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TOPIC | Theme Week: Mirror Dragons
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I have too many mirrors that I love to make choosing just 3 easy xD But, these three are the ones I'll share this time: [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#7895C1][size=5]Whispers[/size][/color] Whispers is one of my [url=]minstrels[/url], a collection of song themed primal comfort dragons who are kept in line by [url=]Jewel[/url]. They are all loosely themed after songs that have helped me through some pretty tough times and these songs can be found in their bios and a complete list lies with Jewel (I still have a handful to obtain).[/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#DF3236][size=5]Holly[/size][/color] Holly is our christmas enthusiast. She generally spends 11/12 months in the year sleeping or otherwise being a calm normal dragon... But come december. Every year without fail, she will become a bit of a "gifting psychopath" in the words of her clanmates. Sometimes you will be lucky and get a good gift and other times... Well she is a shadow dragon after all so I'm sure you get the point. [emoji=mirror tongue size=2][emoji=mirror winking size=2][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [color=#212B5F][size=5]Oblivion[/size][/color] Dear sweet Oblivion. The first primal born to our lair he was shunned at first for [url=]his disastrous appearance[/url]. Despite this, he strove to prove that even he could be beautiful while embracing his connectioon to the Plaguebringer. He shed his old form taking up the mantle of the Plaguebringer's beloved and showing that even though his colours seemed clashy to most he truly could make them work. He is now trying to find the perfect outfit that works with his appearance to spite those who doubted him at first. (He is a softie really though I swear, just ask him for a cuddle and you'll see!)[/center]
I have too many mirrors that I love to make choosing just 3 easy xD

But, these three are the ones I'll share this time:

Whispers is one of my minstrels, a collection of song themed primal comfort dragons who are kept in line by Jewel. They are all loosely themed after songs that have helped me through some pretty tough times and these songs can be found in their bios and a complete list lies with Jewel (I still have a handful to obtain).

Holly is our christmas enthusiast. She generally spends 11/12 months in the year sleeping or otherwise being a calm normal dragon... But come december. Every year without fail, she will become a bit of a "gifting psychopath" in the words of her clanmates. Sometimes you will be lucky and get a good gift and other times... Well she is a shadow dragon after all so I'm sure you get the point.

Dear sweet Oblivion. The first primal born to our lair he was shunned at first for his disastrous appearance. Despite this, he strove to prove that even he could be beautiful while embracing his connectioon to the Plaguebringer. He shed his old form taking up the mantle of the Plaguebringer's beloved and showing that even though his colours seemed clashy to most he truly could make them work. He is now trying to find the perfect outfit that works with his appearance to spite those who doubted him at first. (He is a softie really though I swear, just ask him for a cuddle and you'll see!)

Avatar Dragon
[center]I dont have alot of perma mirrors, but here are a few! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] The first two are eclipse dragons, the third was a dragon i just recently found a skin and look for![/center]
I dont have alot of perma mirrors, but here are a few!




The first two are eclipse dragons, the third was a dragon i just recently found a skin and look for!
[img][/img] Igla: the Nature Dragon with the Fire in her belly. [img][/img] Trosichnoska: not really blind. [img][/img] Brusikedsva: Her eyes are bigger then her stomach.
Igla: the Nature Dragon with the Fire in her belly.

Trosichnoska: not really blind.

Brusikedsva: Her eyes are bigger then her stomach.
[url=][img][/img][/url] My only mirror

My only mirror
[url=][img][/img][/url] Scarlett is our only Mirror currently. She was found terribly injured outside the Lair, probably because she was SO Plague-centric at that point that she offended someone in Nature territory. One of her eyes was totally out of commission, so we set to work healing it (despite her disgust at being so close to so many Nature Dragons). It took a good while, but Scarlett integrated a bit, and my Progens passion about a Plague/Nature peace began to work its way into that hard heart. She hunts with other meat-eaters, and is much more tolerant of her Lairmates. She is probably the only one, though, who [i]hates[/i] our pink Fae, Reade (too peppy!) That eye will never see normally again, picking up only vague shapes and select colors. She likes to joke that she's lucky she has three more. [emoji=mirror tongue size=1]

Scarlett is our only Mirror currently. She was found terribly injured outside the Lair, probably because she was SO Plague-centric at that point that she offended someone in Nature territory. One of her eyes was totally out of commission, so we set to work healing it (despite her disgust at being so close to so many Nature Dragons).

It took a good while, but Scarlett integrated a bit, and my Progens passion about a Plague/Nature peace began to work its way into that hard heart. She hunts with other meat-eaters, and is much more tolerant of her Lairmates. She is probably the only one, though, who hates our pink Fae, Reade (too peppy!)

That eye will never see normally again, picking up only vague shapes and select colors. She likes to joke that she's lucky she has three more.
[url=][img][/img][/url] Myrmidas is my clan's progen - I initially made him to look like a ruby dragon from FF8 but his aesthetic wandered pretty far from that. [url=][img][/img][/url] This is [s][i]the false Queen[/i][/s] Kyuri, who is a completely normal dragon that you can trust, even at night! [url=][img][/img][/url] Abraxas is [s][i]a Shadespawned clone[/i][/s] the Prince of the clan but he mostly likes to hunt for food in the desert.
Myrmidas is my clan's progen - I initially made him to look like a ruby dragon from FF8 but his aesthetic wandered pretty far from that.

This is the false Queen Kyuri, who is a completely normal dragon that you can trust, even at night!

Abraxas is a Shadespawned clone the Prince of the clan but he mostly likes to hunt for food in the desert.
I have to admit Mirrors aren't really my favorite breed, but I have a couple that I'm very fond of and have had for a very long time! [columns][center][b]Nagisa[/b][/center] I've had some people say they were surprised to see a Mirror Water rep, but man I love her ocean theme! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][b]Rubilax[/b][/center] No ones really surprised to see a Mirror Plague rep! They really are the perfect breed for it! [/columns] [columns][center][b]Hiko[/b][/center] Not sure if this one really counts, but here's my... Corgi! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns]
I have to admit Mirrors aren't really my favorite breed, but I have a couple that I'm very fond of and have had for a very long time!
I've had some people say they were surprised to see a Mirror Water rep, but man I love her ocean theme!
No ones really surprised to see a Mirror Plague rep! They really are the perfect breed for it!
Not sure if this one really counts, but here's my... Corgi!
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Wow, so many good Mirrors already! Mirrors are some of my favorite dragons, the good alien doggos they are, and like I need more but here's the best ones I've got. [url=][img][/img][/url] He's nothing particularly fancy, but Maelstrom is my random progen (an XYY at that, so super lucky! Don't know what I'm gonna do with him but there's that). He's the co-leader of the clan and to condense his lore some, he was always a reckless defender of his pack before deciding to give up his pack for his mate's dream of starting a clan based on the values of her mentor, to make the world a peaceful, happy place and to encourage goodwill in the hearts of others. He's a great co-leader, and for his lack of words he's great at making speeches, but he can be a bit...vigilante about things. He rather rashly takes on any criminal or monster to defend the clan and bring justice even if it means he gets seriously hurt in the process. (edited this submission because I remembered he existed) [url=][img][/img][/url] Secondly we have my Wind rep, Taka! Taka is, like most Mirrors, a dragon of few words. In fact, he never speaks. Ever. He's capable, he'd just rather not. On top of that, he's a lone Mirror by choice, a huge oddity, and only works alone. In spite of this, he's far from cold. He's actually a pretty lighthearted guy. He just wants to master the sword techniques that Beastclans have honed to prove to dragonkind that it's just as valid a battle tactic as melee fighting and magic. He mostly communicates through expressions and gestures, which are quite lively. Like any Wind dragon, he drifts from place to place, here trying to master the art of the sword, and has found himself in his current clan due to it's acceptance of Beastclans, ergo being an ideal place to learn. The best way I can describe him is maybe a shonen anime protagonist but quiet. Once he masters the sword, he plans to start his own pack at long last, finally feeling he is strong and worthy enough to join his brethren. Also this son of a gun has been one of the biggest money sinkholes for me (in terms of outfit mostly but I also had to breed change him and even Mirror scrolls, common as they are, aren't exactly that cheap) so I never let him live it down. [url=][img][/img][/url] Finally, Munkh, a relatively new addition. I don't have much of her personality down yet, but I know that she is very agile and loves testing how fast she can run, seeing what limits she can break and just what she can outspeed. Her goal is to one day be able to beat the sun across the sky in a footrace, but it's a bit of a lofty dream (keep reaching for the stars, though, girl!). She's very playful and competitive, and very friendly. Very social with her own species but even social outside of her species, unusually talkative for a Mirror.
Wow, so many good Mirrors already! Mirrors are some of my favorite dragons, the good alien doggos they are, and like I need more but here's the best ones I've got.

He's nothing particularly fancy, but Maelstrom is my random progen (an XYY at that, so super lucky! Don't know what I'm gonna do with him but there's that). He's the co-leader of the clan and to condense his lore some, he was always a reckless defender of his pack before deciding to give up his pack for his mate's dream of starting a clan based on the values of her mentor, to make the world a peaceful, happy place and to encourage goodwill in the hearts of others. He's a great co-leader, and for his lack of words he's great at making speeches, but he can be a bit...vigilante about things. He rather rashly takes on any criminal or monster to defend the clan and bring justice even if it means he gets seriously hurt in the process.

(edited this submission because I remembered he existed)
Secondly we have my Wind rep, Taka! Taka is, like most Mirrors, a dragon of few words. In fact, he never speaks. Ever. He's capable, he'd just rather not. On top of that, he's a lone Mirror by choice, a huge oddity, and only works alone. In spite of this, he's far from cold. He's actually a pretty lighthearted guy. He just wants to master the sword techniques that Beastclans have honed to prove to dragonkind that it's just as valid a battle tactic as melee fighting and magic. He mostly communicates through expressions and gestures, which are quite lively. Like any Wind dragon, he drifts from place to place, here trying to master the art of the sword, and has found himself in his current clan due to it's acceptance of Beastclans, ergo being an ideal place to learn. The best way I can describe him is maybe a shonen anime protagonist but quiet. Once he masters the sword, he plans to start his own pack at long last, finally feeling he is strong and worthy enough to join his brethren.
Also this son of a gun has been one of the biggest money sinkholes for me (in terms of outfit mostly but I also had to breed change him and even Mirror scrolls, common as they are, aren't exactly that cheap) so I never let him live it down.

Finally, Munkh, a relatively new addition. I don't have much of her personality down yet, but I know that she is very agile and loves testing how fast she can run, seeing what limits she can break and just what she can outspeed. Her goal is to one day be able to beat the sun across the sky in a footrace, but it's a bit of a lofty dream (keep reaching for the stars, though, girl!). She's very playful and competitive, and very friendly. Very social with her own species but even social outside of her species, unusually talkative for a Mirror.
*insert future art shop plug or FFVIII reference here*
Kinami is the very first Mirror I ever had. She is my clan's first warrior. Kinami is still quite vicious like other Mirrors but she is so focused. She is calm and stoic for a Mirror but so relentless when fighting or tracking. Kinami actually is in charge of training Mirrors who join her clan. She helped the matriarch, Lahzel, in getting the clan going (since she is my very first Mirror). [url=][img][/img][/url] This is Datai. She is actually one of Kinami's babies that stay with her mother's clan. Datai is so hyper and just all over the place. A great fighter but she loses her focus so easily, an opposite trait of both of her parents (the clan merchant, Zomun, is her father) who are quite attentive to even the slightest of details. She's loveable but so troublesome and chaotic that her parents had to ask Baldwin to create an Iron Golem to watch over her. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Kinami is the very first Mirror I ever had. She is my clan's first warrior. Kinami is still quite vicious like other Mirrors but she is so focused. She is calm and stoic for a Mirror but so relentless when fighting or tracking. Kinami actually is in charge of training Mirrors who join her clan. She helped the matriarch, Lahzel, in getting the clan going (since she is my very first Mirror).

This is Datai. She is actually one of Kinami's babies that stay with her mother's clan. Datai is so hyper and just all over the place. A great fighter but she loses her focus so easily, an opposite trait of both of her parents (the clan merchant, Zomun, is her father) who are quite attentive to even the slightest of details. She's loveable but so troublesome and chaotic that her parents had to ask Baldwin to create an Iron Golem to watch over her.
[center][sub] Ah yes, a perfect theme to share my stimky plague boi [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Rot[/b] I love him so much, and he even has art! [/sub][/center]
Ah yes, a perfect theme to share my stimky plague boi


I love him so much, and he even has art!
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