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TOPIC | Hellbender wants to be MEAN to your derg
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@copperhead [s]Sorry this is just too much fun![/s] [img][/img] The small imperial looks up at hellbender with an amused look that doesn't quiet reach his glassy, lifeless eyes. [i]"A dragon of battle, a dragon of war. Maybe you have never fought, but you've seen it all before. You see the world as it is no frosting to sweeten. Pessimistic views "Its eat or be eaten." You push away friends so they don't see your scars. You only ever confide in the sky and its stars. Heed my warning, Bender of Hell, she wont always stay. She'll grow tired of your actions your bullying, your brutish ways. But, of course, any weakness you may have you would never tell. So to you, hopeless Bender, I bid you farewell."[/i] He turns toward cupcake, his face slipping into a more sympathetic tone, still not getting past the glassy eyes. [i]"A damsel of passion, a Coatl of truth. You deal with his ways, fight your angry thoughts nail and tooth. As gentle as a rose but as loyal as its thorns are sharp. "She really is something," must be a common remark. You are so much less broken, so I have less to say. To you, princess of patience, I wish you a good day."[/i]
@copperhead Sorry this is just too much fun!
The small imperial looks up at hellbender with an amused look that doesn't quiet reach his glassy, lifeless eyes.
"A dragon of battle,
a dragon of war.
Maybe you have never fought,
but you've seen it all before.
You see the world as it is
no frosting to sweeten.
Pessimistic views
"Its eat or be eaten."
You push away friends
so they don't see your scars.
You only ever confide in
the sky and its stars.
Heed my warning, Bender of Hell,
she wont always stay.
She'll grow tired of your actions
your bullying, your brutish ways.
But, of course, any weakness you may have
you would never tell.
So to you, hopeless Bender,
I bid you farewell."

He turns toward cupcake, his face slipping into a more sympathetic tone, still not getting past the glassy eyes.
"A damsel of passion,
a Coatl of truth.
You deal with his ways,
fight your angry thoughts nail and tooth.
As gentle as a rose
but as loyal as its thorns are sharp.
"She really is something,"
must be a common remark.
You are so much less broken,
so I have less to say.
To you, princess of patience,
I wish you a good day."

There was a time he thought a single
sword could save the kingdom. A
time, all regrets were yet far away...

Hellbender bares his teeth in an unamused snarl, flaring out his wings and scraping his claws, “Sounds more to me like YOU’RE issuin’ the challenge, scabby runt. You think yourself mighty capable then, do ya? Well, if you are tryna antagonize me, job done, moronic lump; I’d be glad to accept and thrash you so hard you see your dead ancestors beckonin’ for months. Sure you wanna chance that? Please go ahead and make a move against me, I’m always itchin’ for a chance to rip someone apart.”

Cupcake nervously gulps, inching slightly closer to Hellbender, “Um, well, yes, he’s…he’s my friend. I want to be friends with as many dragons as I can, no matter how mean they might be. And…he might be unsavory and blunt with his words, but…he’s a really good guy way way way deep down!”

Hellbender bares his teeth in an unamused snarl, flaring out his wings and scraping his claws, “Sounds more to me like YOU’RE issuin’ the challenge, scabby runt. You think yourself mighty capable then, do ya? Well, if you are tryna antagonize me, job done, moronic lump; I’d be glad to accept and thrash you so hard you see your dead ancestors beckonin’ for months. Sure you wanna chance that? Please go ahead and make a move against me, I’m always itchin’ for a chance to rip someone apart.”

Cupcake nervously gulps, inching slightly closer to Hellbender, “Um, well, yes, he’s…he’s my friend. I want to be friends with as many dragons as I can, no matter how mean they might be. And…he might be unsavory and blunt with his words, but…he’s a really good guy way way way deep down!”

Hellbender flashes the pair a cocky smirk, “Heh, you wish, lads, I ain’t in the market for spastic weirdos and mopey dolts. It’s a good job you’ve found each other, it always warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart to see idiots like yourselves end up together, matches made in heaven to be sure. Means ya can’t spread your stupid wider in the world by settlin’ down with a dragon smarter than ya and turnin’ their brain to mush; by stickin’ together, sure, the idiocy is more concentrated, but at least you ain’t draggin’ anyone else down with ya!” He flicks his tongue and winks, clearly trying to hide the fact that he is incredibly flattered to be regarded as attractive by both males.

Cupcake giggles as Torval gives the flower to Ash, “You guys are so cute together, I really like how you’re both very grey with lovely accents of color! Your pink eyes stand out so nice, and they go perfectly with the jewels on your crown and cloak! And the gold bands on your antlers look just like the metallic bits on your coat! Don’t worry, some dragons are just a bit more friendly and flirty than others, there’s nothing wrong with being way more forward and playful!” She smiles and hands them both a marigold as they leave.

Hellbender flashes the pair a cocky smirk, “Heh, you wish, lads, I ain’t in the market for spastic weirdos and mopey dolts. It’s a good job you’ve found each other, it always warms the cockles of my cold, dead heart to see idiots like yourselves end up together, matches made in heaven to be sure. Means ya can’t spread your stupid wider in the world by settlin’ down with a dragon smarter than ya and turnin’ their brain to mush; by stickin’ together, sure, the idiocy is more concentrated, but at least you ain’t draggin’ anyone else down with ya!” He flicks his tongue and winks, clearly trying to hide the fact that he is incredibly flattered to be regarded as attractive by both males.

Cupcake giggles as Torval gives the flower to Ash, “You guys are so cute together, I really like how you’re both very grey with lovely accents of color! Your pink eyes stand out so nice, and they go perfectly with the jewels on your crown and cloak! And the gold bands on your antlers look just like the metallic bits on your coat! Don’t worry, some dragons are just a bit more friendly and flirty than others, there’s nothing wrong with being way more forward and playful!” She smiles and hands them both a marigold as they leave.

Hellbender lets Scroll complete his recitations before chuckling and clicking his claws, “Pff, Shakespeare you ain’t, kid. Is that how you’re plannin’ to talk to everyone for all your days, then? Heh, it’s certainly gonna make ya have a hard go of it when ya can’t think of rhymin’ words on the fly. Well, at least that’ll help keep ya quiet longer, then folk might actually be able to tolerate your presence for more than a minute. Don’t you worry about me should Cupcake take her leave, I don’t get too choked up over losin’ people anymore; lost enough of ‘em in battles long past to go numb to it. It’s just expected at this point, innit? Natural progression of life.”

Cupcake smiles sadly at both Scroll’s and Hell’s words, “I don’t hold any anger towards him, I don’t feel that way about anybody. Life is so short already that I don’t want to be mad at anyone. I’d rather make friends and give everyone the benefit of the doubt to believe in the best of them.” She offers the Imperial some goldenrods, “I really like your poetry, by the way, it’s very clever and insightful. It speaks of a wisdom that surpasses your years.”

Hellbender lets Scroll complete his recitations before chuckling and clicking his claws, “Pff, Shakespeare you ain’t, kid. Is that how you’re plannin’ to talk to everyone for all your days, then? Heh, it’s certainly gonna make ya have a hard go of it when ya can’t think of rhymin’ words on the fly. Well, at least that’ll help keep ya quiet longer, then folk might actually be able to tolerate your presence for more than a minute. Don’t you worry about me should Cupcake take her leave, I don’t get too choked up over losin’ people anymore; lost enough of ‘em in battles long past to go numb to it. It’s just expected at this point, innit? Natural progression of life.”

Cupcake smiles sadly at both Scroll’s and Hell’s words, “I don’t hold any anger towards him, I don’t feel that way about anybody. Life is so short already that I don’t want to be mad at anyone. I’d rather make friends and give everyone the benefit of the doubt to believe in the best of them.” She offers the Imperial some goldenrods, “I really like your poetry, by the way, it’s very clever and insightful. It speaks of a wisdom that surpasses your years.”
Scroll smiles in an odd way at the pair of them, his eyes finally letting a bit of emotion through.
"I just thought I'd humor you, bender-fender, you really are quiet special to those who tolerate you, aren't you?"
Scroll turns and walks away, not waiting for a response.
Scroll smiles in an odd way at the pair of them, his eyes finally letting a bit of emotion through.
"I just thought I'd humor you, bender-fender, you really are quiet special to those who tolerate you, aren't you?"
Scroll turns and walks away, not waiting for a response.
There was a time he thought a single
sword could save the kingdom. A
time, all regrets were yet far away...
@/Copperhead accidentally deleted this omg
Paste smiled to the two. Admiring their very opposite personalities. Taking in the rather candid response from Hell with an emotion she could only describe as respect. She bowed to him. "You make a good point, I will take note on that." She said with a gentle hum. It was clear that this dragon was not to go against, as he was definitely experienced in life. Perhaps she should follow his words anyways..

After a second she looked to Cupcake with a soft smile she nodded. "Moths are so soft and ready for all the affection in the world." She followed the statement with a quick glance to the sky. "Ah yes, I would like to see this lantana patch, I do not have too much time left today. So perhaps I will come back at a later date." Paste smiled, the plans clear in her head.
@/Copperhead accidentally deleted this omg
Paste smiled to the two. Admiring their very opposite personalities. Taking in the rather candid response from Hell with an emotion she could only describe as respect. She bowed to him. "You make a good point, I will take note on that." She said with a gentle hum. It was clear that this dragon was not to go against, as he was definitely experienced in life. Perhaps she should follow his words anyways..

After a second she looked to Cupcake with a soft smile she nodded. "Moths are so soft and ready for all the affection in the world." She followed the statement with a quick glance to the sky. "Ah yes, I would like to see this lantana patch, I do not have too much time left today. So perhaps I will come back at a later date." Paste smiled, the plans clear in her head.
[size=1][s](I'm back, tired of me yet?)[/s][/size] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Lixue walked along the path rather quickly, the small bag of currency at his side jingling as he moved, hoping to get to the marketplace as soon as he could. While he was moving quickly, he was also rather stiff, and visibly uncomfortable. He had heard things about the path from his clan mates, namely stories of the oddities they had met on the path there. Tirion's story of an encounter with a bogsneak and coatl echoed in his mind, fearing that he might have just encountered those very dragons. Whether they were the same two dragons or not, something about the energy that the bogsneak on the rock was giving off made him feel uneasy. He glanced down to his side, looking for the imperial hatchling he was traveling with, only to see she had vanished. After a brief moment of panic, he spotted her a little ways back the path. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] It didn't take long for the hatchling to catch back up. Once she arrived, she didn't stay long, instead prompting herself to go greet the bogsneak and coatl that were there along the path as well. She pranced up to Cupcake and Hellbender, the small bag of trinkets and treasures (intended for selling at the marketplace) at her side clinking quite noisily as she moved. "Hello!" She greeted enthusiastically, not seeming too worried about Hellbender's less-than-friendly appearance.
(I'm back, tired of me yet?)


Lixue walked along the path rather quickly, the small bag of currency at his side jingling as he moved, hoping to get to the marketplace as soon as he could. While he was moving quickly, he was also rather stiff, and visibly uncomfortable. He had heard things about the path from his clan mates, namely stories of the oddities they had met on the path there. Tirion's story of an encounter with a bogsneak and coatl echoed in his mind, fearing that he might have just encountered those very dragons.

Whether they were the same two dragons or not, something about the energy that the bogsneak on the rock was giving off made him feel uneasy.

He glanced down to his side, looking for the imperial hatchling he was traveling with, only to see she had vanished.
After a brief moment of panic, he spotted her a little ways back the path.


It didn't take long for the hatchling to catch back up.
Once she arrived, she didn't stay long, instead prompting herself to go greet the bogsneak and coatl that were there along the path as well.

She pranced up to Cupcake and Hellbender, the small bag of trinkets and treasures (intended for selling at the marketplace) at her side clinking quite noisily as she moved.

"Hello!" She greeted enthusiastically, not seeming too worried about Hellbender's less-than-friendly appearance.
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Hellbender flicks his tongue and winks at Rebel, issuing only a small growl, "Howdy, Pipsqueak. Better stick close to your twitchy blue friend more carefully; prancin' around lookin' like a sugared fruit might bring hungry dragons to make to eat ya!" He elects to turn his attention more to Lixue, thinking that maybe Cupcake will want to get to know the wee Imperial a bit better and make friends, and his smirk widens,

"Not much of a minder, are ya mate, lettin' her disappear on ya like that? Maybe your glasses need a bit of a clean, or perhaps the sun glintin' off your overly polished scales is bouncin' into your eyes and makin' ya blind? Or is it because you're just a glass statue brought to life by some hapless wizard and the world is still a bit confusin' to ya? Would ya shatter if I knocked ya over?" He gestures his hands and swishes his tail threateningly, but his smile is still present and he doesn't actually attempt to get closer.

Cupcake picks up Rebel and giggles as she boops her snoot, "Hello to you too, sweetie! Aren't you just the cutest little thing? Such lovely, gentle colors, very pretty and relaxing to look at! Your friend is quite handsome, his icy appearance is so shiny and nice! Your wings have my the mark of my favorite animal, the butterfly! Do you like them? There's so many of them in the field around here, and all different kinds, too! If you want to come back here after you go to market and chase some with me, I'd love to show you how to catch them!" She gives Rebel a white lily for herself and a blue rose for her to bring to Lixue.

Hellbender flicks his tongue and winks at Rebel, issuing only a small growl, "Howdy, Pipsqueak. Better stick close to your twitchy blue friend more carefully; prancin' around lookin' like a sugared fruit might bring hungry dragons to make to eat ya!" He elects to turn his attention more to Lixue, thinking that maybe Cupcake will want to get to know the wee Imperial a bit better and make friends, and his smirk widens,

"Not much of a minder, are ya mate, lettin' her disappear on ya like that? Maybe your glasses need a bit of a clean, or perhaps the sun glintin' off your overly polished scales is bouncin' into your eyes and makin' ya blind? Or is it because you're just a glass statue brought to life by some hapless wizard and the world is still a bit confusin' to ya? Would ya shatter if I knocked ya over?" He gestures his hands and swishes his tail threateningly, but his smile is still present and he doesn't actually attempt to get closer.

Cupcake picks up Rebel and giggles as she boops her snoot, "Hello to you too, sweetie! Aren't you just the cutest little thing? Such lovely, gentle colors, very pretty and relaxing to look at! Your friend is quite handsome, his icy appearance is so shiny and nice! Your wings have my the mark of my favorite animal, the butterfly! Do you like them? There's so many of them in the field around here, and all different kinds, too! If you want to come back here after you go to market and chase some with me, I'd love to show you how to catch them!" She gives Rebel a white lily for herself and a blue rose for her to bring to Lixue.
((Gotta toss the rivals in here haha)) @Copperhead [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by stupid but I can assure you that regardless of the stereotype of trainer dragons being brainless brutes I am not stupid." the blue Imperial narrowed his eyes at the brown Bogsneak. He pulled back his lips to show a massive set of teeth before thinking better of it. "I would teach you a lesson about being rude but I fear that would just cement that stereotype of me in your mind." [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As he spoke another, larger, Imperial showed himself, shaking his head at the other Imperial. "Again, Kenta? Why do you never back down from a challenge? Asides from that, aren't you supposed to be meeting Izumi; how do you think she would feel if you showed up injured from a fight?" He turned his behatted head to the Bogsneak and the Coatl "I'm truly sorry about this incident you two." Then he muttered under his breath: "Kenta's so stupid He got so lucky All because of blind cupid." It was quite obvious that Kenta didn't hear his little work in progress poem by the way Kenta kept glaring at the Bogsneak.
((Gotta toss the rivals in here haha))


"Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean by stupid but I can assure you that regardless of the stereotype of trainer dragons being brainless brutes I am not stupid." the blue Imperial narrowed his eyes at the brown Bogsneak. He pulled back his lips to show a massive set of teeth before thinking better of it.

"I would teach you a lesson about being rude but I fear that would just cement that stereotype of me in your mind."


As he spoke another, larger, Imperial showed himself, shaking his head at the other Imperial. "Again, Kenta? Why do you never back down from a challenge? Asides from that, aren't you supposed to be meeting Izumi; how do you think she would feel if you showed up injured from a fight?" He turned his behatted head to the Bogsneak and the Coatl "I'm truly sorry about this incident you two." Then he muttered under his breath:
"Kenta's so stupid
He got so lucky
All because of blind cupid."

It was quite obvious that Kenta didn't hear his little work in progress poem by the way Kenta kept glaring at the Bogsneak.

Hellbender gives a deep chuckle, running his tongue over his fangs, "Heh, well that's a damn shame, because that may be the only stereotype I allow myself to give the slightest bit of respect to. If anything, knowin' ya won't bother tryin' to put me in my place makes me cement ya as a yellow coward in my mind. Ya think you could give me a run for my money, do ya? I'd sure as Shade like to see ya try, but you'd probably be better off listenin' to your Greenpeace tree-huggin' hippy friend over there. Don't wanna go home in shame now, showin' everyone that ya ain't actually the best dragon for the job of trainer when ya can't even hold your own against the likes of a puny spitfire such as myself."

Cupcake smiles at Hibiki, commiserating easily with a dragon who had to watch out for a friend that might let their mouth get them into trouble, "It's no trouble, sir, really. I imagine they'll both get the aggression out of their systems with just a bit of posturing before they actually come to blows. At least, if your friend is anything like mine, that should be how it goes. And if not...well, I think they might both be able to hold their own well enough to keep themselves safe until they decide to cool off." She hands him a trio of white roses and poofs her feathers in slight embarrassment, "Here, these are some of the prettiest roses that I know of, I like to save them to give to the handsomest dragons!"

Hellbender gives a deep chuckle, running his tongue over his fangs, "Heh, well that's a damn shame, because that may be the only stereotype I allow myself to give the slightest bit of respect to. If anything, knowin' ya won't bother tryin' to put me in my place makes me cement ya as a yellow coward in my mind. Ya think you could give me a run for my money, do ya? I'd sure as Shade like to see ya try, but you'd probably be better off listenin' to your Greenpeace tree-huggin' hippy friend over there. Don't wanna go home in shame now, showin' everyone that ya ain't actually the best dragon for the job of trainer when ya can't even hold your own against the likes of a puny spitfire such as myself."

Cupcake smiles at Hibiki, commiserating easily with a dragon who had to watch out for a friend that might let their mouth get them into trouble, "It's no trouble, sir, really. I imagine they'll both get the aggression out of their systems with just a bit of posturing before they actually come to blows. At least, if your friend is anything like mine, that should be how it goes. And if not...well, I think they might both be able to hold their own well enough to keep themselves safe until they decide to cool off." She hands him a trio of white roses and poofs her feathers in slight embarrassment, "Here, these are some of the prettiest roses that I know of, I like to save them to give to the handsomest dragons!"
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