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TOPIC | [Subspecies] The Blightbound [On Hiatus]
[center][b][size=7][color=#8B272D]The Blightbound[/color][/size][/b] [b][size=5]Update:[/size][/b] Heya folks. I'm not currently "working on" any more to do with the Blightbound for the time being, including updating the registry. Once I'm in a better mental space, I'll see about doing more. Feel free, of course, to keep breeding and selling your Blightbound, and if you're interested in a hatchling from one of my pairs go ahead and message me. - Reythaak (April 17, 2021) [center][url=]Variants[/url] | [url=]Registry[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] [url=]Self-Editing Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Sales Thread[/url][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] The blightbound are less a cohesive subspecies of dragons, and more dragons bound together by the misfortune (or perhaps greed) of their ancestors in the past. Every blightbound dragon possesses some remnants of what they refer to as “Tomb Blight” in their veins, though for most it will never become an issue until the very end of their days. For others, it affects their lives every single day. There’s little that ties them together beyond their affliction, though they tend to be extremely superstitious. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Species Requirements[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern [b]Element:[/b] Any [b]Primary:[/b] Taupe - Hickory Jaguar, Speckle, or Leopard [b]Secondary:[/b] Berry - Brick Noxtide (Strawberry Noxtide is a special variant, the Plague Summoned) [b]Tertiary:[/b] Maize - White Ghost[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]History[/color][/size][/b][/center] The Blightbound all can trace their ancestry back to Dragonhome and an Earth clan called Aeonian Breach. The clan was decently respected among the Earth clans, as they had a talent for digging within Cairnstone Rest without disturbing the skeletal wyrms deep within. They supplied a great many precious gemstones to other Earth clans, as well as more far-reaching places (rumors state that the gems made their way all the way to the Ashfall Wastes, though most only made it as far as the Starfall Isles, making for great magic foci for the Arcane dragons.) It would, of course, not be a story worth telling if something hadn’t gone wrong. Another rival clan seeking to disrupt the clan and take over their mines for themselves planted one of their own dragons within Aeonian Breach and proceeded to subtly disturb the skeletal wyrm’s resting places as often as they could, slowly ramping up the desecration of the wyrm’s resting places. The collapsing of a mine shaft resulted in the destruction of several tombs that were only a short distance above the shaft. The ancient skeletal guardian who had taken the tombs as their charge proceeded to curse every dragon of Aeonian Breach lineage in their rage, and the entire clan was afflicted with a Blight. One that would be passed on from generation to generation. From hatchlings still forming in the egg, to the old and infirm dragons who had mined the Rest for years, careful never to disturb the resting places of their ancestors. A great many of the clan perished, and the survivors fled the guardian’s wrath. Soon, the survivors and the clans that offered to aid them learned that even interacting with those Blighted could cause the blight to spread, and soon the survivors were forced to leave Dragonhome entirely, moving south into the Scarred Wasteland where things might be… safer. The Scarred Wasteland was just as harsh, if not more so, to the still faltering Blighted. A shaman of the ragged clan had been seeking answers in the bones, and finally received a message that gave a small glimmer of hope to the Blighted. [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [i][color=#8B272D]The path to Life was through the Plague.[/color][/i][/center] The dragons made their way deeper into the Scarred Wasteland, braving the worst of the Plaguebringer’s lands to reach the edge of the Wyrmwound itself. There, they prostrated themselves, and begged the Plaguemother for her help. The blight was something the dragons couldn’t survive on their own. The only hope for them was her intervention. Initially, she ignored them and their requests. Triumph through survival of the fittest, she believed. And those that do not triumph over their diseases should be allowed to perish. The hatchlings are what won her over, however. The hatchlings born with the Blight in their systems were dying quickly, and had no chance to grow strong enough to survive it. They were dying from the blight their parents, their ancestors, had brought upon themselves. That wasn’t quite her way. And so, the Plaguebringer told them that she would give them all a chance to overcome the blight the guardian had infected them all with. The blight would be… modified. Given a longer incubation time, so that most hatchlings would not immediately be forced to contend with a magical blight crafted by an old Guardian. Instead, they would live their lives unaffected by blight and disease, until eventually the blight’s incubation period was over, and they would inevitably face the [b]Tomb Blight[/b] they had been incubating all of their lives up to that point. The older, stronger dragons who already fought the blight and were succumbing to it? That was their own failing. They would still have to deal with the full brunt of the blight, but they wouldn’t be able to pass the active strain on to their children. It was the best the blighted dragons could hope for, and they had no desire to overstay their welcome and risk the Plaguemother’s wrath. They left the Wyrmwound and carved out a new home for themselves within the Scarred Wasteland. The hatchlings would grow, and eventually succumb to the blight themselves. The ages at which it occurred seemed to vary, and the hatchlings never seemed to get sick (even within the Scarred Wasteland!) until the blight took their lives. The blight was horrible in its effects and ravaged the dragon’s body. They died within hours, and the effects seemed to vary. Until an older dragon returned. Originally a hatchling born in the Scarred Wasteland, the dragon had wandered far afield at a young age, and only returned once the Blight began affecting them. It progressed much slower than the Blight that the hatchlings raised within the Scarred Wasteland faced. The shamans consulted the bones, and the healers observed the blight’s progression. It seemed those with the blight still in it's incubation phase never became ill. Instead, the blight seemed to devour each disease or infection or illness the dragon would face in their lives, and mutate based on this. Those who lived in the Scarred Wasteland, of course, faced the harsh diseases and illnesses that the Plaguelands brought. Those who wandered far afield suffered lesser effects. They lived much longer, even with the blight. The solution was simple. To leave the Scarred Wasteland, and live in other places across Sorneith. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]The Tomb Blight[/color][/size][/b] [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Tomb Blight is the name given to the curse unleashed by an ancient wyrm who’s charge was the tombs of Cairnstone Rest. In casting the curse, the guardian perished and pushed the power behind the curse to even greater heights. Prior to the Plaguebringer’s influence, the blight caused rapid necrosis of the dragon’s body, starting generally at the extremities (particularly visible at the edges of wings, hands, feet, and tail), and loss of scales and/or feathers. Death comes quickly for those afflicted. After begging for the Plaguebringer’s help, the blight was heavily modified from its original incarnation. The incubation period of the infection was lengthened, and now seems to be tied to the skeletal markings across the bodies of the blightbound. Most hatchlings, and dragons with a long time left before the blight affects them, will have a more-or-less complete, solid markings. As they age, the markings will seem to fracture and will resemble little more than shards of bone strewn across their bodies, and around this point they will experience the full effects of the Tomb Blight. While the blight is in its incubation period, the blightbound is immune to nearly all diseases and infections, though are still susceptible to toxins, poisons, and venoms. However, exposure to diseases seems to shorten the blight’s incubation period and cause the infection to mutate meaning that no two Blightbound experience the exact same symptoms of Tomb Blight anymore. Active strains of Tomb Blight seem to most often retain the original’s necrotic properties, and cause discoloration of the extremities and loss of scales and/or feathers. Besides that, the blight is as unique as the dragon that possesses it. However. Active strains of Tomb Blight cannot be spread to other dragons. Each dragon is cursed to their own strain. The exception to this being that a hatchling born of two dragons with active infections will lack the Plaguebringer’s protection, and possess and active strain from the time they hatch from their eggs. Due to this, it’s incredibly rare for Blightbound to procreate after their infection becomes active. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Society[/color][/size][/b][/center] The Blightbound don’t have much of a cohesive society. For the most part, they integrate almost completely into whatever clan or society they’ve joined up with, with only a couple exceptions regarding some of their superstitions, detailed below and in the Special Variant “Plague Summoned.” [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]The Bones[/color][/size][/b][/center] [list] [*]Every blightbound shaman will possess a set of bone runes. These runes are made of carved bone, and traditionally come from an old ancestor of the blightbound shaman, or even the bones of the skeletal wyrms in Dragonhome, or bones found in the Abiding Boneyard.Older bones, and the more generations they have been in the shaman’s line, are said to be more powerful and accurate than younger bones, or bones from “weaker” sources. [*]Less… trustworthy shamans may take steps to make their bones appear older, or more worn and it isn’t uncommon for the tales of their bones to be somewhat fabricated. [*]Blightbound tend to be possessive of their Bones, and it’s almost unheard of for a shaman to allow someone else to use their runes to tell someone else’s fortune. [*]There are 24 runes. They are as follows: Life, Truth, Venom, Plague, Arcane, Nature, Earth, Mind, Blood, Water, Fire, Time, Wind, Clan, Spirit, Metal, Lightning, Cloud, Shadow, Spiral, Light, Ice, Chaos, and Pillar. [*]When listing the runes, a Blightbound will start with whatever runes are most relevant to them first. So one with the Plague Birth Bone, Spirit Secondary, and Truth tertiary might list the runes as Plague, Spirit, Truth... and continue from there. [*]The mate of a Blightbound shaman, in some cases, is trusted with helping to ensure the shaman’s bones are not wrong. They will subtly act to ensure the advice or knowledge given by the bones is accurate. [*]A pair discovered to be falsifying their bones will have their bones taken and ground to dust. Further punishments depend on the blightbound who discover the treachery, though killing the false shaman and his mate isn’t out of the question, sometimes they are branded liars. [/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Choosing Their Bones[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center]A custom that occurs shortly after a hatchling emerges from their egg. [color=#8B272D][i]"Your life will be steady You will find your stability, a place grounded and home. Your life will be full of deceit. Keep your eyes open, keep yourself safe. Your life will be long and winding. You will go many places, and see many things. Your path will be... interesting So say your Bones." -Akamas, Blightbound Shaman of Creakwood, reading Accidia’s Bones.[/i][/color][/center] The Blightbound believe that a great deal can be learned by spreading the runes out before a newly hatched dragon, and predicting their future based upon the first three runes they touch. This is known as a hatchling Choosing Their Bones, or letting them Choose Their Bones. The first rune is considered their Birth Rune, and the most important to their lives and development. Most Blightbound will eventually end up carrying a talisman with them that depicts their Birth Rune. The second and third runes are less important, and often completely ignored in favor of simplification, but seem to expand upon the information given by the Birth Rune. They are, aptly called, the Secondary and Tertiary runes. The runes are used as a mix of fortune telling and the Zodiac concepts present in the real world. A blightbound shaman may offer to allow a friend to Choose Their Bones, though it’s considered less accurate than if it had been done as a hatchling. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Apparel and Items[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][item=skeletal chimes][item=weathered tail tatters][item=red feathered bones][/center] Woodland Wanderer sets, Wraps, bird skull sets, Skeletal Chimes, Shielding Scale Tassets, Wingplates, and Tail Tatters, Flower Wing Garlands [list] [*]Shaman tend to wear their bones on strands on their wings, or keep them in pouches on their persons. (Skeletal Chimes, Birdskull Wingpieces) [*]Shaman also tend to wear masks with feathers or leaves adorning them (Woodmask layered under Windbound Mask or Birdskull Headdresses) [*]Most Blightbound wear a necklace or bracelet with their Birth Bone carved into it. (Simple or Ornate copper/gold/darksteel/iron/pearly sets) [*]A lot of variation in attire, based on where they live. [/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [list] [*]Blightbound names tend to be Ancient Latin, Roman, or Greek in nature. [/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Special Interactions[/color][/size][/b][/center] A [url=]Greater Effluvial Crow's[/url] strain causes the Blight to immediately finish it's incubation period, resulting in an extremely virulent, but very short-lived strain of the Blight. The virulent, supercharged Blight tends to result in a swift death for the Blightbound, and thus most Blightbound will completely avoid Effluvial Crows (and Crows of other varieties, including Jackdaws that more closely resemble Effluvials), not wanting to risk death. 10% of Blightbound actually survive this intense form of Tomb Blight. Those that do are completely cured of the Tomb Blight, and no longer possess the Plaguebringer’s Blessing that keeps the Blight (and other diseases) at bay. They may still have scars and the like from this intense blight, however. Some Blightbound will purposefully go out of their way to provoke Crows to chance death to completely remove their blight. This phenomenon has not been observed to occur with any Crows besides Greater Effluvial Crows. (So. No Lesser Effluvials, Lesser or Greater Eboncrows, Lesser or Greater Albinos, or Jackdaws.)
The Blightbound
Update: Heya folks. I'm not currently "working on" any more to do with the Blightbound for the time being, including updating the registry. Once I'm in a better mental space, I'll see about doing more. Feel free, of course, to keep breeding and selling your Blightbound, and if you're interested in a hatchling from one of my pairs go ahead and message me. - Reythaak (April 17, 2021)

The blightbound are less a cohesive subspecies of dragons, and more dragons bound together by the misfortune (or perhaps greed) of their ancestors in the past. Every blightbound dragon possesses some remnants of what they refer to as “Tomb Blight” in their veins, though for most it will never become an issue until the very end of their days. For others, it affects their lives every single day.

There’s little that ties them together beyond their affliction, though they tend to be extremely superstitious.
Species Requirements

Breed: Any Modern

Element: Any

Primary: Taupe - Hickory Jaguar, Speckle, or Leopard

Secondary: Berry - Brick Noxtide (Strawberry Noxtide is a special variant, the Plague Summoned)

Tertiary: Maize - White Ghost
The Blightbound all can trace their ancestry back to Dragonhome and an Earth clan called Aeonian Breach. The clan was decently respected among the Earth clans, as they had a talent for digging within Cairnstone Rest without disturbing the skeletal wyrms deep within. They supplied a great many precious gemstones to other Earth clans, as well as more far-reaching places (rumors state that the gems made their way all the way to the Ashfall Wastes, though most only made it as far as the Starfall Isles, making for great magic foci for the Arcane dragons.)

It would, of course, not be a story worth telling if something hadn’t gone wrong. Another rival clan seeking to disrupt the clan and take over their mines for themselves planted one of their own dragons within Aeonian Breach and proceeded to subtly disturb the skeletal wyrm’s resting places as often as they could, slowly ramping up the desecration of the wyrm’s resting places. The collapsing of a mine shaft resulted in the destruction of several tombs that were only a short distance above the shaft.

The ancient skeletal guardian who had taken the tombs as their charge proceeded to curse every dragon of Aeonian Breach lineage in their rage, and the entire clan was afflicted with a Blight. One that would be passed on from generation to generation. From hatchlings still forming in the egg, to the old and infirm dragons who had mined the Rest for years, careful never to disturb the resting places of their ancestors.

A great many of the clan perished, and the survivors fled the guardian’s wrath. Soon, the survivors and the clans that offered to aid them learned that even interacting with those Blighted could cause the blight to spread, and soon the survivors were forced to leave Dragonhome entirely, moving south into the Scarred Wasteland where things might be… safer.

The Scarred Wasteland was just as harsh, if not more so, to the still faltering Blighted. A shaman of the ragged clan had been seeking answers in the bones, and finally received a message that gave a small glimmer of hope to the Blighted.

The path to Life was through the Plague.

The dragons made their way deeper into the Scarred Wasteland, braving the worst of the Plaguebringer’s lands to reach the edge of the Wyrmwound itself. There, they prostrated themselves, and begged the Plaguemother for her help.

The blight was something the dragons couldn’t survive on their own. The only hope for them was her intervention.

Initially, she ignored them and their requests. Triumph through survival of the fittest, she believed. And those that do not triumph over their diseases should be allowed to perish.

The hatchlings are what won her over, however. The hatchlings born with the Blight in their systems were dying quickly, and had no chance to grow strong enough to survive it. They were dying from the blight their parents, their ancestors, had brought upon themselves.

That wasn’t quite her way.

And so, the Plaguebringer told them that she would give them all a chance to overcome the blight the guardian had infected them all with. The blight would be… modified. Given a longer incubation time, so that most hatchlings would not immediately be forced to contend with a magical blight crafted by an old Guardian. Instead, they would live their lives unaffected by blight and disease, until eventually the blight’s incubation period was over, and they would inevitably face the Tomb Blight they had been incubating all of their lives up to that point.

The older, stronger dragons who already fought the blight and were succumbing to it? That was their own failing. They would still have to deal with the full brunt of the blight, but they wouldn’t be able to pass the active strain on to their children.

It was the best the blighted dragons could hope for, and they had no desire to overstay their welcome and risk the Plaguemother’s wrath. They left the Wyrmwound and carved out a new home for themselves within the Scarred Wasteland.

The hatchlings would grow, and eventually succumb to the blight themselves. The ages at which it occurred seemed to vary, and the hatchlings never seemed to get sick (even within the Scarred Wasteland!) until the blight took their lives. The blight was horrible in its effects and ravaged the dragon’s body. They died within hours, and the effects seemed to vary.

Until an older dragon returned. Originally a hatchling born in the Scarred Wasteland, the dragon had wandered far afield at a young age, and only returned once the Blight began affecting them. It progressed much slower than the Blight that the hatchlings raised within the Scarred Wasteland faced.

The shamans consulted the bones, and the healers observed the blight’s progression.

It seemed those with the blight still in it's incubation phase never became ill. Instead, the blight seemed to devour each disease or infection or illness the dragon would face in their lives, and mutate based on this. Those who lived in the Scarred Wasteland, of course, faced the harsh diseases and illnesses that the Plaguelands brought.

Those who wandered far afield suffered lesser effects. They lived much longer, even with the blight.

The solution was simple. To leave the Scarred Wasteland, and live in other places across Sorneith.
The Tomb Blight
Tomb Blight is the name given to the curse unleashed by an ancient wyrm who’s charge was the tombs of Cairnstone Rest. In casting the curse, the guardian perished and pushed the power behind the curse to even greater heights.

Prior to the Plaguebringer’s influence, the blight caused rapid necrosis of the dragon’s body, starting generally at the extremities (particularly visible at the edges of wings, hands, feet, and tail), and loss of scales and/or feathers. Death comes quickly for those afflicted.

After begging for the Plaguebringer’s help, the blight was heavily modified from its original incarnation.

The incubation period of the infection was lengthened, and now seems to be tied to the skeletal markings across the bodies of the blightbound. Most hatchlings, and dragons with a long time left before the blight affects them, will have a more-or-less complete, solid markings. As they age, the markings will seem to fracture and will resemble little more than shards of bone strewn across their bodies, and around this point they will experience the full effects of the Tomb Blight.

While the blight is in its incubation period, the blightbound is immune to nearly all diseases and infections, though are still susceptible to toxins, poisons, and venoms. However, exposure to diseases seems to shorten the blight’s incubation period and cause the infection to mutate meaning that no two Blightbound experience the exact same symptoms of Tomb Blight anymore.

Active strains of Tomb Blight seem to most often retain the original’s necrotic properties, and cause discoloration of the extremities and loss of scales and/or feathers. Besides that, the blight is as unique as the dragon that possesses it.

However. Active strains of Tomb Blight cannot be spread to other dragons. Each dragon is cursed to their own strain. The exception to this being that a hatchling born of two dragons with active infections will lack the Plaguebringer’s protection, and possess and active strain from the time they hatch from their eggs. Due to this, it’s incredibly rare for Blightbound to procreate after their infection becomes active.
The Blightbound don’t have much of a cohesive society. For the most part, they integrate almost completely into whatever clan or society they’ve joined up with, with only a couple exceptions regarding some of their superstitions, detailed below and in the Special Variant “Plague Summoned.”
The Bones
  • Every blightbound shaman will possess a set of bone runes. These runes are made of carved bone, and traditionally come from an old ancestor of the blightbound shaman, or even the bones of the skeletal wyrms in Dragonhome, or bones found in the Abiding Boneyard.Older bones, and the more generations they have been in the shaman’s line, are said to be more powerful and accurate than younger bones, or bones from “weaker” sources.
  • Less… trustworthy shamans may take steps to make their bones appear older, or more worn and it isn’t uncommon for the tales of their bones to be somewhat fabricated.
  • Blightbound tend to be possessive of their Bones, and it’s almost unheard of for a shaman to allow someone else to use their runes to tell someone else’s fortune.
  • There are 24 runes. They are as follows: Life, Truth, Venom, Plague, Arcane, Nature, Earth, Mind, Blood, Water, Fire, Time, Wind, Clan, Spirit, Metal, Lightning, Cloud, Shadow, Spiral, Light, Ice, Chaos, and Pillar.
  • When listing the runes, a Blightbound will start with whatever runes are most relevant to them first. So one with the Plague Birth Bone, Spirit Secondary, and Truth tertiary might list the runes as Plague, Spirit, Truth... and continue from there.
  • The mate of a Blightbound shaman, in some cases, is trusted with helping to ensure the shaman’s bones are not wrong. They will subtly act to ensure the advice or knowledge given by the bones is accurate.
  • A pair discovered to be falsifying their bones will have their bones taken and ground to dust. Further punishments depend on the blightbound who discover the treachery, though killing the false shaman and his mate isn’t out of the question, sometimes they are branded liars.
Choosing Their Bones
A custom that occurs shortly after a hatchling emerges from their egg.

"Your life will be steady
You will find your stability, a place grounded and home.

Your life will be full of deceit.
Keep your eyes open, keep yourself safe.

Your life will be long and winding.
You will go many places, and see many things.

Your path will be... interesting
So say your Bones."
-Akamas, Blightbound Shaman of Creakwood, reading Accidia’s Bones.

The Blightbound believe that a great deal can be learned by spreading the runes out before a newly hatched dragon, and predicting their future based upon the first three runes they touch. This is known as a hatchling Choosing Their Bones, or letting them Choose Their Bones.

The first rune is considered their Birth Rune, and the most important to their lives and development. Most Blightbound will eventually end up carrying a talisman with them that depicts their Birth Rune.

The second and third runes are less important, and often completely ignored in favor of simplification, but seem to expand upon the information given by the Birth Rune. They are, aptly called, the Secondary and Tertiary runes.

The runes are used as a mix of fortune telling and the Zodiac concepts present in the real world.

A blightbound shaman may offer to allow a friend to Choose Their Bones, though it’s considered less accurate than if it had been done as a hatchling.
Apparel and Items
Skeletal Chimes Weathered Tail Tatters Red Feathered Bones

Woodland Wanderer sets, Wraps, bird skull sets, Skeletal Chimes, Shielding Scale Tassets, Wingplates, and Tail Tatters, Flower Wing Garlands
  • Shaman tend to wear their bones on strands on their wings, or keep them in pouches on their persons. (Skeletal Chimes, Birdskull Wingpieces)
  • Shaman also tend to wear masks with feathers or leaves adorning them (Woodmask layered under Windbound Mask or Birdskull Headdresses)
  • Most Blightbound wear a necklace or bracelet with their Birth Bone carved into it. (Simple or Ornate copper/gold/darksteel/iron/pearly sets)
  • A lot of variation in attire, based on where they live.
  • Blightbound names tend to be Ancient Latin, Roman, or Greek in nature.
Special Interactions

A Greater Effluvial Crow's strain causes the Blight to immediately finish it's incubation period, resulting in an extremely virulent, but very short-lived strain of the Blight.

The virulent, supercharged Blight tends to result in a swift death for the Blightbound, and thus most Blightbound will completely avoid Effluvial Crows (and Crows of other varieties, including Jackdaws that more closely resemble Effluvials), not wanting to risk death.

10% of Blightbound actually survive this intense form of Tomb Blight. Those that do are completely cured of the Tomb Blight, and no longer possess the Plaguebringer’s Blessing that keeps the Blight (and other diseases) at bay. They may still have scars and the like from this intense blight, however.

Some Blightbound will purposefully go out of their way to provoke Crows to chance death to completely remove their blight.

This phenomenon has not been observed to occur with any Crows besides Greater Effluvial Crows. (So. No Lesser Effluvials, Lesser or Greater Eboncrows, Lesser or Greater Albinos, or Jackdaws.)
[center][b][size=6][color=#8B272D]Variants[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Registry[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] [url=]Self-Editing Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Sales Thread[/url] | [url=]Discord[/url][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]The Tomb Blighted[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern [b]Element:[/b] Any (Plague or Nature heavily preferred) [b]Primary:[/b] Taupe - Hickory Jaguar, Speckle, or Leopard [b]Secondary:[/b] Auburn - Strawberry Noxtide [b]Tertiary:[/b] Auburn - Blood Crackle, Gembond, Keel, Koi, Opal, or Veined[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] The Tomb Blighted are Blightbound who have active strains of Tomb Blight. Unfortunately, if a Tomb Blighted dragon has eggs, the hatchlings will have active strains of Tomb Blight themselves. The Blight, however, is not infectious. The precise effects of the Blight depend on the illnesses and diseases a Blightbound encountered during their lives, though most Tomb Blight has the core feature of discoloration and necrosis of extremities (particularly visible at the edges of wings, hands, feet, and tail) and loss of scales and/or feathers. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Plague Summoned[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern [b]Element:[/b] Plague Only! (Hatchlings with non-Plague eyes should be exalted shortly after adulthood) [b]Primary:[/b] Taupe - Hickory Jaguar, Speckle, or Leopard [b]Secondary:[/b] Strawberry Noxtide [b]Tertiary:[/b] Maize - White Ghost[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][i][color=#8B272D]Your bones say nothing. Your shattered bones tell all. Your body tinged with blighted fringes, The Plaguebringer is your fate. - Akamas, Blightbound Shaman of Creakwood[/color][/i][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Typically, Blightbound hatchlings born with a Strawberry tertiary exhibit symptoms of Tomb Blight from birth. This expresses itself as loss of feathers and scales and discoloration at the edges of extremities (particularly visible at the edges of wings, hands, feet, and tail). The discoloration is the mark of decay and necrosis of the afflicted parts. Additionally, the skeletal markings they possess look as though they’ve already been shattered and have fractures and breaks all through them rather than the solid, pristine bones usually displayed on a hatchling. They somehow, always choose Plague or Venom as their Birth Rune. The Plague Summoned will be brought to the Wyrmwound by the parents, accompanied by a Blightbound shaman, and dumped into the festering pool as a gift to the Plaguemother, and to thank her for her help in handling the Tomb Blight. The Plague Summoned might survive the process, and re-emerge from the Wyrmwound. If it did not possess Plague eyes upon birth, it definitely will now. These blightbound are looked down upon and avoided by most others of the subspecies (Except for the Tomb Blighted variant), it is exceptionally rare to see one in proximity to another Blightbound dragon.[center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightguard[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern [b]Element:[/b] Any [b]Primary:[/b] White - Shadow Leopard, Jupiter, or Speckle [b]Secondary:[/b] White - Shadow Noxtide [b]Tertiary:[/b] Maize - White, Garnet - Maroon Ghost (Maize - White only), Gembond, Scales [b]Special:[/b] XXY preferred, Dark Sclera or Glowing eyes preferred.[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] The scant number of Blightbound who have settled back in in Dragonhome tell stories about seeing old Tomb Blighted guarding the cairns and tombs from which the blight originated, still garbed in the wraps and linens that they were buried in, but with bleached or ashen hides rather than the earthen colors common to the Blightbound. Blightbound from other areas of Sorneith dismissed these claims as relatively unimportant. There was little way to prove the tomb’s guardians were Blightbound; they were aggressive when approached or their charge was put at risk. Better to just leave them be, and let them guard their tombs. What business was it of theirs? The tombs were what had caused their plight to begin with. And then the Blightbound shaman began to notice that when they would make their pilgrimages to the Wyrmwound, to give the Plaguebringer her due, they seemed to attract… others. Dragons who stayed far away, but would watch as they performed their rituals and rites. Seeming to guard them, and the Plague Summoned. Their trips across the Scarred Wasteland were markedly easier, and after a time they noted that the lurking dragons tailed them. From the edges of the Plaguelands to the Wyrmwound and back, discouraging ones that might think them easy prey. It wasn’t until a Blightbound from far off in the Shifting Expanse began talking that the Blightbound understood that this wasn’t an isolated occurrence. It wasn’t residual magic from the tombs drawing them back to guard the very things that had resulted in their curse, or the Plaguebringer seeking to protect the Blightbound once more. In the Shifting Expanse, a Blightbound perished. She was an extremely long-lived skydancer, who was appropriately wrapped in linens and cloth and buried. 23 days later, the skydancer was seen once more with glowing eyes and ragged cloth, her hide darkened and the results of her blight still visible. In places, her bones peeked through her hide, morbidly mimicking the skeletal markings she had possessed in life. She stood outside the shaman’s dwelling, waiting patiently. Unbreathing. A sentient Blightguard. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [list][*]Only about 15% of dead Tomb Blighted return as Blightguards. [*]The most common Blightguards are Tomb Blighted who perished shortly after infection with the Blight (while still in Dragonhome) and are non-sentient. They have joined in guarding the ancient cairns in most cases. [*]Blightguards resurrected within the Scarred Wastelands are a little more sentient than those from Dragonhome, though not by much. They tend to protect other Blightbound as they move through the Scarred Wasteland, but stay well enough away. [*]Long lived Tomb Blighted, who live far from Dragonhome or the Scarred Wastes are most likely to return as sentient Blightguards. They are the least common. [*]All Blightguard can feel a faint tug or pull towards dragons infected with the Blight, and a slight compulsion to protect any blighted dragon. The less sentient a Blightguard is, the stronger this compulsion. [*]Many Blightbound are almost as wary of the Blightguards as they are Plague Summoned. Zombies don’t sit well with the superstitious bunch. [*]Sentient Blightguards may ask sympathetic shaman to allow them to choose another bone, known as their Death Bone. This final rune governs most of their existence as a Blightguard, and seems to hold more sway than even a Blightbound’s Birth Bone. [*]Blightguards are not subject to the Tomb Blight. The blight has already run its course. [*]Being that they’re already deceased, they are immune to most diseases, toxins and the like. [*]Blightguards may reproduce. Their eggs appear dead from the start however, and have a longer incubation period than usual. Magic is the only way to determine if an egg is viable or not, and some Blightguards may appear to, morbidly, decorate their nests with old eggs. It may also just be in hopes of the eggs eventually hatching on their own, or the belief that the spirits of the unborn hatchlings may be watching over or guarding the viable eggs laid in the nest. [*]Hatchlings born of sentient Blightguards will be sentient in most cases. [*]Blightguard hatchlings are prone to possessing various physical disabilities. These can range from minor things, such as a missing or extra digit to blindness or complete lack of wings. [/list] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightdrones (Glitch Drones)[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Any Modern [b]Element:[/b] Any [b]Primary:[/b] Obsidian Wasp [b]Secondary:[/b] Auburn - Brick Noxtide or Bee [b]Tertiary:[/b] Obsidian Crackle or Smirch[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] The Plaguebringer's Blessing seems to recognize assimilation as being near enough to infection or disease to fight it off, though it appears to take the blessing some time to "adapt" to the affects of assimilation and stop them. Hence, if a drone were to try to assimilate a blightbound most of the time they would end up with a partially assimilated dragon. The degree to which a blightbound dragon is assimilated is varied, usually depending on the status of their markings at the time of attempted assimilation. A blightbound with more complete markings will likely retain their mind, though the markings will be rendered blackened. Careful study of a Blightdrone reveals that the markings become thicker, raised pieces of carapace. A blightbound with more fractured markings will likely assimilate further. Their mind may be erased, and their wings may even become more insectoid (bee secondary), though the hue of their wings tends to remain. If a Blightbound is re-assimilated, or assimilated a second time, the blessing will be completely overcome. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightcrows[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Wildclaws [b]Element:[/b] Any [b]Primary:[/b] Coal Skink [b]Secondary:[/b] Cherry to Brick Noxtide or Trail [b]Tertiary:[/b] Maize to White Ghost[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] Blightcrows are the children of Effluvial Crows and Blightbound who have survived their tomb blight after a fight with a crow. With how unusual it is to occur, it’s no wonder a crow might take a liking to the particularly hardy Blightbound. However, it has taken quite some time for these Blightcrows to become more commonly seen, as they can blend fairly effectively with flocks and clans of Crows and Blightbound. They possess many of the same features as a Crow, though they seem to have inherited the skeletal markings of the Blightbound. Curiously, close inspection of the markings show they look to have runes carved into them that glow when a Blightcrow is using magic. In some cases, the singular eye common to the Effluvial Crow will have mutated slightly and split into three smaller eyes, more closely resembling the plumage of an average Blightbound. In some cases, the bright red plumage might be streaked or tinged with another color (cherry, crimson, maroon, berry, cerise, brick trail or cherry to garnet, blood, maroon, strawberry noxtide) which tends to indicate a particularly strong strain of effluvial-blight. In these cases, the wings and plumage are frequently degraded however, meaning they can’t rely on the residual magics they might know from the Crow parentage. A Blightcrow does not possess the tomb blight that the Blightbound are infected with. Instead, the blight has been hybridized with the Crow’s effluvium and resulted in an effluvial-blight that causes a berserk state in those infected. It increases the infected individual’s strength and aggression, while the infection feeds on the body to fuel itself. An infected individual will usually perish due to body degradation and exhaustion, and Blightcrows are frequently incapable of keeping up with the berserk state their effluvial-blight causes in others. Blightcrows are a hardy bunch with a reputation for being thrill-seekers and extremely aggressive, they put no stock in the reading of runes or feathers and are likely to scoff if you try to tell them their future. Life isn’t worth living without risk and excitement, and no one knows the future for certain. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [list] [*]Unlike the Blightbound, Blightcrows do not choose their bones and sort of scoff and laugh at the entire custom. [*]Blightcrows integrate well into groups of Effluvial Crows. The Blightcrows are encouraged to infect targets with their strains to give the Effluvials more intense battles. [/list]
The Tomb Blighted

Breed: Any Modern

Element: Any (Plague or Nature heavily preferred)

Primary: Taupe - Hickory Jaguar, Speckle, or Leopard

Secondary: Auburn - Strawberry Noxtide

Tertiary: Auburn - Blood Crackle, Gembond, Keel, Koi, Opal, or Veined
The Tomb Blighted are Blightbound who have active strains of Tomb Blight. Unfortunately, if a Tomb Blighted dragon has eggs, the hatchlings will have active strains of Tomb Blight themselves. The Blight, however, is not infectious. The precise effects of the Blight depend on the illnesses and diseases a Blightbound encountered during their lives, though most Tomb Blight has the core feature of discoloration and necrosis of extremities (particularly visible at the edges of wings, hands, feet, and tail) and loss of scales and/or feathers.
Plague Summoned

Breed: Any Modern

Element: Plague Only! (Hatchlings with non-Plague eyes should be exalted shortly after adulthood)

Primary: Taupe - Hickory Jaguar, Speckle, or Leopard

Secondary: Strawberry Noxtide

Tertiary: Maize - White Ghost
Your bones say nothing.
Your shattered bones tell all.

Your body tinged with blighted fringes,
The Plaguebringer is your fate.

- Akamas, Blightbound Shaman of Creakwood

Typically, Blightbound hatchlings born with a Strawberry tertiary exhibit symptoms of Tomb Blight from birth. This expresses itself as loss of feathers and scales and discoloration at the edges of extremities (particularly visible at the edges of wings, hands, feet, and tail). The discoloration is the mark of decay and necrosis of the afflicted parts. Additionally, the skeletal markings they possess look as though they’ve already been shattered and have fractures and breaks all through them rather than the solid, pristine bones usually displayed on a hatchling.

They somehow, always choose Plague or Venom as their Birth Rune.

The Plague Summoned will be brought to the Wyrmwound by the parents, accompanied by a Blightbound shaman, and dumped into the festering pool as a gift to the Plaguemother, and to thank her for her help in handling the Tomb Blight.

The Plague Summoned might survive the process, and re-emerge from the Wyrmwound. If it did not possess Plague eyes upon birth, it definitely will now.

These blightbound are looked down upon and avoided by most others of the subspecies (Except for the Tomb Blighted variant), it is exceptionally rare to see one in proximity to another Blightbound dragon.

Breed: Any Modern

Element: Any

Primary: White - Shadow Leopard, Jupiter, or Speckle

Secondary: White - Shadow Noxtide

Tertiary: Maize - White, Garnet - Maroon Ghost (Maize - White only), Gembond, Scales

Special: XXY preferred, Dark Sclera or Glowing eyes preferred.

The scant number of Blightbound who have settled back in in Dragonhome tell stories about seeing old Tomb Blighted guarding the cairns and tombs from which the blight originated, still garbed in the wraps and linens that they were buried in, but with bleached or ashen hides rather than the earthen colors common to the Blightbound. Blightbound from other areas of Sorneith dismissed these claims as relatively unimportant. There was little way to prove the tomb’s guardians were Blightbound; they were aggressive when approached or their charge was put at risk. Better to just leave them be, and let them guard their tombs. What business was it of theirs? The tombs were what had caused their plight to begin with.

And then the Blightbound shaman began to notice that when they would make their pilgrimages to the Wyrmwound, to give the Plaguebringer her due, they seemed to attract… others. Dragons who stayed far away, but would watch as they performed their rituals and rites. Seeming to guard them, and the Plague Summoned. Their trips across the Scarred Wasteland were markedly easier, and after a time they noted that the lurking dragons tailed them. From the edges of the Plaguelands to the Wyrmwound and back, discouraging ones that might think them easy prey.

It wasn’t until a Blightbound from far off in the Shifting Expanse began talking that the Blightbound understood that this wasn’t an isolated occurrence. It wasn’t residual magic from the tombs drawing them back to guard the very things that had resulted in their curse, or the Plaguebringer seeking to protect the Blightbound once more. In the Shifting Expanse, a Blightbound perished. She was an extremely long-lived skydancer, who was appropriately wrapped in linens and cloth and buried.

23 days later, the skydancer was seen once more with glowing eyes and ragged cloth, her hide darkened and the results of her blight still visible. In places, her bones peeked through her hide, morbidly mimicking the skeletal markings she had possessed in life. She stood outside the shaman’s dwelling, waiting patiently.


A sentient Blightguard.
  • Only about 15% of dead Tomb Blighted return as Blightguards.
  • The most common Blightguards are Tomb Blighted who perished shortly after infection with the Blight (while still in Dragonhome) and are non-sentient. They have joined in guarding the ancient cairns in most cases.
  • Blightguards resurrected within the Scarred Wastelands are a little more sentient than those from Dragonhome, though not by much. They tend to protect other Blightbound as they move through the Scarred Wasteland, but stay well enough away.
  • Long lived Tomb Blighted, who live far from Dragonhome or the Scarred Wastes are most likely to return as sentient Blightguards. They are the least common.
  • All Blightguard can feel a faint tug or pull towards dragons infected with the Blight, and a slight compulsion to protect any blighted dragon. The less sentient a Blightguard is, the stronger this compulsion.
  • Many Blightbound are almost as wary of the Blightguards as they are Plague Summoned. Zombies don’t sit well with the superstitious bunch.
  • Sentient Blightguards may ask sympathetic shaman to allow them to choose another bone, known as their Death Bone. This final rune governs most of their existence as a Blightguard, and seems to hold more sway than even a Blightbound’s Birth Bone.
  • Blightguards are not subject to the Tomb Blight. The blight has already run its course.
  • Being that they’re already deceased, they are immune to most diseases, toxins and the like.
  • Blightguards may reproduce. Their eggs appear dead from the start however, and have a longer incubation period than usual. Magic is the only way to determine if an egg is viable or not, and some Blightguards may appear to, morbidly, decorate their nests with old eggs. It may also just be in hopes of the eggs eventually hatching on their own, or the belief that the spirits of the unborn hatchlings may be watching over or guarding the viable eggs laid in the nest.
  • Hatchlings born of sentient Blightguards will be sentient in most cases.
  • Blightguard hatchlings are prone to possessing various physical disabilities. These can range from minor things, such as a missing or extra digit to blindness or complete lack of wings.
Blightdrones (Glitch Drones)

Breed: Any Modern

Element: Any

Primary: Obsidian Wasp

Secondary: Auburn - Brick Noxtide or Bee

Tertiary: Obsidian Crackle or Smirch
The Plaguebringer's Blessing seems to recognize assimilation as being near enough to infection or disease to fight it off, though it appears to take the blessing some time to "adapt" to the affects of assimilation and stop them. Hence, if a drone were to try to assimilate a blightbound most of the time they would end up with a partially assimilated dragon.

The degree to which a blightbound dragon is assimilated is varied, usually depending on the status of their markings at the time of attempted assimilation. A blightbound with more complete markings will likely retain their mind, though the markings will be rendered blackened. Careful study of a Blightdrone reveals that the markings become thicker, raised pieces of carapace.

A blightbound with more fractured markings will likely assimilate further. Their mind may be erased, and their wings may even become more insectoid (bee secondary), though the hue of their wings tends to remain.

If a Blightbound is re-assimilated, or assimilated a second time, the blessing will be completely overcome.

Breed: Wildclaws

Element: Any

Primary: Coal Skink

Secondary: Cherry to Brick Noxtide or Trail

Tertiary: Maize to White Ghost
Blightcrows are the children of Effluvial Crows and Blightbound who have survived their tomb blight after a fight with a crow. With how unusual it is to occur, it’s no wonder a crow might take a liking to the particularly hardy Blightbound. However, it has taken quite some time for these Blightcrows to become more commonly seen, as they can blend fairly effectively with flocks and clans of Crows and Blightbound.

They possess many of the same features as a Crow, though they seem to have inherited the skeletal markings of the Blightbound. Curiously, close inspection of the markings show they look to have runes carved into them that glow when a Blightcrow is using magic. In some cases, the singular eye common to the Effluvial Crow will have mutated slightly and split into three smaller eyes, more closely resembling the plumage of an average Blightbound. In some cases, the bright red plumage might be streaked or tinged with another color (cherry, crimson, maroon, berry, cerise, brick trail or cherry to garnet, blood, maroon, strawberry noxtide) which tends to indicate a particularly strong strain of effluvial-blight. In these cases, the wings and plumage are frequently degraded however, meaning they can’t rely on the residual magics they might know from the Crow parentage.

A Blightcrow does not possess the tomb blight that the Blightbound are infected with. Instead, the blight has been hybridized with the Crow’s effluvium and resulted in an effluvial-blight that causes a berserk state in those infected. It increases the infected individual’s strength and aggression, while the infection feeds on the body to fuel itself. An infected individual will usually perish due to body degradation and exhaustion, and Blightcrows are frequently incapable of keeping up with the berserk state their effluvial-blight causes in others.

Blightcrows are a hardy bunch with a reputation for being thrill-seekers and extremely aggressive, they put no stock in the reading of runes or feathers and are likely to scoff if you try to tell them their future. Life isn’t worth living without risk and excitement, and no one knows the future for certain.
  • Unlike the Blightbound, Blightcrows do not choose their bones and sort of scoff and laugh at the entire custom.
  • Blightcrows integrate well into groups of Effluvial Crows. The Blightcrows are encouraged to infect targets with their strains to give the Effluvials more intense battles.
[center][b][size=6][color=#8B272D]Blighted Ancients[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Registry[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] [url=]Self-Editing Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Sales Thread[/url] | [url=]Discord[/url][/center] Until recently, it was believed that ancient breeds were unable to be afflicted with the Tomb Blight. Modern breeds and ancients can’t crossbreed, and the Blight didn’t spread between the two varieties. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that not even the ancient breeds are safe from the effects of the Blight, and they do not possess the protections of the Plaguebringer’s blessings common to the Blightbound... The first documented case of ancients being afflicted with the Blight came about shortly after the Banescales were released from the icy magics of the Gaoler. But it was not a Banescale who stepped forward looking for answers. A Gaoler came into Creakwood’s territory with discoloration and necrosis of their extremities, and loss of thick patches of fur. The Gaoler explained that their clan had been attacked by a number of enraged Banescales, seeking revenge for the frozen magics the Gaoler had inflicted upon them all those years ago. When the Banescales sang their battle songs, the Gaoler were afflicted by a horrid, searing pain that started at their extremities and crept across their bodies as the attacking Banescales continued to sing. Between the affliction and the Banescales’ rage, most of the clan was destroyed, and this particular Gaoler managed to escape. And he too was afflicted by the Banescale’s song, with no concept of what was going on. A physician directed him to the Blightbound after noting the symptoms resembled those of the Tomb Blighted. There was little the Blightbound could do directly to help the Gaoler, although they were able to help the Gaoler understand what was going on. The word spread and more Gaolers found their way to the clans of the Blightbound, seeking at least clans that could sympathize with their plight. Inevitably, a number of Banescales approached the Blightbound clans as well and it very nearly resulted in quite a bit of bloodshed before the clan’s shaman was able to at least convince both sides not to renew their feud right in the middle of the clan. Instead, the shaman urged them to speak and discover what had brought the Banescale to the clan that now housed their ancient enemies. And so, the Banescale told their story. Back in the time before the Gaolers froze the Banescale, a number of the Banescale split off from their fellows and moved far to the north to Dragonhome. This splinter faction had no interest in the war on the Gaolers, and carved themselves out cave systems under the mountains. They were not saved from the icy embrace of the Gaolers magic, however, and were frozen just as solid as the others of their breed. Their situation was slightly unique though. Over time, dragons came across the frozen Banescale and thought them to be crystalline statues. The “statues” were moved and placed as decoration in the various tombs, cairns, and catacombs dotting Cairnstone Rest. When the dragons that would become the Blightbound were cursed, the frozen Banescale were also cursed as a side-effect. The full effects of their version of the blight, however, would not be discovered until far later. After the elemental magics born of the Bounty of the Elements released the Banescale eggs from their prison, so to were the Banescale under Dragonhome released, the frozen magic inexorably tied to the frozen ancient lair. The Banescale had no idea how they had gotten into their new dark and dusty environments, the last thing they recalled being the icy embrace of the Gaolers frosty magic penetrating deep into their lairs. The ancient wyrms took pity on these creatures, who’s only crime was being imprisoned by others, and allowed the Banescale to leave unmolested, so long as they were careful not to disturb anything in the tombs on their way out. Out in the wider world, it quickly became evident that something was very wrong. The Banescale learned of what had happened between their fellows and the Gaoler, and became enraged. They had done nothing to deserve the ire of the Gaoler, and yet they had been imprisoned. Worse yet, the Gaoler had smashed many of their kind. The Banescale were able to discern the location of a Gaoler clan, and promptly moved to attack it. When the Banescale attacked, they sang. And when they sang, they (and the Gaoler) discovered their curse. Initially, the Banescale felt icy tendrils across the edges of their wing. A feeling similar to that of the Gaoler’s magic that had imprisoned them, and a feeling that spurred them on to sing and fight harder until the frozen magics had spread across their entire wings and sent them sprawling to the ground. Even still they sang until the icy hands grasped their throats and left their songs nothing but quiet whispers. The Gaoler, on the other hand, were afflicted with almost stereotypical signs of Tomb Blight, though an aggressive variant that seemed to be spurred on to quicker action by the Banescale’s song. The edges of their extremities discolored and underwent necrosis, searing, white-hot pain erupting from the places of discoloration. Thick clumps of fur fell from their bodies, and even their horns cracked and shattered with the Blight’s progression. In places, it seemed their blood boiled to the surface and immediately solidified into painful scabs, and rarely long spikes of solid blood. The Banescales didn’t stop singing until every Gaoler was incapacitated, or dead. And then, they finally examined their own wounds. Most could no longer fly, the discoloration and necrosis so severe that their wings were little more than tatters that threatened to flutter off at the most delicate of touches. They could no longer sing, or even speak normally. Their voices were reduced to little more than whispers. In time, the Banescale came to understand that it was their own rage-filled songs that had done this to them. The songs had inflicted the blight upon the Gaoler, yes, but it had also rapidly encouraged their own Blight to spread as well. They then came seeking out the help of the Blightbound, just the same as the Gaolers who had been so afflicted by their songs... The Blightbound refused to turn away either side, as both were afflicted just as they were, but it was unlikely the Banescales, now known as Blightsongs, and Blighted Gaoler would ever truly see eye to eye... [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightsongs[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Banescale [b]Element:[/b] Any [b]Primary:[/b] Taupe - Hickory Jaguar [b]Secondary:[/b] Rust - Brick Stripes, Tear, Trail [b]Tertiary:[/b] Maize - White Ghost, Skeletal[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] The original Blightsongs are Banescales who were used as decorations in their frozen states within Cairnstone Rest, though few of these original Blightsongs still live. A Blightsong’s Tomb Blight is restricted almost exclusively to their wings, causing discoloration and the wings to eventually become incredibly delicate. The skin there will eventually tear at the slightest touch, and render the Blightsong landbound. The last stages of their Blight also affect their throat and voice box, leaving their voices little more than whispers on the wind. As their Blight progresses, cracks form in their ghost or skeletal markings. In the case of dragons with skeletal, the bones will flake and chip away entirely, and a Blightsong’s life can be measured by the integrity of their ghost/skeletal. However, their Blight is typically incredibly slow moving. Blightsongs also possess a unique song which is what gives them their name. The song infects ancient breeds with a variant of the Tomb Blight, and acts as a catalyst to cause the Blight in ancient breeds to progress much more rapidly. A side effect of their song however is that their own Blight progresses much more quickly as well, and excessive use of the song will eventually kill a Blightsong. The further removed a Blightsong is from the original Blightsongs who were cursed, the weaker their song is. Blight infected by later generations of Blightsongs is a far cry from the Blight that infects the Blightbound proper. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blighted Gaolers[/color][/size][/b][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4] [b]Breed:[/b] Gaoler [b]Element:[/b] Any [b]Primary:[/b] Taupe - Hickory Phantom, Jaguar [b]Secondary:[/b] Rust - Brick Spirit, Trail [b]Tertiary:[/b] Maize - White Ghost Auburn - Brick Opal, Shardflank (More advanced blight)[/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] The first Blighted Gaoler approached a clan of Blightbound after surviving an attack by the Blightsong Banescales, seeking an answer to what was going on with their body. A Blighted Gaoler’s Blight is not as aggressive or dangerous as a Blightbound’s, and they do not possess the Plaguebringer’s Blessing that keeps the Blightbound’s Blight in check. It will, as with most Blights, slowly cause necrosis of the extremities (edges of wings, tails, hands and feet being most common) and degradation of the ghost markings. In Gaolers, it also causes their horns to crack and fracture. Eventually, hardened scabs of blood or bright red flesh will show through in places of the Gaoler’s fur. It is a very slowly moving Blight however, unless encouraged to progress by the song of a Blightsong. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][color=#8B272D]Trivia/FAQ[/color][/size][/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
Blighted Ancients

Until recently, it was believed that ancient breeds were unable to be afflicted with the Tomb Blight. Modern breeds and ancients can’t crossbreed, and the Blight didn’t spread between the two varieties. Unfortunately, it has been discovered that not even the ancient breeds are safe from the effects of the Blight, and they do not possess the protections of the Plaguebringer’s blessings common to the Blightbound...

The first documented case of ancients being afflicted with the Blight came about shortly after the Banescales were released from the icy magics of the Gaoler. But it was not a Banescale who stepped forward looking for answers. A Gaoler came into Creakwood’s territory with discoloration and necrosis of their extremities, and loss of thick patches of fur.

The Gaoler explained that their clan had been attacked by a number of enraged Banescales, seeking revenge for the frozen magics the Gaoler had inflicted upon them all those years ago. When the Banescales sang their battle songs, the Gaoler were afflicted by a horrid, searing pain that started at their extremities and crept across their bodies as the attacking Banescales continued to sing. Between the affliction and the Banescales’ rage, most of the clan was destroyed, and this particular Gaoler managed to escape.

And he too was afflicted by the Banescale’s song, with no concept of what was going on. A physician directed him to the Blightbound after noting the symptoms resembled those of the Tomb Blighted.

There was little the Blightbound could do directly to help the Gaoler, although they were able to help the Gaoler understand what was going on. The word spread and more Gaolers found their way to the clans of the Blightbound, seeking at least clans that could sympathize with their plight.

Inevitably, a number of Banescales approached the Blightbound clans as well and it very nearly resulted in quite a bit of bloodshed before the clan’s shaman was able to at least convince both sides not to renew their feud right in the middle of the clan. Instead, the shaman urged them to speak and discover what had brought the Banescale to the clan that now housed their ancient enemies.

And so, the Banescale told their story.

Back in the time before the Gaolers froze the Banescale, a number of the Banescale split off from their fellows and moved far to the north to Dragonhome. This splinter faction had no interest in the war on the Gaolers, and carved themselves out cave systems under the mountains.

They were not saved from the icy embrace of the Gaolers magic, however, and were frozen just as solid as the others of their breed. Their situation was slightly unique though. Over time, dragons came across the frozen Banescale and thought them to be crystalline statues. The “statues” were moved and placed as decoration in the various tombs, cairns, and catacombs dotting Cairnstone Rest.

When the dragons that would become the Blightbound were cursed, the frozen Banescale were also cursed as a side-effect. The full effects of their version of the blight, however, would not be discovered until far later. After the elemental magics born of the Bounty of the Elements released the Banescale eggs from their prison, so to were the Banescale under Dragonhome released, the frozen magic inexorably tied to the frozen ancient lair.

The Banescale had no idea how they had gotten into their new dark and dusty environments, the last thing they recalled being the icy embrace of the Gaolers frosty magic penetrating deep into their lairs. The ancient wyrms took pity on these creatures, who’s only crime was being imprisoned by others, and allowed the Banescale to leave unmolested, so long as they were careful not to disturb anything in the tombs on their way out.

Out in the wider world, it quickly became evident that something was very wrong. The Banescale learned of what had happened between their fellows and the Gaoler, and became enraged. They had done nothing to deserve the ire of the Gaoler, and yet they had been imprisoned. Worse yet, the Gaoler had smashed many of their kind. The Banescale were able to discern the location of a Gaoler clan, and promptly moved to attack it.

When the Banescale attacked, they sang. And when they sang, they (and the Gaoler) discovered their curse.

Initially, the Banescale felt icy tendrils across the edges of their wing. A feeling similar to that of the Gaoler’s magic that had imprisoned them, and a feeling that spurred them on to sing and fight harder until the frozen magics had spread across their entire wings and sent them sprawling to the ground. Even still they sang until the icy hands grasped their throats and left their songs nothing but quiet whispers.

The Gaoler, on the other hand, were afflicted with almost stereotypical signs of Tomb Blight, though an aggressive variant that seemed to be spurred on to quicker action by the Banescale’s song. The edges of their extremities discolored and underwent necrosis, searing, white-hot pain erupting from the places of discoloration. Thick clumps of fur fell from their bodies, and even their horns cracked and shattered with the Blight’s progression. In places, it seemed their blood boiled to the surface and immediately solidified into painful scabs, and rarely long spikes of solid blood.

The Banescales didn’t stop singing until every Gaoler was incapacitated, or dead.

And then, they finally examined their own wounds. Most could no longer fly, the discoloration and necrosis so severe that their wings were little more than tatters that threatened to flutter off at the most delicate of touches. They could no longer sing, or even speak normally. Their voices were reduced to little more than whispers.

In time, the Banescale came to understand that it was their own rage-filled songs that had done this to them. The songs had inflicted the blight upon the Gaoler, yes, but it had also rapidly encouraged their own Blight to spread as well.

They then came seeking out the help of the Blightbound, just the same as the Gaolers who had been so afflicted by their songs... The Blightbound refused to turn away either side, as both were afflicted just as they were, but it was unlikely the Banescales, now known as Blightsongs, and Blighted Gaoler would ever truly see eye to eye...

Breed: Banescale

Element: Any

Primary: Taupe - Hickory Jaguar

Secondary: Rust - Brick Stripes, Tear, Trail

Tertiary: Maize - White Ghost, Skeletal
The original Blightsongs are Banescales who were used as decorations in their frozen states within Cairnstone Rest, though few of these original Blightsongs still live.

A Blightsong’s Tomb Blight is restricted almost exclusively to their wings, causing discoloration and the wings to eventually become incredibly delicate. The skin there will eventually tear at the slightest touch, and render the Blightsong landbound. The last stages of their Blight also affect their throat and voice box, leaving their voices little more than whispers on the wind. As their Blight progresses, cracks form in their ghost or skeletal markings. In the case of dragons with skeletal, the bones will flake and chip away entirely, and a Blightsong’s life can be measured by the integrity of their ghost/skeletal. However, their Blight is typically incredibly slow moving.

Blightsongs also possess a unique song which is what gives them their name. The song infects ancient breeds with a variant of the Tomb Blight, and acts as a catalyst to cause the Blight in ancient breeds to progress much more rapidly. A side effect of their song however is that their own Blight progresses much more quickly as well, and excessive use of the song will eventually kill a Blightsong.

The further removed a Blightsong is from the original Blightsongs who were cursed, the weaker their song is. Blight infected by later generations of Blightsongs is a far cry from the Blight that infects the Blightbound proper.
Blighted Gaolers

Breed: Gaoler

Element: Any

Primary: Taupe - Hickory Phantom, Jaguar

Secondary: Rust - Brick Spirit, Trail

Tertiary: Maize - White Ghost
Auburn - Brick Opal, Shardflank (More advanced blight)
The first Blighted Gaoler approached a clan of Blightbound after surviving an attack by the Blightsong Banescales, seeking an answer to what was going on with their body.

A Blighted Gaoler’s Blight is not as aggressive or dangerous as a Blightbound’s, and they do not possess the Plaguebringer’s Blessing that keeps the Blightbound’s Blight in check. It will, as with most Blights, slowly cause necrosis of the extremities (edges of wings, tails, hands and feet being most common) and degradation of the ghost markings. In Gaolers, it also causes their horns to crack and fracture. Eventually, hardened scabs of blood or bright red flesh will show through in places of the Gaoler’s fur. It is a very slowly moving Blight however, unless encouraged to progress by the song of a Blightsong.
[center][b][size=6][color=#8B272D]Registry[/color][/size][/b] [color=#8B272D](Modern Breeds)[/color][/center] [center][url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Variants[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] [url=]Self-Editing Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Sales Thread[/url] | [url=]Discord[/url][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightbound[/color][/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Tomb Blighted[/color][/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Plague Summoned[/color][/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightguard[/color][/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightdrone[/color][/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightcrow[/color][/size][/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
(Modern Breeds)
Tomb Blighted
Plague Summoned
[center][b][size=6][color=#8B272D]Registry[/color][/size][/b] [color=#8B272D](Ancient Breeds)[/color][/center] [center][url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Variants[/url] | [url=]Resources[/url] [url=]Self-Editing Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Sales Thread[/url] | [url=]Discord[/url][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blightsong[/color][/size][/b][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Blighted Gaoler[/color][/size][/b][/center] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url]
(Ancient Breeds)
Blighted Gaoler
[center][b][size=6][color=#8B272D]Resources[/color][/size][/b][/center][center] [center][url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Variants[/url] | [url=]Registry[/url] [url=]Self-Editing Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Sales Thread[/url] | [url=]Discord[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Badges[/color][/size][/b][/center] Art by [url=]Splatterdoodle #451321[/url] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [img][/img] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] Badge for Blightcrows, edited by Viviwren! [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Bone Runes[/color][/size][/b][/center] [url=]Rune Generator[/url] - A simple google sheet that will spit 3 random runes out at you, along with the image of the rune and the code to display it! (Ctrl + R will give you a new set of runes) [url=]Blightbound Runes[/url] - Stored in a google doc to keep the post from being a million miles long. Art by [url=]Splatterdoodle #451321[/url] [center][b][size=5][color=#8B272D]Bio Template[/color][/size][/b][/center] [url=]Bio Template[/url] - Originally by Archaic, with modifications by Reythaak. [url=]Art Assets[/url] from Poisonedpaper. [url=]Art Assets[/url] from osiem. [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=6][color=#8B272D]Affiliates[/color][/size][/b][/center] [indent][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][/indent]
Art by Splatterdoodle #451321




Badge for Blightcrows, edited by Viviwren!

Bone Runes

Rune Generator - A simple google sheet that will spit 3 random runes out at you, along with the image of the rune and the code to display it! (Ctrl + R will give you a new set of runes)

Blightbound Runes - Stored in a google doc to keep the post from being a million miles long. Art by Splatterdoodle #451321
Bio Template

Bio Template - Originally by Archaic, with modifications by Reythaak.

Art Assets from Poisonedpaper.

Art Assets from osiem.



Hey, this seems really cool!
That said, why is Spiral listed twice under breeds?
(I bought Accidia from you.)
Hey, this seems really cool!
That said, why is Spiral listed twice under breeds?
(I bought Accidia from you.)

A mistake in my ability to proof-read :D I hope you enjoy Accidia, and thanks for the heads up. I'mma go fix it!

A mistake in my ability to proof-read :D I hope you enjoy Accidia, and thanks for the heads up. I'mma go fix it!

I really like this subspecies. I just bought Arrutis.

I really like this subspecies. I just bought Arrutis.
iwtfhg_by_intimer_genetics_inc-d9wq4o5.pngx1 nap4Srm.gifglory.gifpride-Possum.png

I'm glad! I just started it, and am still kind of fiddling with the info up there and the like. So, feel free to ask any questions or anything :D

I'm glad! I just started it, and am still kind of fiddling with the info up there and the like. So, feel free to ask any questions or anything :D