
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Adopt-A-Dragon = Free to Good Homes!
@Lumos427 cool! i'll send him over! ^^
@Lumos427 cool! i'll send him over! ^^
@PlantMage May I have this boy, Ari please! Also would I be able to have a renaming scroll as well?Thank you! [url=][img][/img][/url]
May I have this boy, Ari please! Also would I be able to have a renaming scroll as well?Thank you!
@Nyley sure thing! i'll send him over with a scroll! ^^
@Nyley sure thing! i'll send him over with a scroll! ^^
These two up for adoption! Please have lair space if interested. Also on AH if you'd like to support my lair! :) Tasfi ↓ [url=][img][/img][/url] Aralt↓ [url=][img][/img][/url]
These two up for adoption! Please have lair space if interested.
Also on AH if you'd like to support my lair! :)
Tasfi ↓

@PlantMage may i have Leeta? I absolutely love how her radioactive looks ^-^

Btw i love your username ^-^
@PlantMage may i have Leeta? I absolutely love how her radioactive looks ^-^

Btw i love your username ^-^
Link to my all in 1 shop!
@AnimeLover9631 thank you!! you may, i'll send her over now! ^^
@AnimeLover9631 thank you!! you may, i'll send her over now! ^^
Free XXY stained girl in need of loving home. Marva [url=][img][/img][/url]
Free XXY stained girl in need of loving home.

Philippians 4:13 I can do All things through Christ who gives me strength

WARNING: I am prone to use random LOTR and the Hobbit references XD
@Wychwing id like to adopt her!
@Wychwing id like to adopt her!
Check out my 3D art shop!
Help me fill my Antiquary!

My Wishlist!
@Snoops Sending her now :D
@Snoops Sending her now :D
Philippians 4:13 I can do All things through Christ who gives me strength

WARNING: I am prone to use random LOTR and the Hobbit references XD
@wurldpeaz could i adopt navani? such pretty coloring!
@wurldpeaz could i adopt navani? such pretty coloring!
