
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | CLOSED! Thanks for your help!
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[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] [i]Valencia settled in on a large flat rock, spreading out her tie-dyed blanket before her and laying out a sheaf of drawings of beautiful jewel-toned skydancers preening for the artist . "Come one come all, bring to me your tired, your boring, your project dragons that never got finished, your semi-leveled, your leftover grown hatchlings, that one baby you just could never sell! Momma Glade needs more acolytes and my fine peacock friends have offspring to find homes for!"[/i] I have some very lovely jewel-toned dragons who will be breeding in the next two weeks, but I really need exaltable dragons NOW! I am trading reserves for their babies in exchange for an equal value in exaltable adult dragon levels! [i]*dragon level requirements on the pairing refers to total dragon levels, I don't care if its three level 2s or one level 6, I just want more adult dragons to exalt. Higher leveled dergs preferred if possible, but I'll take whatever you got.*[/i]
Valencia settled in on a large flat rock, spreading out her tie-dyed blanket before her and laying out a sheaf of drawings of beautiful jewel-toned skydancers preening for the artist
"Come one come all, bring to me your tired, your boring, your project dragons that never got finished, your semi-leveled, your leftover grown hatchlings, that one baby you just could never sell! Momma Glade needs more acolytes and my fine peacock friends have offspring to find homes for!"

I have some very lovely jewel-toned dragons who will be breeding in the next two weeks, but I really need exaltable dragons NOW! I am trading reserves for their babies in exchange for an equal value in exaltable adult dragon levels!

*dragon level requirements on the pairing refers to total dragon levels, I don't care if its three level 2s or one level 6, I just want more adult dragons to exalt. Higher leveled dergs preferred if possible, but I'll take whatever you got.*
[center][u][b]THE PAIRS:[/b][/u][/center] [b]For 3 + dragon levels [/b] [center][quote][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][url=,38,33,48,33,44,1]Their Range[/url][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] *ON A NEST OF 2* [u]Reserves:[/u][/quote] [b]For 7+ dragon levels [/b] [center][quote][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][url=,59,59,59,45,59,1]Their Range[/url][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [u]Reserves:[/u] [i]yzabet, CadetArlert [/i][/quote] [quote][url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b][url=,20,18,18,45,45,1]Their Range[/url][/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [u]Reserves:[/u] [i]xiehan, ttakooo[/i] [/quote][/center]
For 3 + dragon levels


Their Range



For 7+ dragon levels


Their Range


Reserves: yzabet, CadetArlert


Their Range


Reserves: xiehan, ttakooo
@aerielle are you looking for 7 level ones or one level 7? XD Im confused
@aerielle are you looking for 7 level ones or one level 7? XD Im confused
SegzRhj.png 0eMtFge.png
@simply any combo of dragons that adds up to 7+. I can do 7 lvl 1s, or 1 lv 7 or some combo. the goal is the most exalted levels for nature by the end of the week.
@simply any combo of dragons that adds up to 7+. I can do 7 lvl 1s, or 1 lv 7 or some combo. the goal is the most exalted levels for nature by the end of the week.
@Aerielle I'm interested! I'd love to reserve a baby from the second skydancer pair because royal and circuit are my weakness, hnnng.

I have a lvl 5 adult I've been looking to rehome so I can probably just level her to 7 for you. My other exalt fodder won't be grown until later this week.

Pinging myself so I don't lose this thread: @xiehan
@Aerielle I'm interested! I'd love to reserve a baby from the second skydancer pair because royal and circuit are my weakness, hnnng.

I have a lvl 5 adult I've been looking to rehome so I can probably just level her to 7 for you. My other exalt fodder won't be grown until later this week.

Pinging myself so I don't lose this thread: @xiehan

* Looking for nest rentals? Triskele Nests has every element represented!
* My long-term dragon wishlist
* Post-color wheel expansion: looking for x/y/Latte dragons, where x and y are food colors
* Trading my apparel, familiars & more for your apparel, skins/accents, holiday currency, etc. HIATUS
@xiehan That would be perfect, I will put you down as soon as I get your crossroads. I will accept as fast as I can, but I am leveling my own fodder too so space is vastly fluctuating atm.
@xiehan That would be perfect, I will put you down as soon as I get your crossroads. I will accept as fast as I can, but I am leveling my own fodder too so space is vastly fluctuating atm.
@Aerielle Sounds like a plan! I won't have time to level her to 7 tonight anyway, it's already past my bedtime XD but I'll try to get it done tomorrow night, so you'll hopefully get the crossroads by the end of the night tomorrow!
@Aerielle Sounds like a plan! I won't have time to level her to 7 tonight anyway, it's already past my bedtime XD but I'll try to get it done tomorrow night, so you'll hopefully get the crossroads by the end of the night tomorrow!

* Looking for nest rentals? Triskele Nests has every element represented!
* My long-term dragon wishlist
* Post-color wheel expansion: looking for x/y/Latte dragons, where x and y are food colors
* Trading my apparel, familiars & more for your apparel, skins/accents, holiday currency, etc. HIATUS
@xiehan awesome, as long as its by the end of the week :)
@xiehan awesome, as long as its by the end of the week :)
@Aerielle I found someone in my flight to level her because I'm horribly slow at it, so the CR is ready to go! Accept whenever you're ready for her~
@Aerielle I found someone in my flight to level her because I'm horribly slow at it, so the CR is ready to go! Accept whenever you're ready for her~

* Looking for nest rentals? Triskele Nests has every element represented!
* My long-term dragon wishlist
* Post-color wheel expansion: looking for x/y/Latte dragons, where x and y are food colors
* Trading my apparel, familiars & more for your apparel, skins/accents, holiday currency, etc. HIATUS
@xiehan alright! You are added to the list for first pick on the purple and gold pair. They breed in 2 weeks.
@xiehan alright! You are added to the list for first pick on the purple and gold pair. They breed in 2 weeks.
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