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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
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@RoninDragoon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I looked at Genesis and actually went 'Holy S*** out loud because they're beautiful, so someone has to flirt with them, so I went with Lyle! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] A dark Nocturne crept along the lands of the Highland Scrub, slinking in the shadows and generally being his sneaky self. The clan had gotten much too loud today, so he went for a quick fly by himself, and ended up in the Shifting Expanse. He wasn't much further from home than normal, though, and he knew how to hide, so he wasn't too worried about running into anyone. However, he decided he [i]wanted[/i] to run into that mirror over there. The bright contrast of the circuit against the Obsidian hide fit very well for a dragon in a lightning clan, and though it may be kind of brighter than Lyle's taste, he was incredibly intrigued by the other dragon. The thought of interacting with the other dragon worried him, though. He wasn't very good with strangers or noise or anything like that. He took a deep breath and decided that, hey, if it went wrong, he could always flee back into the shadows and rest somewhere else for the day. Crawling towards the other dragon (and then flying slightly above ground after he realized crawling at a stranger would not be a good idea), he alighted softly behind the mirror, and hesitantly cleared his throat to catch their attention. "Hello," Lyle greeted quietly, voice only just audible. "I- You- Well, you-, I just-," is all her really managed. He wished he had thought through what he was going to say to the other dragon. [i]Looks like Plan B after all,[/i] h thought bitterly to himself as he dashed off before the other dragon could get a word in. Even the deafening noise of the clan would be better than this.


I looked at Genesis and actually went 'Holy S*** out loud because they're beautiful, so someone has to flirt with them, so I went with Lyle!


A dark Nocturne crept along the lands of the Highland Scrub, slinking in the shadows and generally being his sneaky self. The clan had gotten much too loud today, so he went for a quick fly by himself, and ended up in the Shifting Expanse. He wasn't much further from home than normal, though, and he knew how to hide, so he wasn't too worried about running into anyone.

However, he decided he wanted to run into that mirror over there. The bright contrast of the circuit against the Obsidian hide fit very well for a dragon in a lightning clan, and though it may be kind of brighter than Lyle's taste, he was incredibly intrigued by the other dragon.

The thought of interacting with the other dragon worried him, though. He wasn't very good with strangers or noise or anything like that. He took a deep breath and decided that, hey, if it went wrong, he could always flee back into the shadows and rest somewhere else for the day.

Crawling towards the other dragon (and then flying slightly above ground after he realized crawling at a stranger would not be a good idea), he alighted softly behind the mirror, and hesitantly cleared his throat to catch their attention.

"Hello," Lyle greeted quietly, voice only just audible. "I- You- Well, you-, I just-," is all her really managed. He wished he had thought through what he was going to say to the other dragon.

Looks like Plan B after all, h thought bitterly to himself as he dashed off before the other dragon could get a word in. Even the deafening noise of the clan would be better than this.


Are You My Charge?
100 Hatchling Challenge!

Fated For Greatness
A Pinkerlocke
@DragonPrincess27 [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Penelope and Double [url=] [img][/img] [/url] -------------------- Double loved to take photos of dragons, whatever they were doing. In this day, he was walking out in the plaza, he took it upon himself to sit, watching the dragons that passed for the perfect one to ask to model. Pushing his glasses up, a pearlcatcher rushed by, without a pearl. Curious, Double stood to ask, before he could though, it turned and took off in the way it came, returning but a few seconds later with its pearl. Intriguing. He followed her, tapping lightly on her shoulder with a claw. "Hello, I noticed you and honestly, your one of the most stunning looking pearl catchers ive ever seen. May i take some photographs of you?"


Penelope and Double


Double loved to take photos of dragons, whatever they were doing. In this day, he was walking out in the plaza, he took it upon himself to sit, watching the dragons that passed for the perfect one to ask to model. Pushing his glasses up, a pearlcatcher rushed by, without a pearl. Curious, Double stood to ask, before he could though, it turned and took off in the way it came, returning but a few seconds later with its pearl. Intriguing. He followed her, tapping lightly on her shoulder with a claw.

"Hello, I noticed you and honestly, your one of the most stunning looking pearl catchers ive ever seen. May i take some photographs of you?"
I know this can be frustrating… And it can feel like so much effort to progress such a small amount, but I want you to know that I’m proud of you.
@DragonPrincess27 That was cute! Andf thank you. Genesis is supposed to be a Twili.

And I think Lyle is a pretty dragon.
@DragonPrincess27 That was cute! Andf thank you. Genesis is supposed to be a Twili.

And I think Lyle is a pretty dragon.
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o4_100.giftumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o2_75sq.png Hobbyist Writer57719699_nSiBYnESr0q0Pa5.pngFeel free to ping! tumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o1_75sq.pngtumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif
bumpin this!
bumpin this!
@MonsterKid Your Romaria [img][/img] With my Apollo [img][/img] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Never had Apollo ever met such a beautifully colored Shadow Dragon. In his once-in-a-life-time adventures into Shadow Territory, he saw her. Romaria. She seemed upset, probably due to her coloration. His gembond didn't shine the way he wanted, but he approached her anyway. "How come there's such a bright star in the middle of this darkness?" He watched as she looked at him strangely "Who are you?" "The Sun." ~

Your Romaria


With my Apollo



Never had Apollo ever met such a beautifully colored Shadow Dragon. In his once-in-a-life-time adventures into Shadow Territory, he saw her. Romaria. She seemed upset, probably due to her coloration. His gembond didn't shine the way he wanted, but he approached her anyway.

"How come there's such a bright star in the middle of this darkness?"
He watched as she looked at him strangely
"Who are you?"
"The Sun."
@Alpine [img][/img] [img][/img] Phantom sat quietly, watching Anubis as he wrapped up the injured Skydancer's wing. Phantom was being reckless and broke his wing, landing in a cactus mound, but thankfully the handsome and helpful Anubis had found him. "There..." Anubis said as he finished wrapping Phantom's wing. "You're lucky I found you, kid, or you would have been stuck." "Um, thank you Anubis." "You're welcome." Anubis stood, urging Phantom to do the same. "Get back to your clan before you keel over." "Okay." Phantom nodded, taking a couple hesitant steps. [i]"Goddesses, say something![/i] "Is there something you want to say, or can I go?" "Yes, I wanna say this..." The obsidian Skydancer turned to the black one, smirking. "We will meet again, and when we do, you can expect some payment for this." As he pressed on, Anubis sighed, muttering. "Lightning drakes..."



Phantom sat quietly, watching Anubis as he wrapped up the injured Skydancer's wing. Phantom was being reckless and broke his wing, landing in a cactus mound, but thankfully the handsome and helpful Anubis had found him. "There..." Anubis said as he finished wrapping Phantom's wing. "You're lucky I found you, kid, or you would have been stuck."

"Um, thank you Anubis."

"You're welcome." Anubis stood, urging Phantom to do the same. "Get back to your clan before you keel over."

"Okay." Phantom nodded, taking a couple hesitant steps. "Goddesses, say something!

"Is there something you want to say, or can I go?"

"Yes, I wanna say this..." The obsidian Skydancer turned to the black one, smirking. "We will meet again, and when we do, you can expect some payment for this." As he pressed on, Anubis sighed, muttering.

"Lightning drakes..."

tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o4_100.giftumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o2_75sq.png Hobbyist Writer57719699_nSiBYnESr0q0Pa5.pngFeel free to ping! tumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o1_75sq.pngtumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif
@RoninDragoon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He had only gotten a small glance at her at first, and in all honestly he had believed her to be one of the most elegantly made ice sculpture he had ever seen. When he saw her move Araceli thought he had been going mad. After all that sort of beauty was unheard of, no dragon should look like that. He thought to approach her but a small part of him feared she would melt if he so much as stood too close to her. She held a delicate perfection that he honestly didn't know how to deal with. Araceli was so use to ice dragons being rather harsh and hardy, he had never seen one that looked so perfectly poised that a wrong move could make her disappear. He shook those thoughts away. She was a dragon after all, so surely it would be fine to talk to her. It wasn't like she was actually made of ice, right? He stared at her from afar for a bit making sure he had indeed actually seen her move and that he wasn't about to go talk to a block of lifeless ice. Then he took a deep breath and made his way over, trying to make pure confidence come out in every move he made. "Hello, lovely," he said smoothly to the dragon, hoping to at least hear the name of the beauty that took his breath away.



He had only gotten a small glance at her at first, and in all honestly he had believed her to be one of the most elegantly made ice sculpture he had ever seen. When he saw her move Araceli thought he had been going mad. After all that sort of beauty was unheard of, no dragon should look like that.

He thought to approach her but a small part of him feared she would melt if he so much as stood too close to her. She held a delicate perfection that he honestly didn't know how to deal with. Araceli was so use to ice dragons being rather harsh and hardy, he had never seen one that looked so perfectly poised that a wrong move could make her disappear.

He shook those thoughts away. She was a dragon after all, so surely it would be fine to talk to her. It wasn't like she was actually made of ice, right? He stared at her from afar for a bit making sure he had indeed actually seen her move and that he wasn't about to go talk to a block of lifeless ice.

Then he took a deep breath and made his way over, trying to make pure confidence come out in every move he made. "Hello, lovely," he said smoothly to the dragon, hoping to at least hear the name of the beauty that took his breath away.
@StrawberryJello That was fabulous.
@StrawberryJello That was fabulous.
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o4_100.giftumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o2_75sq.png Hobbyist Writer57719699_nSiBYnESr0q0Pa5.pngFeel free to ping! tumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o1_75sq.pngtumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif

Thank you! I try :) Frost is a really pretty dragon

Thank you! I try :) Frost is a really pretty dragon
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