
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | G1 Bogsneak Swap Center
[quote name="noodlemangos" date=2016-10-20 16:37:58] I have this boy, Blush/Slate/Grapefruit. Looks really nice with spinner and belly! Looking at anything. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Also have this boy! Petals matches the tert but alas I am poor: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/quote]
noodlemangos wrote on 2016-10-20:
I have this boy, Blush/Slate/Grapefruit. Looks really nice with spinner and belly!
Looking at anything.


Also have this boy! Petals matches the tert but alas I am poor:

[quote name="Keyoto" date=2016-10-18 05:12:13] [quote name="Keyoto" date=2016-10-16 18:01:05] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Mantis/Antique/Sky I'm looking for a female that can go with this boy: It isn't completely necessary, so any other offer is fine. You can offer on my thread instead if you'd like. ^ ^[/center] [/quote] [/quote] Still looking to get a female bog even if she doesn't match with that other boy.
Keyoto wrote on 2016-10-18:
Keyoto wrote on 2016-10-16:



I'm looking for a female that can go with this boy:

It isn't completely necessary, so any other offer is fine. You can offer on my thread instead if you'd like. ^ ^

Still looking to get a female bog even if she doesn't match with that other boy.
Looking for other females: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Matching eyes Scry examples [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] (will also flatsell)
Looking for other females:


Matching eyes

Scry examples


(will also flatsell)
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] peach/fern/mulberry female, plague, ROR baby~


peach/fern/mulberry female, plague, ROR baby~
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] looking for wild color combos.


looking for wild color combos.

P20SGb4.gif 46f50f75104349928b2b563ef0bd79f0.png 7d8e2ec83eb93e741fea5c9bf2d420d1.png RM3KMxz.gif
[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gene previews in her info.[/center]


Gene previews in her info.
@OkaFloof he's tan not yellow but RTB in two days. any interest for your female? PrimaryTan Basic SecondaryRadioactive Basic TertiaryStonewash Basic @CuQuoise or your female? I have too many male bogs [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

he's tan not yellow but RTB in two days. any interest for your female?
PrimaryTan Basic
SecondaryRadioactive Basic
TertiaryStonewash Basic
@CuQuoise or your female? I have too many male bogs

“I look inside myself and see my heart is black
Picked this girl up the other day and as much as I love her pastel colours, I've decided she isn't quite right for my lair. So I'd like to try trading her :) She has sorta matching secondary/tert and matching eyes too! Not fussed on gender or colours so show me what you've got :) [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Cornflower / Platinum / Thistle [/center]
Picked this girl up the other day and as much as I love her pastel colours, I've decided she isn't quite right for my lair.

So I'd like to try trading her :)
She has sorta matching secondary/tert and matching eyes too!

Not fussed on gender or colours so show me what you've got :)


Cornflower / Platinum / Thistle

Hatched this little lemon beauty right here, looking for [i]Wind[/i] or [i]Ice[/i] eyes :) [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] Gen One ~ Light eyes Yellow Basic Radioactive Basic Camo Basic [/columns]
Hatched this little lemon beauty right here, looking for Wind or Ice eyes :)

Gen One ~ Light eyes
Yellow Basic
Radioactive Basic
Camo Basic
@GreylightS Would you be up for tradeing your red make bog for her? She is the only one in her combo :) [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] Gen One ~ Light eyes Yellow Basic Radioactive Basic Camo Basic [/columns]

Would you be up for tradeing your red make bog for her?
She is the only one in her combo :)

Gen One ~ Light eyes
Yellow Basic
Radioactive Basic
Camo Basic