@MermaidCove thats not a problem at all! i’m still very interested in the other two, no worries :)

TOPIC | Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!

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Can I ask for this guy?
[i]The name just speaks to me[/i]
Hello there! Two of my nests hatched today and I want to try here first if they find a safe home before taking any chance with the AH.
They're all unnamed yet, ping or DM me if you want some of them and how you'd like to call them!
Nest 1 - Tundras!
These are my first tundras so I'm not giving them away lightly, just promise me you'll treat them well.
Nest 2 - Ridgebacks!
Hello there! Two of my nests hatched today and I want to try here first if they find a safe home before taking any chance with the AH.
They're all unnamed yet, ping or DM me if you want some of them and how you'd like to call them!
Nest 1 - Tundras!
These are my first tundras so I'm not giving them away lightly, just promise me you'll treat them well.

Nest 2 - Ridgebacks!

They're all unnamed yet, ping or DM me if you want some of them and how you'd like to call them!
Nest 1 - Tundras!
These are my first tundras so I'm not giving them away lightly, just promise me you'll treat them well.

Nest 2 - Ridgebacks!

Could I grab this guy? I'm very interested in him.
Oml i love his color sceme @XenonArrow
Could i steal him? respectfully?
Hi! Could I pick up these two wonderful tundras? .o.
These dragons are on the AH, but are free to a good home. Ping me if interested, and please be able to accept the CR within 24 hours.
Please refrain from adopting in order to exalt, or if you don't intend to keep them for long.
[center]Giving away a few free dragons to good homes. These were all gifted to me while I was getting started, so I want to pass them on as well!
[emoji=gust size=1] [b]I simply ask that they do not get exalted, as that is what I promised to their previous owners![/b] [emoji=gust size=1]
Simply ping me with which dragon you want and I will send it to you![/center]
[center][columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=77624378][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/776244/77624378_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=77624378][br]Zera[br]ID# - 77624378[br][emoji=fire rune size=1] Uncommon Eyes[br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_female.png[/img][br][br]Chartreuse | Clown[br]Radioactive | Marbled[br]Spruce | Basic[br][emoji=treasure size=1] [b]Free![/b][br]Free to a non-exalt home![/columns]
[columns][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=76055967][img]http://flightrising.com/rendern/350/760560/76055967_350.png[/img][/url][br][size=2][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2677959/1#post_2677959][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=76055967][br]Moondash[br]ID# - 76055967[br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Common Eyes[br][img]http://flightrising.com/images/icons/small_female.png[/img][br][br]Azure | Cherub[br]Saffron | Saturn[br]Sanddollar | Firefly[br][emoji=treasure size=1] [b]Free![/b][br]Free to a non-exalt home![/columns]
Giving away a few free dragons to good homes. These were all gifted to me while I was getting started, so I want to pass them on as well!
I simply ask that they do not get exalted, as that is what I promised to their previous owners! 
Simply ping me with which dragon you want and I will send it to you!

Simply ping me with which dragon you want and I will send it to you!

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