
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Active Nest Rentals -All Flights- 2.0
[center] [img alt="active nest rentals logo"][/img] [size=5][b][ [url=]Nest Hosts[/url] | [url=]Nest Host Application[/url] ][/b][/size][/center] [center][img alt="divider image of different flights' eggs"][/img][/center] [size=5][b]WHAT IS A NEST RENTAL?[/b][/size] [size=4]Nest renting occurs when a player sends a breeding pair of dragons to another player for the purpose of having the pair nested on one of the second player’s nests. This is usually done so that the hatchlings will be born with eyes that better match their colors than the owner’s own flight would, but nest rentals can also be done for lore purposes. [center][img alt="divider image of different flights' eggs"][/img][/center] [img alt="Nest Rental Requirements. 1. Dragons must be 100% when sending them over to a nest host. A nest host may not accept your crossroads until your dragons have been fed. 2. Your username must be in each dragon's bio for identification purposes. 3. If you have never bred the pair together before, please use the assay bloodline tool to make sure they are not related before sending them to a nest host. 4. If a nest host requires good as payment, it is expected that you will send the type of food that your pair of dragons will eat unless instructed otherwise. 5. You must accept the crossroads for the return of your dragons within seven days time or your dragons will become the property of the nest host and they can do with them what they see fit (keep, sell, exalt, etc.) 6. Most nest hosts appreciate a tip either at the beginning or the end of the nest rental period. The tip can be items, treasure, gems, etc. but we ask that you please do not tip in the form of dragons, artwork/writing, or discounts. ^Read Before Renting a Nest^."][/img] [center][img alt="divider image of different flights' eggs"][/img][/center] [size=5][b]HOW DO I RENT A NEST?[/b][/size] [size=4]First of all, the rental service is open to any player that wishes to use it; no membership is required. However, please do not offer your nests to others on this thread if you are not on the host list (seen in the post below). To rent a nest, please follow the steps below. [LIST=1] [*] Scroll down to find the names of our "nest hosts" listed by flight. These are the players who are willing to rent their nests out to other players using this service, usually for a small fee. The fee for a nest rental can be seen beside each host's username on the list of nest hosts. [*] Once you have chosen the player(s) that you would like to rent a nest from, ping them in a reply to this thread and then wait for a reply. If you have not received a reply from a host within 12 hours, you are then welcomed to ping the players from the "backup list" to see if one of them has a nest available. [*] [b][size=4]After a nest host has offered a nest to you, you are required to complete the first three requirements listed in the "Nest Rental Requirements" scroll above.[/size][/b] [*] Now, after these three steps have been completed, you should attach your pair of dragons* and the rental fee to a CR and send it to the nest host. [u]It's suggested that you edit your original forum post where you pinged hosts to indicate that you have found a nest, for the convenience of our hosters.[/u] [*] Once six days have passed, you should receive a one-way CR that includes all of your adult dragons and new hatchlings. You will need to take all of your dragons back from the nest host within [b]seven days[/b] past the host sending the return CR. [/LIST] [center][img alt="divider image of different flights' eggs"][/img][/center] [size=5][b]WHAT IF I HAVE A COMPLAINT?[/b][/size] [size=4]Please make use of the complaint form below if you have any trouble at all out of a nest host or a nest renter. Complaints can be against simple infractions such as spending an extra day to incubate a nest or for more egregious offenses. [color=red][b]Any player that accumulates [u]TWO[/u] complaints against them will be barred from the nest rental service.[/b][/color] [center][color=green][url=]Click here to go to the complaint form.[/url][/color][/center] [i]Complaint form submissions are confidential and no identifying information will ever be released to the offending party at any time.[/i] [center][img alt="divider image of different flights' eggs"][/img][/center] [quote][center][size=6][b]Advertising Banners[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="active nest rentals flashing gif. it is a logo and beneath that it cycles through images of full nests from every flight."][/img][/url][/center][/quote] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Credits: Egg dividers by wesleydog, Vertical flight flags by osiem, Tiny flight dividers by by Diamondsuits, Animated pixel nests by Wakor, Tiny flight eggs by strawberryorange, Scrolls by Auraelia, original text/layout by Absinthy. [i]*Please do not expect renters to keep track of split dragon pairs (when one dragon is owned by Player A and its mate is owned by Player B), sort it out amongst yourselves before posting. A mating pair should arrive from and return to the user who initiated a request.[/i]
divider image of different flights' eggs
Nest renting occurs when a player sends a breeding pair of dragons to another player for the purpose of having the pair nested on one of the second player’s nests. This is usually done so that the hatchlings will be born with eyes that better match their colors than the owner’s own flight would, but nest rentals can also be done for lore purposes.
divider image of different flights' eggs
Nest Rental Requirements.  1. Dragons must be 100% when sending them over to a nest host. A nest host may not accept your crossroads until your dragons have been fed.    2. Your username must be in each dragon's bio for identification purposes.    3. If you have never bred the pair together before, please use the assay bloodline tool to make sure they are not related before sending them to a nest host.    4. If a nest host requires good as payment, it is expected that you will send the type of food that your pair of dragons will eat unless instructed otherwise.    5. You must accept the crossroads for the return of your dragons within seven days time or your dragons will become the property of the nest host and they can do with them what they see fit (keep, sell, exalt, etc.)    6. Most nest hosts appreciate a tip either at the beginning or the end of the nest rental period. The tip can be items, treasure, gems, etc. but we ask that you please do not tip in the form of dragons, artwork/writing, or discounts.    ^Read Before Renting a Nest^.
divider image of different flights' eggs
First of all, the rental service is open to any player that wishes to use it; no membership is required. However, please do not offer your nests to others on this thread if you are not on the host list (seen in the post below). To rent a nest, please follow the steps below.
  1. Scroll down to find the names of our "nest hosts" listed by flight. These
    are the players who are willing to rent their nests out to other players using this service, usually for a small fee. The fee for a nest rental can be seen beside each host's username on the list of nest hosts.
  2. Once you have chosen the player(s) that you would like to rent a nest from, ping them in a reply to this thread and then wait for a reply. If you have not received a reply from a host within 12 hours, you are then welcomed to ping the players from the "backup list" to see if one of them has a nest available.
  3. After a nest host has offered a nest to you, you are required to complete the first three requirements listed in the "Nest Rental Requirements" scroll above.
  4. Now, after these three steps have been completed, you should attach your pair of dragons* and the rental fee to a CR and send it to the nest host. It's suggested that you edit your original forum post where you pinged hosts to indicate that you have found a nest, for the convenience of our hosters.
  5. Once six days have passed, you should receive a one-way CR that includes all of your adult dragons and new hatchlings. You will need to take all of your dragons back from the nest host within seven days past the host sending the return CR.
divider image of different flights' eggs
Please make use of the complaint form below if you have any trouble at all out of a nest host or a nest renter. Complaints can be against simple infractions such as spending an extra day to incubate a nest or for more egregious offenses.
Any player that accumulates TWO complaints against them will be barred from the nest rental service.
Complaint form submissions are confidential and no identifying information will ever be released to the offending party at any time.
divider image of different flights' eggs
Advertising Banners

active nest rentals flashing gif. it is a logo and beneath that it cycles through images of full nests from every flight.

Credits: Egg dividers by wesleydog, Vertical flight flags by osiem, Tiny flight dividers by by Diamondsuits, Animated pixel nests by Wakor, Tiny flight eggs by strawberryorange, Scrolls by Auraelia, original text/layout by Absinthy.

*Please do not expect renters to keep track of split dragon pairs (when one dragon is owned by Player A and its mate is owned by Player B), sort it out amongst yourselves before posting.
A mating pair should arrive from and return to the user who initiated a request.
[center] [size=6][b]NEST HOSTS[/b][/size] [color=crimson][b]PLEASE READ THE "NEST RENTAL REQUIREMENTS" IMAGE ABOVE BEFORE RENTING A NEST WITH THIS SERVICE![/b][/color] [color=purple]There have been reports of players unaffiliated with this service offering their nests on this thread. For the safety of your dragons, it is HIGHLY recommended that you stick with the approved nest hosts listed below. [/color][/center] [center] [quote=Arcane Nests] [columns] [img alt="arcane banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]ARCANE NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art arcane nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Arcane Hosts (4/5 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]@Asterodea[/b] - 5KT [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]@Elestrial[/b] - AnyPts Food [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]@TheFallenFlames[/b] - 5KT/g [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]@LeainV[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [/LIST] [center][img alt="arcane divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Arcane Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]@Bexster94[/b] - 3KT/g [*] [emoji=arcane rune size=1] [b]@KairiDragoness[/b] - 5KT/g [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="arcane banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Earth Nests] [columns] [img alt="earth banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]EARTH NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art earth nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Earth Hosts (4/5 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [b]@Zodiackind[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [b]@extinction[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [b]@lucklife[/b] - 50Pts Food [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [b]@ShadowSnatcher[/b] - Free [/LIST] [center][img alt="earth divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Earth Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [b]@Saurus[/b] - 3KT/g or 30Pts Food [*] [emoji=earth rune size=1] [b]@SheridanCharon[/b] - 50Pts Food [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="earth banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Fire Nests] [columns] [img alt="fire banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]FIRE NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art fire nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Fire Hosts (5/5 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@HalfStep[/b] - 3KT [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@Tribal[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@Sootsinger[/b] - 3KT [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@clockworkMoose[/b] - 30Pts Food (Meat/Fish Preferred) [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@LucisAbsentia[/b] - Free [/LIST] [center][img alt="fire divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Fire Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@Lewa[/b] - 4KT [*] [emoji=fire rune size=1] [b]@phosphors[/b] - Free [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="fire banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Ice Nests] [columns] [img alt="ice banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]ICE NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art ice nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Ice Hosts (5/5 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@LuciferNyx[/b] - 4KT [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@Aluna[/b] - 5KT/g [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@Zimt[/b] - 30 Pts Insect [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@Liamera[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@Akamataa[/b] - Free [/LIST] [center][img alt="ice divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Ice Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@LadyLilac[/b] - 5KT/g [*] [emoji=ice rune size=1] [b]@Mypilot[/b] - Free [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="ice banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Light Nests] [columns] [img alt="light banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]LIGHT NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art light nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Light Hosts (5/5 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@ASleepyBoi[/b] - 5KT/g [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@solarscribe[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@Praij[/b] - 4KT [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@Fane[/b] - 30Pts Food or 5KT [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@Naleli[/b] - 4KT/g [/LIST] [center][img alt="light divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Light Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@DoodlePoodle[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=light rune size=1] [b]@Sherri[/b] - Free [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="light banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Lightning Nests] [columns] [img alt="lightning banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]LIGHTNING NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art lightning nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Lightning Hosts 4/5 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]@VividCanine[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]@Sastreix[/b] - Free *Hiatus 1/26/25-2/26/25 [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]@WolfSmudge[/b] - 2KT/g [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]@TacoTequila[/b] - Free [/LIST] [center][img alt="lightning divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Lightning Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]@SirenDancer[/b] - 5KT [*] [emoji=lightning rune size=1] [b]@StarDay[/b] - 5KT *Hiatus on prodart weeks [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="lightning banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Nature Nests] [columns] [img alt="nature banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]NATURE NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art nature nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Nature Hosts (4/5 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]@Plina[/b] - 5KT/g [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]@Neptunelycan[/b] - 1KT/g [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]@acorncap[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]@Elunariia[/b] - 5KT/g and 30Pts Food [/LIST] [center][img alt="nature divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Nature Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]@ketterine[/b] - 3KT/g [*] [emoji=nature rune size=1] [b]@Rhavain[/b] - 5KT/g or 50Pts Food [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="nature banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Plague Nests] [columns] [img alt="plague banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]PLAGUE NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art plague nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Plague Hosts (5/5 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]@Nevermind2B[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]@Yinny[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]@ChrispBreadfield[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]@Rezakluttir[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]@Royaldoberman[/b] - 2KT [/LIST] [center][img alt="plague divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Plague Hosts (1/2 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [b]@ShadowDragon37[/b] - 5KT/g [*] [emoji=plague rune size=1] [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="plague banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Shadow Nests] [columns] [img alt="shadow banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]SHADOW NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art shadow nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Shadow Hosts (4/5 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]@Andromesa[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]@arat[/b] - 2KT [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]@TakeMeBackToEden[/b] - 2KT [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]@SgtJessi[/b] - Free [/LIST] [center][img alt="shadow divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Shadow Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]@Loreanth[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=shadow rune size=1] [b]@Spiffykitten[/b] - 5KT [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="shadow banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Water Nests] [columns] [img alt="water banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]WATER NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art water nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Water Hosts (5/5 - [color=green]Full[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@zetsuens[/b] - 3kt or 30Pts Seafood [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@Aava[/b] - 30Pts Food Insects or Meat [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@Ajgreelyfan3[/b] - 3kt or 30Pts Insects [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@Illuna[/b] - 5KT [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@Yidhra[/b] - 3KT [/LIST] [center][img alt="water divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown][b]Backup Water Hosts (2/2 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@Dosshie[/b] - 2KT [*] [emoji=water rune size=1] [b]@spacecat[/b] - Free [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="water banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote] [quote=Wind Nests] [columns] [img alt="wind banner"][/img] [nextcol] [center][size=6][b]WIND NESTS[/b][/size] [url=][img alt="pixel art wind nest"][/img][/url][/center] [emoji=gold crown] [b]Main Wind Hosts (5/5 - [color=red]Full[/color])[/b] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]@dancingcrane[/b] - 5KT & 40Pts Food [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]@Alskasaur[/b] - 5KT [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]@ezzgeddit[/b] - Free [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]@speckmeister[/b] - 30Pts Food [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]@DragonSister[/b] - 3KT [/LIST] [center][img alt="wind divider"][/img][/center] [emoji=silver crown] [b]Backup Wind Hosts (1/2 - [color=green]Hiring[/color])[/b] [i]The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response [b]or[/b] if none of the main list users have an empty nest.[/i] [LIST=1] [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [*] [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]@Caelight[/b] - 5KT [/LIST] [nextcol] [img alt="wind banner"][/img] [/columns] [/quote]


There have been reports of players unaffiliated with this service offering their nests on this thread. For the safety of your dragons, it is HIGHLY recommended that you stick with the approved nest hosts listed below.
Arcane Nests wrote:
arcane banner
pixel art arcane nest

Main Arcane Hosts (4/5 - Hiring)
  1. @Asterodea - 5KT
  2. @Elestrial - AnyPts Food
  3. @TheFallenFlames - 5KT/g
  4. @LeainV - Free
arcane divider

Backup Arcane Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @Bexster94 - 3KT/g
  2. @KairiDragoness - 5KT/g
arcane banner
Earth Nests wrote:
earth banner
pixel art earth nest

Main Earth Hosts (4/5 - Hiring)
  1. @Zodiackind - Free
  2. @extinction - Free
  3. @lucklife - 50Pts Food
  4. @ShadowSnatcher - Free
earth divider

Backup Earth Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @Saurus - 3KT/g or 30Pts Food
  2. @SheridanCharon - 50Pts Food
earth banner
Fire Nests wrote:
fire banner
pixel art fire nest

Main Fire Hosts (5/5 - Full)
  1. @HalfStep - 3KT
  2. @Tribal - Free
  3. @Sootsinger - 3KT
  4. @clockworkMoose - 30Pts Food (Meat/Fish Preferred)
  5. @LucisAbsentia - Free
fire divider

Backup Fire Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @Lewa - 4KT
  2. @phosphors - Free
fire banner
Ice Nests wrote:
ice banner
pixel art ice nest

Main Ice Hosts (5/5 - Full)
  1. @LuciferNyx - 4KT
  2. @Aluna - 5KT/g
  3. @Zimt - 30 Pts Insect
  4. @Liamera - Free
  5. @Akamataa - Free
ice divider

Backup Ice Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @LadyLilac - 5KT/g
  2. @Mypilot - Free
ice banner
Light Nests wrote:
light banner
pixel art light nest

Main Light Hosts (5/5 - Full)
  1. @ASleepyBoi - 5KT/g
  2. @solarscribe - Free
  3. @Praij - 4KT
  4. @Fane - 30Pts Food or 5KT
  5. @Naleli - 4KT/g
light divider

Backup Light Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @DoodlePoodle - Free
  2. @Sherri - Free
light banner
Lightning Nests wrote:
lightning banner
pixel art lightning nest

Main Lightning Hosts 4/5 - Hiring)
  1. @VividCanine - Free
  2. @Sastreix - Free *Hiatus 1/26/25-2/26/25
  3. @WolfSmudge - 2KT/g
  4. @TacoTequila - Free
lightning divider

Backup Lightning Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @SirenDancer - 5KT
  2. @StarDay - 5KT *Hiatus on prodart weeks
lightning banner
Nature Nests wrote:
nature banner
pixel art nature nest
Main Nature Hosts (4/5 - Hiring)
  1. @Plina - 5KT/g
  2. @Neptunelycan - 1KT/g
  3. @acorncap - Free
  4. @Elunariia - 5KT/g and 30Pts Food
nature divider

Backup Nature Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @ketterine - 3KT/g
  2. @Rhavain - 5KT/g or 50Pts Food
nature banner
Plague Nests wrote:
plague banner
pixel art plague nest

Main Plague Hosts (5/5 - Full)
  1. @Nevermind2B - Free
  2. @Yinny - Free
  3. @ChrispBreadfield - Free
  4. @Rezakluttir - Free
  5. @Royaldoberman - 2KT
plague divider

Backup Plague Hosts (1/2 - Hiring)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @ShadowDragon37 - 5KT/g
plague banner
Shadow Nests wrote:
shadow banner
pixel art shadow nest

Main Shadow Hosts (4/5 - Hiring)
  1. @Andromesa - Free
  2. @arat - 2KT
  3. @TakeMeBackToEden - 2KT
  4. @SgtJessi - Free
shadow divider

Backup Shadow Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @Loreanth - Free
  2. @Spiffykitten - 5KT
shadow banner
Water Nests wrote:
water banner
pixel art water nest

Main Water Hosts (5/5 - Full)
  1. @zetsuens - 3kt or 30Pts Seafood
  2. @Aava - 30Pts Food Insects or Meat
  3. @Ajgreelyfan3 - 3kt or 30Pts Insects
  4. @Illuna - 5KT
  5. @Yidhra - 3KT
water divider

Backup Water Hosts (2/2 - Full)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @Dosshie - 2KT
  2. @spacecat - Free
water banner
Wind Nests wrote:
wind banner
pixel art wind nest

Main Wind Hosts (5/5 - Full)
  1. @dancingcrane - 5KT & 40Pts Food
  2. @Alskasaur - 5KT
  3. @ezzgeddit - Free
  4. @speckmeister - 30Pts Food
  5. @DragonSister - 3KT
wind divider

Backup Wind Hosts (1/2 - Hiring)
The users on this backup list should only be pinged if it has been 12 hours since you have pinged the above list and have received no response or if none of the main list users have an empty nest.
  1. @Caelight - 5KT
wind banner
Interested in becoming a nest host?

» In order to apply as a nest host...
  • Your account must be a minimum of 30 days old. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • You must have some unoccupied lair slots, the more the better.
  • Have at least 4 nests unlocked, 5 is ideal for main hosts.

Nest Host Code of Conduct. 1. You should be active enough to respond to an activity check ping by skarpetky within a week's time. These can occur as often as once every two months. 2. You should alert skarpetky if you will not be able to log into FR for more than a few days so that you can be marked as away during this time and exempt from any activity checks that may occur. 3. You should incubate a renter's eggs daily after accepting a rental request. 4. You should remain courteous to renters at all times. 5. You should return the renter's dragons in a timely manner. 6. Hosts should not rename, exalt, sell, transfer, or otherwise edit a renter's dragons while in their care. 7. You may claim ownership of any dragons left in your care after a period of seven full days have passed after attempting to return the dragons to the renter and receiving no response or acceptance of the crossroads.
*Regarding rule #2, hiatuses must be no longer than one month. Those who need a longer hiatus are welcome to re-apply to the service when they are back if there is space, but in the meantime they will be taken off the list.
**Also please notify me of hiatuses, name changes, fee changes etc. by PM, not by pinging me in the thread.
Pings will be ignored, no exceptions!
Nest Host Application
  • What is your flight?
  • †Are you applying for the main list or the backup list for your flight?
  • If you are applying for the backup list, would you like to be moved onto the main list if/when a position on the main list becomes available?
  • How many unoccupied lair slots do you have at this time?
  • How many nests do you have unlocked?
  • Is your account more than 30 days old?
  • *How much treasure and/or food would you like to charge for a nest rental?

    Please check the list of nest hosts to see if there actually is an open position within your flight before sending in an application.

    *Maximum of 5KT and 50Pts Food. Flat fee only as variable pricing is not permitted.

No current opening within your flight?

Please choose one of the pinglists below to subscribe to in order to get pinged when there is an opening in your flight. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Interested in becoming a nest host?

» In order to apply as a nest host...
  • Your account must be a minimum of 30 days old. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • You must have some unoccupied lair slots, the more the better.
  • Have at least 4 nests unlocked, 5 is ideal for main hosts.

Nest Host Code of Conduct. 1. You should be active enough to respond to an activity check ping by skarpetky within a week's time. These can occur as often as once every two months. 2. You should alert skarpetky if you will not be able to log into FR for more than a few days so that you can be marked as away during this time and exempt from any activity checks that may occur. 3. You should incubate a renter's eggs daily after accepting a rental request. 4. You should remain courteous to renters at all times. 5. You should return the renter's dragons in a timely manner. 6. Hosts should not rename, exalt, sell, transfer, or otherwise edit a renter's dragons while in their care. 7. You may claim ownership of any dragons left in your care after a period of seven full days have passed after attempting to return the dragons to the renter and receiving no response or acceptance of the crossroads.
*Regarding rule #2, hiatuses must be no longer than one month. Those who need a longer hiatus are welcome to re-apply to the service when they are back if there is space, but in the meantime they will be taken off the list.
**Also please notify me of hiatuses, name changes, fee changes etc. by PM, not by pinging me in the thread.
Pings will be ignored, no exceptions!
Nest Host Application
  • What is your flight?
  • †Are you applying for the main list or the backup list for your flight?
  • If you are applying for the backup list, would you like to be moved onto the main list if/when a position on the main list becomes available?
  • How many unoccupied lair slots do you have at this time?
  • How many nests do you have unlocked?
  • Is your account more than 30 days old?
  • *How much treasure and/or food would you like to charge for a nest rental?

    Please check the list of nest hosts to see if there actually is an open position within your flight before sending in an application.

    *Maximum of 5KT and 50Pts Food. Flat fee only as variable pricing is not permitted.

No current opening within your flight?

Please choose one of the pinglists below to subscribe to in order to get pinged when there is an opening in your flight. You can unsubscribe at any time.

[center][u][/u][size=5][b]FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY - IGNORE IF SEEKING NESTS[/b][/size][/center] ------- [center][b][u]Nest Request Trackers by Flight. [/u][/b] These are collaborative documents for nest hosts to track pings. Their use is optional, not required. Any host, backup or main, can update the trackers from their flight. When adding new information to the sheet, please right click on row 3 and choose "Insert one row above" - the goal is to have a list that reads top-down to reduce scrolling. ([url=]Example sheet[/url]) Please PM skarpetky if you find any issues with these google docs (confusion, vandalism, etc.). [columns] [url=][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Arcane[/url] [url=][emoji=earth rune size=1]Earth[/url] [url=][emoji=fire rune size=1]Fire[/url] [url=][emoji=ice rune size=1]Ice[/url] [url=][emoji=light rune size=1]Light[/url] [url=][emoji=lightning rune size=1]Lightning[/url] [nextcol] [url=][emoji=nature rune size=1]Nature[/url] [url=][emoji=plague rune size=1]Plague[/url] [url=][emoji=shadow rune size=1]Shadow[/url] [url=][emoji=water rune size=1]Water[/url] [url=][emoji=wind rune size=1]Wind[/url] [/columns] [u][b]Current Nest Hosts Only Pinglist[/b][/u] [b]It is required to join this pinglist if you are a nest host.[/b] If you leave the service for whatever reason, please also remove yourself from this pinglist. [b]Do not join this pinglist unless you are a host on the service.[/b] [pinglist=2763]

Nest Request Trackers by Flight.
These are collaborative documents for nest hosts to track pings. Their use is optional, not required. Any host, backup or main, can update the trackers from their flight. When adding new information to the sheet, please right click on row 3 and choose "Insert one row above" - the goal is to have a list that reads top-down to reduce scrolling.
(Example sheet)

Please PM skarpetky if you find any issues with these google docs (confusion, vandalism, etc.).










Current Nest Hosts Only Pinglist
It is required to join this pinglist if you are a nest host. If you leave the service for whatever reason, please also remove yourself from this pinglist. Do not join this pinglist unless you are a host on the service.
@skarpetky Please remove me from your list, I don't play flight rising anymore.
@skarpetky Please remove me from your list, I don't play flight rising anymore.
@GeneCo Will do, thank you for letting me know.
@GeneCo Will do, thank you for letting me know.
@skarpetky New day, new tread, huh? Anyway, I'd like to be moved from reserve to main team, if opportunity arise, since my nests are free 99% of the time. It's fine if it is currently impossible to do, just keep in mind that I'm avaliable [emoji=gaoler winking size=2]
@skarpetky New day, new tread, huh?
Anyway, I'd like to be moved from reserve to main team, if opportunity arise, since my nests are free 99% of the time. It's fine if it is currently impossible to do, just keep in mind that I'm avaliable
@skarpetky Good luck taking over the thread! Hope we as hosts don't put too much pressure on you during the transition Now, as I put pressure on you during the transition ^^;, when you get the chance, the current advertising banner links to the old thread. This is the current one: [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] The new one should be: [code][url=][img][/img][/url] [/code]

Good luck taking over the thread! Hope we as hosts don't put too much pressure on you during the transition
Now, as I put pressure on you during the transition ^^;, when you get the chance, the current advertising banner links to the old thread.

This is the current one:

The new one should be:
@Wakazu I'm going to do an activity check in the near future, inactive people will be kicked from the service as hosts, so you might get the opportunity then!

Hey it's no problem, I appreciate people pointing stuff out so I can fix it! Thanks. I also have to fix some of the scroll images so they don't say ping absinthy anymore, lol.
@Wakazu I'm going to do an activity check in the near future, inactive people will be kicked from the service as hosts, so you might get the opportunity then!

Hey it's no problem, I appreciate people pointing stuff out so I can fix it! Thanks. I also have to fix some of the scroll images so they don't say ping absinthy anymore, lol.

Hey! I actually dont play as much as I used to so if you wanna take me off that would be cool.

Hey! I actually dont play as much as I used to so if you wanna take me off that would be cool.
We are the stones beneath your feet!
Wish List - Sell Forum