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TOPIC | V&V: Vermillion / Mafia / Day 4
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[url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Very sparkly," Moros commented in a sing-song voice, looking at the new arrival. "Whether we kill him or not, I call dibs on his stuff. "Especially that pearl," she added, moving in closer to the new arrival and settling down on the opposite side of him from Samael. "[i]Very[/i] nice." She didn't really care herself whether they killed the Pearlcatcher or not. Well, she did feel a pang of regret that the group was tending towards murder, since he looked like a mage of some description and she would get no magic out of him dead. "He might be more fun alive," she added nonchalantly. "He's not gonna look half so pretty once you've killed him." She shrugged and turned her attention to Elisandre's death, adding one last comment on the subject of the Pearlcatcher: "You guys decide what to do with him, but if you don't kill him, I want to play with him, and if you do, I want his stuff." Being one of the larger dragons in the room, it was easy for Moros to crane her neck to see both the body and the clues. "Cloth, red feathers, and fur," she mused aloud. "Plus a haphazard means of decorating." She cast her eyes across the other dragons, mentally tallying potential sources. Many of them wore cloth, so that clue was not particularly useful. The orange fur could only have come from Torchwick, as far as Moros saw, but she was inclined to agree with Needle that such an obvious clue was likely false. Of course, Needle could be an angel covering for a comrade -- he wore cloth and had red feathers. He had been awfully quick to discredit evidence, but Moros didn't consider the possibility particularly likely for now; she just tucked it away in the back of her mind. Along with Needle, there were four dragons who fit both the cloth and the red feathers: Ker, Redmoon, Samael, and Bog. For the moment, none of them seemed more suspicious than the others, but Moros hoped it wasn't Samael. She'd hate to have to kill her new friend. @byenary @Zeedikay @chaoticCorvus @Cyberstrike @ClockworkEclipse @Akal


"Very sparkly," Moros commented in a sing-song voice, looking at the new arrival. "Whether we kill him or not, I call dibs on his stuff.

"Especially that pearl," she added, moving in closer to the new arrival and settling down on the opposite side of him from Samael. "Very nice."

She didn't really care herself whether they killed the Pearlcatcher or not. Well, she did feel a pang of regret that the group was tending towards murder, since he looked like a mage of some description and she would get no magic out of him dead.

"He might be more fun alive," she added nonchalantly. "He's not gonna look half so pretty once you've killed him."

She shrugged and turned her attention to Elisandre's death, adding one last comment on the subject of the Pearlcatcher: "You guys decide what to do with him, but if you don't kill him, I want to play with him, and if you do, I want his stuff."

Being one of the larger dragons in the room, it was easy for Moros to crane her neck to see both the body and the clues.

"Cloth, red feathers, and fur," she mused aloud. "Plus a haphazard means of decorating."

She cast her eyes across the other dragons, mentally tallying potential sources. Many of them wore cloth, so that clue was not particularly useful. The orange fur could only have come from Torchwick, as far as Moros saw, but she was inclined to agree with Needle that such an obvious clue was likely false. Of course, Needle could be an angel covering for a comrade -- he wore cloth and had red feathers. He had been awfully quick to discredit evidence, but Moros didn't consider the possibility particularly likely for now; she just tucked it away in the back of her mind.

Along with Needle, there were four dragons who fit both the cloth and the red feathers: Ker, Redmoon, Samael, and Bog. For the moment, none of them seemed more suspicious than the others, but Moros hoped it wasn't Samael. She'd hate to have to kill her new friend.

@byenary @Zeedikay @chaoticCorvus @Cyberstrike @ClockworkEclipse @Akal
@byenary @Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @Cyberstrike @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @Hiss @chaoticCorvus @Lorde
((I'm sorry for the mass of pings, but Keethe is attempting to get everyone's attention.))

Keethe stood up from where she had been crouching over the dead Pearlcatcher, she could glean no more information. Red feathers, orange fur and bloodied cloth. The orange fur pointed towards Torchwick, but the others’ point about such an obvious clue was valid reasoning. Conversely, if Torchwick was the murder, he could well have planted the red feathers and be relying on such reasoning. Or the murder could be relying on us relying on such reasoning and trying to incriminate Torchwick that way. Or . . . or . . . or a billion other things, really. Fur, dismissed.

The red feathers pointed at several different dragons, all of which wore cloth, not to mention that Iris herself also wore cloth. It would be insanely difficult to spot which one of them bore a tear, not to mention that any clothing damage could have been from before. Edvidence inconclusive, feathers and cloth also dismissed. Although Needle got suspicious points for having red feathers and being the first to (verbally) dismiss evidence, but was still ultimately inconclusive.

That left the wound on the back of the throat and the haphazardly carved words. They weren’t particularly conclusive, but at least they were something that had been done by the murder’s own two paws. From the messiness, Keethe would guess that some kind of blade had been involved, perhaps a large blade, even. Or the messiness could be deliberate, one really couldn’t know.

The Skydancer looked at the dragons gathered in the warehouse. It seemed as if nobody wanted to be the first to start throwing around accusations for fear of getting accused of wanting to blame an innocent. Keethe discretely shrugged her shoulders and rolled her neck, taking time to take a deep breath. She focused on the feeling of air sliding into her lungs, acutely aware of how easy it would be to stop. The scholar cleared her throat and addressed all the dragons present in a loud voice.

“I believe Cthula to be responsible for the murder and cast my vote against her,” Keethe proclaimed, dropping her normal semi-informal way of speaking in favour of a cold and professional tone. Before anydragon could respond, she ploughed on with her reasoning. “The orange fur could be from Torchwick, or it could be fake. There is no way to know. The red feathers point at several different dragons. Also inconclusive. And look around you, how many dragons do you see wearing cloth of some kind? Too many.”

The Skydancer gestured to the gruesome wounds on the corpse. “That leaves the wounds as the only thing that the murderer definitely did. The wounds are messy, and claws provide a certain amount of dexterity, so a blade must have been involved, a large blade, even. Cthula wears a sword. And what is a sword if not a large blade?” She finished her impromptu by repeating her opening line. “Hence I cast my vote against Cthula.”

The scholar settled down to await a response, boldly meeting the eyes of all the dragons present, including the dragon that she had chosen to blame. Her expression and posture were all as cold and uncompromising as she voice had been, but something deep within her gaze burned feverishly bright.
@byenary @Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @Cyberstrike @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @Hiss @chaoticCorvus @Lorde
((I'm sorry for the mass of pings, but Keethe is attempting to get everyone's attention.))

Keethe stood up from where she had been crouching over the dead Pearlcatcher, she could glean no more information. Red feathers, orange fur and bloodied cloth. The orange fur pointed towards Torchwick, but the others’ point about such an obvious clue was valid reasoning. Conversely, if Torchwick was the murder, he could well have planted the red feathers and be relying on such reasoning. Or the murder could be relying on us relying on such reasoning and trying to incriminate Torchwick that way. Or . . . or . . . or a billion other things, really. Fur, dismissed.

The red feathers pointed at several different dragons, all of which wore cloth, not to mention that Iris herself also wore cloth. It would be insanely difficult to spot which one of them bore a tear, not to mention that any clothing damage could have been from before. Edvidence inconclusive, feathers and cloth also dismissed. Although Needle got suspicious points for having red feathers and being the first to (verbally) dismiss evidence, but was still ultimately inconclusive.

That left the wound on the back of the throat and the haphazardly carved words. They weren’t particularly conclusive, but at least they were something that had been done by the murder’s own two paws. From the messiness, Keethe would guess that some kind of blade had been involved, perhaps a large blade, even. Or the messiness could be deliberate, one really couldn’t know.

The Skydancer looked at the dragons gathered in the warehouse. It seemed as if nobody wanted to be the first to start throwing around accusations for fear of getting accused of wanting to blame an innocent. Keethe discretely shrugged her shoulders and rolled her neck, taking time to take a deep breath. She focused on the feeling of air sliding into her lungs, acutely aware of how easy it would be to stop. The scholar cleared her throat and addressed all the dragons present in a loud voice.

“I believe Cthula to be responsible for the murder and cast my vote against her,” Keethe proclaimed, dropping her normal semi-informal way of speaking in favour of a cold and professional tone. Before anydragon could respond, she ploughed on with her reasoning. “The orange fur could be from Torchwick, or it could be fake. There is no way to know. The red feathers point at several different dragons. Also inconclusive. And look around you, how many dragons do you see wearing cloth of some kind? Too many.”

The Skydancer gestured to the gruesome wounds on the corpse. “That leaves the wounds as the only thing that the murderer definitely did. The wounds are messy, and claws provide a certain amount of dexterity, so a blade must have been involved, a large blade, even. Cthula wears a sword. And what is a sword if not a large blade?” She finished her impromptu by repeating her opening line. “Hence I cast my vote against Cthula.”

The scholar settled down to await a response, boldly meeting the eyes of all the dragons present, including the dragon that she had chosen to blame. Her expression and posture were all as cold and uncompromising as she voice had been, but something deep within her gaze burned feverishly bright.
@MirrorOfTheLost ((lmao I will post this in a way so it can actually be mmade into the RP))

Cthula frowned at her offender that she had spoken to the other day she unsheated her sword part way and a low rumble was made from the back of her throat as she glared at the other.

''How dare you accuse me of such a lousy job of the disposal of this body. You can not even tell from one blade from another!''

She kicked the nearby body until she found the wounds and pressed her foot down on the body to both highlight the useless object and also take supportfrom the ground.

''You can not even clearly see how deep my blade would go. a knife made this wound. Yet you accuse me of using my blade while others still have ones themselves''

She fully unsheathed her sword as to point at the accuser

''Cease your ignorant vote now''

She simply glanced at the Pearlcatcher intruder

''Kill it''
@MirrorOfTheLost ((lmao I will post this in a way so it can actually be mmade into the RP))

Cthula frowned at her offender that she had spoken to the other day she unsheated her sword part way and a low rumble was made from the back of her throat as she glared at the other.

''How dare you accuse me of such a lousy job of the disposal of this body. You can not even tell from one blade from another!''

She kicked the nearby body until she found the wounds and pressed her foot down on the body to both highlight the useless object and also take supportfrom the ground.

''You can not even clearly see how deep my blade would go. a knife made this wound. Yet you accuse me of using my blade while others still have ones themselves''

She fully unsheathed her sword as to point at the accuser

''Cease your ignorant vote now''

She simply glanced at the Pearlcatcher intruder

''Kill it''
@Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @Cyberstrike @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @Hiss @Lorde @mirrorofthelost

"What kind of demon can't tell a knife from sword."
Bog scoffed and turned up his nose. After a few seconds of looking at the corpse, lumbered over to it, poking at the carving on the chest with his claw.
"First off, take a closer look at this carving. It was done hastily,and obviously with a knife. Second, to be able to commit this murder, one would have to be able to actually hold the knife. So most likely someone hailing from the Wildclaw or Skydancer breed. Faes would be too small to do something like this, and while nocturnes may be capable of it, we have to account feathers into the equation. Now who here has red feathers and can hold a knife?"
Bog's tail swished in the direction of a certain wildclaw.
"May I direct your attention to Ker?"
@Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @Cyberstrike @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @Hiss @Lorde @mirrorofthelost

"What kind of demon can't tell a knife from sword."
Bog scoffed and turned up his nose. After a few seconds of looking at the corpse, lumbered over to it, poking at the carving on the chest with his claw.
"First off, take a closer look at this carving. It was done hastily,and obviously with a knife. Second, to be able to commit this murder, one would have to be able to actually hold the knife. So most likely someone hailing from the Wildclaw or Skydancer breed. Faes would be too small to do something like this, and while nocturnes may be capable of it, we have to account feathers into the equation. Now who here has red feathers and can hold a knife?"
Bog's tail swished in the direction of a certain wildclaw.
"May I direct your attention to Ker?"
@Mismas @chaoticCorvus

"I will not," Cthula's response was no more than expected and was met with a cold tilt of the head.

"You could have easily have used only the tip of your blade. Which would explain the messiness as well, and on what grounds do you claim this to be a knife wound?" Keethe turned to face the Guardian.

She swiveled a paw towards Cthula. "I present to you, a Skydancer."
@Mismas @chaoticCorvus

"I will not," Cthula's response was no more than expected and was met with a cold tilt of the head.

"You could have easily have used only the tip of your blade. Which would explain the messiness as well, and on what grounds do you claim this to be a knife wound?" Keethe turned to face the Guardian.

She swiveled a paw towards Cthula. "I present to you, a Skydancer."
@Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @chaoticCorvus @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @Hiss @Lorde @mirrorofthelost [img][/img] "Cthula?! Why her? She literally matches none of the clues. Maybe [i] you're [/i] an angel, and you're covering up for a fellow angel." Needle hissed, making his way to the group. Hopefully these dragons would see the reasoning behind his words. [img][/img] "Think, for a moment, about how messy the carving was. with a [i] knife [/i]. Not a sword. It would stand to reason that the attacker would be someone who doesn't normally use one. Or one who could not use it as effectively. I would almost say that counts all the Wildclaws out. They seem as if they would be able to use a knife fairly effectively. I would direct your attentions to [b] Samael [/b]. I doubt a Coatl would be experienced with a knife, he has quite a bit of cloth on him, and heh as red feathers. The orange fur, I believe, was palnted. And before any of you accuse me, I'd direct your attention to the fact that I couldn't hold anything." Sure, it was a shot in the dark, but that was okay with him. If nothing else it was better than Cthula.
@Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @chaoticCorvus @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @Hiss @Lorde @mirrorofthelost

11028281p.png "Cthula?! Why her? She literally matches none of the clues. Maybe you're an angel, and you're covering up for a fellow angel." Needle hissed, making his way to the group. Hopefully these dragons would see the reasoning behind his words.

11028281p.png "Think, for a moment, about how messy the carving was. with a knife . Not a sword. It would stand to reason that the attacker would be someone who doesn't normally use one. Or one who could not use it as effectively. I would almost say that counts all the Wildclaws out. They seem as if they would be able to use a knife fairly effectively. I would direct your attentions to Samael . I doubt a Coatl would be experienced with a knife, he has quite a bit of cloth on him, and heh as red feathers. The orange fur, I believe, was palnted. And before any of you accuse me, I'd direct your attention to the fact that I couldn't hold anything."

Sure, it was a shot in the dark, but that was okay with him. If nothing else it was better than Cthula.
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Moros glanced between Needle and Bog. She agreed with the Guardian that there was no good reason to suspect Cthula, who matched so few clues. Elisandre's injuries could have been executed by claw or knife, but a sword would have been unwieldy. Keethe had made an awfully large leap to completely dismiss the evidence and fix on Cthula's sword ... that was suspicious, but the Skydancer didn't have red feathers. Maybe she was just stupid. So, Sammael or Ker? Or someone else? Moros' suspicion flared as she noticed that both Bog and Needle were on her suspect list as well. They could easily be passing the blame onto someone else ... Wait. Elisandre had been killed by a knife, and Needle had no claws with which to hold a blade, his limbs ending in points. So Needle probably hadn't been the killer, but that didn't mean he was right about who was. Redmoon was blind; it would have been difficult for her to carve the word into Elisandre's chest without sight. Perhaps she could have done it at her familiar's direction? No, that was ridiculous. So that left Bog, Ker, and Samael. Moros knew that she couldn't rule out Samael just because they'd been friendly, but for that reason, he wasn't her first choice to accuse, either. Besides, he was a Coatl, a breed that chiefly used magic rather than physical attacks. Why would he have used a knife to kill Elisandre when he had such arcane energies at his talon-tips? And if Bog were the culprit, wouldn't he have just let suspicion fall on Cthula? "[b]Ker[/b] seems the most likely suspect to me," Moros announced at last. ((There's her vote.)) @byenary @Mismas @Akal @Zeedikay @MirrorOfTheLost @chaoticCorvus @Cyberstrike


Moros glanced between Needle and Bog. She agreed with the Guardian that there was no good reason to suspect Cthula, who matched so few clues. Elisandre's injuries could have been executed by claw or knife, but a sword would have been unwieldy. Keethe had made an awfully large leap to completely dismiss the evidence and fix on Cthula's sword ... that was suspicious, but the Skydancer didn't have red feathers. Maybe she was just stupid.

So, Sammael or Ker? Or someone else? Moros' suspicion flared as she noticed that both Bog and Needle were on her suspect list as well. They could easily be passing the blame onto someone else ...

Wait. Elisandre had been killed by a knife, and Needle had no claws with which to hold a blade, his limbs ending in points. So Needle probably hadn't been the killer, but that didn't mean he was right about who was.

Redmoon was blind; it would have been difficult for her to carve the word into Elisandre's chest without sight. Perhaps she could have done it at her familiar's direction? No, that was ridiculous.

So that left Bog, Ker, and Samael. Moros knew that she couldn't rule out Samael just because they'd been friendly, but for that reason, he wasn't her first choice to accuse, either. Besides, he was a Coatl, a breed that chiefly used magic rather than physical attacks. Why would he have used a knife to kill Elisandre when he had such arcane energies at his talon-tips? And if Bog were the culprit, wouldn't he have just let suspicion fall on Cthula?

"Ker seems the most likely suspect to me," Moros announced at last.

((There's her vote.))

@byenary @Mismas @Akal @Zeedikay @MirrorOfTheLost @chaoticCorvus @Cyberstrike
@Byenary (( sorry to post and not add anything, but I just realized that it's not too obvious. My vote is for Samael ))
@Byenary (( sorry to post and not add anything, but I just realized that it's not too obvious. My vote is for Samael ))

Dismal only watched on as dragons started to suggest their suspects. Death was fun and all, and he couldn't wait to get some fresh color onto the paintbrush that is his blade. Yet the more he thought into which camper should be sent back into hell, the more it baffled him. The orange fur could be fake, and several dragons among them had red feathers! His say in the slaughter would have to come another time.

(that's an abstain from me; gotta focus on school stuff right now so i can't follow where the votes are going to go for tonight)

((EDIT: im literally too lazy to rewrite a post but im with cyber on this one; change my vote to Bog))

Dismal only watched on as dragons started to suggest their suspects. Death was fun and all, and he couldn't wait to get some fresh color onto the paintbrush that is his blade. Yet the more he thought into which camper should be sent back into hell, the more it baffled him. The orange fur could be fake, and several dragons among them had red feathers! His say in the slaughter would have to come another time.

(that's an abstain from me; gotta focus on school stuff right now so i can't follow where the votes are going to go for tonight)

((EDIT: im literally too lazy to rewrite a post but im with cyber on this one; change my vote to Bog))
RmHSCAk.png NjbUgLV.png ycEeRDZ.png ONw09wm.pngRmHSCAk.png
@Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @Cyberstrike @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @MirrorOfTheLost @Hiss @chaoticCorvus @Lorde

Lynch Tally:
Cthula: 1
Samael: 1
Ker: 1

Choice Tally:
Kill: 3
Scare: 0

((also a reminder: only physical clues can be used to indicate a dragons killer. logic such as "this breed is incapable of holding a weapon" does not apply as the only aspect of the deaths i write that points back to a killer is the clues you find. the only justification for a suspect is if their genes/apparel match a physical clue))

@Lukra @Hanoverian23 @SoulSorbet @Mismas @Akal @flybeatRemix @CrazyRedFire @ZolfJKimbleeXME @ClockworkEclipse @Cyberstrike @Siennia @Zeedikay @Moonwater @MirrorOfTheLost @Hiss @chaoticCorvus @Lorde

Lynch Tally:
Cthula: 1
Samael: 1
Ker: 1

Choice Tally:
Kill: 3
Scare: 0

((also a reminder: only physical clues can be used to indicate a dragons killer. logic such as "this breed is incapable of holding a weapon" does not apply as the only aspect of the deaths i write that points back to a killer is the clues you find. the only justification for a suspect is if their genes/apparel match a physical clue))

Rae | 21 | they/them | I like dark lore, coatls, and disappearing for months.

If you're reading this tell me to finish the dragons I already have before buying new ones
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