
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | Theme Week: Spooky Dragons!
i have a lair full of spookies here are a few~ [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
i have a lair full of spookies here are a few~





[url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]

[url=][img][/img][/url] Ambros, my main spooky gal [url=][img][/img][/url] Satina, assigned clown at birth [url=][img][/img][/url] Thanatos, bringer of death
Ambros, my main spooky gal

Satina, assigned clown at birth

Thanatos, bringer of death
[url=][img][/img][/url] Nexus, also called: research of exoplanets, gone wrong edition. [url=][img][/img][/url] Spooky scary skeletons with eyeballs sends shivers down your spine. Their name is unofficially Satvim as I don't officially name my G1s. [url=][img][/img][/url] Huge scary ridgeback Kurt.
Nexus, also called: research of exoplanets, gone wrong edition.

Spooky scary skeletons with eyeballs sends shivers down your spine.
Their name is unofficially Satvim as I don't officially name my G1s.

Huge scary ridgeback Kurt.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Cullen is a Halloween Knight, alongside his black cat and familiar Glory, he patrols and guards the graveyards and surrounding areas. He's only ever seen at dusk and night, disappearing to somewhere beyond once dawn begins to break. On Halloween night itself, he's a sight to behold. With his great vines twisting further and further around his armor, what he wears seems to take a life of its own, with whispers and murmurs surrounding the Ridgeback. His great patchwork wings remain spread as if he's preparing for flight. With each heavy step of his, small bundles of vines sprout. For where steps, pumpkins sprout many months later. He guides the weary spirits of dragons long passed through the night, traveling to and fro the spots they lovingly haunt. Many observe Cullen but fear him, although his fellow knights harbor respect for him. Tonight, he does his duty and tomorrow night, he'll do the same. [url=][img][/img][/url] Vileaton doesn't really look all too scary, but being a mad scientist, he definitely has some tricks up his sleeves~ [url=][img][/img][/url] Pesuto is pretty darn spooky/scary, she's like a little void!
Cullen is a Halloween Knight, alongside his black cat and familiar Glory, he patrols and guards the graveyards and surrounding areas. He's only ever seen at dusk and night, disappearing to somewhere beyond once dawn begins to break. On Halloween night itself, he's a sight to behold. With his great vines twisting further and further around his armor, what he wears seems to take a life of its own, with whispers and murmurs surrounding the Ridgeback. His great patchwork wings remain spread as if he's preparing for flight. With each heavy step of his, small bundles of vines sprout. For where steps, pumpkins sprout many months later. He guides the weary spirits of dragons long passed through the night, traveling to and fro the spots they lovingly haunt. Many observe Cullen but fear him, although his fellow knights harbor respect for him. Tonight, he does his duty and tomorrow night, he'll do the same.

Vileaton doesn't really look all too scary, but being a mad scientist, he definitely has some tricks up his sleeves~

Pesuto is pretty darn spooky/scary, she's like a little void!
[url=][img][/img][/url] Amelia is an experienced scout who surveys her clan's territory for any potential threats. She may look intimidating with her wounds and large size, but she is a friendly and inspiring dragon who only wants the best for her family and friends. [url=][img][/img][/url] Lich and Lichen are a skilled mage who spends most of their days studying the ways of the Plaguebringer, creating all sorts of deadly plagues and spells as if it were a hobby. Despite their callousness and cruelty, they are still a valued member of their clan due to their unique capabilities and skillset. [url=][img][/img][/url] Arsenic is the local alchemist, often seen creating potions and poisons alike in his makeshift laboratory. Despite having an annoyingly devious and arrogant personality, those who know him know to never annoy or insult him (in his face), for his pettiness shows no bounds.
Amelia is an experienced scout who surveys her clan's territory for any potential threats. She may look intimidating with her wounds and large size, but she is a friendly and inspiring dragon who only wants the best for her family and friends.

Lich and Lichen are a skilled mage who spends most of their days studying the ways of the Plaguebringer, creating all sorts of deadly plagues and spells as if it were a hobby. Despite their callousness and cruelty, they are still a valued member of their clan due to their unique capabilities and skillset.

Arsenic is the local alchemist, often seen creating potions and poisons alike in his makeshift laboratory. Despite having an annoyingly devious and arrogant personality, those who know him know to never annoy or insult him (in his face), for his pettiness shows no bounds.
[center][size=2]Enoki [emoji=peacock feather size=1][emoji=blue mushroom size=1][emoji=bramble size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] Jack Skellington [emoji=skull size=1][emoji=bramble size=1][emoji=full moon size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url] Spectre [emoji=silhouette size=1][emoji=skull size=1][emoji=blue gem size=1] [url=][img][/img][/url][/size][/center]


Jack Skellington



banner by fellefan
[center][b]Weavyr[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [center][item=Tattertail Chick][item=Sparrow Skull][item=bottled bones][item=satin mouse][item=watchful ring][/center] ---------- [center][b]Wirklichkeit[/b][/center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [url=][img][/img][/url]
86250596_350.png a3Lx73M.png


Tattertail Chick Sparrow Skull Bottled Bones Satin Mouse Watchful Ring

69653625_350.png Vf5b1QR.png


GG24 Cicada Confluence Signature Graphic
A hatchling with faceted eyes and cicada wings - black and yellow 'floral' Gaoler
[columns][center][font=CenturyGothic][size=5][b][u]Mison[/u][/b] [center][font=CenturyGothic][size=4]I post this bad boy every chance I get but he's been fitting with so many theme weeks lately and who doesn't love an angry skeleton warrior? [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ----- [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][font=CenturyGothic][size=5][b][u]Geldisvarn[/u][/b] [center][font=CenturyGothic][size=4] Figured Geldisvarn fits with the theme because I think he's a pretty scary-looking fellow. Feel like he makes a good scary lake monster of sorts. Spooky scary doesn't always mean skeletons and the murky depths can be just as horrifying.[/columns] ----- [columns][center][font=CenturyGothic][size=5][b][u]Loxus[/u][/b] [center][font=CenturyGothic][size=4] Not EXACTLY a ghost but he's not exactly one with the living either. Lurking in the shadows, when he's near there's always a miasma of dense black smoke that cloaks the air.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns]
I post this bad boy every chance I get but he's been fitting with so many theme weeks lately and who doesn't love an angry skeleton warrior?

Figured Geldisvarn fits with the theme because I think he's a pretty scary-looking fellow. Feel like he makes a good scary lake monster of sorts. Spooky scary doesn't always mean skeletons and the murky depths can be just as horrifying.

Not EXACTLY a ghost but he's not exactly one with the living either. Lurking in the shadows, when he's near there's always a miasma of dense black smoke that cloaks the air.