Congratulations! The magical siblings, Omen and Ebony, children of Cosmos, are now fully registered Night Warriors!
Congratulations! The magical siblings, Omen and Ebony, children of Cosmos, are now fully registered Night Warriors!
[size=0][size=0][size=0]@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @Morgai @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar @Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @SindoreiPony@kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine@Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @/sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ruijun @Foxolotl @WingedAsarath [/size][/size][/size]
Four blood-red Night Warriors for your consideration.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98513063][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/985131/98513063_350.png[/img][/url] Female
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98513064][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/985131/98513064_350.png[/img][/url] Male
Last one scried with Boulder and Choir:
Please take [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/345145/2227451/5?name=&type=undefined]them[/url]
@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @Morgai @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar @Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @SindoreiPony@kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine@Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ruijun @Foxolotl @WingedAsarath
I've got some later gen young warriors looking for new homes! Plus plenty more of their cousins in the same tab
[size=0]@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @Morgai @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar @Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @SindoreiPony @kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine @Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ruijun @Foxolotl @WingedAsarath @BlitzedUp @TheTigersDen @wolfguardian1 @Lola96 @CerberusGuard (20+) @Breshcanda (20+) @AceCavalier (20+, Gen 13) @seamists @Lirillith
[size=0][size=0][size=0]@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @Morgai @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar @Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @SindoreiPony@kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine@Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @/sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ruijun @Foxolotl @WingedAsarath [/size][/size][/size]
more babies ^_^
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98582445][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/985825/98582445_350.png[/img][/url] Female
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98582446][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/985825/98582446_350.png[/img][/url] Male Iris XXY
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98582447][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/985825/98582447_350.png[/img][/url] Male
Their father isn't leveled yet but I'll get him there some day.
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98601912][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/986020/98601912_350.png[/img][/url] Male
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/98601913][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/986020/98601913_350.png[/img][/url] Male Iris XXY [b]Adopted[/b]
Secret was already a team captain, trusted healer, and a battle mage, supposedly. So it was merely a formality for her to attain the rank of official Night Warrior as well. What is she going to reach for next?
@beanutbutter @sinha27 @SylvanLady @Taishiro @ZenithNadir @CerberusGuard @Shalynn @Jeth
please register my overachiever^^
may I adopt this big strong black and red lion dragon please?
Secret was already a team captain, trusted healer, and a battle mage, supposedly. So it was merely a formality for her to attain the rank of official Night Warrior as well. What is she going to reach for next?
beanutbutter @
sinha27 @
SylvanLady @
Taishiro @
ZenithNadir @
CerberusGuard @
Shalynn @
please register my overachiever^^
may I adopt this big strong black and red lion dragon please?
Congratulations! The hauntingly beautiful Secret, daughter of Kandu, is now a fully fledged Night Warrior. I think she will make it her mission to teach other Night Warriors how to battle the beasts while wearing a bustle. That is impressive.
Congratulations! The hauntingly beautiful Secret, daughter of Kandu, is now a fully fledged Night Warrior. I think she will make it her mission to teach other Night Warriors how to battle the beasts while wearing a bustle. That is impressive.
@Gilnora @mxluxray @NSRachel @rosemarycaravan @JaydedOni @2Pencil @AceCavalier @Adeya @Agartha @WyrmeeWyvern @Alastriona1 @Apothecaria @Aquarreon @Asgeirr @Ashborne @AshenFall @ashnick @Axiomatix @beanutbutter @Berri @Bluecupcake52 @blushbird @BODTF @boggbody @Boltninja75 @BonafideBrack @Breshcandra @briestarr @ButterMuffle @Calyypso @CaptianCookie @Catrisa @ozvena @Chicanery @ChiefWhiz @cooljewel @randomfriend @Cvhruig @Cyanidium @Dancer08 @Fenrys @demonslayr62 @Divinos @DracoMalfoysWife @dragonhorselover @dragonlover1003 @Drakenhart @Capricat @DreamingSunset @Dylluminati @Eiira @Zikul @Ensign @Eturna @FaerieDae @FakeHearts @Morgai @Feldunost @FierceStrike @Florescent @Foreverkinght @Frostglitter @frostyferelden @Furyan @galaxymaster @Ghostray @GingerGirl @GirlyRedFox @GoldenLining @GoldenThief @icehorsestar @Gubbins @Hakon @Harana @TypeFull @heinousTB @HelgaHalfHeart @HippieJuice @hithere @Holopunk @HorseCrazy @Ikilou @SindoreiPony @kiryne @InfectedWolf @Jata @jesterthecleric @Joshdaawsome @JustNatureThings @kijauni @Kingofthenight @Kitarial @KitsuneEbi @Kittykat8904 @Kiwith @Kougraness @Kristan @LadyAria @LadyFairchild @LadyMillennia @Lambertisaprick @Lithuania @Lokadrottning @Luminance @Lunadropz @Macari @Maedhras @Maegelcarwyn @MakeshiftHeart @MamaFloof @Marsomlight @Meowruff @Milkyteax @MiniJewel @Macuil @MissFortune17 @Mohya @IndigoStarshine @Morgai @Morifinde @MyungJin @Natiss @Nebulaeyes @Nefarian17 @NickyJade156 @NobleSavage @NotAllBloodMages @Nourish @Nyxic @Painrivers @PastaTea @prismwolf @psylla @PUMPKINCAW @purplediamond29 @PurpleHibiscus @pyrotech2 @Ratercheese @Raydioactive @Ridgehill @rnorningstar @Rotkeeper @RubyWolf33 @SapphireAppy @Saraceaser @Deladria @SassyDragonlady @ScarletLion @ScrewThisDriver @SemperVictor @Shadari @ShadowPhoenix900 @Shalynn @sheepm8tr @ShouLyon @SilverInky @Silwyna @Raivus @SleepyAnnie @smeen @Snowsilver @Solarwing @someonesusie @SparkyFlames @Spedmyha @SSakuras @starsight2217 @StormyDragon @StrawberryRiddle @SummersBreeze @SwordsmanLuciel @Sylvanlady @Tadie @Taishiro @Takemi @TheCell @thewildpack @topazsunset04 @toro @TrailgillRoad @TsuneEmbers @Ttiuronohon @UseTheWord @Vailee @Vancara @ViaCurro @VulpixSerpens @weeveryin @WillowThorn @WolfandCrow @Xhilde @XiangEr @xibo @XxBlueExorcistxX @XxNoodleNovaxX @Yoggiecast @Yolotli @ZenithNadir @ZephyrDaDragon @PringleSnake @Dragonraven21 @Moonweaverr @Sekine @KalicoKat @EverlastingRoses @SunsetRising @elficstar @WasabiSwimp @inkino @WeeveryinMyLady @sp580s @Lirillith @That1Pyro @Kalorin @Yangxin @SnowFrost620 @seaofspace @Atavan @FloofinBird @Novamouy17 @HeyElliott @PinkSwan @CrazyChaos @anaknyte @Archiy @QuanTea @Penjikenji @pawnsvictory @caelafireheart @sinha27 @Impception @Lola96 @FireDraco365 @Wizardly @Disillusionist @lastghostling @vidcundrexina @wolfguardian1 @Ducknuckle @IronTide @RisenWolf @Jeth @cardnassac @AmrynthNoAoi @KyaTessa @L0veyD0vey @sm06sm @leagueofshadows @ruijun @Foxolotl @WingedAsarath
I have three gen 21 babies available! Just give me a name :)
I am not certain I am doing this right, but I found this mirror, who I believe is eligible to be registered as a gen 19 Night Warrior. Could you please register him for me or let let me know if he can't be registered. Thanks so much!
I am not certain I am doing this right, but I found this mirror, who I believe is eligible to be registered as a gen 19 Night Warrior. Could you please register him for me or let let me know if he can't be registered. Thanks so much!
Nightwarriors dont register until they're leveled up to 20 if their parent is registered and 25 if they werent.
Nightwarriors dont register until they're leveled up to 20 if their parent is registered and 25 if they werent.