Sure, I'll send her on over!
[quote name="Amelilia" date="2022-05-19 18:43:39" ]
@NeonSlushie May I adopt Saffron? He's lovely
@Amelilia Sending now! :D
Amelilia wrote on 2022-05-19 18:43:39:
NeonSlushie May I adopt Saffron? He's lovely
Amelilia Sending now! :D
@neonslushie is it ok if I take this dragon & send it out in the travelling dragons forum right here? > [url]https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drt/1101610[/url]
neonslushie is it ok if I take this dragon & send it out in the travelling dragons forum right here? >
Jelllitan That's fine! I don't mind! :3 Sending!
Jelllitan That's fine! I don't mind! :3 Sending!
[quote name="Silentious" date="2022-05-18 06:50:28" ]
Free to a good home! Will be exalted when grown. Name to claim.
Silentious wrote on 2022-05-18 06:50:28:
Hello everyone! I have a handful of hatchlings looking for new homes here,
Max 2 dragons per day, and I'd love to see them go to homes where they aren't exalted so soon :)
@Nathreok Would it be okay for me to adopt this spiral dude?
Nathreok Would it be okay for me to adopt this spiral dude?
this boy is beautiful, could I keep him?
this boy is beautiful, could I keep him?
Is this one still available? Her colours are lovely!
Is this one still available? Her colours are lovely!
Got some new hatchlings up for grabs!
Name to claim!
Got some new hatchlings up for grabs!
Name to claim!