
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Progenitor Dragons!
[Font=georgia][color=grey][center] [U]Skylark[/u] [Size=3]Custom[/size][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Skylark is a brave leader of the clan, welcoming all sorts of dragons to the lair. Born as a Fae, as a Wildclaw some things stayed with her, such as Faes monotone voices and difficulty understanding emotion. [Center][U]Rosacea[/u] [Size=3]Random[/size][/center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Rosacea is a fierce mage, he fought for the Stormcatcher before joining Skylark's clan. He was born a Tundra, then the Stormcatcher turned him to a Ridgeback to help him better in battle. When he returned to be reignited with Skylark, he found himself slowly becoming a Wildclaw, a blessing or a [i]curse[/i]?


Skylark is a brave leader of the clan, welcoming all sorts of dragons to the lair.
Born as a Fae, as a Wildclaw some things stayed with her, such as Faes monotone voices and difficulty understanding emotion.


Rosacea is a fierce mage, he fought for the Stormcatcher before joining Skylark's clan.
He was born a Tundra, then the Stormcatcher turned him to a Ridgeback to help him better in battle.
When he returned to be reignited with Skylark, he found himself slowly becoming a Wildclaw, a blessing or a curse?




[center][u]Velnavier[/u] Custom [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I rerolled her colors few times. You can saw it in bio ^^ [u]Gofrit[/u] Random [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He have original random colors :D First I though he looks awful so I exalt him right away. Fortunately FR gave us a chance to revive progenitors. Now I made him look gorgeous! And I love him ♥ [/center]


I rerolled her colors few times. You can saw it in bio ^^



He have original random colors :D First I though he looks awful so I exalt him right away. Fortunately FR gave us a chance to revive progenitors. Now I made him look gorgeous! And I love him ♥
|| +9 || Poland || Female ||
[center] [u]Eclipsia[/u] [b]custom[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] she's almost finished and i love her to pieces. just need to add a tert gene. she started out as a mirror, but i adore skydancers so i breed changed. i love her colors still ♥ [u]Corvid[/u] [b]random [/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] corvid, on the other hand, still has a long way to go. he'll probably wind up a skydancer as well![/center]


she's almost finished and i love her to pieces. just need to add a tert gene. she started out as a mirror, but i adore skydancers so i breed changed. i love her colors still ♥



corvid, on the other hand, still has a long way to go. he'll probably wind up a skydancer as well!
Pale Pink Rose Sunbeam Rotala Brilliant Feather Cluster vixtoire fr+2
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Windrith is my Custom. I wanted a "sky" effect choosing his colors - I didn't know there would be a third one thrown in! But I liked it enough to gene his tert down the road. He's been regened several times over, but I think I've got him where I want him now! I actually meant him to be a her when I started, but I hit the wrong sex symbol by mistake! (It didn't just SAY male or female back then!) But he's proven a good leader, if occasionally prone to bellowing. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Frinth is my Random, and Windrith's Charge, as well as sometimes lover. I bred them before I understood the color wheel! Now they pair up with others - but at the end of the day, they are together. The affection goes both ways. I've given them more lore than most of my dragons, though some of it's tied up in events such as the Mistral Meals Cooking Competition.


Windrith is my Custom. I wanted a "sky" effect choosing his colors - I didn't know there would be a third one thrown in! But I liked it enough to gene his tert down the road. He's been regened several times over, but I think I've got him where I want him now!

I actually meant him to be a her when I started, but I hit the wrong sex symbol by mistake! (It didn't just SAY male or female back then!) But he's proven a good leader, if occasionally prone to bellowing.


Frinth is my Random, and Windrith's Charge, as well as sometimes lover. I bred them before I understood the color wheel! Now they pair up with others - but at the end of the day, they are together. The affection goes both ways.

I've given them more lore than most of my dragons, though some of it's tied up in events such as the Mistral Meals Cooking Competition.
pSn2GKM.png If you like them, please Like them!
This is my plague boy, Vincent: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And my Arcane boy, Elijah: [url=][img][/img][/url] I used a scatterscroll on the both of them to get better colors. They're both randoms. Sadly, I exalted my custom progen before I knew it was possible to change genes. ¯\_(?)_/¯
This is my plague boy, Vincent:


And my Arcane boy, Elijah:

I used a scatterscroll on the both of them to get better colors.
They're both randoms. Sadly, I exalted my custom progen before I knew it was possible to change genes. ¯\_(?)_/¯
FR Time+2
Custom: Lavansula [url=] [img][/img] [/url] It's long gone since the pillar shattered and the gods went their seperate way, to create children of their own, but the Windsinger remembers well. It was a hard time. A time in which he had to remind himself over and over again, that his wish was to create a sky painted in a plethora of colored brushes. He wanted children to tell them the old stories and he wanted them to sing the stories as well. He isn't called the WindSinger for nothing. In the small time Lavandula, an originate child of the Windsinger, was with her father, she listend well to the old songs and she remembers everything. You can often hear her sing of the old age, when she watches her lair. She has a beautiful voice, clear and like a flower singing in the wind. It makes the other dragons in the lair peaceful and often brings calmness. There were more than one fights she could ease with one of her songs, to remind the others what comes out of war. Other than most of the Guardians she never went for the The Search, because she had been send out to create a lair by her father. He told her to mind his children and be part of the community that paints the sky in colorful streaks. So the one thing she wants and will protect with her life is her lair. This is her one thing she cares for with all she have. Due to her duty to protect the lair she haven't found a real mate, yet. Now and then she tends to mingle with another dragon of the lair, but none of them are what she would call love. They are more or less friends and comerades. She really likes them but she still searches for the one and only partner of her life. Despite she likes all of the dragons of her lair, there is a deep connection to Hellhound. He had been another originate child of her father and he had send him with her to be by her side and protect the lair. They once tried to be a pair but found that this won't work. Nonetheless they share a deep friendship and love to sing about the old times and their small time with their father - the Windsinger. Random: Hellhound [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Same as Lavandula Hellhound is an originate child of the Windsinger and therefore deeply connected to the old times. He knows the songs his father sung often so over but other than his sister in soul, he tends to be quiet and let Lavandula sing. Only when the other dragons of the lair are asleep or when the winters are really cold he uses his voice. To hear a duett with Lavandula is one of the most wonderful things a dragon will ever hear. Even though his breed are known to be ruthless predators who like to run he stays at the lair most of the time. He promised his father to stay with Lavandula to keep her and his lair safe. It's a promise he keeps highly in his regards and he would not turn her or another dragon of his family down. But he also can't turn down what he is, so he goes for a run once in a while and hunts wild animals and other meat to feed his lair. If there is need for a hunt he is the first to volunteer for the job. His beloved friend and pillow once in a while is the Cloudkeeper Herlad. During the time with his father he had been with him already and now he is a strong friend and partner. When Hellhound finds himself in a state of darkness and loneliness, he cuddles with him and reminds him why he is here. Not to mention that he makes sure that no one can see him during these times. Overall the Mirror is a really happy dragon but sometimes he misses a close mate. He still looks for a partner but haven't found the right girl, yet. He once tried to be a pair with Lavandula but they found out pretty quickly that this won't work for them. Still there is a deep connection to her. Other girls tend to think she still is her partner, which isn't true. But he don't want to have a partner who is jealous of the friendship with her, so he still waits for the one perfect mate.
Custom: Lavansula


It's long gone since the pillar shattered and the gods went their seperate way, to create children of their own, but the Windsinger remembers well. It was a hard time. A time in which he had to remind himself over and over again, that his wish was to create a sky painted in a plethora of colored brushes. He wanted children to tell them the old stories and he wanted them to sing the stories as well. He isn't called the WindSinger for nothing.

In the small time Lavandula, an originate child of the Windsinger, was with her father, she listend well to the old songs and she remembers everything. You can often hear her sing of the old age, when she watches her lair. She has a beautiful voice, clear and like a flower singing in the wind. It makes the other dragons in the lair peaceful and often brings calmness. There were more than one fights she could ease with one of her songs, to remind the others what comes out of war.

Other than most of the Guardians she never went for the The Search, because she had been send out to create a lair by her father. He told her to mind his children and be part of the community that paints the sky in colorful streaks. So the one thing she wants and will protect with her life is her lair. This is her one thing she cares for with all she have.

Due to her duty to protect the lair she haven't found a real mate, yet. Now and then she tends to mingle with another dragon of the lair, but none of them are what she would call love. They are more or less friends and comerades. She really likes them but she still searches for the one and only partner of her life.

Despite she likes all of the dragons of her lair, there is a deep connection to Hellhound. He had been another originate child of her father and he had send him with her to be by her side and protect the lair. They once tried to be a pair but found that this won't work. Nonetheless they share a deep friendship and love to sing about the old times and their small time with their father - the Windsinger.

Random: Hellhound


Same as Lavandula Hellhound is an originate child of the Windsinger and therefore deeply connected to the old times. He knows the songs his father sung often so over but other than his sister in soul, he tends to be quiet and let Lavandula sing. Only when the other dragons of the lair are asleep or when the winters are really cold he uses his voice. To hear a duett with Lavandula is one of the most wonderful things a dragon will ever hear.

Even though his breed are known to be ruthless predators who like to run he stays at the lair most of the time. He promised his father to stay with Lavandula to keep her and his lair safe. It's a promise he keeps highly in his regards and he would not turn her or another dragon of his family down.
But he also can't turn down what he is, so he goes for a run once in a while and hunts wild animals and other meat to feed his lair. If there is need for a hunt he is the first to volunteer for the job.

His beloved friend and pillow once in a while is the Cloudkeeper Herlad. During the time with his father he had been with him already and now he is a strong friend and partner. When Hellhound finds himself in a state of darkness and loneliness, he cuddles with him and reminds him why he is here. Not to mention that he makes sure that no one can see him during these times.

Overall the Mirror is a really happy dragon but sometimes he misses a close mate. He still looks for a partner but haven't found the right girl, yet. He once tried to be a pair with Lavandula but they found out pretty quickly that this won't work for them. Still there is a deep connection to her. Other girls tend to think she still is her partner, which isn't true. But he don't want to have a partner who is jealous of the friendship with her, so he still waits for the one perfect mate.
Sira (Custom): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Ssanan (Random): [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I used a scatterscroll on Ssanan; he used to be Beige/Chocolate/Banana, which wasn't completely awful but was tricky to work with. I like him much better as an XYX pink-themed dragon, though! Funnily enough, Sira's random tert was pink, too, so I kind of ended up with a lot of pink completely by accident. No complaints, though! ^-^
Sira (Custom):


Ssanan (Random):


I used a scatterscroll on Ssanan; he used to be Beige/Chocolate/Banana, which wasn't completely awful but was tricky to work with. I like him much better as an XYX pink-themed dragon, though! Funnily enough, Sira's random tert was pink, too, so I kind of ended up with a lot of pink completely by accident. No complaints, though! ^-^
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Calamity, my random. Gened up, just need a tert gene to finish being pretty !! [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Gambit, my custom. finally 100% gened up and ready to go. look at the true fire element rep.


Calamity, my random. Gened up, just need a tert gene to finish being pretty !!


Gambit, my custom. finally 100% gened up and ready to go. look at the true fire element rep.
My custom, Damara: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She's still a long way from what i want, really-- And my random, Maku: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] ..also really far from what i wanna put on em. Mostly because both are gonna be needing Pinstripe and i need those alchemy levels tho
My custom, Damara:


She's still a long way from what i want, really--

And my random, Maku:


..also really far from what i wanna put on em.
Mostly because both are gonna be needing Pinstripe and i need those alchemy levels tho
do not approach the motion capture camera. it will defend itself
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Baldwin my Random one [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And arsina my custom Wind noodle :3


Baldwin my Random one


And arsina my custom Wind noodle :3
IMG-2180.png -—--tumblr_pelod6tOrq1tv56zio8_100.png —- -» Accents
—- -» Dragons
—- --» Art