
Dragon Share

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TOPIC | [Subspecies] Toasted Marshmallow!
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]Lore[/url] | [url=]Requirements & Variants[/url] | [url=]Registered Dragons & Breeding Pairs[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Lore[/b][/color][/size][/center] [color=#5C5248]You watch as a particularly playful hatchling, carrying a bag of sweet goodies stumbles a little too close to the fire heating the room and a falls into the flames. Before you can even seem to react, there's a burst of multicolour flames and the scent of burning sugar fills the air, and a few moments later the hatchling stumbled back out of the fire, seemingly unharmed, though their appearance has changed somewhat. They now appear rather toasted at the edges and they give off an aroma of the same smell of burning sugar you smelt when they first stumbled into the fire and burning wood. Reaching out to them to make sure they really are ok, you notice they seem softer and rather squidgy, though they really do seem unharmed. You've never seen a transformation like this take place before, and never knew anything like this was possible! After watching the hatchling closely for a few days, you begin to notice that they seem to have stopped growing, and that delicious smell of burnt sugar and burning wood never seems to leave. The hatchling is still just as happy and playful, though seems to have developed an incredibly sweet tooth and a love of sitting around a fire and listening to stories. Research into what exactly caused the change in the hatchling is fruitless, it almost seems like a one off event, though there appears to be rumours of similar incidents happening across the world, though these cases are still few and far between, though some key features remain across all documented cases. All the hatchlings affected were carrying some kind of sweet treat, and immediately following their falling into the fire there is the multicolored flash of flames.[/color] [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] ----- [color=#5C5248]This is my first time ever creating a subspecies, and I'm mostly doing it because I think FR needs more marshmallow based dragons :D Please let me know if you've got a dragon you want to become a registered dragon of the subspecies! Got any questions or think you have some lore/a new variant that would work? Feel free to ping me! - At this moment in time I'm only going to be accepting suggestions to modifications to existing variants, I'm only one person and I have IRL things to take care of and while I would like to be able to hear everyone's ideas I don't have the time to spend adding new variants in right now, I hope you all understand![/color] ----- [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Hatchlings available![/b][/color][/size][/center] ----- [quote name="General Pinglist"][center]@/Snowsilver[/center][/quote] [quote name= "Hatchlings Available Pinglist"][center]@/SilverOtter @/Fauxbia @/Deathstalker @/Behemo[/center][/quote]

You watch as a particularly playful hatchling, carrying a bag of sweet goodies stumbles a little too close to the fire heating the room and a falls into the flames. Before you can even seem to react, there's a burst of multicolour flames and the scent of burning sugar fills the air, and a few moments later the hatchling stumbled back out of the fire, seemingly unharmed, though their appearance has changed somewhat.

They now appear rather toasted at the edges and they give off an aroma of the same smell of burning sugar you smelt when they first stumbled into the fire and burning wood. Reaching out to them to make sure they really are ok, you notice they seem softer and rather squidgy, though they really do seem unharmed.

You've never seen a transformation like this take place before, and never knew anything like this was possible! After watching the hatchling closely for a few days, you begin to notice that they seem to have stopped growing, and that delicious smell of burnt sugar and burning wood never seems to leave. The hatchling is still just as happy and playful, though seems to have developed an incredibly sweet tooth and a love of sitting around a fire and listening to stories.

Research into what exactly caused the change in the hatchling is fruitless, it almost seems like a one off event, though there appears to be rumours of similar incidents happening across the world, though these cases are still few and far between, though some key features remain across all documented cases. All the hatchlings affected were carrying some kind of sweet treat, and immediately following their falling into the fire there is the multicolored flash of flames.

This is my first time ever creating a subspecies, and I'm mostly doing it because I think FR needs more marshmallow based dragons :D

Please let me know if you've got a dragon you want to become a registered dragon of the subspecies!

Got any questions or think you have some lore/a new variant that would work? Feel free to ping me! - At this moment in time I'm only going to be accepting suggestions to modifications to existing variants, I'm only one person and I have IRL things to take care of and while I would like to be able to hear everyone's ideas I don't have the time to spend adding new variants in right now, I hope you all understand!

Hatchlings available!

General Pinglist wrote:
Hatchlings Available Pinglist wrote:
@/SilverOtter @/Fauxbia @/Deathstalker @/Behemo
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]Lore[/url] | [url=]Requirements & Variants[/url] | [url=]Registered Dragons & Breeding Pairs[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Requirements & Variants[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]These hatchlings were only in the fire for a few short moments, meaning they came out looking a little less toasted than some of the other hatchlings.[/color][/center] [quote name="Requirements"][center][color=#5C5248][b]Primary:[/b] Antique Fade [b]Secondary:[/b] Maize Blend [b]Tertiary:[/b] Cinnamon-Copper or Pearl-Platinum Stained Or Any Basic [b]Eye Type:[/b] Innocent [b]Eye colours:[/b] Fire, Light or Earth [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern Breed [b]Must be Eternally Youthful[/b][/color][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]These hatchlings were in the fire for much longer, resulting in a much more toasted look, and according to some, a much stronger smell of burning wood.[/color][/center] [quote name="Requirements"][center][color=#5C5248][b]Primary:[/b] Antique Fade [b]Secondary:[/b] Antique Blend [b]Tertiary:[/b] Cinnamon-Copper or Pearl-Platinum Stained Or Any Basic [b]Eye Type:[/b] Innocent [b]Eye colours:[/b] Fire, Light or Earth [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern Breed [b]Must be Eternally Youthful[/b][/color][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=2][color=#5C5248]Suggested by Sciencemonkey[/color][/size][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]Rather than the few seconds that the Lightly Toasted variant of hatchlings were in the fire for, these hatchlings were in the fire for so long they came out looking almost completely black with an incredibly strong smell of burning surrounding them. However they still seem completely unharmed and perfectly happy, if a little burnt around the edges.[/color][/center] [quote name="Requirements"][center][color=#5C5248][b]Primary:[/b] Gloom or Thistle Fade (must be XXY) [b]Secondary:[/b] Gloom or Thistle Blend (must be XXY) [b]Tertiary:[/b] Any Basic [b]Eye Type:[/b] Innocent [b]Eye colours:[/b] Light or Earth [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern Breed [b]Must be Eternally Youthful[/b][/color][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]Among the sweets these hatchlings were carrying were some chocolate items, resulting in the dragon coming out looking like they've been covered in melted chocolate, and the smell of chocolate is very strong on these dragons too.[/color][/center] [quote name="Requirements"][center][color=#5C5248][b]Primary:[/b] Antique Fade [b]Secondary:[/b] Antique or Maize Blend [b]Tertiary:[/b] Dirt-Auburn (excluding Tarnish) Crackle Or Dirt-Auburn Veined [b]Eye Type:[/b] Innocent [b]Eye colours:[/b] Fire, Light or Earth [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern Breed [b]Must be Eternally Youthful[/b][/color][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=2][color=#5C5248]Suggested by BlueBone[/color][/size][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]A much rarer variant, these hatchlings seemed to be carrying an excess of pink or red coloured sweets, though sometimes the hatchling's element seems to play a part too.[/color][/center] [quote name="Requirements"][center][color=#5C5248][b]Primary:[/b] Wine or Cottoncandy Fade (must be XXY) [b]Secondary:[/b] Wine or Cottoncandy Blend (must be XXY) [b]Tertiary:[/b] Any Basic [b]Eye Type:[/b] Innocent [b]Eye colours:[/b] Light, Earth, Arcane or Plague [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern Breed [b]Must be Eternally Youthful[/b][/color][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] ----- [center][img][/img] [size=2][color=#5C5248]Suggested by Beetlefix[/color][/size][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]Even rarer than the pink variant, though formed in a similar way, these hatchlings were carrying an excess of blue coloured sweets, though it seems the element of the hatchling plays a much larger role in the formation of this variant.[/color][/center] [quote name="Requirements"][center][color=#5C5248][b]Primary:[/b] Periwinkle Fade [b]Secondary:[/b] Periwinkle Blend [b]Tertiary:[/b] Any Basic [b]Eye Type:[/b] Innocent [b]Eye colours:[/b] Light, Lightning, Ice or Water [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern Breed [b]Must be Eternally Youthful[/b][/color][/center][/quote] [center][img][/img][/center]
Requirements & Variants
These hatchlings were only in the fire for a few short moments, meaning they came out looking a little less toasted than some of the other hatchlings.
Requirements wrote:
Antique Fade

Maize Blend

Cinnamon-Copper or Pearl-Platinum Stained
Any Basic

Eye Type:

Eye colours:
Fire, Light or Earth

Any Modern Breed

Must be Eternally Youthful

These hatchlings were in the fire for much longer, resulting in a much more toasted look, and according to some, a much stronger smell of burning wood.
Requirements wrote:
Antique Fade

Antique Blend

Cinnamon-Copper or Pearl-Platinum Stained
Any Basic

Eye Type:

Eye colours:
Fire, Light or Earth

Any Modern Breed

Must be Eternally Youthful

Suggested by Sciencemonkey
Rather than the few seconds that the Lightly Toasted variant of hatchlings were in the fire for, these hatchlings were in the fire for so long they came out looking almost completely black with an incredibly strong smell of burning surrounding them. However they still seem completely unharmed and perfectly happy, if a little burnt around the edges.
Requirements wrote:
Gloom or Thistle Fade (must be XXY)

Gloom or Thistle Blend (must be XXY)

Any Basic

Eye Type:

Eye colours:
Light or Earth

Any Modern Breed

Must be Eternally Youthful

Among the sweets these hatchlings were carrying were some chocolate items, resulting in the dragon coming out looking like they've been covered in melted chocolate, and the smell of chocolate is very strong on these dragons too.
Requirements wrote:
Antique Fade

Antique or Maize Blend

Dirt-Auburn (excluding Tarnish) Crackle
Dirt-Auburn Veined

Eye Type:

Eye colours:
Fire, Light or Earth

Any Modern Breed

Must be Eternally Youthful

Suggested by BlueBone
A much rarer variant, these hatchlings seemed to be carrying an excess of pink or red coloured sweets, though sometimes the hatchling's element seems to play a part too.
Requirements wrote:
Wine or Cottoncandy Fade (must be XXY)

Wine or Cottoncandy Blend (must be XXY)

Any Basic

Eye Type:

Eye colours:
Light, Earth, Arcane or Plague

Any Modern Breed

Must be Eternally Youthful

Suggested by Beetlefix
Even rarer than the pink variant, though formed in a similar way, these hatchlings were carrying an excess of blue coloured sweets, though it seems the element of the hatchling plays a much larger role in the formation of this variant.
Requirements wrote:
Periwinkle Fade

Periwinkle Blend

Any Basic

Eye Type:

Eye colours:
Light, Lightning, Ice or Water

Any Modern Breed

Must be Eternally Youthful
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]Lore[/url] | [url=]Requirements & Variants[/url] | [url=]Registered Dragons & Breeding Pairs[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Registered Dragons[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][color=#5C5248]Have a dragon that meets the requirements and want to register it? Just drop a message in this thread with a link to the dragon and if it all checks out, I'll add it to the list of registered dragons![/color][/center] [center][color=#8F7B6A][b]Lightly Toasted[/b][/color][/center] [columns][color=transparent]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[/color][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [center][color=#8F7B6A][b]Well Toasted[/b][/color][/center] [columns][color=transparent]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[/color][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] ----- [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Registered Breeding Pairs[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][color=#5C5248][b]Sprite & Tango[/b][/color][/center] [center][quote][color=#5C5248][b]Bred upon request![/b] Ping me @Ceylar to request hatchlings from this pair! Please include in the request a preference for Earth, Fire or Light eyes. Hatchlings from this pair will be either Lightly Toasted or Well Toasted.[/color][/quote][/center] [columns][color=transparent]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[/color][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] ----- [center][color=#5C5248][b]Ferdinand & Fade[/b][/color][/center] [center][quote][color=#5C5248][b]Pinglist available![/b] Ask to be put on a pinglist for this pair! Want to be pinged for specific eyes? Say which eye type you'd prefer (Light, Fire or Earth) and you'll be pinged when hatchlings of those eye types come up! Hatchlings will be Well Toasted.[/color][/quote][/center] [center][quote="Pinglist"][color=#5C5248] [/color][/quote][/center] [columns][color=transparent]_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _[/color][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns]
Registered Dragons
Have a dragon that meets the requirements and want to register it? Just drop a message in this thread with a link to the dragon and if it all checks out, I'll add it to the list of registered dragons!
Lightly Toasted
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Well Toasted
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Registered Breeding Pairs
Sprite & Tango
Bred upon request!
Ping me @Ceylar to request hatchlings from this pair! Please include in the request a preference for Earth, Fire or Light eyes. Hatchlings from this pair will be either Lightly Toasted or Well Toasted.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Ferdinand & Fade
Pinglist available!
Ask to be put on a pinglist for this pair! Want to be pinged for specific eyes? Say which eye type you'd prefer (Light, Fire or Earth) and you'll be pinged when hatchlings of those eye types come up! Hatchlings will be Well Toasted.
Pinglist wrote:

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]Lore[/url] | [url=]Requirements & Variants[/url] | [url=]Registered Dragons & Breeding Pairs[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Resources[/b][/color][/size][/center] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [code][img][/img][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [code][img][/img][/code] [center][color=#5C5248]Link to thread:[/color][/center] [code][url=][/url][/code] [center][color=#5C5248]Linked banner for affiliates:[/color][/center] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code]

Link to thread:
Linked banner for affiliates:
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
[img][/img] [center][size=2][url=]Lore[/url] | [url=]Requirements & Variants[/url] | [url=]Registered Dragons & Breeding Pairs[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] | [url=]Affiliates[/url][/center] [center][size=6][color= #8F7B6A][b]Affiliates[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
Alright, this is pretty much done, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to making a subspecies, but I think I've done alright!

Ping me if you've got a breeding pair you want to register, or a dragon you want to become part of the subspecies!

If you want a toasted marshmallow dragon, but don't have one and can't find one, I have a breeding pair who can provide hatchlings for the lightly toasted variant, give me a ping and what kind of eyes you'd prefer and I'll get a couple of hatchlings sorted for you. However! Getting a dragon from my pair would only give you the correct colours, nothing else. And the dragon wouldn't be considered a member of the subspecies until all the correct genes are in place with the correct eye types - it would simply be a starting point with a free hatchling!
Alright, this is pretty much done, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask! I don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to making a subspecies, but I think I've done alright!

Ping me if you've got a breeding pair you want to register, or a dragon you want to become part of the subspecies!

If you want a toasted marshmallow dragon, but don't have one and can't find one, I have a breeding pair who can provide hatchlings for the lightly toasted variant, give me a ping and what kind of eyes you'd prefer and I'll get a couple of hatchlings sorted for you. However! Getting a dragon from my pair would only give you the correct colours, nothing else. And the dragon wouldn't be considered a member of the subspecies until all the correct genes are in place with the correct eye types - it would simply be a starting point with a free hatchling!
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
I absolutely love this!! Please ping me when you get some pairs set up!!
Who did your banner? My subspecies needs a proper banner! (We could be affiliates when I get that set up!)
I absolutely love this!! Please ping me when you get some pairs set up!!
Who did your banner? My subspecies needs a proper banner! (We could be affiliates when I get that set up!)
@BlueBone Of course I'll ping you when some pairs have been set up! And I actually did the banner myself, using this website (and adding in an image of some toasted marshmallows XD)

You can edit the text pretty much however you want!

Being affiliates would be great too!
@BlueBone Of course I'll ping you when some pairs have been set up! And I actually did the banner myself, using this website (and adding in an image of some toasted marshmallows XD)

You can edit the text pretty much however you want!

Being affiliates would be great too!
~ Cey/Ceylar ~
~ She/Her ~
~ They/Them ~
~ FR+8 ~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mrRenVJ.png
Then here’s my new banner code: [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] I couldn’t figure out how to add an image, but that’s the new banner!
Then here’s my new banner code:
I couldn’t figure out how to add an image, but that’s the new banner!