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My strangest plant would be the strangler fig! It's a type of parasitic tree that grows onto and over its "host" tree, using it as a base for it to grow. From there it keeps growing...and growing...and growing.. until the host tree is completely engulfed by the fig. The strangler fig continues growing, and is now a proper tree. They can grow over 40 ft tall! Their fruit is also edible! [img][/img]
My strangest plant would be the strangler fig!

It's a type of parasitic tree that grows onto and over its "host" tree, using it as a base for it to grow.
From there it keeps growing...and growing...and growing.. until the host tree is completely engulfed by the fig. The strangler fig continues growing, and is now a proper tree. They can grow over 40 ft tall! Their fruit is also edible!

its late rn, but the strangest plant around me is the undead remains of the basil plant my family foolishly tried to kill last year. they didnt rip off the roots and it somehow survived.
its late rn, but the strangest plant around me is the undead remains of the basil plant my family foolishly tried to kill last year. they didnt rip off the roots and it somehow survived.
Euphorbia trigona! Funky little succulents that grow in tall columns, with thorns and leaves along the ribs! I have one, but I'm not home at the moment- here's an older pic of it, from a little while after I cut it up to make it branch out and propagate the cuttings: [img][/img] I'll add another more current pic when I get home, it's gotten so tall! Edit: Tall!!! [img][/img] Bookshelf for scale lol
Euphorbia trigona! Funky little succulents that grow in tall columns, with thorns and leaves along the ribs!
I have one, but I'm not home at the moment- here's an older pic of it, from a little while after I cut it up to make it branch out and propagate the cuttings:
I'll add another more current pic when I get home, it's gotten so tall!

Bookshelf for scale lol
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Saturday: What's the strangest plant you can find?

Naturally, probably poison ivy? It's not very strange but I've seen some large clumps of it lately. In general, I think the corpse flower is the strangest.
Saturday: What's the strangest plant you can find?

Naturally, probably poison ivy? It's not very strange but I've seen some large clumps of it lately. In general, I think the corpse flower is the strangest.
v65jSc3.gif Arcane and Nature 2024
What's the strangest plant you can find?
Plants that are mycoheterotrophic! IIRC, some of these types of plants don't photosynthesize at all!
"A network of fungi, known as mycorrhizae, forms a mutually beneficial relationship with tree roots.

The fungi help the tree absorb water and nutrients from the soil, while the tree provides the fungi with sugars produced through photosynthesis. This symbiotic partnership is vital for the health and growth of both organisms.

But Thismia malayana has found a way to hack this system. Instead of contributing to the exchange, it acts as a parasite, siphoning off carbon resources from the fungi without offering anything in return."
I can't get the image to work here, so just check out the link!
What's the strangest plant you can find?
Plants that are mycoheterotrophic! IIRC, some of these types of plants don't photosynthesize at all!
"A network of fungi, known as mycorrhizae, forms a mutually beneficial relationship with tree roots.

The fungi help the tree absorb water and nutrients from the soil, while the tree provides the fungi with sugars produced through photosynthesis. This symbiotic partnership is vital for the health and growth of both organisms.

But Thismia malayana has found a way to hack this system. Instead of contributing to the exchange, it acts as a parasite, siphoning off carbon resources from the fungi without offering anything in return."
I can't get the image to work here, so just check out the link!
What's the strangest plant you can find? Share the name and/or a picture of it!

mhm the dew group of carnivorous plants! they use globs of sticky stuff to trap prey! i think the one that most ppl know abt has the common name shining dew
What's the strangest plant you can find? Share the name and/or a picture of it!

mhm the dew group of carnivorous plants! they use globs of sticky stuff to trap prey! i think the one that most ppl know abt has the common name shining dew
Q: What's the strangest plant you can find?

A: Brassica plants. They can be short, tall, enlarge one specific organ, bland, pretty, crunchy, soft, sweet, or spicy. They are just so useful.
It's also funny that they are poisonous to most bugs, but those who can eat them hog on them.
Q: What's the strangest plant you can find?

A: Brassica plants. They can be short, tall, enlarge one specific organ, bland, pretty, crunchy, soft, sweet, or spicy. They are just so useful.
It's also funny that they are poisonous to most bugs, but those who can eat them hog on them.
Golden filigree of mustard flower. Used in Lost in the Woods dom event. This links to my art display thread.A silver filigree of an asphodel flower and two pairs of dragonfly wings.A plushie of an Obelisk. This link to my avatar dragon.A cicada perching on an hourglass. This link to pinglist of my foddart shop.
purple passion flower [img][/img]
purple passion flower

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[quote=Question of the Day]What's the strangest plant you can find?[/quote] Pando is the largest organism on Earth! It's a forest that spreads by sending out new shoots through its root system. So all the trees in the forest are actually a single living thing.
Question of the Day wrote:
What's the strangest plant you can find?

Pando is the largest organism on Earth! It's a forest that spreads by sending out new shoots through its root system. So all the trees in the forest are actually a single living thing.
Pony Shop     The Aether Orchard
The coolest plant I have seen in the wild recently is the Swollen bladderwort, Utricularia inflata! it is an aquatic and carnivorous plant that floats on the surface of the water using a unique set of bladders on spokes around the base. It's roots are modified with bladders that use suction to trap small insects! It was super exciting to see, except that it's kind of invasive in my area :(.
The coolest plant I have seen in the wild recently is the Swollen bladderwort, Utricularia inflata! it is an aquatic and carnivorous plant that floats on the surface of the water using a unique set of bladders on spokes around the base. It's roots are modified with bladders that use suction to trap small insects! It was super exciting to see, except that it's kind of invasive in my area :(.
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