Active Nest Rentals -All Flights- 2.0

Fane's Clan
Clan Info

Former Moderator: I used to be Moonie
I share my IP with @Kilowalts.
I am always collecting XXY/XYY/XYX primals and oldies (9-10+)!
@nest renters: I'm online to take breeding pairs on weekdays from 8AM-5PM PST for 30 food points. Please send CR's in that time window if you need your pairs nested immediately. Any trades received after 5PM run the chance of being nested after rollover as I only check FR periodically after that time.

Recent Comments

Oh I didn't even realize you had Ceri's sister as well :D That's an amazing coincidence, though you are right, bloodlines were limited especially if we were looking for unrelated dragons to pair up. It's always interesting to see where siblings ended up, and even nicer to see them in an active lair!

I wanted to pass along a compliment to your lair! I have a brother of Masser, and I'm happy to see a clutch mate of his seeing some love.

You have such a cool lair. Marika and Dustily are amazing and I love PlayDoh!

I love your Fanedragon! :D

ty for nesting my pair

Your lair is SOO pretty ! N your Yakuza dergs are So neat :D

lucian was on the front page !

Your lair is so aesthetic, I love it!

Five eggs on Percy and Kulu, three eggs on Ciri and Splendor!

I'd appreciate it if you could send parents dragon! Thank you for rent nest..!

Sharra was on the front page! (19:55)

Celica was on the front page! She's gorgeous!
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