
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Coatl Conservation Center // NEW 4/17
Dragon name or ID: Izal/66614886 [url=][img][/img][/url] Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: Nope, I'm always looking for more coatls Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): Nope Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Have a removal 2nd gene scroll Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes
Dragon name or ID: Izal/66614886


Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: Nope, I'm always looking for more coatls
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): Nope
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Have a removal 2nd gene scroll
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes
Many people seem to think it foolish, even superstitious, to believe that the world could still change for the better. And it is true that in winter it is sometimes so bitingly cold that one is tempted to say, ‘what do I care if there is a summer; its warmth is no help to me now.’ Yes, evil often seems to surpass good but then, in spite of us, and without our permission, there comes at last an end to the bitter frosts. One morning the wind turns, and there is a thaw and so I must still have hope. - Vincent Van Gogh
[b]Surrender Form [/b] Dragon: [url=][img][/img][/url] Age of dragon: 1 month Gender of dragon: Male Reason of surrender: exalt save! Does this dragon have any special quirks/lore/art? (optional): He has an adopt I made attached in his bio! No lore though. Are you also surrendering his/her familiar? (Dragons that are bonded with familiars have a much easier time transitioning into the rescue. The pair will never be separated.): No (he didn’t have one attached) Have any scrolls been applied to this dragon that you know of?: Nope!
Surrender Form

Age of dragon: 1 month
Gender of dragon: Male
Reason of surrender: exalt save!
Does this dragon have any special quirks/lore/art? (optional): He has an adopt I made attached in his bio! No lore though.
Are you also surrendering his/her familiar? (Dragons that are bonded with familiars have a much easier time transitioning into the rescue. The pair will never be separated.): No (he didn’t have one attached)
Have any scrolls been applied to this dragon that you know of?: Nope!
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Bdloyzd.gif o R U T H
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oo FObX7rS.png
donate frogs
@WitheredAway send him over :)
@WitheredAway send him over :)
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Bdloyzd.gif o R U T H
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oo FObX7rS.png
donate frogs
Adoption Form

Dragon name or ID: 66614888
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: No long term or short term plans to do that.
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): Her current name is fine.
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Sadly I cannot.
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes I do for as far as I have planned.
Adoption Form

Dragon name or ID: 66614888
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: No long term or short term plans to do that.
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): Her current name is fine.
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Sadly I cannot.
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes I do for as far as I have planned.
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Dragon name or ID: #66640503
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: No, I'll be his forever home
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): Nope!
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Not yet since I'm new, but I'll donate in the future if the opportunity arises!
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes! I can't wait to dress him up
Dragon name or ID: #66640503
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: No, I'll be his forever home
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): Nope!
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Not yet since I'm new, but I'll donate in the future if the opportunity arises!
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes! I can't wait to dress him up
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dragons sent out and listing updated :)
dragons sent out and listing updated :)
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo Bdloyzd.gif o R U T H
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oo FObX7rS.png
donate frogs
Here's the adoption form~

Dragon name or ID: Unnamed, 66654856
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: Absolutely not!
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): 'Course!
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Sadly, no, I'm a newbie to FR and I don't have anything to spare of much worth...
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: I promise, solemnly and sincerely.

I love what you're doing here btw! <33
Here's the adoption form~

Dragon name or ID: Unnamed, 66654856
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: Absolutely not!
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): 'Course!
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): Sadly, no, I'm a newbie to FR and I don't have anything to spare of much worth...
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: I promise, solemnly and sincerely.

I love what you're doing here btw! <33
Adoption form

Dragon name or ID: Cattail
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: No, never.
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): I'm fine :)
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): No, sorry. I don't have many things to spare.
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes. I swear on the River Styx that I will take care of this dragon for a very long time.
Adoption form

Dragon name or ID: Cattail
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: No, never.
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): I'm fine :)
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): No, sorry. I don't have many things to spare.
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: Yes. I swear on the River Styx that I will take care of this dragon for a very long time.
Dragon name or ID: 66654856
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: nope! He will see all the hatchlings >:3
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): as he doesnt have a name yet, Petal... or Rosenblatt (Rose petal in german according to google)
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): not at this moment
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: yes! He will care for the hatchlings! And be a dad! >:3
Dragon name or ID: 66654856
Do you have plans to exalt this dragon?: nope! He will see all the hatchlings >:3
Do you want to rename them? (We might have renaming scrolls!): as he doesnt have a name yet, Petal... or Rosenblatt (Rose petal in german according to google)
Are you donating to the rescue? (optional): not at this moment
Do you promise to take care of this dragon for a very long time?: yes! He will care for the hatchlings! And be a dad! >:3
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