
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | Open a a Door
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I'm helping him learn the concept of forums. Please be patient! :)

Also, sorry for the inconvenience.

I'm helping him learn the concept of forums. Please be patient! :)

Also, sorry for the inconvenience.
Check out my Lore & Bio Store! Everything is essentially free~!
Scribbles by DogiCrimson. See here!
F / +18hrs / Usually Online
@Birdie99 You find yourself at the overpowering stainless-steel door and heave the door with some difficulty. A shining light greets you and as you get used to it, you find a little Skydancer waiting for your arrival. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @FulianGuard Being the brave one you are, you take a big leap towards the tiny door. The doll then steps out of the rocking chair and opens the door for you. Creepy. You crawl in to find a small bat whimpering in a cage and you free it immediately. [Item=Runic Bat] @CookieMayhem1308 You jump into the dark void and get swallowed up by it. You black out. You wake up to find yourself somewhere underground and you find 3 things with you. You take them with you in utter disappointment. [Item=Brown Birdskull Armband] [Item=Brown Birdskull Legband] [Item=White Aviator Scarf]
@Birdie99 You find yourself at the overpowering stainless-steel door and heave the door with some difficulty. A shining light greets you and as you get used to it, you find a little Skydancer waiting for your arrival.


@FulianGuard Being the brave one you are, you take a big leap towards the tiny door. The doll then steps out of the rocking chair and opens the door for you. Creepy. You crawl in to find a small bat whimpering in a cage and you free it immediately.

Runic Bat

@CookieMayhem1308 You jump into the dark void and get swallowed up by it. You black out. You wake up to find yourself somewhere underground and you find 3 things with you. You take them with you in utter disappointment.

Brown Birdskull Armband Brown Birdskull Legband White Aviator Scarf
As you move down a dark path, you come to a point where it splits into three narrow trails.

The first leads to a large, glittering door that seems to be made out of light itself. There are intricate carvings covering the doorframe all the way around. It seems to be well cared for.

Down the second path is a smaller, seemingly less well kept door with briar thorns and various fungus growing around it. From what you can see, the door seems to be made of obsidian.

Finally, down the third path is a huge, ominous door. The ground in front of it is trampled, and there's a horrid smell coming from inside. The destroyed door handle tells you that it's not locked.
As you move down a dark path, you come to a point where it splits into three narrow trails.

The first leads to a large, glittering door that seems to be made out of light itself. There are intricate carvings covering the doorframe all the way around. It seems to be well cared for.

Down the second path is a smaller, seemingly less well kept door with briar thorns and various fungus growing around it. From what you can see, the door seems to be made of obsidian.

Finally, down the third path is a huge, ominous door. The ground in front of it is trampled, and there's a horrid smell coming from inside. The destroyed door handle tells you that it's not locked.
3 please @Birdie99
3 please @Birdie99
Door 1 please
Door 1 please
@birdie99 door 2 please
@birdie99 door 2 please
@CelestialMuse [center][b]Door One[/b][/center] You walk up to the golden door and trace the patterns on it lightly, admiring the beauty of it. After turning the door knob and pushing it open, you see a small shining goblin with a bag full of stuff staring at you. He smiles happily, and runs to you. Seems like you made yourself a friend! As proof, he hands you the bag he's carrying. Brightshine stuff. Sweet! [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] @Aray [center][b]Door Two[/b][/center] You decide to go for the second door. Pacing in front of it for a bit, you think of way to clear the thorns and mushrooms without injuring yourself. But, you grow impatient as the ideas all seem to have faults. So, you resort to just pulling them off of the door yourself. Very brave of you! After clearing the way, you push the door open with a little difficulty. The room is dark, save for a small, glowing orb in the middle. As you get closer, you see it's actually an egg! Lucky you! Beside it is a puddle of a Shadowbringer doll. [img][/img][img][/img] @tomatogreen [center][b]Door Three[/b][/center] Cautiously approaching the third door, you cover your nose at the smell. You're curious however, so you push forward. Gently pushing the unlocked door open, you hear a growl and see a pair of red eyes light the dark. [center][b][i]"It took you long enough. I even broke the lock for you."[/i][/b][/center] With a huff, The female snapper reveled herself. She grabbed a red banner off of the ground and waddled towards you. [center][i][b]"Let's go." [/b][/i][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [center][/url][img][/img][/center]
Door One
You walk up to the golden door and trace the patterns on it lightly, admiring the beauty of it. After turning the door knob and pushing it open, you see a small shining goblin with a bag full of stuff staring at you. He smiles happily, and runs to you. Seems like you made yourself a friend! As proof, he hands you the bag he's carrying. Brightshine stuff. Sweet!

Door Two
You decide to go for the second door. Pacing in front of it for a bit, you think of way to clear the thorns and mushrooms without injuring yourself. But, you grow impatient as the ideas all seem to have faults. So, you resort to just pulling them off of the door yourself. Very brave of you! After clearing the way, you push the door open with a little difficulty. The room is dark, save for a small, glowing orb in the middle. As you get closer, you see it's actually an egg! Lucky you! Beside it is a puddle of a Shadowbringer doll.

Door Three
Cautiously approaching the third door, you cover your nose at the smell. You're curious however, so you push forward. Gently pushing the unlocked door open, you hear a growl and see a pair of red eyes light the dark.
"It took you long enough. I even broke the lock for you."
With a huff, The female snapper reveled herself. She grabbed a red banner off of the ground and waddled towards you.
"Let's go."

noooooooo!!!! all the other prizes were so cool! I'm such an idiot for picking door three lol thank you though! i do love snappers! <3
noooooooo!!!! all the other prizes were so cool! I'm such an idiot for picking door three lol thank you though! i do love snappers! <3
Door one is made out of grass
Door two smells like flowers
Door three is black and doesn't have a nob
Door one is made out of grass
Door two smells like flowers
Door three is black and doesn't have a nob
@tomatogreen Door two please! :)
@tomatogreen Door two please! :)
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