Hi, I was looking through the currently obsessed with thread and saw you were world building and writing lore for your clan and I just wanted to wish you luck!
I'm looking for dragons that are seafoam with lavender/rose
Sapphirus (#56621)
JadeFeffers (#147000)
ManaDrgon (#160767)
Grypwolf (#107308)
Turn your sadness into kindness
Zoroshii (#148517)
DeimanLothrak (#36400)
Nanamix (#167251)
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Dec 25
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2 Skydancer Male, 1 Skydancer Female
Dec 22
Welcomed new hatchlings!
1 Imperial Male, 2 Mirror Female
Dec 21
Became friends with dragongem23
Maybe in a few years they'll write a buddy comedy about you guys.
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Dec 18
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Dec 18
According to Video Games, It's the Weak Spot
Dec 13
Fourth Time's a Charm
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4. Dino Squad
6. Sherah
Then I will spammed you back again with the dragons lol