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TOPIC | [LF] Pokemon Dergs!
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@seaofstars Those are nice c: If only the purple ones had red eyes, they'd be perfect Gengars! <3 Hmm I can't decide between Jirachi or this Sableye! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] They're both so pretty XD Torchic is nice too! But I'd need to get an eternal youth scroll and there's no way I can afford one right now
@seaofstars Those are nice c: If only the purple ones had red eyes, they'd be perfect Gengars! <3 Hmm I can't decide between Jirachi or this Sableye!


They're both so pretty XD Torchic is nice too! But I'd need to get an eternal youth scroll and there's no way I can afford one right now
@P0KEDEX Heehee, no worries, take your time to decide! And well, as far as Torchic goes, you can always eternal youth an adult later on :3
@P0KEDEX Heehee, no worries, take your time to decide! And well, as far as Torchic goes, you can always eternal youth an adult later on :3
@P0KEDEX - I love the idea! I will hopefully have Rayquaza for you in a few days! For now though: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gastrodon?
@P0KEDEX - I love the idea! I will hopefully have Rayquaza for you in a few days!

For now though:


+9h of FR server time
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@admiralmcmuffin has some dragon pokemon pairs in her hatchery
@admiralmcmuffin has some dragon pokemon pairs in her hatchery
@P0KEDEX (Hey, my Torkoal and Grovyle! :D) I got this boy from someone as exalt fodder, but I couldn't bear to exalt him because he looked too much like Carracosta! He's already named as such. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And maybe this boy for Aromantisse? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Shiny Dialga: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Salamence: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Musharna: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Kabuto: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@P0KEDEX (Hey, my Torkoal and Grovyle! :D) I got this boy from someone as exalt fodder, but I couldn't bear to exalt him because he looked too much like Carracosta! He's already named as such.


And maybe this boy for Aromantisse?


Shiny Dialga:







tumblr_o2t14bRIL51rha1muo1_100.png Lair cleanout pg 3 onwards! Always LF:
Tri-Color Scatterscroll
@P0KEDEX: Seismitoad? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Asking for 12k but willing to haggle
@P0KEDEX: Seismitoad?


Asking for 12k but willing to haggle

@weirdseer Like I said, only interested in cheap dragons, sorry c:

@Chomeister Were those your Coatls? :D My sister got them from you then! I would love LOVE to have Carracosta and Salamance, how much would they be?

@weirdseer Like I said, only interested in cheap dragons, sorry c:

@Chomeister Were those your Coatls? :D My sister got them from you then! I would love LOVE to have Carracosta and Salamance, how much would they be?

@P0KEDEX [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Spoink [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Crobat if you look at any of my dragons without familiars you can probably come up with more too! those are just the ones that came to mind :)





if you look at any of my dragons without familiars you can probably come up with more too! those are just the ones that came to mind :)

@P0KEDEX I realize you have two Charizards already, but would you be interested in shiny Charizards? I have two pairs I can ping you about next time they breed if you're interested! [quote=Yuen x Seko][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/quote] [quote=Haiki x Suzu][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/quote]
@P0KEDEX I realize you have two Charizards already, but would you be interested in shiny Charizards? I have two pairs I can ping you about next time they breed if you're interested!
Yuen x Seko wrote:
Haiki x Suzu wrote:
@shallerilla Oooo I'm always interested in shinies! I'd love to take a look at any hatchlings they may have c:
@shallerilla Oooo I'm always interested in shinies! I'd love to take a look at any hatchlings they may have c:
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