Some other searches:
Seeking the Nice & Accurate Prophecies... (Good Omens)
Perfect Robodergs search!
andDiscworld/GO dragons search (@SybilRamkin offered future hatchlings)
Hogfather search (past-xmas male snap)
Hawaii Five-0 (island)
I've gotten my priority Common Law & Almost Human dragons so now I'm turning to my next projects: The Losers (Jensen), Leverage (Parker), and Due South (RayK)
The eyes and gender are important to me! Breed/Genes less so, since those can always be scrolled. So if I have to breed them that's fine, if you have dragons I could buy or pay a stud fee to use. I am very patient when it comes to my projects. It's taken me months to get some of them so I'm willing to buy things that are even in the ballpark, breeding-wise.
Ray Kowalski (Lightning)

Sunshine Ripple/Gold Current/Steel Spines
Possible mother: 9584640
Currently crying about an exalted lightning g1
Contacted lionsaint about purchased this girl as a breeder:

joberl20 is allowing me to stud their WC!
Jake Jensen (Lightning):
Speckled as an homage to army camo (even though those colors are the furthest from camo you could get lmao) and maybe even rippled wings cause ripple goes well with circuit imo, makes me think of wiring:

I would have gone with clown since that's what Jensen is, but it just didn't look good to me (and I actually tend to like clown on other breeds).
I did find ONE wildclaw with magenta/gold/leaf (irishim circ), but it looks like he is actively bred with a coatl :[ I guess I may have to resort to scrolls and such urghhhh wildclaw scrolls are impossibly out of my means x_x
UPDATE: settling for ivory secondary... breeders secured
Update: breeding attempts in progress
Lower priority:
Psych dragons! Sadly, Shawn is the only one I have an idea for (obviously he must be a pineapple spiral). But Gus has to be a Tundra in honor of the super-smeller, and Lassie probably be a Wildclaw since I think that breed fits his personality best. (hm maybe pearlcatcher though??) Not sure for Jules....
Shawn Spencer (Wind):

(breeding attempts in progress)
Gus (Earth):

Completed projects:
Parker (Wind):

Spring Ripple/BananaDaub Peregrine/Shadow Smoke - Hypnotica?
My precious bby thief... I guess it's debatable what eye color the actress has (some say "hazel" some "brown") but I think Wind is the perfect flight to represent Parker so there we go.
MX-43 (Lightning):

Michael Ealy derg (Lightning):

(Sunshine/Chocolate Seraph/Gold Underbelly - needs glimmer?)
Because Michael is a ray of sunshine, as sweet as chocolate, and an angel with a heart of gold :x
Benton Fraser (Water) (still needs genes):

Ice Shimmer/Chocolate Seraph/White Underbelly
Note: requested pings from @Tahnegara & @osiem for breeders breeders found
Eliot (Lightning):

(Stone Tiger/Chocolate Eyespots or Daub/Steel spines)
Eliot is a grounded sort of guy, solid, dependable, but also lightning-fast and if you mess with him or his people you will get burned. So in addition to the actor having blue eyes, I felt Lightning flight would be best for him. I chose the Stone coloration to represent that other side, and beneath his fluffy exterior is a spine of steel ;) Eyespots bc it's like he has eyes in the back of his head, tiger because... he's a ladie's man and just has the stocky build combined with the grace of a big cat imo.
Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez (The Losers) *needs clown?:

Brown clown/ soil or chocolate eyespots / ivory underbelly
Alec Hardison (Leverage): *just needs current

(Fire or Sunshine clown/Obsidian or Black Current/Seafoam Circuit)
His personality is very similar to Jensen (giant nerd bby) and also a hacker, but this time the clown works.
Wes Mitchell (Common Law):

Travis Marks (Common Law) - from Dragonwish Foundation:

John "The White Cheetah" Kennex (Almost Human):

ID number search: 10100111 (Binary equivalent of 167 (Dorian - Almost Human) ... attempting to obtain Wireclaw skin

"Plasmabelly" Snapper search - Robbie from Asimov's I, Robot short story.

Seeking the Nice & Accurate Prophecies... (Good Omens)
Perfect Robodergs search!
Hogfather search (past-xmas male snap)
Hawaii Five-0 (island)
I've gotten my priority Common Law & Almost Human dragons so now I'm turning to my next projects: The Losers (Jensen), Leverage (Parker), and Due South (RayK)
The eyes and gender are important to me! Breed/Genes less so, since those can always be scrolled. So if I have to breed them that's fine, if you have dragons I could buy or pay a stud fee to use. I am very patient when it comes to my projects. It's taken me months to get some of them so I'm willing to buy things that are even in the ballpark, breeding-wise.
Ray Kowalski (Lightning)

Sunshine Ripple/Gold Current/Steel Spines
Possible mother: 9584640
Currently crying about an exalted lightning g1

joberl20 is allowing me to stud their WC!
Jake Jensen (Lightning):
Speckled as an homage to army camo (even though those colors are the furthest from camo you could get lmao) and maybe even rippled wings cause ripple goes well with circuit imo, makes me think of wiring:

I would have gone with clown since that's what Jensen is, but it just didn't look good to me (and I actually tend to like clown on other breeds).
I did find ONE wildclaw with magenta/gold/leaf (irishim circ), but it looks like he is actively bred with a coatl :[ I guess I may have to resort to scrolls and such urghhhh wildclaw scrolls are impossibly out of my means x_x
UPDATE: settling for ivory secondary... breeders secured
Update: breeding attempts in progress
Lower priority:
Psych dragons! Sadly, Shawn is the only one I have an idea for (obviously he must be a pineapple spiral). But Gus has to be a Tundra in honor of the super-smeller, and Lassie probably be a Wildclaw since I think that breed fits his personality best. (hm maybe pearlcatcher though??) Not sure for Jules....
Shawn Spencer (Wind):

(breeding attempts in progress)
Gus (Earth):

Completed projects:
Parker (Wind):

Spring Ripple/Banana
My precious bby thief... I guess it's debatable what eye color the actress has (some say "hazel" some "brown") but I think Wind is the perfect flight to represent Parker so there we go.
MX-43 (Lightning):

Michael Ealy derg (Lightning):

(Sunshine/Chocolate Seraph/Gold Underbelly - needs glimmer?)
Because Michael is a ray of sunshine, as sweet as chocolate, and an angel with a heart of gold :x
Benton Fraser (Water) (still needs genes):

Ice Shimmer/Chocolate Seraph/White Underbelly
Eliot (Lightning):

(Stone Tiger/Chocolate Eyespots or Daub/Steel spines)
Eliot is a grounded sort of guy, solid, dependable, but also lightning-fast and if you mess with him or his people you will get burned. So in addition to the actor having blue eyes, I felt Lightning flight would be best for him. I chose the Stone coloration to represent that other side, and beneath his fluffy exterior is a spine of steel ;) Eyespots bc it's like he has eyes in the back of his head, tiger because... he's a ladie's man and just has the stocky build combined with the grace of a big cat imo.
Carlos "Cougar" Alvarez (The Losers) *needs clown?:

Brown clown/ soil or chocolate eyespots / ivory underbelly
Alec Hardison (Leverage): *just needs current

(Fire or Sunshine clown/Obsidian or Black Current/Seafoam Circuit)
His personality is very similar to Jensen (giant nerd bby) and also a hacker, but this time the clown works.
Wes Mitchell (Common Law):

Travis Marks (Common Law) - from Dragonwish Foundation:

John "The White Cheetah" Kennex (Almost Human):