
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Dragons that deserve more love
[center]I feel like I could share good half of my lair here, lol. But let's see. [url=][img][/img][/url] Chiku. She's vibrant, her colors are delicious, pintrail has no right to look as good as it does on her, and I certainly don't show her often enough. [url=][img][/img][/url] Coyote. There hasn't been any reason to show him off despite his rich palette and just a hint of devilish grace. But then, he's hella pretty, so there's no reason not to show him off either. I love you, Coyote. Sorry for not giving you all the attention you deserve. [url=][img][/img][/url] Ashura. She is... was? Was supposed to be..? Uhh, so, she a G1 that I bought and gened a while ago to be something like my avatar dragon. A dragonsona, as childish as it may sound. My Ai no Kusabi nostalgia filled rash decision. I fell out of that lovestruck state soon after finishing her, but I still hold her dear in some way. Well, as dear as pixel dragons get. [url=][img][/img][/url] Tenjou. Charcoal and white. Silk and velvet. Simplicity and elegance. And a bit of fangirldom to spice it all up. A memorabilia of the simpler time in my life where... oh, who am I kidding, it's all a giant monument to Sakurai Atsushi's 90's era long hair. Ahem. I should probably stop for now, but there's more where these came from. Feel free to visit my mess of a lair filled with all kinds of references and mementos of varying intelligibility! [/center]
I feel like I could share good half of my lair here, lol. But let's see.

Chiku. She's vibrant, her colors are delicious, pintrail has no right to look as good as it does on her, and I certainly don't show her often enough.

Coyote. There hasn't been any reason to show him off despite his rich palette and just a hint of devilish grace. But then, he's hella pretty, so there's no reason not to show him off either. I love you, Coyote. Sorry for not giving you all the attention you deserve.

Ashura. She is... was? Was supposed to be..? Uhh, so, she a G1 that I bought and gened a while ago to be something like my avatar dragon. A dragonsona, as childish as it may sound. My Ai no Kusabi nostalgia filled rash decision.
I fell out of that lovestruck state soon after finishing her, but I still hold her dear in some way. Well, as dear as pixel dragons get.

Tenjou. Charcoal and white. Silk and velvet. Simplicity and elegance. And a bit of fangirldom to spice it all up. A memorabilia of the simpler time in my life where... oh, who am I kidding, it's all a giant monument to Sakurai Atsushi's 90's era long hair.

Ahem. I should probably stop for now, but there's more where these came from. Feel free to visit my mess of a lair filled with all kinds of references and mementos of varying intelligibility!
[center]@Hraesvelgr Voltar is gorgeous <3 I love crocodile capsule and all her colors go so well together! I'm almost sad her outfit cover her appearance so much :p I've got this critter. I mean Parur is [i]supposed[/i] to be ugly. I swapped Wasp for Clown of all genes (pls don't kill me). But still I'm indignant nobody loves this gross cockroach like I do. [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
@Hraesvelgr Voltar is gorgeous <3 I love crocodile capsule and all her colors go so well together! I'm almost sad her outfit cover her appearance so much :p

I've got this critter. I mean Parur is supposed to be ugly. I swapped Wasp for Clown of all genes (pls don't kill me). But still I'm indignant nobody loves this gross cockroach like I do.


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credit: Bealfin
Wow page 3, is good to see so many pretties keep 'em coming!
Wow page 3, is good to see so many pretties keep 'em coming!
Reef and Voltar are both great! I love how you've made such strange color combos work so well :) [url=][img][/img][/url] Amoris is the only G1 on this list because he often just gets overlooked, still, a valentine's day hatch who was perfect for pastel eyes and just a soft boi overall... [url=][img][/img][/url] Salvatore is a very recent addition into my lair, but I already love him to bits. I get that he just looks like an albino coatl and there's about a dozen more white range permababies but i'm very happy I found him for ridiculously cheap. [url=][img][/img][/url] Horus makes such great babies with [url=]Sphinx[/url] but has much received less attention than his partner. I personally very much like his colors, they're right up my alley. [url=][img][/img][/url] And lastly, Leyton. I [i]rarely[/i] keep my own hatches anymore, but had to make an exception with him. And somehow when I started dressing him, he turned from brown to green haha
Reef and Voltar are both great! I love how you've made such strange color combos work so well :)

Amoris is the only G1 on this list because he often just gets overlooked, still, a valentine's day hatch who was perfect for pastel eyes and just a soft boi overall...

Salvatore is a very recent addition into my lair, but I already love him to bits. I get that he just looks like an albino coatl and there's about a dozen more white range permababies but i'm very happy I found him for ridiculously cheap.

Horus makes such great babies with Sphinx but has much received less attention than his partner. I personally very much like his colors, they're right up my alley.

And lastly, Leyton. I rarely keep my own hatches anymore, but had to make an exception with him. And somehow when I started dressing him, he turned from brown to green haha
[url=][img][/img][/url] marilla, despite being on the first page of my lair, seems to get passed by a lot. maybe i'm biased since he's my own dragon, but it's a little sad to see him get looked over so much when he's so pretty!! :,]

marilla, despite being on the first page of my lair, seems to get passed by a lot. maybe i'm biased since he's my own dragon, but it's a little sad to see him get looked over so much when he's so pretty!! :,]
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I don't really like showing off too many dragons but if I can, then why not show them off. For most of them, it will be the first time anyone sees them so lol I will start with the main reason why flowers in the Main District of my clan/city are blooming so beautifully. Kamui is the gardener that all his time spends on taking care of the flowers. There is a reason for that, which I wrote down once but... well, I don't know where it is - that's why his bio is near to empty as of now. His passion for flowers is something you can't really see, as often people taking care of the garden seem to be nice, calm, sometimes shy - Kamui often uses sarcasm, even too often, he knows he looks good and when there is occasion, he likes to show off. He also doesn't like talking to people that seem to disrespect nature. [url=][img][/img][/url] Next is Okay... but hear me out, she's not okay. Her name was pretty much a joke at first but somewhere inside of my head, it came to be a very depressing story about a dragon named Okay that was never okay. And so Okay is not okay. [url=][img][/img][/url] Davinci surely got some attention before but I always love to show him off because he seems so bright (lmao) and happy to me! He's basically that one dragon that has no sense of direction and gets lost very easily. Why I love him so much is that indifference to my many other dragons, he has no sad or edgy backstory. He's just a happy, often lost Wildclaw that has fun adventures. [url=][img][/img][/url] Nox is an old gal, she's already 4 years old. She's a daughter of one of my old dragons which I had at the beginning of the game - Ramil (which was her father, I still have the mother) was so beautiful! Idk why I sold him, what I was even thinking, but I really REALLy miss him. But I have Nox, his daughter that also is beautiful and lovely. Lore wise there is nothing for her, I guess she's just a normal dragon living in a clan. Theoretically, someone who isn't really special but at the same time-- she's very important for me. [url=][img][/img][/url] Now a dragon that I hatched and sold. Mavir was nothing special to me at first, just one more hatchling to sell. But after a pretty long time, the person who bought it wrote back to me, asking if I don't want her back. At first, I was totally confused, because my poor memory totally erased her being from my mind. But I said yes and took her in. Only while having her back in my lair, I noticed how BEAUTIFUL she is. Now I really love her and I want to one day finish her outfit and start working on her lore, but there's still a long way before I will get to her. [url=][img][/img][/url] Cenwyn is a treasure hunter. Pretty much here I could end it XD There isn't much about her or her lore, I just never got to it as I didn't feel like she needs it. Tho it sure would be cool to write down some of her treasure hunting adventures, I don't have any ideas as of now. [url=][img][/img][/url] The last one will be an ancient dragon. Prosjie is a dragon hatched by my friend, which they really disliked. From 3 hatchling, they thought she was looking the worst, but I really liked her look of dead autumn flowers. She also started my mini-love to Gaolers, which I'm really thankful for. [url=][img][/img][/url] And there sure are more dragons that deserve some spotlight but this is already long enough, and those dragons here are the ones that [b]I[/b] think deserved some 'show off' time.
I don't really like showing off too many dragons but if I can, then why not show them off. For most of them, it will be the first time anyone sees them so lol

I will start with the main reason why flowers in the Main District of my clan/city are blooming so beautifully. Kamui is the gardener that all his time spends on taking care of the flowers. There is a reason for that, which I wrote down once but... well, I don't know where it is - that's why his bio is near to empty as of now. His passion for flowers is something you can't really see, as often people taking care of the garden seem to be nice, calm, sometimes shy - Kamui often uses sarcasm, even too often, he knows he looks good and when there is occasion, he likes to show off. He also doesn't like talking to people that seem to disrespect nature.

Next is Okay... but hear me out, she's not okay. Her name was pretty much a joke at first but somewhere inside of my head, it came to be a very depressing story about a dragon named Okay that was never okay. And so Okay is not okay.

Davinci surely got some attention before but I always love to show him off because he seems so bright (lmao) and happy to me! He's basically that one dragon that has no sense of direction and gets lost very easily. Why I love him so much is that indifference to my many other dragons, he has no sad or edgy backstory. He's just a happy, often lost Wildclaw that has fun adventures.

Nox is an old gal, she's already 4 years old. She's a daughter of one of my old dragons which I had at the beginning of the game - Ramil (which was her father, I still have the mother) was so beautiful! Idk why I sold him, what I was even thinking, but I really REALLy miss him. But I have Nox, his daughter that also is beautiful and lovely. Lore wise there is nothing for her, I guess she's just a normal dragon living in a clan. Theoretically, someone who isn't really special but at the same time-- she's very important for me.

Now a dragon that I hatched and sold. Mavir was nothing special to me at first, just one more hatchling to sell. But after a pretty long time, the person who bought it wrote back to me, asking if I don't want her back. At first, I was totally confused, because my poor memory totally erased her being from my mind. But I said yes and took her in. Only while having her back in my lair, I noticed how BEAUTIFUL she is. Now I really love her and I want to one day finish her outfit and start working on her lore, but there's still a long way before I will get to her.

Cenwyn is a treasure hunter. Pretty much here I could end it XD There isn't much about her or her lore, I just never got to it as I didn't feel like she needs it. Tho it sure would be cool to write down some of her treasure hunting adventures, I don't have any ideas as of now.

The last one will be an ancient dragon. Prosjie is a dragon hatched by my friend, which they really disliked. From 3 hatchling, they thought she was looking the worst, but I really liked her look of dead autumn flowers. She also started my mini-love to Gaolers, which I'm really thankful for.

And there sure are more dragons that deserve some spotlight but this is already long enough, and those dragons here are the ones that I think deserved some 'show off' time.
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reef and voltar look cool! :0 i love voltar's color/gene combo, it's unique and pretty! for me, tenebra is really close to my heart since i think she was one of the first if not the first dragon i bought [url=][img][/img][/url] i might take off her skin and dress her up all nice at some point bc she deserves it! and for this dragon, i just think she's neat! [url=][img][/img][/url]
reef and voltar look cool! :0 i love voltar's color/gene combo, it's unique and pretty!

for me, tenebra is really close to my heart since i think she was one of the first if not the first dragon i bought
i might take off her skin and dress her up all nice at some point bc she deserves it!

and for this dragon, i just think she's neat!
hi! welcome to the
secret text i use bc i
cant figure centering
columns out
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Reef is cute! His colors match his name perfectly. And Voltar is great, her accent colors coordinate so well and her apparel complements them perfectly! Vaikaya here seems pretty overlooked, especially in comparison to his granddad [url=]Sadzhik[/url] who he's practically a clone of. [url=][img][/img][/url] Vysse is one of my older dragons but never seems to get much notice either! [url=][img][/img][/url] And lastly, Shinat is (in my opinion) super pretty, but seems to get passed by as well! [url=][img][/img][/url]
Reef is cute! His colors match his name perfectly. And Voltar is great, her accent colors coordinate so well and her apparel complements them perfectly!

Vaikaya here seems pretty overlooked, especially in comparison to his granddad Sadzhik who he's practically a clone of.


Vysse is one of my older dragons but never seems to get much notice either!


And lastly, Shinat is (in my opinion) super pretty, but seems to get passed by as well!

[center] [url=][img][/img][/url] hannah def doesn't get enough love, esp since she's on my first full page :c i realize that nocturnes are common breeds, but i love her dearly and specifically bought her for her fade primary [url=][img][/img][/url] and for finn - every other spiral i have has at least two likes but i'm the only star on this boy which i find sad bc i love how his secondary matches his eyes
hannah def doesn't get enough love, esp since she's on my first full page :c
i realize that nocturnes are common breeds, but i love her dearly and specifically bought her for her fade primary

and for finn - every other spiral i have has at least two likes
but i'm the only star on this boy
which i find sad bc i love how his secondary matches his eyes
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fidelitas ad familiam. fidelitas ad Matriarch.
a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company located in the center of the light district.