
Dragon Share

Show off your favorite dragons.
TOPIC | Theme Week: Progenitor Dragons!
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] iris [url=] [img][/img] [/url] jerry will be back to write more @sasser





will be back to write more @sasser
> sasser
any pronouns
> accent shop
[center][img][/img] This is my custom girl Lyseria she is indeed the matron of my lair She is just now getting genes so i super excited to get her finished! [strike]Sadly her first mate and their hatchling have since gone to the Arcanist [/strike] Just got this boyo back because i didin't know we could and i realized how beautiful he is [img][/img] I will be working on him but i love his primary and tert <3

This is my custom girl Lyseria she is indeed the matron of my lair
She is just now getting genes so i super excited to get her finished!

[strike]Sadly her first mate and their hatchling have since gone to the Arcanist [/strike]

Just got this boyo back because i didin't know we could
and i realized how beautiful he is

I will be working on him but i love his primary and tert <3
So theres Aeran who I exalted like a month after I made my account like a fool, [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] I spoiled her to make up for it lmao edit: she is my custom Then theres Orthos who has just been chillin this while time lol [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
So theres Aeran who I exalted like a month after I made my account like a fool, I spoiled her to make up for it lmao
edit: she is my custom

Then theres Orthos who has just been chillin this while time lol


[columns] [center]here's [b]ava[/b], my [b]custom progen[/b]! when chosing black i obviously didn't know that "black" wasn't the best of the black colours (should've gone with obsidian instead, for example), and it was hard to find a gene that looked good on her ... until pinstripe came and saved me! i also really like the outfit i made for her, i don't think i'll change her much in the future.[/center] [nextcol] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [/columns] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [nextcol] [center]and here's [b]mort[/b], my [b]random progen[/b]! mort's original colours were very,, unfortunate (blood/sky/jungle, what are you supposed to do with that??). but after i scattered him one time, he turned out much better. c: he was also the first dragon i bought a gem gene for![/center] [/columns]
here's ava, my custom progen! when chosing black i obviously didn't know that "black" wasn't the best of the black colours (should've gone with obsidian instead, for example), and it was hard to find a gene that looked good on her ... until pinstripe came and saved me! i also really like the outfit i made for her, i don't think i'll change her much in the future.


and here's mort, my random progen! mort's original colours were very,, unfortunate (blood/sky/jungle, what are you supposed to do with that??). but after i scattered him one time, he turned out much better. c: he was also the first dragon i bought a gem gene for!
Uzylr is my custom progenitor dragon! :) He once was a Guardian. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And his wife Shiroa was my random progenitor dragon, formerly Mirror with two kinds of blue colours. I was about to exalt her because I don't like blue but I changed my mind and I gave her a Pearlcatcher scroll and a tricolor scatter scroll and I like her a lot more how she looked after that! [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Uzylr is my custom progenitor dragon! :) He once was a Guardian.


And his wife Shiroa was my random progenitor dragon, formerly Mirror with two kinds of blue colours. I was about to exalt her because I don't like blue but I changed my mind and I gave her a Pearlcatcher scroll and a tricolor scatter scroll and I like her a lot more how she looked after that!


My custom progen, Donadar, whose charge is the entire clan ;D [url=] [img][/img] [/url] And believe it or not, my randomized progen, with ridiculously well-coordinated primary and secondary colors and the perfect axolotl look! Hence his name ;D [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
My custom progen, Donadar, whose charge is the entire clan ;D


And believe it or not, my randomized progen, with ridiculously well-coordinated primary and secondary colors and the perfect axolotl look! Hence his name ;D

Skin: Lite Sprite
My custom [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I hated his tert when I made him because it was just sooo pink compared to his other colors and he was basic for the longest time. He then got spines at some point I believe... But when poitox was released WHOOOBOI it was perfect. I actually really like tangerine as a color but it was unwanted with rust and sunshine back then. My random [url=] [img][/img] [/url] She was so ugly I exalted her a few months after I joined. Her colors were against everything I like. Charcoal/Navy/Coral, yikes. Then she came back and I knew of scatterscrolls and now she's this!
My custom


I hated his tert when I made him because it was just sooo pink compared to his other colors and he was basic for the longest time. He then got spines at some point I believe... But when poitox was released WHOOOBOI it was perfect.
I actually really like tangerine as a color but it was unwanted with rust and sunshine back then.

My random


She was so ugly I exalted her a few months after I joined. Her colors were against everything I like. Charcoal/Navy/Coral, yikes. Then she came back and I knew of scatterscrolls and now she's this!
If you have a chartreuse/cottoncandy xxy to sell, dm me!

Check out my Deviantart if you'd like :3
Custom [img][/img] Random [img][/img] his tert is grey,, yikes (i exalted them both so they're ungened, plus im cheap so)
his tert is grey,, yikes

(i exalted them both so they're ungened, plus im cheap so)
Rookie, She/Her, FR time +3. Rudegirl.
Moss is my custom [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I'm looking into getting him a tert, but at the same time I'd "use" him more if his lady had better colors :/ Bigal is my rando [url=] [img][/img] [/url] I changed breed and scattered her, but I'm considering doing it all over again...
Moss is my custom


I'm looking into getting him a tert, but at the same time I'd "use" him more if his lady had better colors :/

Bigal is my rando


I changed breed and scattered her, but I'm considering doing it all over again...
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I never expected to like my random more than my custom, but guess who's in my lair with a fancy accent and outfit and who's exalted until I figure out what to do with her? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Morpheus, my random ^ - he used to be a guardian! [img][/img] and Ophelia, my custom ^ - I want to like her, poor thing, but she needs a revamp. (also I bred her a few times when I was new and now it bothers me lololol. at least the names are nice)
I never expected to like my random more than my custom, but guess who's in my lair with a fancy accent and outfit and who's exalted until I figure out what to do with her?


Morpheus, my random ^ - he used to be a guardian!


and Ophelia, my custom ^ - I want to like her, poor thing, but she needs a revamp. (also I bred her a few times when I was new and now it bothers me lololol. at least the names are nice)
Charlie | They/She | +3 FR Time
What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.
