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TOPIC | The Gentle Reminders game.
Gentle reminder that you are made of stardust and dinosaurs. uwu

oh my god i can't believe i just typed that
Gentle reminder that you are made of stardust and dinosaurs. uwu

oh my god i can't believe i just typed that

Shoves food in your face. EATING IS IMPORTANT.
Shoves food in your face. EATING IS IMPORTANT.
RrT8i.gif 9Atxn.gif Qcf6I.gif
Gentle reminder that if someone hates who you are for no reason, you should probably go and fight them.
Gentle reminder that if someone hates who you are for no reason, you should probably go and fight them.
pVYFJJf.gif +8 hours ahead FR time
Gently reminds you that when life gives you lemons you should throw them back because lemons are so sour omg
Gently reminds you that when life gives you lemons you should throw them back because lemons are so sour omg
RrT8i.gif 9Atxn.gif Qcf6I.gif
Gentle reminder to play with your familiars. And your pets.
Gentle reminder to play with your familiars. And your pets.
Credit: MythicalViper
AggREsSivE RemInDer TO aLwaYS bRusH YoUr tEetH AfTer BrUshINg YouR TeEth

(That took so long to type-)
AggREsSivE RemInDer TO aLwaYS bRusH YoUr tEetH AfTer BrUshINg YouR TeEth

(That took so long to type-)
evQCX9v.gifMmBygYl.gif 41722454605_fc7ec4942e_o.png
Gentle reminder to take all your medications!
Gentle reminder to take all your medications!
A kindly old lady reminder that TECHNOLOGY IS RUINING THIS WORLD
A kindly old lady reminder that TECHNOLOGY IS RUINING THIS WORLD
RrT8i.gif 9Atxn.gif Qcf6I.gif
Gentle reminder that Loki's mind is a bag of cats.
Gentle reminder that Loki's mind is a bag of cats.
wind_banner.png qvTNuJR.png wind_banner.png
just reminding you DON'T MESS WITH ME OR MY HIPPO FRIENDS that's all
just reminding you DON'T MESS WITH ME OR MY HIPPO FRIENDS that's all