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TOPIC | Snoo's Gremlins; 100 Hatchling Challenge
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[center]Welcome to my (un)funny take on the 100 hatchling challenge, also known as... [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- This is Snoo. She may seem like your ordinary fae, but she isn't. You'd expect me to say she was special or better than others, well... that's not.. exactly the case. [url=][img][/img][/url] You see, Snoo is an antisocial little fae, well at least, within her kingdom. Online, she is a beast, and i'm not exaggerating either. For starters, she doesn't leave her room unless it's to get food or use the bathroom, and even then she doesn't talk with her family much, which worries her mom, dad, brother & sister. ...but what does she do in her room? Well, she likes to play video games, her favorite one being [i]Ground Raising[/i], a dog breeding browser game where you can breed dogs of all colors of the rainbow! Snoo was obsessed with Ground Raising, to the point where she spends all her time on it, expecially the game's forums. She was a forum moderator, and has even adopted the personality of a discord mod! How sad. If you were to go into her room, no matter who you were, you would be met with something along the lines of.., [img],17138&xt=dressing.png[/img] [b]"GET OUT OF MY ROOM, I'M PLAYING GROUND RAISING!!!"[/b] Even though her parents themselves were aloof, they loved adventure & exploring the world. They've had enough of Snoo's bratty behavior & unwillingless to socialize, so they did something they hope they won't regret; because her mom was training to become part of the royal guard, she had a connection with the queen herself. After telling her about her daughter's situation, the queen blocked Ground Raising from all the kingdom's devices. No one else played this game within the kingdom, so Snoo was the only one affected by this. [img],17140&xt=dressing.png[/img] Snoo was devastated! She begged her parents to help, but they both came up with the silliest excuse. They also wanted Snoo to meet new dragons & have children so she could finally get a life, so her mom came up with the biggest lie, hoping it would go the way she wanted. She told Snoo the queen had blocked the game all across the kingdom because there was a possibility that the game was dangerous (like many old moms & dads say for some reason), but if many dragons petitioned for it back, then they would bring back Ground Raising to the kingdom. ...and that's when Snoo got the silliest idea - to have 100 hatchlings, all petitioning for Ground Raising's return! It sounds silly, but it may just work! Her mom's plan was working!! ----- Enough silly backstories, let's get on with the rules!! [/center] [quote=Da Rules]1. [b]This challenge begins with the selection of your matriarch. [/b]To pick one, she must fulfill two requirements. The first, obviously, is that she has to be biologically female. The second is that she must have never been bred before now. That's it; anything else goes! She can be from your clan already, from the Auction House, have any breed / color / gene combination, be immediately RTB or not -- the sky is the limit. The one thing I recommend without a doubt is that she'd be a dragon you'd permanently keep, because you're going to have her in your hands for quite some time. [list][*]If you find that you're tiring of your matriarch's look, feel free to scatterscroll her, breed change her, or alter her genes as much as you'd like. The only thing you cannot do is replace her with any other dragoness after the challenge begins.[/list] 2. Select the first mate for your matriarch. You may retrieve him over the Auction House, borrow a stud, or pick a permanent resident of your clan -- literally the only requirement for him is that he's biologically male and thus can produce offspring with her. [list][*]Note how this step says "first" mate. [b]This is because your matriarch cannot breed with the same dragon twice across the duration of this challenge.[/b][/list] 3. Breed them once they're both RTB and you have sufficient space! Make a note of how many children they've had and keep it. Maintaining count is key. I'd also recommend making a note of who the mate was, so that you never accidentally "double-dip." 4. When the hatchlings are born, you cannot just immediately exalt them or sell them over the Auction House. [b]On the contrary, you must ensure every hatchling gets a long-term home.[/b] This could be anything from becoming someone else's permanent dragon to being bred at least once in someone else's lair. Either way, they need to be kept by someone for a while before being exalted or exalt-trained, if ever. If you want, you may keep any hatchlings you get as long-term residents of your own clan. [LIST] [*]If you end up selling someone a hatchling and they change their mind and either resell or exalt it, then you are not held accountable for it; after all, the matter at that point would have been out of your hands. However, it might be wise to not sell that person another hatchling for the duration of the challenge.[/list] 5. Repeat the process from finding a new mate to sending the hatchlings off to find long-term homes until all 100+ hatchlings have found a place they belong![/quote] [center]This 100 hatchling challenge is my more laid-back and silly challenge, and will have easier variations, including some I added.[/center] [quote=Challenge Modifiers] 1. Snoo needs to touch some grass and meet other dragons in person! While the kingdom's male dragons are nice, her parents want her to meet dragons from outside the kingdom & will only want her to meet dragons with stories to share, so she can learn more about the outside world.[b] Because of this, only travelers, including retired travelers, are acceptable. Dragons from other players will also be ok as well.[/b] [list] [*]If anyone offers up a stud, I will give them a familiar and some clothing upon arrival, to make sure no accidents happen. Whoever the stud belongs to gets first pick in that nest's hatchlings![/list] 2. Dragons must only be initially distributed though the forums, to match her love of the forums. They can be distributed in any thread, and whether they get exalted or not does not matter. However, I'll still try to distribute them to people who will care for them a bit before exalting. [/quote] That's basically it! I'll be editing this thread more later, since I'm pretty busy rn! [center] [/center]
Welcome to my (un)funny take on the 100 hatchling challenge, also known as...
This is Snoo. She may seem like your ordinary fae, but she isn't. You'd expect me to say she was special or better than others, well... that's not.. exactly the case.


You see, Snoo is an antisocial little fae, well at least, within her kingdom. Online, she is a beast, and i'm not exaggerating either. For starters, she doesn't leave her room unless it's to get food or use the bathroom, and even then she doesn't talk with her family much, which worries her mom, dad, brother & sister.

...but what does she do in her room?

Well, she likes to play video games, her favorite one being Ground Raising, a dog breeding browser game where you can breed dogs of all colors of the rainbow! Snoo was obsessed with Ground Raising, to the point where she spends all her time on it, expecially the game's forums. She was a forum moderator, and has even adopted the personality of a discord mod! How sad. If you were to go into her room, no matter who you were, you would be met with something along the lines of..,



Even though her parents themselves were aloof, they loved adventure & exploring the world. They've had enough of Snoo's bratty behavior & unwillingless to socialize, so they did something they hope they won't regret; because her mom was training to become part of the royal guard, she had a connection with the queen herself. After telling her about her daughter's situation, the queen blocked Ground Raising from all the kingdom's devices. No one else played this game within the kingdom, so Snoo was the only one affected by this.


Snoo was devastated! She begged her parents to help, but they both came up with the silliest excuse. They also wanted Snoo to meet new dragons & have children so she could finally get a life, so her mom came up with the biggest lie, hoping it would go the way she wanted. She told Snoo the queen had blocked the game all across the kingdom because there was a possibility that the game was dangerous (like many old moms & dads say for some reason), but if many dragons petitioned for it back, then they would bring back Ground Raising to the kingdom.

...and that's when Snoo got the silliest idea - to have 100 hatchlings, all petitioning for Ground Raising's return! It sounds silly, but it may just work! Her mom's plan was working!!
Enough silly backstories, let's get on with the rules!!
Da Rules wrote:
1. This challenge begins with the selection of your matriarch. To pick one, she must fulfill two requirements. The first, obviously, is that she has to be biologically female. The second is that she must have never been bred before now. That's it; anything else goes! She can be from your clan already, from the Auction House, have any breed / color / gene combination, be immediately RTB or not -- the sky is the limit. The one thing I recommend without a doubt is that she'd be a dragon you'd permanently keep, because you're going to have her in your hands for quite some time.
  • If you find that you're tiring of your matriarch's look, feel free to scatterscroll her, breed change her, or alter her genes as much as you'd like. The only thing you cannot do is replace her with any other dragoness after the challenge begins.

2. Select the first mate for your matriarch. You may retrieve him over the Auction House, borrow a stud, or pick a permanent resident of your clan -- literally the only requirement for him is that he's biologically male and thus can produce offspring with her.
  • Note how this step says "first" mate. This is because your matriarch cannot breed with the same dragon twice across the duration of this challenge.

3. Breed them once they're both RTB and you have sufficient space! Make a note of how many children they've had and keep it. Maintaining count is key. I'd also recommend making a note of who the mate was, so that you never accidentally "double-dip."

4. When the hatchlings are born, you cannot just immediately exalt them or sell them over the Auction House. On the contrary, you must ensure every hatchling gets a long-term home. This could be anything from becoming someone else's permanent dragon to being bred at least once in someone else's lair. Either way, they need to be kept by someone for a while before being exalted or exalt-trained, if ever. If you want, you may keep any hatchlings you get as long-term residents of your own clan.
  • If you end up selling someone a hatchling and they change their mind and either resell or exalt it, then you are not held accountable for it; after all, the matter at that point would have been out of your hands. However, it might be wise to not sell that person another hatchling for the duration of the challenge.
5. Repeat the process from finding a new mate to sending the hatchlings off to find long-term homes until all 100+ hatchlings have found a place they belong!
This 100 hatchling challenge is my more laid-back and silly challenge, and will have easier variations, including some I added.
Challenge Modifiers wrote:
1. Snoo needs to touch some grass and meet other dragons in person! While the kingdom's male dragons are nice, her parents want her to meet dragons from outside the kingdom & will only want her to meet dragons with stories to share, so she can learn more about the outside world. Because of this, only travelers, including retired travelers, are acceptable. Dragons from other players will also be ok as well.
  • If anyone offers up a stud, I will give them a familiar and some clothing upon arrival, to make sure no accidents happen. Whoever the stud belongs to gets first pick in that nest's hatchlings!
2. Dragons must only be initially distributed though the forums, to match her love of the forums. They can be distributed in any thread, and whether they get exalted or not does not matter. However, I'll still try to distribute them to people who will care for them a bit before exalting.

That's basically it! I'll be editing this thread more later, since I'm pretty busy rn!
Untitled48_20220710004328.png mikamasume.gif Untitled48_20220709143128.png arcone2022.gif
[center] [img][/img] [b][u]Resting[/u][/b]/RTB/Nesting [b]Next Mate:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Nest:[/b] [img][/img] [/center] [center] [size=7]Adoptable Bebes[/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=4]Hatchlings that aren't adopted will eventually be sent out as traveling dragons or to exalt rescues![/size] [/center]

Next Mate:




Adoptable Bebes

Hatchlings that aren't adopted will eventually be sent out as traveling dragons or to exalt rescues!

Untitled48_20220710004328.png mikamasume.gif Untitled48_20220709143128.png arcone2022.gif
[center][img][/img] [size=4]Current Mate:[/size] N/A ----- Past Mates: [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Future Mates: [url=][img][/img][/url] from @/blueeternity [url=][img][/img][/url] from @/sneesnaw (Stud offers open!) [/center]

Current Mate:

Past Mates:



Future Mates:

from @/blueeternity

from @/sneesnaw

(Stud offers open!)

Untitled48_20220710004328.png mikamasume.gif Untitled48_20220709143128.png arcone2022.gif
[center][img][/img] [/center] [quote=Nest 1 - Spiritrunner] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote] [quote=Nest 2 - Cutty] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/quote]
Nest 1 - Spiritrunner wrote:
77484533p.png 79480624p.png79480625p.png79480626p.png
Nest 2 - Cutty wrote:
61562209p.png 79942070p.png79942073p.png79942071p.png79942072p.png
Untitled48_20220710004328.png mikamasume.gif Untitled48_20220709143128.png arcone2022.gif
[center][img][/img] Not yet...[/center]

Not yet...
Untitled48_20220710004328.png mikamasume.gif Untitled48_20220709143128.png arcone2022.gif
[center][img][/img] [size=3][b]First nest hatched 7/13/22![/b] [/center]

First nest hatched 7/13/22!

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[center][img][/img] General Pinglist - Stud Seeking - Hatchlings Only - [/center]

General Pinglist -

Stud Seeking -

Hatchlings Only -
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[center][size=6]Affiliates[/size] I'm open to all sorts of affiliates, even for non 100 hatchling challenge threads! Ping me with your badge/banner in this thread, or if you don't have one I might be able to make a simple one for you if I have the time! [url=][img][/img][/url] ----- My affiliate banner! (really just the title card but we won't say anything) c: [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/center]

I'm open to all sorts of affiliates, even for non 100 hatchling challenge threads! Ping me with your badge/banner in this thread, or if you don't have one I might be able to make a simple one for you if I have the time!


My affiliate banner! (really just the title card but we won't say anything) c:
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res lol
res lol
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