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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
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@sparkleworks1 [img][/img] [img][/img] Sakyo watched the coal colored Fae as he wandered around the lair, sniffing the cave walls curiously. He was a handsome Fae, odd, but handsome. "So, eh, where did you say you were from?" "The Starwood Strand..." "Is there a reason you came all the way from the Starfall Isles to the Highland Scrub, or did you just come to sniff the walls?" "I'm searching for a Fae of the Plague Flight...." Sakyo blinked, then closed his eyes and chuckled. "Why?" "I want to see what one is like... Are they vicious and deadly, or are they just like any Fae?" Sakyo stood, going over to the Arcane Fae, his eyes still closed. "Oh, I should mention... My name is Sakyo Kurayami." "What a coincidence, mine is Yami!" "And about that Plague Flight Fae..." Yami gasped. "Do you know anything?!" Sakyo opened his eyes and stepped in front of Yami, smirking. "Shall we find out?"



Sakyo watched the coal colored Fae as he wandered around the lair, sniffing the cave walls curiously. He was a handsome Fae, odd, but handsome. "So, eh, where did you say you were from?"

"The Starwood Strand..."

"Is there a reason you came all the way from the Starfall Isles to the Highland Scrub, or did you just come to sniff the walls?"

"I'm searching for a Fae of the Plague Flight...." Sakyo blinked, then closed his eyes and chuckled.


"I want to see what one is like... Are they vicious and deadly, or are they just like any Fae?" Sakyo stood, going over to the Arcane Fae, his eyes still closed.

"Oh, I should mention... My name is Sakyo Kurayami."

"What a coincidence, mine is Yami!"

"And about that Plague Flight Fae..." Yami gasped.

"Do you know anything?!" Sakyo opened his eyes and stepped in front of Yami, smirking.

"Shall we find out?"
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o4_100.giftumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o2_75sq.png Hobbyist Writer57719699_nSiBYnESr0q0Pa5.pngFeel free to ping! tumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o1_75sq.pngtumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif
@RoninDragoon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Would certainly be smitten by [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Dice was the clan flirt. No matter where she was, regardless if the situation was serious or not, she couldn't held but make some comment to any attractive dragon she happened to come around to. This Imperial was no different. True, he was much [i]much[/i] larger than her, but size wasn't an issue in her eyes. "Hey big boy~" she said, flying up by his head. "What brings you to this part of Driftwood Drag? More importantly, what can I say that'll make you stay for a while?" Dice asked, smiling mischievously at him. "My name is Dice, by the way. What's yours?"


Would certainly be smitten by


Dice was the clan flirt. No matter where she was, regardless if the situation was serious or not, she couldn't held but make some comment to any attractive dragon she happened to come around to. This Imperial was no different. True, he was much much larger than her, but size wasn't an issue in her eyes. "Hey big boy~" she said, flying up by his head. "What brings you to this part of Driftwood Drag? More importantly, what can I say that'll make you stay for a while?" Dice asked, smiling mischievously at him. "My name is Dice, by the way. What's yours?"
CLAIMED -------------- @FuchsiaRuler Your: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] With My: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] When Futuristic saw That dragon She knew She most go and talk with Her. Hello!! Little one~ I ca't stop watching You cause your colors and You are so cute!!~ Even if That words acared a little the other dragon, This blush - T-Thank You, your colors are cute too. Futuristic smiles "I got You now" She tought to Her self.



With My:


When Futuristic saw That dragon She knew She most go and talk with Her.
Hello!! Little one~ I ca't stop watching You cause your colors and You are so cute!!~
Even if That words acared a little the other dragon, This blush
- T-Thank You, your colors are cute too.
Futuristic smiles "I got You now" She tought to Her self.
sq1IuCD.png wvz5N8O.png 4Bz0H0h.png Have a nice day!

pB4mtr0.png Pairs + Sales 37rb42a.png fUHWFTE.png

1LT0ZsJ.png ck9Yfve.png ujKGCQj.png 40565.png
@Nulume I have a feeling your Constantine [url=] [img][/img] [/url] would definitely pique the interest of my bb Snuff. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- It was far from the norm for the nocturne, as ny attempted to find a place to stay at this summit between flights. Especially in a Plague lair, so close to the shadowlands ny had fears of, but thankfully closer to the glades that ny had begun to call home. It wasn't until another shadow dragon had claimed the spot next to nyr that Snuff looked up. A brilliant coatl covered with black feathers and crystallized red fluff, ny couldn't help but stare, becoming bashful at the sight. "Your lair is uh... Lovely. I'm sorry to have to take up this spot. Perhaps we could share it? Do you mind if I borrow your wing shade?"

I have a feeling your Constantine


would definitely pique the interest of my bb Snuff.


It was far from the norm for the nocturne, as ny attempted to find a place to stay at this summit between flights. Especially in a Plague lair, so close to the shadowlands ny had fears of, but thankfully closer to the glades that ny had begun to call home. It wasn't until another shadow dragon had claimed the spot next to nyr that Snuff looked up. A brilliant coatl covered with black feathers and crystallized red fluff, ny couldn't help but stare, becoming bashful at the sight.

"Your lair is uh... Lovely. I'm sorry to have to take up this spot. Perhaps we could share it? Do you mind if I borrow your wing shade?"
Q62KAe6.png Adrian. He/him/his.
I collect mammertee and kelp tender plushies. Help my army grow!
Please do not misgender my dragons!
@Sakonshima [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]It's her again Flair thought. She's not quite sure why her brain keeps coming back to her, the beautiful mirror that flew past her while she was patrolling the boarders. It was just a glance, but something in her heart stirred at the sight of her wings slicing the horizon. She's not sure what she's feeling, and she's not sure she likes it either. Since a long time ago she's given up on the thought of butterflies in her stomach, the rapid beating of her heart, the feeling of it-who-shall-not-be-named. She long realised that trust is a fickle thing, and the only beings she allowed herself to trust was her family and food. But even as she tried to focus on the delicious crunch of her favourite afternoon snack her eyes can't help but be pulled to that mirror whenever they cross paths. "Maybe I should ask her name." "Nonono that's stupid, stop it. Get back to work! Fo-" Suddenly the object of her fascination pulled a smile as they flew effortlessly across the muddy path. For a moment she was all that existed.[/i]



It's her again

Flair thought. She's not quite sure why her brain keeps coming back to her, the beautiful mirror that flew past her while she was patrolling the boarders. It was just a glance, but something in her heart stirred at the sight of her wings slicing the horizon. She's not sure what she's feeling, and she's not sure she likes it either. Since a long time ago she's given up on the thought of butterflies in her stomach, the rapid beating of her heart, the feeling of it-who-shall-not-be-named. She long realised that trust is a fickle thing, and the only beings she allowed herself to trust was her family and food. But even as she tried to focus on the delicious crunch of her favourite afternoon snack her eyes can't help but be pulled to that mirror whenever they cross paths.

"Maybe I should ask her name."
"Nonono that's stupid, stop it. Get back to work! Fo-"

Suddenly the object of her fascination pulled a smile as they flew effortlessly across the muddy path.

For a moment she was all that existed.
@Sylvette [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Sebastian [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and Laufey! The Healer raised his tired head as two guardians carried in yet another sick dragon. The storms were wild and freezing even to Ice dragons as of late, and many travelers were being brought in by as many as an Imp could carry. Sebastian was tired enough as it is trying to heal his own clan mates, but he wouldn't dare let Spooky get his paws on any travelers. "There's no more open spots," Sebastian quietly explained, but I've slept long enough. They can rest in mine." "You are pushing yourself too hard, Sebastian," Xavernia replied, "Perhaps we can take this one to the guest dens and-" "No no, I'll be fine. Just let me find some frostmint..." The guardians Mysterio and Xavernia shot a glance to each other, but they knew there would be no changing the Tundra's mind. Xavernia gently sat the guest in Sebastian's spot and the two went out to see if they would find anyone else- per Azriel's request. Sebastian dug through his herbs and then slowly turned to his newest patient. "Now, let's see what's wrong..." Sebastian closed his eyes and felt around the dragon's torso gently, trying to see if there were any obtrusions in the lungs. "hmmm... seems like your lungs are fine... you're one of the lucky ones." Sebastian whipped up a quick warming mixture, designed to heal any wounds and reverse any frostbite, and gently raised the dragon's head to have her drink it. It wasn't until this point he realized he was working on another Tundra. As the medicine began to do it's work, she slowly opened her eyes and- for what was probably the first in a long time- the healer felt his heart take a heavy beat in his chest. She tried to speak, but her eyes slowly closed again. "Shhhh..." he replied, gently laying her head back down. "you're safe now. Rest." she quietly drifted to sleep, and Sebastian let out an exhausted breath. Things were hard enough as it was, with his herbs constantly on short supply and it almost being too dangerous to send dragons out to find more. But having that tundra here... well somehow it gave him the newfound strength to try. ((NOTE: Ronindragoon, you're an awesome person and really cool for tagging me so much in this, but I think you've tagged me three times in a row now. Give someone else a chance, friend! XD))




and Laufey!

The Healer raised his tired head as two guardians carried in yet another sick dragon. The storms were wild and freezing even to Ice dragons as of late, and many travelers were being brought in by as many as an Imp could carry.

Sebastian was tired enough as it is trying to heal his own clan mates, but he wouldn't dare let Spooky get his paws on any travelers.

"There's no more open spots," Sebastian quietly explained, but I've slept long enough. They can rest in mine."

"You are pushing yourself too hard, Sebastian," Xavernia replied, "Perhaps we can take this one to the guest dens and-"

"No no, I'll be fine. Just let me find some frostmint..."

The guardians Mysterio and Xavernia shot a glance to each other, but they knew there would be no changing the Tundra's mind. Xavernia gently sat the guest in Sebastian's spot and the two went out to see if they would find anyone else- per Azriel's request.

Sebastian dug through his herbs and then slowly turned to his newest patient. "Now, let's see what's wrong..."

Sebastian closed his eyes and felt around the dragon's torso gently, trying to see if there were any obtrusions in the lungs. "hmmm... seems like your lungs are fine... you're one of the lucky ones."

Sebastian whipped up a quick warming mixture, designed to heal any wounds and reverse any frostbite, and gently raised the dragon's head to have her drink it. It wasn't until this point he realized he was working on another Tundra.

As the medicine began to do it's work, she slowly opened her eyes and- for what was probably the first in a long time- the healer felt his heart take a heavy beat in his chest. She tried to speak, but her eyes slowly closed again.

"Shhhh..." he replied, gently laying her head back down. "you're safe now. Rest."

she quietly drifted to sleep, and Sebastian let out an exhausted breath. Things were hard enough as it was, with his herbs constantly on short supply and it almost being too dangerous to send dragons out to find more. But having that tundra here... well somehow it gave him the newfound strength to try.

((NOTE: Ronindragoon, you're an awesome person and really cool for tagging me so much in this, but I think you've tagged me three times in a row now. Give someone else a chance, friend! XD))
@TheChronicler [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gods she just had to go and do it again; a simple trip to pick herbs for her mothers ended up rather poorly as she was now trying to hide from pursuers once again. [i]That's the last time I'll ever sing to myself in the Southern Icefields; you'd think there would be no other just wandering around in these frozen fields. If I can just find someone to help me...[/i] she thinks, the cold already burrowed beneath her skin and movements slower than normal. Just when she thought she'd have to resort to burrowing herself in a pile of snow to hide, she saw a form fidgeting atop a cliff face and did her best to quicken her pace, knowing that the tundras that were following her would catch up to her soon. Coming close enough to see the form take the shape of a ridgeback, she sighed with relief before realizing she may have no way to communicate with them. Her wings fluttered with her growing anxiety, if she spoke to ask for help, she'd be in no better position than what she faced now and that ridgeback looked plenty intimidating on his own. Before she could even think of looking for another savior, a loud thud shook the ground near her and she found the ridgeback, male her mind quickly supplied, standing just a few feet in front of her, armor gleaming almost painfully against the backdrop of snow and ice. It was no or never she supposed. [b]Help? Please for me? Help?[/b] she signed, mouthing the words alongside a silent plea that he would understand. A throat cleared behind her and she minutely inched towards the larger male, wings tucked tightly against her body and wishing that she had just taken up Ace's offer of accompaniment. ((Not really much flirting in this one, but he would find himself with the attention of a puppy-love if he helps her out.))



Gods she just had to go and do it again; a simple trip to pick herbs for her mothers ended up rather poorly as she was now trying to hide from pursuers once again. That's the last time I'll ever sing to myself in the Southern Icefields; you'd think there would be no other just wandering around in these frozen fields. If I can just find someone to help me... she thinks, the cold already burrowed beneath her skin and movements slower than normal. Just when she thought she'd have to resort to burrowing herself in a pile of snow to hide, she saw a form fidgeting atop a cliff face and did her best to quicken her pace, knowing that the tundras that were following her would catch up to her soon.

Coming close enough to see the form take the shape of a ridgeback, she sighed with relief before realizing she may have no way to communicate with them. Her wings fluttered with her growing anxiety, if she spoke to ask for help, she'd be in no better position than what she faced now and that ridgeback looked plenty intimidating on his own. Before she could even think of looking for another savior, a loud thud shook the ground near her and she found the ridgeback, male her mind quickly supplied, standing just a few feet in front of her, armor gleaming almost painfully against the backdrop of snow and ice. It was no or never she supposed.

Help? Please for me? Help? she signed, mouthing the words alongside a silent plea that he would understand. A throat cleared behind her and she minutely inched towards the larger male, wings tucked tightly against her body and wishing that she had just taken up Ace's offer of accompaniment.

((Not really much flirting in this one, but he would find himself with the attention of a puppy-love if he helps her out.))
@Pickpocket0013 [img][/img] [img][/img] Takanosuke was absolutely enchanted by the Imperial performing before him. Shre had a beautiful voice, it sounded like sweet bells chiming, but how would a little Fae like him be able to impress such a big Imperial like her? Well, he did have a way with words. [i]"There's your leverage!"[/i] He thought. When her performance was done, Takanosuke flew after her as she left. "Hey!" He hovered in front of her face. "Huh?" Her eyes focused on him. "Oh, hello." "I'm Takanosuke, and I wanted to say you have such a beautiful voice!" "Oh, thank you..." She replied sheepishly. "Yours is adorable.... Anyway, I'm Circinus." "Do you have to leave soon? If not I could show you around ther Highland Scrub!" Circinus smiled. "Sounds lovely."



Takanosuke was absolutely enchanted by the Imperial performing before him. Shre had a beautiful voice, it sounded like sweet bells chiming, but how would a little Fae like him be able to impress such a big Imperial like her?

Well, he did have a way with words. "There's your leverage!" He thought. When her performance was done, Takanosuke flew after her as she left. "Hey!" He hovered in front of her face.

"Huh?" Her eyes focused on him. "Oh, hello."

"I'm Takanosuke, and I wanted to say you have such a beautiful voice!"

"Oh, thank you..." She replied sheepishly. "Yours is adorable.... Anyway, I'm Circinus."

"Do you have to leave soon? If not I could show you around ther Highland Scrub!" Circinus smiled.

"Sounds lovely."
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o4_100.giftumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o2_75sq.png Hobbyist Writer57719699_nSiBYnESr0q0Pa5.pngFeel free to ping! tumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o1_75sq.pngtumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif
@RoninDragoon [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Blood + Erebus [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- [indent]So maybe he's a bit narcissistic, but Erebus can't help but hover around Blood, purposefully letting the light hit his wings [i]just so[/i] to send it scattering in an appeasing manner. The smirk he wears tells of the sport he derives from his flirtatious game.[/indent]


Blood + Erebus


So maybe he's a bit narcissistic, but Erebus can't help but hover around Blood, purposefully letting the light hit his wings just so to send it scattering in an appeasing manner. The smirk he wears tells of the sport he derives from his flirtatious game.
@mixgoldenphoenix [img][/img] [img][/img] Zoruark was a little curious about that Delwyn. He was cute no doubt, but he just rubbed the young Mirror the wrong way. Maybe it was because he was bragging to everyone about his genes? "And I needn't wear any appatrel to look great!" All the females 'Ooh'ed. Thre Hewn City was very odd, if that was all it took to impress the dames. "Crystal, Facet and Smoke! CFS fort short." [i]"Figures he's a showoff.... How do I impress this loudmouth? I don't have any special genes... Oh, wait, I do!"[/i] Cherub! Zoruark stood, going beside the Skydancer. "What does it matter? Sany gene is great." Well.... Iridescent is questionable. Delwyn bursted out laughing. "W-What?!" "You are so funny! You have one of the newest genes, an adorable one, yet you cover it up with a little old Aviator Scarf!" The females laughed along. "It's a trademark, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. And if I assume correctly, you don't have one." He stood. "Plenty of dragons are all white... And another thing, you'd be lucky to GET a trademark as cute as this." He gestured to himself, leaving the lair. Well [i]that[/i] went well...



Zoruark was a little curious about that Delwyn. He was cute no doubt, but he just rubbed the young Mirror the wrong way. Maybe it was because he was bragging to everyone about his genes?

"And I needn't wear any appatrel to look great!" All the females 'Ooh'ed. Thre Hewn City was very odd, if that was all it took to impress the dames. "Crystal, Facet and Smoke! CFS fort short."

"Figures he's a showoff.... How do I impress this loudmouth? I don't have any special genes... Oh, wait, I do!" Cherub! Zoruark stood, going beside the Skydancer. "What does it matter? Sany gene is great." Well.... Iridescent is questionable.

Delwyn bursted out laughing. "W-What?!"

"You are so funny! You have one of the newest genes, an adorable one, yet you cover it up with a little old Aviator Scarf!" The females laughed along.

"It's a trademark, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. And if I assume correctly, you don't have one." He stood. "Plenty of dragons are all white... And another thing, you'd be lucky to GET a trademark as cute as this." He gestured to himself, leaving the lair.

Well that went well...
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o4_100.giftumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o2_75sq.png Hobbyist Writer57719699_nSiBYnESr0q0Pa5.pngFeel free to ping! tumblr_oswcc6oFGq1v8lm95o1_75sq.pngtumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o2_100.gif
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