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TOPIC | [LF] Aurora/solar storm dergs born 5/10
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Title says it all! Budget is abt 100g/ 200kt but I'm flexible if I really like the bab!!
Title says it all! Budget is abt 100g/ 200kt but I'm flexible if I really like the bab!!
I can't promise that replies in forums won't get lost in the system, so please ping me if you want my attention! I don't mind at all :)

I can't promise that replies in forums won't get lost in the system, so please ping me if you want my attention! I don't mind at all :)

@saurouZ I've actually got these two on a nest! unfortunately I will have to boon them to get them to hatch today (which will probably take them out of your budget unfortunately) The also only have a one egg nest, but their color range is pretty narrow [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] midnight/mint/mint-cyan lmk if you'd be interested in the hatchie! It would probably be the cost of a boon +35g though ^.^; (385g total) edit: ended up hatching the bab cuz im going to bed, no worries if u aren't interested, I might keep em/find another buyer for them if the price isn't to your liking! [url=][img][/img][/url]
I've actually got these two on a nest! unfortunately I will have to boon them to get them to hatch today (which will probably take them out of your budget unfortunately) The also only have a one egg nest, but their color range is pretty narrow
lmk if you'd be interested in the hatchie! It would probably be the cost of a boon +35g though ^.^; (385g total)

ended up hatching the bab cuz im going to bed, no worries if u aren't interested, I might keep em/find another buyer for them if the price isn't to your liking!
Buy Here! 750g/kt
I am up past 2 am because holy heck it is beautiful... I didn't plan it but I hatched these guys that actually remind me of what I and others saw [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
I am up past 2 am because holy heck it is beautiful... I didn't plan it but I hatched these guys that actually remind me of what I and others saw



Grungle's Army HatcherysbqTDhy.png
@SaurouZ I have these three hatched on 10 May: [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]"Einmana"[/b] [emoji=gem size=1] 30 Female Imperial [emoji=primary gene size=1] Midnight Starmap [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Obsidian Alloy [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Flaxen Smoke [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Light Common [/center][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]"Geimryk"[/b] [emoji=gem size=1] 35 Male Imperial [emoji=primary gene size=1] Obsidian Starmap [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Obsidian Constellation [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Buttercup Smoke [emoji=normal eyes size=1] Light Common [/center][/columns] ----- [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]"Marchen"[/b] [emoji=gem size=1] 30 Male Nocturne [emoji=primary gene size=1] Eldritch Metallic [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Midnight Constellation [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Ivory Smoke [emoji=special eyes size=1] Light Goat [/center][/columns]
@SaurouZ I have these three hatched on 10 May:


Female Imperial

Midnight Starmap

Obsidian Alloy

Flaxen Smoke

Light Common



Male Imperial

Obsidian Starmap

Obsidian Constellation

Buttercup Smoke

Light Common



Male Nocturne

Eldritch Metallic

Midnight Constellation

Ivory Smoke

Light Goat
A two-toned pink eight-pointed compass rose with the Arcane symbol at the centre, with the word 'adept' hand-written in front of the downwards point
The Spire, home of the Lundlaevungar: a crystal island shaped like an inverted mountain floating above the sea in a yellow sky
Dress to Impress Badge for Star Fall (September 2024) featuring a proudly smiling Fae wearing a yellow foam star mask; links to the game The words 'Star Fall' and stars arranged around the Arcane emblem, all in bright pink; links to the Starfall 2024 Hub
Clan Lore

Exalted Dragons


Free entry raffle:
@ArctosLupus ohh, that's a beautiful baby, but unfortunately it is too far out of my price range to snag. I hope you find a good home for him though! :)

@Grungle That first one is PERFECT for what I saw last night. Snagged them off of the AH ;)
@ArctosLupus ohh, that's a beautiful baby, but unfortunately it is too far out of my price range to snag. I hope you find a good home for him though! :)

@Grungle That first one is PERFECT for what I saw last night. Snagged them off of the AH ;)
I can't promise that replies in forums won't get lost in the system, so please ping me if you want my attention! I don't mind at all :)

I've got this guy that was born on the 10th. [url=][img][/img][/url]
I've got this guy that was born on the 10th.


Hjönk Hjönk Am Goose
actuallyadinosaur a tiny doodle of a small goose like dinosaur with yellow beak white feathers and red eyes
Hello @SaurouZ, these sun-themed babies hatched yesterday! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [quote] [center][b]ID #94946497[/b] [i]Auraboa Male [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Common[/i] [emoji=primary gene size=1] Flaxen - Boa [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Cyan - Hex [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Metals - Terracotta [i]Pure G2 No offspring[/i] Pair : [url=][u]Temple of the Sun[/u][/url] [i]([url=][u]Caprine Hatchery[/u][/url])[/i] [i]On the AH for [emoji=money bag size=1] 50k[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/quote] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [quote] [center][b]ID #94946498[/b] [i]Auraboa Male [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Common[/i] [emoji=primary gene size=1] Flaxen - Boa [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Cerulean - Hex [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Marigold - Terracotta [i]Pure G2 No offspring[/i] Pair : [url=][u]Temple of the Sun[/u][/url] [i]([url=][u]Caprine Hatchery[/u][/url])[/i] [i]On the AH for [emoji=money bag size=1] 50k[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/quote] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [quote] [center][b]ID #94946499[/b] [i]Auraboa Male [emoji=arcane rune size=1] Uncommon[/i] [emoji=primary gene size=1] Flaxen - Boa [emoji=secondary gene size=1] Cerulean - Hex [emoji=tertiary gene size=1] Gold - Terracotta [i]Pure G2 No offspring[/i] Pair : [url=][u]Temple of the Sun[/u][/url] [i]([url=][u]Caprine Hatchery[/u][/url])[/i] [i]On the AH for [emoji=money bag size=1] 50k[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [/quote] [/columns]
Hello @SaurouZ, these sun-themed babies hatched yesterday!
ID #94946497
Auraboa Male

Flaxen - Boa
Cyan - Hex
Metals - Terracotta

Pure G2
No offspring

Pair : Temple of the Sun
(Caprine Hatchery)

On the AH for 50k
ID #94946498
Auraboa Male

Flaxen - Boa
Cerulean - Hex
Marigold - Terracotta

Pure G2
No offspring

Pair : Temple of the Sun
(Caprine Hatchery)

On the AH for 50k
ID #94946499
Auraboa Male

Flaxen - Boa
Cerulean - Hex
Gold - Terracotta

Pure G2
No offspring

Pair : Temple of the Sun
(Caprine Hatchery)

On the AH for 50k

Proud owner
of the
Caprine Hatchery !
@SaurouZ I've got these two [img][/img] [img][/img] I'll sell each for 10g/10kt
@SaurouZ I've got these two
I'll sell each for 10g/10kt
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