
Forum Games

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TOPIC | Flirt with a Dragon -- Lair Game~!
Im so sorry! I misread the name
Im so sorry! I misread the name
@SecretSkydancer Your Bloodwing [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and My Levi [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I hope you like it! -- Levi just finished up speaking with a clan member that is going to help him become stronger. He sighed as he thought he was powerful until he saw someone new came into his home and showed off their skills. He sat down and pulled off mask and hood. He looked around to see if anyone on was near. From behind, he heard a soft 'crunch' of some sticks. Levi didn't look over as he spoke, "Your terrible at sneaking," A female voice yelled out, "How did you hear me?!" "Watch where you step," Levi added, rolling his eyes as he looked over to the voice. He spotted an unfamiliar dragon approach him. The nocturne spoke again, "Fight me!" Levi shakes his head, "No," "WHY?!?!" She yelled out as she got up in his face. Levi cleared his throat, his face getting red from how close she was. He pushed her face away, "Not in the mood to fight some dragon like you," The female gasped, "How dare you insult me! The powerful, Bloodwing!" "Ugh," Levi groaned as he stood up, he looked back down to her, "If you really want to, fine then," "Yes!! Finally I get to fight someone as strong as you!" Bloodwing cheered. Levi blushed lightly as he puts on his hood and mask, he didn't know if that was a compliment or not. He added, "Also, my name is Levi." He backup and got into his fighting stance, "Are you ready?" "I was born ready! I hope you're ready to lose to me!" Bloodwing beamed as she lunged towards him.
Your Bloodwing


My Levi


I hope you like it!

Levi just finished up speaking with a clan member that is going to help him become stronger. He sighed as he thought he was powerful until he saw someone new came into his home and showed off their skills.
He sat down and pulled off mask and hood. He looked around to see if anyone on was near. From behind, he heard a soft 'crunch' of some sticks. Levi didn't look over as he spoke, "Your terrible at sneaking,"
A female voice yelled out, "How did you hear me?!"
"Watch where you step," Levi added, rolling his eyes as he looked over to the voice. He spotted an unfamiliar dragon approach him. The nocturne spoke again, "Fight me!"
Levi shakes his head, "No,"
"WHY?!?!" She yelled out as she got up in his face.
Levi cleared his throat, his face getting red from how close she was. He pushed her face away, "Not in the mood to fight some dragon like you,"
The female gasped, "How dare you insult me! The powerful, Bloodwing!"
"Ugh," Levi groaned as he stood up, he looked back down to her, "If you really want to, fine then,"
"Yes!! Finally I get to fight someone as strong as you!" Bloodwing cheered.
Levi blushed lightly as he puts on his hood and mask, he didn't know if that was a compliment or not. He added, "Also, my name is Levi." He backup and got into his fighting stance, "Are you ready?"
"I was born ready! I hope you're ready to lose to me!" Bloodwing beamed as she lunged towards him.
item_fuschia_scale_by_dogi_crimson-dadpnzz.gif +2 FR time, Tumblr blog

Omg it’s perfect! You got her character perfect. She really does love a challenge XD
(Skip me)
Omg it’s perfect! You got her character perfect. She really does love a challenge XD
(Skip me)
@Longtailsally457 Your (beautiful) Cora: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And my Lockharte: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [rule] It had been a long day. Cora found herself asleep in a matter of minutes, the candles around her continuing to float above her unconscious body. She found comfort in believing that they were carried by those who had parted from this world, that they'd accompany and protect her while she slept. She opened her eyes again, and she wasn't in her lair anymore. No, this world, one full of gentle pastel clouds and a bright blue sky, were simply too good to be true. As Core looked around, equally fascinated and shocked, a soft voice from behind gained her attention. "My, what a lovely surprise. You're certainly a sight to behold." Cora turned around to face a male Skydancer, donning a starry veil that matched the soft pastels of the setting around them. He gave her a gentle smile, though his eyes suggested different emotions. But Cora wasn't fazed by his appearance. She was too curious about where she was, how she got there. "Am I...Am I dead?" Cora whispered. The query prompted a laugh from the unnamed Skydancer. "Oh, no, my dear. You're simply dreaming - I am but a figment of your dreams, imaginary. However, these feelings you're giving me? They feel all too real." She scowled at him. "That's...well, if you're a, does that mean you're some form of spirit?" "Well..." He closed his eyes, and when they opened again, his expression turned more serious. "If that's what you'd like to hear, then I shall make it so." [rule] (May have gone a little overboard, my bad :'D hope you enjoyed the little Drabble nonetheless!)

Your (beautiful) Cora:


And my Lockharte:


It had been a long day. Cora found herself asleep in a matter of minutes, the candles around her continuing to float above her unconscious body. She found comfort in believing that they were carried by those who had parted from this world, that they'd accompany and protect her while she slept.

She opened her eyes again, and she wasn't in her lair anymore. No, this world, one full of gentle pastel clouds and a bright blue sky, were simply too good to be true. As Core looked around, equally fascinated and shocked, a soft voice from behind gained her attention.

"My, what a lovely surprise. You're certainly a sight to behold."

Cora turned around to face a male Skydancer, donning a starry veil that matched the soft pastels of the setting around them. He gave her a gentle smile, though his eyes suggested different emotions.

But Cora wasn't fazed by his appearance. She was too curious about where she was, how she got there.

"Am I...Am I dead?" Cora whispered.

The query prompted a laugh from the unnamed Skydancer. "Oh, no, my dear. You're simply dreaming - I am but a figment of your dreams, imaginary. However, these feelings you're giving me? They feel all too real."

She scowled at him. "That's...well, if you're a, does that mean you're some form of spirit?"


He closed his eyes, and when they opened again, his expression turned more serious.

"If that's what you'd like to hear, then I shall make it so."

(May have gone a little overboard, my bad :'D hope you enjoyed the little Drabble nonetheless!)
And should tears fall down your cheeks,
I will gently change them into a smile for you.
@KentuckyTheFried my eirwen [url=] [img][/img] [/url] has taken a liking to your iriekain [url=] [img][/img] [/url] shes a little too shy to say anything but shes been staring for quite a while now...

my eirwen


has taken a liking to your iriekain


shes a little too shy to say anything but shes been staring for quite a while now...
before u interact ;)
Rayne [Ray/Canis] | He/Him | 15 | Single
FR time + 3

i've a soft spot for lore of all sorts ♥
[s]claim![/s] @t0xicol [url=] [img][/img] [/url] even though she has a mate already, Nightshade [url=] [img][/img] [/url] wouldn't hesitate to shoot a well worded flirt Canis' way --------------------------------------------------------------------- One Pearlcatcher gave the other a quick look over and smirked. "lovely scales," she cooed, "if I weren't a married girl I may even dare call them [i]handsome[/i]."



even though she has a mate already, Nightshade


wouldn't hesitate to shoot a well worded flirt Canis' way

One Pearlcatcher gave the other a quick look over and smirked.

"lovely scales," she cooed, "if I weren't a married girl I may even dare call them handsome."
@TheChronicler Your Rico [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And my Jacquette [url=] [img][/img] [/url] --------------------------------------------------------------- Jacquette growled as she came to realize she was now [i]too far [/i]away from the Hive. Having gotten into a fight with one of the Generals, she flew out of the Hive in a flurry to try and clear her head. Lot of good that did her as the sun started to rise and she looked at her surroundings. Snow and ice started to take over the land, leaving it blinding. The female skydancer tugged her hood down lower in an attempt to block it out. But as the sun rose, her eye begun to sting and she knew she must find cover. It came in the shape of a small side entrance on the side of a mound. She could smell other dragons as soon as she set down, but ignored them in favor of finding shelter. Besides, this entrance was too small for anyone of real threatening size to squeeze through. Jacquette squeezed herself into the cave entrance, scrambling to move ice and dirt. Finally she came into a warmer room, there was no light, but her eye adjusted far quicker than they would have in the light. The skydancer froze as she came to realize just what kind of room she had gotten herself into. Hatchlings, as far as the eye could see. They were nothing but lumpy piles, all squashed together for warmth and comfort. The skydancer froze, a rather nasty thought coming to mind. [i]She could really hurt someone's clan here. Take a few and bring them back to the Hive, no one would be the wiser till midday.[/i] But those thoughts quickly left her as she saw one give a small yawn and snuggle back into it's pile. Damn things were too cute to kidnap. She was cooing over another whom had rolled onto their back, pudgy tummy, when she head a heavy set of footfalls coming down the hall. Ah! No doubt it was their guardian. Frantically she shoved herself back into the small entrance, using her cape to conceal her in the dark part way back. Afraid of the wraith she may encounter, Jacquette held her breath. Only to almost let it go as she saw the most handsome man in her life walk through that door. This wildclaw male was a combination of blue and whites, rare colors where she was from. He carried himself with the grace of a snowflake and his face, soft and caring, as he checked over his brood made her face heat up. Were any of these little one's his? Oh they had to be, any female would be proud to have such a perfect creature the sire of their children. She almost moved and gave herself away as he looked up, no doubt having caught her scent. He looked around, confused, before forgetting it in favor of checking the children. Once done, he left. As did she. Back out in the light, it didn't hurt as much anymore she convinced herself. Jacquette left, feeling lighter than she had in a long time.

Your Rico


And my Jacquette


Jacquette growled as she came to realize she was now too far away from the Hive. Having gotten into a fight with one of the Generals, she flew out of the Hive in a flurry to try and clear her head. Lot of good that did her as the sun started to rise and she looked at her surroundings. Snow and ice started to take over the land, leaving it blinding. The female skydancer tugged her hood down lower in an attempt to block it out. But as the sun rose, her eye begun to sting and she knew she must find cover. It came in the shape of a small side entrance on the side of a mound.

She could smell other dragons as soon as she set down, but ignored them in favor of finding shelter. Besides, this entrance was too small for anyone of real threatening size to squeeze through. Jacquette squeezed herself into the cave entrance, scrambling to move ice and dirt. Finally she came into a warmer room, there was no light, but her eye adjusted far quicker than they would have in the light. The skydancer froze as she came to realize just what kind of room she had gotten herself into. Hatchlings, as far as the eye could see.

They were nothing but lumpy piles, all squashed together for warmth and comfort. The skydancer froze, a rather nasty thought coming to mind. She could really hurt someone's clan here. Take a few and bring them back to the Hive, no one would be the wiser till midday. But those thoughts quickly left her as she saw one give a small yawn and snuggle back into it's pile. Damn things were too cute to kidnap.

She was cooing over another whom had rolled onto their back, pudgy tummy, when she head a heavy set of footfalls coming down the hall. Ah! No doubt it was their guardian. Frantically she shoved herself back into the small entrance, using her cape to conceal her in the dark part way back. Afraid of the wraith she may encounter, Jacquette held her breath. Only to almost let it go as she saw the most handsome man in her life walk through that door.

This wildclaw male was a combination of blue and whites, rare colors where she was from. He carried himself with the grace of a snowflake and his face, soft and caring, as he checked over his brood made her face heat up. Were any of these little one's his? Oh they had to be, any female would be proud to have such a perfect creature the sire of their children. She almost moved and gave herself away as he looked up, no doubt having caught her scent. He looked around, confused, before forgetting it in favor of checking the children. Once done, he left. As did she.

Back out in the light, it didn't hurt as much anymore she convinced herself. Jacquette left, feeling lighter than she had in a long time.
@CrowDazzle Your Finar (couldn't resist his lore) [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and my Damae [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Combat was a game, a dance of swift and looping flight, and Damae loved it like nothing else on Sornieth. She was not as strong as other warriors of her clan, and certainly not as vicious, but there was nobody quicker. Her heart beat quicker as she bowed her head to the skydancer drake, her opponent on the field this day. The horn blew, and she darted toward him. He was ready, and she side-slipped the trident-slash by inches, laughing exultantly. "Beautiful!" she called to him, looping back to meet him in the air. She got his trident locked down, wrapping his arm with almost a foot of her tail, but his claws were as ready as hers, scoring fairly on her hide. She hissed at the sharp pain, baring her teeth in what was really more a grin than a snarl. "You've justly earned your reputation, Blue Knight," Damae murmured, constricting her tail and trying to disarm him. Then her teeth shot out, nipping at his shoulder. "Once I defeat you, I look forward to discovering if [i]all[/i] of what I've heard about you is true."

Your Finar (couldn't resist his lore)


and my Damae


Combat was a game, a dance of swift and looping flight, and Damae loved it like nothing else on Sornieth. She was not as strong as other warriors of her clan, and certainly not as vicious, but there was nobody quicker. Her heart beat quicker as she bowed her head to the skydancer drake, her opponent on the field this day.

The horn blew, and she darted toward him. He was ready, and she side-slipped the trident-slash by inches, laughing exultantly. "Beautiful!" she called to him, looping back to meet him in the air.

She got his trident locked down, wrapping his arm with almost a foot of her tail, but his claws were as ready as hers, scoring fairly on her hide. She hissed at the sharp pain, baring her teeth in what was really more a grin than a snarl.

"You've justly earned your reputation, Blue Knight," Damae murmured, constricting her tail and trying to disarm him. Then her teeth shot out, nipping at his shoulder. "Once I defeat you, I look forward to discovering if all of what I've heard about you is true."
@Perahn (sorry it took a little while!) your Shattershard [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and my Cybertech [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center]~~~ [size=2]Every movement had to be careful, calculated; each footfall forward a gentle touch to the ground. Despite the efforts, from time to time a soft [i]crunch[/i] echoed from between the cracks where his artificial skin connected, and Cyber grimaced each time it happened. Today especially, making any noise was stressful. He couldn't see anyone in his vicinity, but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was there. With his condition, he always had to keep his guard up, but rarely did he ever feel so... [i]stalked[/i]? Cyber was used to dragons picking up on his unusual scent and chasing after him as if he were a toy on a string, sometimes swooping in to swipe and test the strength of his put-together body. Even other critters found him an oddity, banding together to drive him off and making it very clear he wasn't welcome in their lands. But this quiet, unnerving feeling of being followed yet not knowing by what was driving him crazy. He'd rather them just come out and get it over with, insult him or attack him, that he could deal with - and just as he was looking around again, annoyed gaze scouring his surroundings, his eyes caught a twinkle in the distance. Freezing where he stood, he stared at it. At first nothing happened, but after a moment the flash of light flared once more and this time he spotted movement. Towards him. Cyber's back arched defensively by reflex, and he had no idea what to do but stand his ground. Yet as it came closer, he realised it was no imaginary beast come forth to slay him - but a dragon-shaped... creature? Although anyone else would've been blinded by the light, Cyber's eyes only widened as he drank in the sight before him, unperturbed. The shards, the scraps of mirror and glass, the way they connected bluntly and deliberately, the unnatural movement... How familiar it seemed to him. He had no idea of the creature's intention, but shock and wonder and a trace of hope mixed into his voice as he spoke. "You're... like me." A pause, as he tried to calm his racing mind and looked over the creature once again. "And... Beautiful."
@Perahn (sorry it took a little while!)

your Shattershard


and my Cybertech



Every movement had to be careful, calculated; each footfall forward a gentle touch to the ground. Despite the efforts, from time to time a soft crunch echoed from between the cracks where his artificial skin connected, and Cyber grimaced each time it happened.

Today especially, making any noise was stressful. He couldn't see anyone in his vicinity, but he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was there. With his condition, he always had to keep his guard up, but rarely did he ever feel so... stalked?

Cyber was used to dragons picking up on his unusual scent and chasing after him as if he were a toy on a string, sometimes swooping in to swipe and test the strength of his put-together body. Even other critters found him an oddity, banding together to drive him off and making it very clear he wasn't welcome in their lands.

But this quiet, unnerving feeling of being followed yet not knowing by what was driving him crazy. He'd rather them just come out and get it over with, insult him or attack him, that he could deal with - and just as he was looking around again, annoyed gaze scouring his surroundings, his eyes caught a twinkle in the distance.

Freezing where he stood, he stared at it. At first nothing happened, but after a moment the flash of light flared once more and this time he spotted movement. Towards him.

Cyber's back arched defensively by reflex, and he had no idea what to do but stand his ground. Yet as it came closer, he realised it was no imaginary beast come forth to slay him - but a dragon-shaped... creature?

Although anyone else would've been blinded by the light, Cyber's eyes only widened as he drank in the sight before him, unperturbed. The shards, the scraps of mirror and glass, the way they connected bluntly and deliberately, the unnatural movement... How familiar it seemed to him.

He had no idea of the creature's intention, but shock and wonder and a trace of hope mixed into his voice as he spoke. "You're... like me." A pause, as he tried to calm his racing mind and looked over the creature once again. "And... Beautiful."
@demitri [s]claim![/s] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I have a feeling my Lucwyn would find your Lanh quite interesting! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ---------- [center]Lucwyn is currently doing her duty of taking care of the two little ones of the clan. Although as the two pleaded for a small walk around Dragonhome, her eyes softened as the two had always reminded her of her own younger days. Of course she could never say no to them. Making her way out of their clan's home with the two baby imperials close by her side, Lucwyn hadn't been paying attention on the direction she had been walking in and bumped into a dragon, as her attention was fixed on the two youngers. Lucwyn's eyes widened as she stumbled back, she quickly opened her mouth to speak an apology, but nothing came out as she noticed just how drop-dead gorgeous the wildclaw was. Feeling her face grow warm in embarrassment, she quickly straightened her posture and murmured out a small apology. Hearing the shorter dragon let out a small snicker, it simply made her more embarrassed. Lucwyn gave the beautiful wildclaw a friendly, embarassed smile before she nudged the two youngers in the direction of her clan's home.[/center]



I have a feeling my Lucwyn would find your Lanh quite interesting!


Lucwyn is currently doing her duty of taking care of the two little ones of the clan. Although as the two pleaded for a small walk around Dragonhome, her eyes softened as the two had always reminded her of her own younger days. Of course she could never say no to them. Making her way out of their clan's home with the two baby imperials close by her side, Lucwyn hadn't been paying attention on the direction she had been walking in and bumped into a dragon, as her attention was fixed on the two youngers.
Lucwyn's eyes widened as she stumbled back, she quickly opened her mouth to speak an apology, but nothing came out as she noticed just how drop-dead gorgeous the wildclaw was. Feeling her face grow warm in embarrassment, she quickly straightened her posture and murmured out a small apology. Hearing the shorter dragon let out a small snicker, it simply made her more embarrassed. Lucwyn gave the beautiful wildclaw a friendly, embarassed smile before she nudged the two youngers in the direction of her clan's home.
Stay positive! ♥