Sometimes when pother dragons walk by her study, they can hear her singing to Garden Watcher, who thoroughly enjoys listening to her voice.


RedDrop looks like the type of dragon who likes to hum while she works. Maybe she even writes songs while she's busy studying flowers or working in the garden. Songs she can't quite remember when she goes to write them down later, but she tries her hardest, scribbling down what she can remember in a notebook. Sometimes when pother dragons walk by her study, they can hear her singing to Garden Watcher, who thoroughly enjoys listening to her voice.
Buying Maroon Tert G1s
Tarot Shop
Clan Lore
@dadminkestler He only eats beef stew [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
He only eats beef stew

@Wraith296 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Vestryn's a pretty jealous dragon. You know those stereotypical "protective, hoards money, kills adventurers" fairy tales? Yeah, she took a page out of those books. Maybe her best friend talks it more than she walks it, but Vestryn will hiss at you if you come too close to her and her stuff. Because of this, she's pretty hard to form friends with. But for those who manage it, she'll be there for them...pretty much all the time. She might be a little bit too willing to fight for you. Maybe a bit touchy on your behalf. Also, more of the "cuddle" friend than the chatty friend. Just to be on the safe side, don't steal from this dragon. Or insult one of her friends. Just...don't.


Vestryn's a pretty jealous dragon. You know those stereotypical "protective, hoards money, kills adventurers" fairy tales? Yeah, she took a page out of those books. Maybe her best friend talks it more than she walks it, but Vestryn will hiss at you if you come too close to her and her stuff. Because of this, she's pretty hard to form friends with. But for those who manage it, she'll be there for them...pretty much all the time. She might be a little bit too willing to fight for you. Maybe a bit touchy on your behalf. Also, more of the "cuddle" friend than the chatty friend.
Just to be on the safe side, don't steal from this dragon. Or insult one of her friends.
1J6EBoZ.png fr +3
mmm crunchy
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Birch is a shaman with a BIG EGO, he claimed that he is the ONLY WHITE SPIRAL IN EXISTENCE. Which would have been true.... If a female spiral had not had a little white baby spiral, Birch's ego was injured now that no one revered him with reverence, he eventually got over it, but... every once and a while he likes to tell unsuspecting young dragons that he is the only one in existence and basks in their awe, and if anyone insults his pure white scales? Let's say he gives them the honour of meeting their great great great great great grandparents.


Birch is a shaman with a BIG EGO, he claimed that he is the ONLY WHITE SPIRAL IN EXISTENCE. Which would have been true.... If a female spiral had not had a little white baby spiral, Birch's ego was injured now that no one revered him with reverence, he eventually got over it, but... every once and a while he likes to tell unsuspecting young dragons that he is the only one in existence and basks in their awe, and if anyone insults his pure white scales? Let's say he gives them the honour of meeting their great great great great great grandparents.
@Luminousheart [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Raith's wings never healed properly enough to fly without help, which is why he got steampunk wings. It still hurts him to fly, though, so he only flies in emergencies. Since he can no longer fight, Raith now makes prosthetic similar to his mechanical wings. He makes wings, limbs, even tails. He isn't as skilled at it as some, but he has a lot of passion for his work, and the prosthetic he makes are sturdy, if a little clunky and slow.


Raith's wings never healed properly enough to fly without help, which is why he got steampunk wings. It still hurts him to fly, though, so he only flies in emergencies.

Since he can no longer fight, Raith now makes prosthetic similar to his mechanical wings. He makes wings, limbs, even tails. He isn't as skilled at it as some, but he has a lot of passion for his work, and the prosthetic he makes are sturdy, if a little clunky and slow.