
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | Traveling Dragon!
You can go ahead and cr for him when you're ready then!
You can go ahead and cr for him when you're ready then!
99 envelopes's assorted services!
pings and pms are totally fine!
@saowen99 Can you believe they one egged me? RIP. The chosen one... (Also merry christmas)
@saowen99 Can you believe they one egged me? RIP. The chosen one... (Also merry christmas)
Aw, I'm sorry they one egged you, thats not cool! But maybe you'll get a huge nest when you get Truffle, she has a good record of large nests!
And Merry Christmas to you too! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas eve and day!
Aw, I'm sorry they one egged you, thats not cool! But maybe you'll get a huge nest when you get Truffle, she has a good record of large nests!
And Merry Christmas to you too! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas eve and day!
99 envelopes's assorted services!
pings and pms are totally fine!
Reminder that you will be receiving Startrail in just a few days!
Reminder that you will be receiving Startrail in just a few days!
99 envelopes's assorted services!
pings and pms are totally fine!
Sign me up for both! I'm actually hosting another traveling dragon right now, Regan from the Soft Mommy thread. I love traveling dragons.
Sign me up for both! I'm actually hosting another traveling dragon right now, Regan from the Soft Mommy thread. I love traveling dragons.
Alrighty I'll put you on the list for the next slots! Travelling dragons are sooooo much fun!
Alrighty I'll put you on the list for the next slots! Travelling dragons are sooooo much fun!
99 envelopes's assorted services!
pings and pms are totally fine!

Could I be added to the waiting list for Truffle, please?

Could I be added to the waiting list for Truffle, please?
Of course!
Of course!
99 envelopes's assorted services!
pings and pms are totally fine!
@saowen99 oh yeh! gotta make some room XD i am trying to sell these babys in my lair and n one wishes to buy them XD i hope i will be ready soon!x thanks
@saowen99 oh yeh! gotta make some room XD i am trying to sell these babys in my lair and n one wishes to buy them XD i hope i will be ready soon!x thanks
Looking for Tresure to expand my lairTrRpYIQ.pngtumblr_inline_njw5iwmQUG1qg2i5p.gif
Im sorry, but if you arent ready for him then I will have to skip to the next person. Even if you could make room, you dont have a nest available. These dragons need to be bred at every possible occassion, I cant afford to wait, I'll just bum your slot back.

Would you be able and willing to get Startrail early?
Im sorry, but if you arent ready for him then I will have to skip to the next person. Even if you could make room, you dont have a nest available. These dragons need to be bred at every possible occassion, I cant afford to wait, I'll just bum your slot back.

Would you be able and willing to get Startrail early?
99 envelopes's assorted services!
pings and pms are totally fine!